StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 544 Princess Louise

The process of waiting for the arrival of new life is always extremely long and painful. No one can share the slight pain for a great mother.

From late at night to dawn, every minute and every second was difficult.

People in the palace were restless at first, talking quietly or praying for the queen and the unborn child. The darker the night, the more solemn the emperor's expression became, and the clouds on his face seemed to be dripping with water.

Augustus relied on his own experience, calm reason, and the courage to risk everything when necessary. When he realized that he could not help the queen when she gave birth to a child, it was understandable that he was at a loss and worried. Can be forgiven.

Sarah Kerrigan may be the most powerful human being in the world, and this speculation is not unfounded. She can strangle a bison alive and detonate a human's head with her thoughts.

The court doctor told Augustus that the queen was much healthier than him, there was nothing wrong with her family history, and there was almost no chance of an accident during the delivery.

But for Augustus, he could not rest at ease until the last moment.

This was the first time that the ministers saw the emperor being so nervous, and they tried their best not to make a sound.

If there are still people who are unclear about the power of Emperor Augustus Mengsk in the Terran Empire and his authority among his ministers, it means that he has not yet entered the inner circle of politics.

The emperor has overall power and is also the supreme commander of the army. All ministers, territorial governors, imperial parliamentarians, diplomats, court judges and military officers in the Tyran Empire are appointed by the emperor. In other words, the imperial officials sitting here are directly responsible to the emperor himself. Their rights and status come from the emperor and can also be taken away by him.

Emperor Augustus was willing to show his affection for certain generals and courtiers, but rarely stated whom he disliked. The Emperor pays equal attention and attention to everyone, as if everyone is important to him - but if anyone thinks that the Mengsk dynasty is indispensable except the Emperor, that is really wrong.

No matter how much the emperor shows how much he values ​​you, never get carried away.

When the emperor was in a panic, only his family and generals could speak, but most of them didn't have any good ideas. Renault suggested having a drink to relieve his worries, and Tychus suggested finding a palace maid to relieve his boredom. The pair of sleeping dragons and phoenixes were deservedly scolded.

In the end, Prince Arcturus ordered someone to move the chessboard, and he and Augustus played chess. At every critical moment, Arcturus would find someone to play chess with him. While he was playing chess, he was thinking that the fate of a planet was determined in just one game of chess.

Arcturus believed that the battlefield was like a chessboard but above it, that everyone was a pawn on the chessboard and that following the rules did not guarantee victory.

As always, Arcturus held black and Augustus held white, and he still beat the emperor into disgrace. Eventually Tassadar and Zeratul joined the fray, and it took only a short time for them to get the hang of it.

Valerian, the son of Prince Arcturus, stood beside him, wearing a crimson coat with golden wheat ears and exquisitely tailored dark blue trousers, looking like a royal guard officer.

Valerian was turning sixteen, which meant that he would be treated as an adult before too long.

At this time, Valerian was already a tall and handsome young man, inheriting his mother's beauty and his father's stern eyebrows. Valerian is as strong as his father and has the aristocratic gentleness of his mother, which is endearing.

He spent his childhood in the pastoral and pastoral Umoyan, and received an elite aristocratic education under the guidance of his father.

Therefore, his parents were pleasantly surprised to find that although Valerian Mengsk was still an restless and arrogant young man, he had the excellent qualities to become a wise master.

If all goes well, Valerian will inherit the title of Prince White Star (white star, Arcturus, one of the 21 brightest stars in the sky) from his father.

Unconsciously, several stars in the sky have disappeared, and the dawn has arrived.

The entire Augustgrad was still brightly lit. People gathered on the streets and did not want to leave. They simply sat on the ground. Those who had been prepared set up tents. Augustgrad is one of the cities with the best security and lowest crime rate in the entire Tyran Empire, due to the city-wide surveillance network and effective governance since its inception.

At this time when the emperor's daughter was about to be born, every street was patrolled by armed hovering airships, Augustgrad police and drones all night long.

At this time of year in Augustgrad, the spring breeze is warm during the day but still cold at night. This is still in the center of a city surrounded by high walls and densely populated with tall buildings. In a dangerous radiation desert, the temperature difference between day and night is even greater.

Fortunately, according to the forecast from the Kekha Meteorological Observatory, it will only be slightly colder in Augustgrad tonight. There will be no wind or rain on this day, which is a very good weather.

By five o'clock in the morning, the temperature in the center of Augustgrad suddenly dropped to 10 degrees Celsius. People lying on the street holding quilts were surprised to find that a layer of frost had condensed on their bodies at some point.

Then, the wind picked up again and the wind was freezing.

Without any warning, multiple Wraith fighter jets left trails in the sky, and rows of Imperial soldiers wearing red power armor appeared on the platforms of the Augustgrad subway and suspended train tracks.

The crowd was in commotion again, and millions of people tried every means to get a clearer view of the palace. Most of Augustgrad's population is foreigners, and the native-born Khakha people no longer account for the majority. A recent opinion poll shows that the royal family is highly supported by the Augustgrad people.

Not only the people of Augustgrad, but the people of most of the empire were watching the latest developments through cameras aimed at the palace. Regardless of whether these people support the royal family or love the king, they do not want to return to the era of war-torn people's livelihood.

Under the gaze of tens of billions of people, the magnificent golden outline of the Augustgrad Palace was covered with a layer of hoarfrost and ice. That is the water vapor condensed outside the glass window, and the cold air comes from inside the palace.

Hosts from various TV stations urgently contacted meteorological experts to analyze the cause. After a while, all the experts agreed that this was a normal natural phenomenon.

Such a vision is truly unprecedented, and even telepathic humans are not that special when they are born. No matter how powerful these telepaths' gifts are, they often don't manifest themselves at a young age.

The unnatural reality that can affect the weather has only been seen in the Zerg Overlord, the legendary Dark Archon Orega and the original Queen of Blades. No matter how powerful human psychic abilities are, there is a limit.

But the people of the empire didn't know, they only regarded this as a good omen or a bad omen.

If we look at the history of mankind in detail, this has roots. As for the natural phenomenon when the emperor was born, it can be said.

At this moment, Augustus, who was in the palace, felt it more clearly. General Horace Warfield immediately mobilized the elite troops of the Korhal Corps into Augustgrad. Something unusual happened and there was no room for error.

As the temperature in the palace continued to drop, the really cold wind blew in from all around, blowing the skirts of the female family members. The strange sound seemed to come from the abyss, like a howling, never-ending wind.

Some people were horrified to find that they heard strange whispers, while others heard nothing.

"It's so cold. What's going on? Is there something wrong with the air conditioning unit?" Dr. Narud shivered and turned pale.

"It's really ridiculous. How can you let the queen and the princess suffer from the cold at this time? This is going to cause big problems."

"Swan, go and fix the central temperature control device." Augustus almost crushed the chess piece in his hand: "Royal Guards!"

Captain Faraday immediately offered an AGR rifle, and Augustus picked it up and walked to the delivery room. The men of the Mengsk family have been able to hold guns since they were young. They have achieved what they are today on their own rather than relying solely on the influence of their fathers.

"I have witnessed the birth of the Black Sun, and the destruction of stars countless times that of Sagulas, but I have never seen a scene like this." Zeratul raised his head and put on a defensive posture.

"I feel the power of the void. Some strange medium is opening a door to the void." He immediately corrected:

"The medium does not come from Kerrigan, but from somewhere else. Once this rift is formed, the palace may be dragged into the void!"

"Shadow Guard!" I don't know when, the control of the Shadow Guard actually came into the hands of Archbishop Tassadar of Durham: "Templars, come to my place to assemble."

I saw powerful high-level templars and dark templar masters jumping into the palace. They summoned powerful twilight energy like spellcasters. With the assistance of Nerazim's space-time stasis force field, the void rift that had just appeared and not yet formed quickly dissipated into nothingness.

Fortunately, this void agent disappeared before causing more serious consequences.

"Did this void medium appear out of thin air?" Augustus quickly regained his composure and looked at Zeratul.

"The Xel'Naga Temple can open a rift with the void and open the door to reality and illusion, but there are no Xel'Naga ruins here." Zeratul replied.

"Is Orega causing trouble?" Tassadar asked.

"Orega may be able to do it, but he has no reason to do it." Zeratul said: "This is more like a trick of the God of Darkness, but why humans?"

"Emil, what do you have in mind?" Augustus' eyes immediately locked on Narud.

"The void is a mysterious natural phenomenon." Narud was frightened and broke into a cold sweat:

"Just like a black hole, we can't see the void but can detect its existence through clues. But no one has been to the void, and we can't figure out how it appears and disappears."

"Yeah." Augustus looked at Narud and said:

"We should stay away from the void."

"Narud, stay here and find out the reason why this void medium appears."

"As you said." Narud immediately bowed and said.

Amon, the God of Darkness, can even pull a planet closer to the void, but at this time, his power in the real world is not enough to support this. Eamonn still has the power to exert influence on the world, but he has worked hard to open a rift, not just to join in the fun and take a look.

Augustus suspected that Narud had tampered with it. If he could use Xel'Naga technology to open a brief gap into the void, it might be the case. The void is bone-chilling and filled with dangerous high-energy particle flows, capable of breaking even the strongest battleships into molecular states.

The void has long ceased to answer the prayers of the protoss dark templar. There is only a bound old god, an evil god's lackey guarding the prison, and an evil god full of malevolence.

This is not good news, and Narud may well be prepared to use this opportunity to cause harm. If something unexpected happened to the queen, he could use this opportunity to blackmail the queen and restrain Augustus.

In order to prevent Narud from doing anything with the Xel'Naga artifact, Augustus ordered the fragments of the artifact to be stored in different locations, so he must have other means.

But Narud must have been unable to achieve his wish. Archbishop Tassadar of Durham immediately recruited a large number of high-level templars and dark templar masters, and used the time and space device to destroy the void rift that had just appeared.

No matter what, Augustus was determined not to let Kerrigan and her daughter put themselves in danger.

When the storm subsided and the frost subsided, Augustus was awakened by a cry. He hurried to the delivery room and saw a doctor standing in front of him holding an infant child.

It was a crumpled child, she was crying, and when she occasionally opened her eyes, she revealed a golden light.

The princess's eyes were golden when she was born. When she opened her eyes, they looked like roses made of gold.

"She is very healthy." The doctor meant that the princess's vision was normal.

Augustus held his child in his arms, came to Kerrigan's bed, kissed her sweaty forehead and said, "Thank you, Sarah."

"Good things come hard." Renault said, "This kid is not ordinary."

"She inherited her mother's gift," Zeratul said. "She was born with telepathic abilities. When she opened her eyes, she was talking to the stars."

"How miraculous," Tassadar taught Artanis. "As I told you, do not underestimate man's psychic gifts."

"this kid"

"There's something wrong." A brainworm squeezed in and quickly occupied a key position. It tilted its head, acting very unusually, and unconsciously made a buzzing sound like an insect.

"How great." It shouted: "Me me."

"Let me lick it."

"You man-eating beast, stay away from him," Duke said angrily.

"I can feel the connection between her and the zerg. This is the power of Sarah Kerrigan's bloodline." The brainworm raised its head and felt some kind of subtle call: "Their spiritual connection with the zerg swarm. Possessing extraordinary sensory abilities, as they can attract swarms of insects and command them."

"Let me lick it," it said:

"Look, she smiled at me."

"Nonsense, how could the princess have anything to do with bugs?" Duke shouted.

"Just lick it."

"You cannot tell the outside world what happened today." Augustus only said one sentence and walked out.

"She will be as great as her father." Narud was waiting for him outside: "The god of destiny favors her! The glorious future will shine on her!"

"I will take this as a prophecy." Augustus nodded, thinking about the meaning of these words. Then, he came to the press conference hall outside the palace and announced this exciting news to his subjects who had been waiting for a long time. information.

"Today, my daughter was born." He said:

"Her name is Louise, Louise Mengsk."

“Remember this day and don’t forget it.”

Louise mengsk is derived from the Louise in Sarah Louise Kerrigan's name, in honor of Kerrigan's late mother.

The people of the Augustgrad Empire all rumored that when Princess Louise was born, it was freezing and frosty, and a storm roared.

In the official book "Uprising" (2491), Kerrigan, still human, was able to control the larvae in the laboratory.

Recommend this book, a fan of stars, written by a female protagonist.

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