StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 562 Original Zerg

In early 2499, the largest naval battle since the founding of the Tyranid Empire began in the Bracken system on the southwest frontier. The number of warships and troops deployed by the Imperial fleet in Bracken was so large that even the largest counterattack against Jeandare by the remnants of the Federation could not compare to it.

Commanding the Empire's First Fleet is the famous Admiral Edmund Duke, who is known as the Emperor's Sword, the Hero of Tarsonis, and Mad Dog Duke.

(Rabid Dog refers to Marshal Jim Reynold’s affectionate name, which is an affirmation of his excellent strategies and tactics)

The First Fleet is the ace fleet of the Tyranid Empire Navy. Its predecessors are Alpha Squadron, Delta Squadron, Crimson Squadron and Beta Squadron.

After the large-scale launch of the larger Minotaur-class battlecruisers with thicker armor and stronger firepower, the size of the First Fleet expanded several times.

The fleet has absorbed a large number of outstanding officers from the old Federation Navy, and newly graduated officers from the Imperial Navy Academy have also received a new round of blood transfusions. The experienced, skilled, and enthusiastic officer system is the core of the imperial army. They must not only be competent in their own jobs, but also be able to clearly understand and execute orders. When necessary, they must also motivate their subordinates and maintain loyalty to the emperor. loyalty.

There are a large number of Imperial Navy bases, ship bases, and mobile fortresses to provide support. The supply system of support ships such as tugs, barges, oil ships, and supply ships is enough for the First Fleet to launch a war of national annihilation alone.

The opponent of the Empire's First Fleet is the primitive zerg that appeared for the first time. Although the two sides have never had a record of fighting, the latter is menacing and its strength cannot be underestimated.

The primitive zerg subspecies are quite different in form from their distant relatives. They were originally closer to highly evolved large theropod dinosaurs and had a variety of distinctive traits, such as unusually developed combustion glands, specialized It has a huge skull with unusually developed chewing muscles, pressurized glands capable of ejecting bony spears, and huge membrane wings with a wingspan of up to forty feet.

In the universe, the primitive zerg advance with a variety of extremely large single creatures as motherships, the largest of which are the primitive main nest and the primitive war nest. These ancient and lonely giant creatures originally lurked in the volcanoes and mountains of Zerus. Underground in the jungle, they feed on all kinds of primitive insects.

After the Overmind led the Broken Swarm back to Zerus, an endless war broke out with the primitive zerg on the planet. Those who eventually survived these ancient proto-zergs absorbed the genes of both their enemies and their own allies, growing to immense size and gaining the ability to travel through deep space.

The largest individual among them is even comparable to the insect swarm Behemoth.

Other unparalleled super primitive zerg are the best among the leaders of the wildly evolving primitive zerg tribe. They stand at the top of Zerus's food chain in the endless death and survival of the fittest.

For example, the eternal worm mother Slivan is the most terrifying primitive zerg ruler besides Zulwen, the zerg ancestor. It has now evolved into a terrifying behemoth. As it passed over the Terran Empire's lunar base, Kolykov, its shadow even covered half of the moon.

The eternal insect mother of the primitive insect swarm is an extremely weird leader even among her own people.

Srivan is the great mother of the swarm. The tens of millions of incubators in his body are endlessly hatching new primitive zerg every minute and every second. Most of the primitive zerg swarms today are Descendants of Srivan. It is never tired and never stops reproducing.

It was a primitive zerg swarm affiliated with the Slivan swarm that broke into the Bracken galaxy. It was composed of multiple primitive main nests and a large number of primitive zerg flying creatures capable of flying in the universe.

When the first original main hive jumps through the wormhole to the Bracken system, war is about to break out.

Duke's flagship Norad III was in front. In just a few minutes, it poured out two rounds of firepower on the giant creature floating in the deep space. A total of 24 groups of laser cannons continued to fire without interruption until they hit the target. Black blood flowed through the green enamel armor covering the surface of the giant beast.

The primitive zerg immediately launched a counterattack, and a large number of unprecedented flying creatures accelerated towards the Imperial fleet.

Mutalisks also have similar varieties in the original insect group, but they are also obviously larger, have more wings or more minions, and are far more powerful than ordinary mutalisks. Others are strains that the Empire has never seen before, and this is the first time they have appeared in the Bracken system.

These primitive zerg are shaped like giant floating octopuses or blunt-headed king squids. They have huge heads and ferocious and ferocious beaks. They use floating sacs filled with special mineral liquid and powerful tentacles to move forward quickly.

Such weird biological forms are the product of the convergent evolution of the primitive insect swarm and the dominant insect swarm. These ferocious and cunning primitive corrupt flying insects are the kings who dominate the sky of Zerus. Their strong acid can even kill the ferocious Leviathan.

Despite having these highly evolved and efficient killing organs, no two corrupt flying insects are the same, just as there are no two leaves with the same veins, and their body shapes are also very different.

Some primitive corrupt flying insects can be called the kings of their species. They must have devoured too many of their own kind or enemies to acquire such a huge size and such a ferocious character. Among them, the largest corrupted flying insects are undoubtedly creatures that have reached the pinnacle of evolution. They can penetrate armor with their beaks and claws that are harder than diamond.

As for other extremely cunning and vicious primitive zerg, they are a bit like the mythical feathered serpent, like scorpions with wings. The primitive flying snakes are so ferocious that even in flight they will pounce on their own kind to gain lost energy.

In addition, all kinds of strange primitive zerg have infinite evolutionary possibilities. Except for rare species such as primitive king worms and primitive blast mosquitoes, other primitive zerg are simply a hodgepodge, as if they are a tree of biological evolution. The picture is spread out in front of human beings.

But no matter what, the functions of every organ in its body are similar, and they are all designed to kill with utmost efficiency, so the differences are not unimaginable. The original zerg is the ultimate embodiment of natural selection, survival of the fittest, the weak and the strong, and the winner is king.

Facing the menacing primitive zerg army, the Empire's First Fleet did not flinch. More than a hundred Minotaur-class battlecruisers and more frigate-class medium-sized ships formed an attack formation to face the swarm. Tens of millions of them faced it. Turrets and thousands of bright fires immediately formed a firepower network like a jungle of death in front of the fleet.

In an instant, thousands of primitive zerg were crushed to powder by the fierce gunfire, and a bloody storm swept across the starry sky of Bracken. Facts have proven that even ferocious creatures like the zerg are still made of flesh and blood.

General Duke on the Norad III was very satisfied with the effect of the first salvo, but he was not going to let it go to his head.

You know, Duke thinks that the merits he wants to achieve are not as simple as killing a few primitive zerg. Only by defeating all the zerg can he show his great talent.

While Duke increased the deployment of reconnaissance ships and radars, he ordered the fleet to form a defensive front to resist the imminent impact of the primitive insect swarms. Even though he is so conceited, he is not so arrogant as to think that he can go head-to-head with the Zerg by installing bayonets on his warships.

The primitive zerg did not flinch from such horrific casualties. As if they did not know fear, they actually advanced in the dense firepower network of the Imperial fleet.

All Imperial ships captured an extremely eerie sight, that is, even in the midst of a war, the primitive zerg were still feasting ferociously on the corpses of their kin that had been blasted to pieces by human cannon fire.

Such a sight may not be frightening to the well-trained Imperial Navy soldiers, but commanders with keen eyesight and careful observation soon discovered that these primitive zerg devouring the corpses of their own kind were growing larger at a speed visible to the naked eye, and It was as if the special organs and characteristics of the original zerg that they had eaten suddenly sprouted on their bodies.

Those smaller primitive zerg individuals may not pose much of a threat to the Minotaur-class battlecruiser, but the largest individual among them is not only close to the size of a human capital ship, but even the armor covered on its body is not weak at all.

Several of the giant primitive bugs that were shaped like whales quickly attracted the attention of the Norad III tactical analysis system. According to the comparison of the database, it was shown that they were highly similar to the whale birds. These graceful space creatures are not unique to Byshir, and in any case, the primitive zerg must have hunted these poor creatures somewhere in the galaxy.

However, these primitive zerg are completely different creatures than the docile whalebirds. They are more like space mosasaur with a huge mouth and rows of colorful sword plates on its broad back. It seems to be some kind of sail that can absorb the energy of the star, and can also use the raging solar wind to accelerate forward when crossing the edge of the star.

The whale-like creatures were covered with deadly scales. They were swaying behemoths with giant fin-shaped claws and were extremely flexible. They avoided the firepower of the imperial capital ships and moved forward at an extremely fast speed, approaching the battle of the First Fleet. The flanks of the group.

Another part of the giant primitive zerg looks quite funny. Some of them are even a tyrannosaurus or giant lizard that has just grown a nozzle and a levitation bladder. This kind of weird form may be difficult to fly beautifully on the planet. , but it’s just right for use in space.

One primitive zerg looked like a cross between a boar and a porcupine, but its hind limbs had countless squid-like tentacles similar to those of corrupt flies. Its tentacles are made of slender organic muscles covered with cancerous cells, like brush bristles scattered behind it.

These cancer cells can continuously proliferate or grow reversely, and in the process of phagocytosis of surrounding tissue, they can release a powerful electromagnetic force to distort the surrounding gravity so that they can fly.

The genes of corrupt flying insects are extremely magical. Even if their brains are cut off, they can still grow new ones.

In this way, this monster looks like the leader of the steel-backed pig who is advancing rapidly in the universe.

All in all, even beyond the limits of human imagination for strange species, there is nothing that these primitive zerg cannot look like.

"They're coming for us!"

"Shield full!"

"Main gun fire!"

Facing these space behemoths are the USS Ranger, USS Constitution, and USS Korhal's Ambition, with about twenty Minnow-class battlecruisers deployed about 150 miles away in each direction.

To deal with these huge monsters, the upgraded Y-type Yamato cannon of the Minotaur-class battlecruiser can come in handy.

After about ten years of upgrades, the current Yamato cannon has been greatly improved in terms of power and range. In a one-on-one duel, the Minotaur-class battlecruiser can destroy the Behemoth-class with a single Yamato cannon, and at the same time can withstand the opponent's Yamato cannon without being hurt. This is the generation difference.

In just ten seconds, thousands of communications were carried out in the tactical command network of dozens of Yamato cannons to ensure the same target and avoid wasting too much ammunition on the same target. A series of problems such as insufficient successors.

When activating the Yamato Cannon, almost all Tyranid captains have a sense of dominance over life and death, especially when they see the Yamato Cannon turning the Zerg main hive into a pool of blood.

Even in the space environment, the Yamato Cannon can destroy large numbers of dense zerg, but battlecruiser captains usually use it on Leviathan or enemies that threaten greater threats.

After a burst of supernova flash, multiple giant primitive zerg were smashed to pieces by Yamato cannons, and the smallest ones had their skin and flesh torn apart.

But then, bathing in its blood and thirsting for its blood, the original zerg became larger, and the mutation and evolution that took millions of years to complete could be completed in these terrifying monsters in an instant.

Finally, a giant beast broke through the firepower network of the Imperial fleet, fell on the Hope, and damaged the flat deck under the bridge of the battleship.

It was shaped like a huge multi-legged dragon, as big as a Minotaur-class battlecruiser.

But then, the Gothic and Babylon, which had occupied powerful positions, shattered the monster's back armor, exposing its flesh and bones.

"What kind of monster is this?" On the Norad III, Duke's adjutant, Lieutenant Colonel Scott, could not hide his shock.

Before the war began, Duke's staff officers and tactical analysis consultants believed that the primitive zerg were far less united than the dominant zerg swarm. Because they valued individuals rather than the entire group, this seemingly powerful primitive zerg swarm army was actually not well-trained in advancing and retreating. The unified army also lacks the spirit of sacrifice for the ethnic group.

But they still underestimated the fighting will of the primitive swarm. Every primitive zerg has been fighting to the death since its birth. They may lack the spirit of unity and cooperation to a certain extent, but once they start attacking, they will stop until death.

It can be said that to be able to force such primitive zerg out of their homeland, no one knows what kind of evil deeds the Overlord's swarm has done in Zerus. In other words, the primitive swarm is afraid of the Overlord.

"Studying these monsters is the business of the imperial scientists, and our duty is only to win this war for Emperor Augustus." Duke's brave spirit is his excellent quality as a soldier, even if gods and ghosts stand in front of him, Give the other party as many slaps as possible.

Although he is not very popular among his colleagues, Duke is indeed a qualified general. He is well aware of the strength of his own fleet, and at the same time, he extremely despises his enemies both strategically and tactically.

What is most famous about this person is that he always takes the lead, and his flagship must be at the forefront of the fleet.

"Even if they evolve plasma cannons and energy shields, the result will be the same."

The genes of the flying snake are from the scorpion + the original mutant dragon, so there is no problem in appearing here/

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