StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 582 Paradise Crisis

In mid-April, a conscription order was issued again at the Augustgrad Palace in Korkha. This was already the third levy mobilization. With the previous two levies, Emperor Augustus's army now reached 20 million people.

More than a thousand divisions.

There are so many soldiers, not to mention the uniforms, armor and supplies distributed to them. It is not an easy task to simply gather so many people together.

In the emperor's opinion, this number was not enough.

From colonial planets with large-scale immigration to sparsely populated resource planets, the Tyranid Empire has more than a thousand territories, most of which were incorporated into the territory after the establishment of the empire. To defend such a large territory would of course require an equally large army.

When the first conscription was launched, millions of people enlisted in just a few days, but now it is obviously not enough to rely on the number of people who volunteer to join the army to maintain the number of troops. There have obviously been several exciting victories on the front line, but the number of casualties has been increasing, which pours cold water on those who want to gain fame and fortune by joining the army.

Compared to the zerg, dealing with the crumbling Old Confederacy and pirate forces was like vacationing in Terrador.

Of course, parents do not want their children to go to the battlefield and become a part of the rolling Tyran Empire's chariot. If they had seen with their own eyes the soldiers who died tragically at the hands of the Zerg, they would be even more reluctant to let their children slip away from them.

If anyone thinks that the most tragic way to die is to be torn apart by swarms of springtails, then he must have never heard of the infective worms that appeared in Moria. Those terrifying giant plague bugs are mobile sources of disease infection. They are quite intelligent, secretive and cunning. Their bloated abdomens are full of distorted marines. Many infected humans are being swallowed by these monsters. Still alive.

But no matter what, the criminal law system of the Tyran Empire is an iron law. The empire's constitution stipulates that military service cannot be evaded, and enlistment is the obligation of empire citizens towards the emperor.

When conscription arrives on a world like Tarsonis, the people there are already used to it. The recruitment list has long been determined, but because there are too many people, they are drafted in batches. Imperial citizens who meet the requirements have already been notified that they are prohibited from leaving the country and are ready to serve.

Even though it has been more than a month since the war broke out, Tarsonis is still quite prosperous and seems not to have been affected by the war at all. It's hard to see idle people on the city streets. Factories are working overtime to fulfill government orders. More and more young people are boarding the troop ships heading to the barracks, but someone still has to fill the remaining positions.

Most of the border planets near the front line are implementing strict light controls and curfews. Goliath armed robots and soldiers with live ammunition can be seen everywhere on the streets. They are completely different from the core world.

At night, New Gettysburg, the central city of Tarsonis, is still brightly lit and bustling with people, and the financial center and business district are shrouded in purple and pink neon lights.

Ghost agent X74996R Stone, who just graduated from the Khausa Ghost Military Academy, is secretly carrying out a secret mission. This order comes directly from the Augustgrad Palace. Everyone knows that it means that it was issued by the emperor himself. .

It is rumored that there is a list in the secret room of the Emperor's palace full of people who are to be secretly executed for various crimes.

The war is tense on the front lines, but the seemingly stable rear is actually full of crises. Stone's duty is to eradicate those thugs who intend to subvert the empire. For the Ghost agents loyal to the Crown, that's all about dispensing justice.

Not long ago, the Emperor received a report from the Tarsonis Police Department, which showed that many cunning mimic hatchlings had appeared in the slums of the main city of Tarsonis. What's even more terrifying is that there is evidence that someone brought live zerg larvae into Tarsonis, which is no less than proof that there is at least one developing zerg nest under the city of Tarsonis.

The brainworms' strategies are becoming more and more flexible. It is easy for them to use parasites to parasitize and control an ordinary human being.

At least twenty Tarsonian officials lost their heads because of this incident. If someone thinks that Emperor Augustus is kind-hearted and generous, he must have never heard of how the emperor executed large-scale war criminals from the old Commonwealth.

Considering that the incident took place in the center of Tarsonis City, in order to avoid causing panic, the ghost team could only be dispatched to deal with it.

As Stone knew alone, twenty-seven Imperial Ghost teams and more than a hundred people were mobilized for this mission, and one-twelfth of the Imperial Ghosts were present. They are perhaps the most powerful telepaths in the Koprulu Sector, and each one is a super soldier.

Stone had trained at the Ghost Academy in Tarsonis for some time before, but had never visited the bustling Tarsonis.

The slums of Tarsonis City are a different story. They are located in the shadow of high-rise buildings, lacking sunlight, overcrowding, poor hygiene, and full of stench. People living in the slums of Tarsonis are often potential criminals, and more than half of them are drug addicts or people with a history of drug abuse.

The emperor had ordered all slums to be banned, so the sons of Korhal rushed into the slums of all sizes to arrest those involved in human organ trafficking, drug trafficking, and human trafficking. Then they simply convicted these people and sent them to prison. Go to Mar Sara's mines and resocialization plant.

The order of the slums has been significantly improved during this period, and the imperial government even provides homeless people with prefabricated housing and relief. However, as the population from the edge world continues to pour into Tarsonis, the slums continue to pour in. A lot of poor people.

The invasion of insect swarms is the main reason for the return of immigrant populations. Now opening up a new world often means more risks and uncertainties.

The situation was no better than it had been four years earlier, and even the hard-line leader later admitted that he had been too idealistic.

But overall, Stone believes that the empire's efforts are not in vain. At least the crime rate here is much lower than in the past. If they work hard, people in slums have the opportunity to change their lives and the lives of their families.

The scene of the slums of Tarsonis is actually quite a thing in the past. Most of the people living here now are unskilled laborers from various marginalized worlds. But the difference is that most of them have stable jobs and are not illegal immigrants.

Men would take an hour or two on the Magnet tram to work in factories in the outer city of Tarsonis. Whether it was factories producing steel plates for warships or rolling modular building components, there was a need for manpower, and there were job opportunities everywhere. .

Women held other jobs, such as synthetic food factory workers or busy middle-class housekeepers. Their children attend public schools in slums and enjoy free educational resources.

Today's slums can hardly be called slums anymore. Although there were bars, banks and other social places here in the past, they already have what a city should look like.

People gradually learned to save money, and after the signing of the Koprulu Monetary System Treaty in 2498, the imperial credit currency directly linked to the crystal mines became a more stable currency than Umoyan citizen points.

This is all the credit of Emperor Augustus, although he always thought that he did not do enough.

The Koprulu sector is surrounded by powerful enemies, which makes the Emperor sometimes appear too impatient and eager. The Emperor was confident of repelling the zerg, but the real threat was clearly greater than that.

"Stop, there is a dangerous area ahead. The military has blocked the street. Check the equipment and set off in five minutes." The person who spoke was the team leader Theodore Pierce, a battle-hardened former federal agent. His psychic level is lower than Stone's, but he has rich combat experience.

It was still late at night, and although there were no stars in the slums, the neon lights in front of various shops lit up the entire road. Two children were running past Stone in front of him, indicating that the security in the slums was pretty good.

Further ahead is the cordon drawn up by the Imperial military, guarded by Imperial Marines at all levels, while the heavy armor of the Marauders is stationed on both sides of the road like a fortress.

Stone is a level seven telepath, which is considered a fairly high level.

At this moment he could hear the voices of everyone in the area. A woman was complaining that her husband was not lasting enough, and a man who had just gotten off work was watching today's UNN morning newspaper. A young man is secretly worried about whether he will be hired by the Tarsonis Police Department because he has a relative who once worked for an old Federation noble.

But in the restricted area, Stone found uneasily that he could not hear other voices at all. If bugs could think, Stone should be able to hear it too.

This is still a safe area, and the underground nests of Zerg are deeper underground in the neighborhoods. According to the news sent back by the reconnaissance robot, a huge secondary main nest has been formed. The zerg that have sneaked into Tarsonis are constantly growing and planning to use the city's intricate sewer system to invade the above-ground world.

"Sir, I have a plan."

"Insects are breeding and multiplying in the dirty sewers of the slums. The best thing to do now is to pour high-energy gas into it and burn it down with fire." The speaker was Vega, Stone's teammate. She calls herself a "secular" ghost agent. In short, this guy is out of money.

Vega looks pretty good, with dark blond hair and beautiful eyes. She is a realist, cruel and talkative.

In the winding streets of the slums, Stone could not see his invisible teammates at all, but except for the assistance of equipment, he could also vaguely feel their psychic shadows. Vega's phantom is different in that she has the highest psychic level among them.

Such powerful psychic perception was learned from the lessons of Callas, a high-ranking templar. It is said that he was a friend of Emperor Augustus, and the latter spent a lot of effort to bring this high-ranking saint into existence. Don Samurai borrowed Korhal.

The protoss never lie, so this is no boast.

"Then the whole neighborhood will be blown up to the sky, and how many innocent people will die as a result." Stone always quarreled with Vega. He believed that this cold woman was more suitable to be a mercenary than an imperial soldier.

Each ghost has a code name. Vega says she is a bounty hunter and Stone calls her Lucky Cat.

"That was a matter of the old Federation era. Ghost agents are not tools without emotions, His Majesty said."

"His Majesty said that ghost agents should regard themselves as heroes of the people. Your responsibility is to protect rather than destroy." Vega said: "I can't believe that there are actually people who know the Emperor's Holy Words by heart."

In contrast, in every issue of UNN, Emperor Joke Vega never fails.

In the streets of the slums, there is a propaganda platform that is playing a holographic image. On it is a speech by the Emperor of the Tyranids, Augustus Mengsk, who just mentioned the reconstruction of Mar Sara.

There are propaganda stations like this in almost every corner of Tarsonis, ensuring that the Emperor's voice is heard by the citizens of every land. The emperor's speeches were of a high standard, and he was indeed widely praised. These propaganda platforms became like icons, maintained voluntarily by the people.

"You have no faith." Stone couldn't help criticizing the other party.

Stone respected Emperor Augustus very much, and he believed that it was the emperor who gave him a home. For people like him, Ghost Military Academy is home.

"My faith has been fed to the dogs." Vega said: "Little prince, you should return to your palace."

Vega and Stone communicate directly in spiritual language, and the communication speed is extremely fast. This is also the result of the training of the Star Spirit Mentor. The teacher hopes that the students can make good use of this ability, but the cadets of the Ghost Military Academy often use this ability to spray each other across the male and female dormitories.

"There is nothing wrong with what Stone said, and the emperor does not want us to do anything that damages his reputation when performing tasks." Captain Pierce is the leader of the two leaders, and the two people often have differences. Stone believed that casualties should be avoided as much as possible while taking into account the hostages in the mission, while Vega advocated bombing them all into the sky.

"Okay, sir, can I have a cigarette now?" Vega said.

"No," Pierce said.

"Tch." Vega said.

Compared to Stone, who practices asceticism, Vega prefers watching movies.

In another place, there is a promotional poster for August Grad Universal's latest movie. Above it is the movie poster of "Brainworm vs. Space Marines". Stone had seen this brainworm in the palace. The funny thing is that it dreams of becoming a master, but now it can only settle for the status of pet and mascot.

This kind of movie is very popular recently. The brainworm is the biggest villain in the movie. In the movie, there is always a lonely but brave Imperial Marine who battles wits with it.

Vega liked this brainworm very much.

The audience thought the cerebrates in the movie, who thought they were cool, were considered clowns, and actually thought the zerg were not that scary.

No wonder this guy got so angry that he chewed through the marble floor while reading the review.

"The time is up, let's set off immediately." Pierce said, "I want to remind you again that this mission is very dangerous."

"They should be afraid of us," Vega said.

I'll have a dove day tomorrow. I got a pair of glasses two days ago and I feel so dizzy wearing them. What a jerk.

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