StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 589 Cyberworm

As the highway extends, the Cerberus industrial area with many control towers is gradually occupied by cold blue symmetrical box-shaped buildings and roaring turbine fans. The gray-blue towering frame structure is filled with bronze and brown reinforcements. Synthetic glass. Imposing multi-story complexes, reactor power stations, rail networks and roaring trains dominate the horizon of the Maguro Islands.

There are no neon lights like Tarsonis on Taurus, only industrial row buildings with cold lines and bright orange holographic screens. There is not even a little bit of greenery here for decoration, every inch of land is poured with gray concrete.

The special car that Augustus took passed through many checkpoints before entering the core of the Cerberus Industrial Park. According to Dr. Sabsorian, compared with the foundry here, the labeled zerg just now were It's just a child's play.

This place does not look like a large farm used to breed zerg, but more like a complex industrial city built near a crystal mine. In those factories that work day and night, the newly excavated crystal mines are put into furnaces and cast into alloy steel plates, which are then precisely cut and used to build vehicles, buildings and even warships.

"We raise the zerg in captivity, train the zerg, and transform the zerg. They will become the war dogs of the Tyranid Empire. The Cerberus swarm army will be invincible and unstoppable."

When the special car stopped in front of a high-rise building that looked like a monument, Sabsorian was still bragging about the Cerberus swarm to Augustus.

Dr. Sabsorian, like many in this project, has lost a few hairs at a young age. He presides over one of the most dangerous projects in the Tyranid Empire, but he seems calm and reserved.

There are not many flamboyant people in this industry. Sabsorian is exactly like the elite of Tarsonis. He does everything in a flawless manner, is unhurried when encountering difficulties, is cool and calm, and can take care of himself.

"Then let me see where the funds of the Cerberus Project are spent." Augustus got out of the car surrounded by the royal guards and ordered people to bring out the brainworm α.

After all, the Cerebrate is still the undisputed master of the swarm, and it took control of the Cerberus zerg prepared for it without any effort at all. That also shows that those insects still retain the main hive mind.

"I dare to guarantee you, Your Majesty, as long as you see the real Cerberus, you will believe that all the investment of the empire is worth it."

"Guarantee with your head?" Emperor Augustus looked at the building with its exterior walls tightly covered with galvanized sheets and made a horrifying joke.

Dr. Sabsorian's face dropped and he said it wasn't funny.

The Cerberus Project is not very popular in the Tyranid Empire. Conservative imperial officials believe that this project is too dangerous and is tantamount to seeking skin from a tiger. Radicals are eager to see an army of swarms in one day.

The funds allocated to the Cerberus Project have always had a place in the Terran Empire's military expenditures, but the military has never been able to figure out which branch they should be counted as.

All in all, Sabsorian has been under considerable pressure.

"." Sabsorian hesitated for a while, but in the end he didn't dare to say anything else.

Fortunately, Augustus just smiled, left Sabsolian and walked straight towards the monumental building. Unlike the exquisite, stone-faced buildings in Augustgrad, this one in Cerberus Engineering has a standard practical industrial style.

When the huge black door opened with the hiss of the hydraulic device, under the towering dome, a factory consisting of a titanium forging workshop, a stamping workshop, a welding workshop, an assembly workshop, etc. suddenly appeared in Augustus in front of. Countless conveyor belts, robotic arms, and hanging towers cast shadows under the light.

It was obvious that the monstrous mechanical implants on the Cerberus zerg would not grow on their own.

Cerberus security forces with loaded guns and ammunition can be seen at intervals, and the three-headed hell dog logo on the armor is particularly conspicuous. In addition to eating and sleeping, these resocialized soldiers can guard the factory around the clock. They don't need entertainment, have no desires, and are much easier to use than expensive intelligent machines.

Here, instead of mechanical parts, there are countless zerg on the conveyor belt. The springtails, trembling with excitement due to excessive secretion of adrenaline, are being restrained by steel cables on the conveyor platform. They can't help but make uneasy whining sounds during the transport process. There are hundreds of them on each conveyor belt.

Augustus stood and watched for a while, watching each springtail have its huge fangs and claws cut off with laser scissors, and a sharp titanium alloy blade was welded to it while the blood was still flowing. The carapace and flesh on their spines were replaced by hot alloy steel plates and nano-bone frames, while exposed circuits, neural interfaces and pipelines combined all implanted prostheses.

Judging from the painful appearance of the springtails, they had not even been anesthetized before. The entire production line is highly automated, and operators can control the overall situation with the push of a button.

Such an exaggerated prosthetic transformation process is simply not something humans can bear. In other words, only Zerg can survive such crazy transformation.

The Cerberus Project was originally designed to transform and control humans. Unfortunately, there were not enough experimental subjects to last them through to perfect the technology. Emperor Augustus didn't need mind-controlling technology to control his people, and the Cerberus Project became a new option.

"Would this be cruel in the eyes of the zerg?" Augustus asked the Cerebrate next to him.

"Cruel? To the insect swarm, pain is not important at all." The brainworm said: "The individual does not matter, the group is everything."

"Very well, if you give me a laser eye, I can teach old Duke a lesson."

The brainworm's big mouth full of sharp teeth split into a terrifying arc, which was an extremely evil smile. Anyone who knows enough about it will immediately understand that this guy is going to do something bad soon.

"This is too dangerous. If I give you a pair of wings, you will go to heaven." Augustus rejected its request.

"I can't say for sure," Brainworm said.

"I have never seen zerg like this. They look so strange." Queen Zagara also followed. In order to cope with the situation where she might lose control, she was always followed by multiple royal guards.

"We can also modify this insect queen to make her more powerful. Maybe an external brain can increase her intelligence?" Sabsorian came over.

"But I'm already very smart." Zagara spread his paws.

"How far behind is it compared to the brain worm? I can't even write a set of papers from Keha University, and I can't understand the financial statements. What's the use of me?" The brain worm shook his head: "Besides, even a fool thinks that The smartest one in the world."

".?" Zagara blinked, confused.

"Don't go too far." Augustus had no problem with this.

"Allow me to introduce to you the masterpiece of Cerberus Engineering, a flawless art treasure: the Zerg Servant, the Cerberus War Dog." On this side, Dr. Sabsorian knew that his performance moment had arrived, and he After clapping his hands, a Cerberus springtail that had completed the transformation walked towards Augustus.

In addition to replacing its claws with titanium blades, the springtail's back also carries steel plates, micro-turbine engines, capacitors, and tubes embedded in muscle tissue. A helmet-like metal exoskeleton is deeply embedded in its entire head, and its eyes have been completely replaced with headlights emitting cold light.

The only thing to note is that there are two trembling tentacles on the back of this springtail, which are prepared for remote control by the Cerberus main control center.

"This springtail is stronger than before the transformation. It runs faster and has an even more amazing speed. Through remote control technology, Cerberus Engineering can control them like a drone." Sabsorian There was a pause: "The most important thing is that we can also install self-destruction devices to allow them to undertake more dangerous infiltration missions."

"But this is so inhumane." Brainworm commented.

"Transforming zerg is much cheaper and more efficient than making machinery." He confidently told the emperor:

"Rather than just enslaving the zerg, we are using industry to create war machines that can be controlled by AI. Cerberus Project transformed the hive lord into a space carrier that can release drones, and transformed the mutalisks and swarm guardians. Transform it into a heavy bomber, transform the Thunder beast into a land train that tramples the enemy's formation."

"If circumstances permit, we can even install a fusion reactor and laser cannon inside Leviathan's body."

"If you do it, then this is really a good investment." Augustus asked Sabsorian: "How far can Cerberus' mechanical neural implant technology go?"

"It can completely replace the zerg's brain." Sabsorian said: "In addition to human control, we can also simply program the microcomputers in the zerg's brain to let them execute simple instructions, such as patrolling or It’s an attack.”

As he spoke, Sabsorian took out a bouncy ball from his pocket and threw it high. The springtail immediately rushed out like lightning and quickly picked up the ball.

"Very good." Augustus nodded: "I know you have also modified other varieties."

"Not only those before the Brood War, but also new varieties are involved." Sabsorian led Augustus to other workshops.

Not only springtails, there are also a large number of hydralisks and cockroaches on the production line. The transformation process is extremely bloody. It is not only as simple as cutting off limbs, but also requires supporting craniotomy.

This is still a relatively common species. Augustus also saw many Cerberus allosaurs. Their bodies were also implanted with a large number of mechanical prostheses, and even a pair of membrane wings were reinforced. Smaller species, including worker bees and larvae, also exist, but their significance is not very clear.

Cerberus zerg are immune to the influence of the hive mind, allowing them to carry out the most dangerous missions when the Imperium deploys psionic crushers.

Anyone who saw this scene would feel horrified, and Augustus, who strongly supported this plan, also knew the risks involved. But in contrast, the value of the Cerberus swarm is immeasurable.

Eventually, Sabsorian brought Augustus to an Ultralisk that was being held in a shield field.

This thunder beast is larger than the ordinary thunder beast, almost like a mountain. Its mighty and domineering giant blade has been completely replaced with a titanium alloy blade, which is covered with patterns like blue flames. Thousands of reinforced alloy armor plates, electronic implants and criss-crossing pipelines are all over it. On top of the mountain-like body.

Augustus even saw the missile launching unit on the giant thunder beast's crown, and there was even a miniature missile assembly factory behind it. It seemed that the people from Cerberus Engineering had simply transformed it into a land-based fortress, and there was even a landing pad on it, which he guessed was prepared for taking off and landing Banshee bombers.

"A king beast?" Brainworm said:

"Where did you get this thing?"

"General Stukov sent it from Char." Sabsorian explained: "We are going to build it into a real doomsday beast!"

"Not only that, we have also prepared several modified Unclean One scorpions for it. With the scorpions' poisonous mist ability, the charge it launches will be devastating!"

When Sabsorian was speaking, five long snake-like red scorpions were sticking out from the back of the Cerberus King Beast, making a hissing sound like a five-headed dragon. The tails of these scorpions are connected to the body of the king beast, as if they are symbionts.

"Cool! Why didn't Abathur think of this trick?" The brainworm couldn't take his eyes away.

"The King's Blade of the Cerberus King Beast has been blue-burned and has a beautiful molding pattern like a Damascus sword. When it charges, these giant blades will make wind roars like burning flames." Sabso Lian was as excited as a child introducing a toy to someone else. He said to Augustus enthusiastically:

"Your Majesty, I really hope to see the day when it charges into battle."

"Yes, it can be used by Stukov's troops." Augustus said.

"How should maintenance costs be calculated? If the blade wears out, then you have to build a new one."

"We can recycle the Cerberus zerg that died on the battlefield, and the equipment is much more valuable than the zerg. As for the wear and tear problem, we have nano repair kits that can be used." Sabsorian said:

"Besides, once thrown into the battlefield, it is almost impossible for Cerberus Zerg to survive until the next battle."

"Once upon a time, our soldiers also had to face such a fate. On those particularly cruel battlefields, it is still the case today." Augustus said.

Relatively speaking, the modified Cerberus swarm is much easier to use than intelligent combat robots.

"You did a good job." Augustus said to Sabsorian: "Whenever the construction blueprints for the Cerberus factory can be submitted, Swann's engineering team will be able to produce them on the front line immediately."

"We don't even have to hatch the zerg ourselves, we just need to recover those dying zerg on the battlefield." He ordered:

"I can't wait to see the Cerberus swarms on the battlefield, they are a very hungry weapon!"

Book recommendation, Dragon Clan: The Fifth Magician Lu Mingfei. New Lu Mingfei joins the battlefield!

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