StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 594 The Wild Beast

Odin's scorching bright orange particle beam bombarded the beast's terrifying body covered with dense carapace, causing the huge monster to roar and take a few steps back. But as soon as it gained a foothold, it pounced forward again, using the sharp spikes on its arms and the surprisingly large teeth in its mouth to tear at Odin's armor.

From the perspective of the Imperial soldiers below, this scene is truly shocking, as if the Iron Giant is fighting the mythical Titan.

On Odin's towering and majestic shoulders like battlements, the muzzle of a naval gun was spouting violent flames with a thunderous roar, and the earth-shattering roar shook the earth.

The indestructible fire of heaven's punishment poured down on the majestic body of the beast, which was as majestic as a mountain. The flames licked the ferocious and terrifying body, and the bright fire even surpassed the sun for a period of time.

When this war weapon born purely for destruction is at full fire, even the insect swarm has to retreat three points.

No foe has ever been able to withstand the wrath of Odin, the undisputed King of the Lands.

But this didn't work on the wild beast. Odin's cannon fire left ferocious scars on its body as it should, but it also felt uncomfortable for him. Odin's steel-ceramic composite armor is enough to withstand the gunfire of the battlecruiser, but now it has become pitted under the ferocious attack of the beast. Some shocking wounds have even touched the circuit, and the sudden surging plasma flow and sparks are like Falling from the sky like a luminous waterfall.

Because Odin is too close to the beast, it is difficult for the siege tanks to provide fire support for him. It would be fine if they were Marines. Every Odin is a symbol of the absolute force of the Tyranids.

Only the closest fire teams were able to provide support, but their weapons were mostly ineffective.

At the same time, the Jormungandr swarm army on the ground is still pressing forward step by step, and soon the Terran Empire's ground troops will be unable to protect themselves.

"Adjutant, what's the weakness of this beast?" At this moment, the armor under Odin's cockpit withstood a fierce impact from the beast. The huge force transmitted to this heavy mecha even hit Tychus inside. You can all feel it.

Tychus stared at the terrifying face of the wild beast. Even a character like him who was fearless could not help but feel guilty. The monster didn't even have eyes. Its maw was big enough to swallow a tank and was filled with huge, interlocking, irregular teeth.

In the words of Tychus, even his own mother was ugly and didn’t even look at it.

He had never encountered a wild beast before. He had only heard of it from imperial troops who had fought on other planets, and as long as he had seen it, no one would not talk about it without changing their expressions.

The monsters in the holographic movie are nothing more than cute pink plush toys compared to the wild beasts in front of Odin.

If a thunder beast running rampant on the battlefield is already a huge threat to an Imperial Marine Corps, but a sudden appearance of a beast is synonymous with death to imperial soldiers.

In those war-torn worlds, you never know what will suddenly appear in a place filled with birds and flowers and dense jungles. Some are fast-moving springtails. If they kill your comrades, then a burst of bullets can kill these screaming little demons at that time, but if you encounter a beast, don't expect spike rounds. Can work.

"Wild beast, the pinnacle of Zerg evolution." The adjutant responded.

"I'm not telling you to fuck me. No one is perfect. Even if it is a god, it should always have weaknesses." Tychus controlled Odin and shot the beast's huge mouth that was bloody and bloody. At the same time, he also suffered a sharp and cruel blow from the latter. It was as if Odin and the beast were strangling each other's necks, one punching me and the other hitting the flesh.

But Odin was not designed for close combat, nor was he wasting enough reactor power to power a battleship on smacking his enemies with fists weighing several tons. Odin is positioned to destroy enemy armies from miles away, and its massive cannon firepower covers such a wide area that it even takes time to lock in on one or two targets.

It would be impossible to compete with the reckless beast here for armor and strength.

At this time, Tychus must not turn around and run away. This is not a matter of shame, and besides, he doesn't care much about his reputation. But leaving your back to a wild beast is really a life-threatening situation.

The power and ferocity of the beast made Tychus very troubled. This guy was unlike any known zerg species.

"Research shows that wild beasts have no flaws, except for fire." The adjutant replied: "The vast majority of zerg are afraid of fire."

This terrifying new variant may come from the mutation of the Thunder Beast, but it is far superior to its close relatives in terms of size, strength, and brutal nature. There is only one other variant that can be compared with it, and that is the King Beast, also known as the Omega Thunder Beast, and the Tyrant of Char. It is a monster that has only been found in the Omega Worm Network on the planet Char.

At this time, the supercomputer system running by the adjutant was calculating the possibility of killing the beast: "The terrain of Talon VII is complex, and the area has a magma lake landform, which can introduce the beast into it."

"Which idiot designed this program? Don't let me touch him!" Tychus yelled: "Odin calls for air support, I need fucking air support!"

Although the equipment department of the Tyranid Empire announced that they had re-upgraded the adjutant's AI system and updated the algorithm, it is still not very smart. Tychus had heard that lieutenants on battlecruisers and colony ships were smarter, but Odin's were certainly not.

"This is Sky Fury, Pilot Odin, we are on our way." Soon, a nearby Viking formation quickly responded to Tychus's call.

If a Tyranid Empire marines were suppressed by enemy fire at a dangerous pass and were unable to move forward, they would only need to call for air support.

"Hurry, don't make me wait." Tychus pressed a button, and Odin's dense cannons immediately spurted out explosive flames.

Odin's situation was not good. The T800 cannon mount on the right was almost removed by the beast. Currently, some of the mecha's systems are offline, and several screens that used to be green are now garbled.

Unlike other mechas, the team responsible for maintaining Odin may have a headache. The maintenance and repair costs of this land-based steel monster are astonishingly high. It is no exaggeration to say that even the chair under Tychus' butt is made of gold.

The Odin driven by Tychus was the first Odin mecha of the Tyranids. It was a prototype. The announced cost alone was millions of empire credit coins, and the research and development costs were even more astronomical. Since Tychus got Odin, he began to renovate his mecha and tinker with various new equipment as mercenaries often do.

The Odin prototype was not only the first Odin, it was also a unique one, unmatched by any subsequent models in terms of materials and firepower.

God is so pitiful that this little baby has never had any serious problems since it was handed into Tychus's hands. Tychus eats, drinks, and eats on Odin. It can be said that this is almost his home.

Tychus felt a little sad because no one would be stupid enough to insure Odin. But repairing Odin cost the emperor and taxpayers money anyway, so Augustus was angry and he was happy.

"I am happy to serve you." The other party was not angry at Tychus's attitude. They had seen how the Marines who were furious at the feet of the Thunder Beast greeted the Air Force family.

Moreover, even if they don't know Tychus's identity, just being an Odin pilot still deserves their respect.

The Fury of the Sky Squadron is truly the ace in the air. They arrived on the battlefield in two minutes, passed by at low altitude at extremely high speeds and fired multiple Lanzel Thunders at the beast. The beast is so huge that even the air-to-air missiles of fighter planes can be used.

As multiple golden-red painted Skyfury Viking fighter jets flew across the sky, Lanzel's thunderbolts exploded behind the beast from time to time, causing it to raise its head and roar.

Immediately afterwards, a Banshee bomber formation also followed and began to bombard the insect swarms around the beast. Obviously, Tyranid air power took the initiative on Talon VII.

"I'm Cal, is someone calling for an angel?" At this time, a Viking pilot wearing a helmet appeared on Odin's screen.

A huge shadow quickly crossed the ground. It was a huge Viking fighter plane, far larger than any Viking signal. Archangels are few in number, but Talon happens to have one.

Over the years, the Tyranid Empire has built many such large mechas, to some extent to fight against the increasingly larger zerg behemoths. Although this idea has gone astray to some extent.

Tychus knew this guy. He was the pilot of the Archangel, a true ace pilot. He is good at pulling people, but his skills are not bad.

Karl doesn't like Tychus very much. It's not a matter of ability. It's just that this man is a loyal believer in the Tyranid Empire. He believes that only the Empire can save all mankind.

Such people tend to have strong beliefs and are extremely perseverant, but Tychus always stayed away from them every time he encountered them. Even if they have a life-and-death friendship, Karl can kill his brother for the sake of the empire.

If it was for a woman, Tychus would understand a little bit.

Who knows what this poor guy Karl has been through, but he is still proud to work for the dog emperor.

"A six-hundred-ton angel?" Tychus chuckled.

"Angel of Destruction." As soon as Karl finished speaking, the huge Archangel fell from the sky, like a swooping bird of prey. Tychus below could even see the burning marks left by the wings of this fighter plane as it passed through the atmosphere. .

“Warn with hell fire those who refuse to accept the revealed truth!”

Even Tychus had to admit that the Archangel was indeed beautiful. He was the dream lover of almost every Terran Empire air force pilot.

The Archangel is indeed a giant steel bird, but its size is even much larger than the extinct Great Bird of Terrador. Even though it continued to slow down before landing, it still caused an earthquake-like roar when it landed, and all the insects at the landing point were torn into pieces by the huge impact.

It is much more difficult to fly the Archangel to the ground than the ordinary Viking. The huge weight is enough to crush it, but Carl can do it every time.

This unique model is even fewer in number than Odin's, with only three currently in existence. The Archangel can be recreated, but pilots who can control him are not available. It is said that if someone can control the archangel, he will become the master of the earth and the sky.

As soon as he landed, Karl opened the Nemesis Missile Pod hidden on both sides of the Archangel's shoulders, and the intensive barrage once again made the beast retreat repeatedly. Then the LB-10 Gatling cannon also fired a dense chain of bullets, making bloody holes visible to the naked eye on the body of the beast.

Archangel's mecha mode is even more impactful than ordinary Vikings. Only the giant chain sword under the cannon seems to have no meaning.

The wild beast was attacked from both sides and retreated steadily.

"Look, I still have this trick!" Tychus found the right opportunity to fire a shot into the wild beast's huge mouth. The shot almost penetrated its throat, and the blood immediately dyed Odin's pilot red. cabin.

"Two on one, that's fair for both of us," Carr said.

"Kill it!" Tychus saw that the beast was at its wits end.

Suddenly, a squirming scorpion appeared, and it spit out a cloud of yellow mist towards the beast. Its color was so rich and unique that even the sensors of Odin and the Archangel were unable to locate its location.

"Damn it, it's gone," cried Tychus.

When the yellow mist dissipated, the wild beast had dug into the ground beneath its feet and disappeared.

But it can be expected that this wild beast will disappear for a period of time after this time until it recovers in the split pool.

"They are cunning, Finley, and they are getting smarter and smarter." Carl drove the archangel to Odin's side.

"Then let's see if they are as smart as the cannonballs." Tychus said: "As long as the people who use the weapons are smarter than the weapons, we can win the war. Unfortunately, there are too many brainless people."

"The fleet calls Odin, I am Admiral Matt Horner." At this time, the image of Fleet Admiral Matt appeared on Odin's screen.

"I saw that. Well done, sir," Matt said.

"I should call you sir, boy." Tychus thought that the boy was trying to hide himself. Tychus is a legend among the Tyranids, always rising in rank and rising in rank every year.

"You call him yours, and I call mine." Matt himself respected Tychus very much. After all, Tychus had been his commander when he was still young.

"You look relaxed?" Tychus pointed outside the screen: "There are hundreds of thousands of bugs outside now, what are your countermeasures?"

"Listen to me! Can your fleet help me now?"

"Hold on, fleet support will be here soon," Matt said.

"The fleet can be anywhere except where it is intended to support," Tychus said.

"I now give you authorization to use tactical nuclear bombs." Matt nodded and said, "Only by capturing this place first can we consider reconstruction."

Odin carries at least one nuclear bomb and is itself a silo.

"I've wanted to press the red button with the skull on it for a long time." Tychus groaned and rubbed his hands.

"En route fusion strike detected."

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