StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 596 Gathering Troops

When Augustus arrived at the command center of the 19th Marine Division in Talon VII, he did not alert anyone, and not even the senior officers knew much about it. On a normal day, this would have been just a low-key incognito visit by the emperor.

It is not easy to go to Korha. This time Augustus simply sent his father, the prime minister, to the throne and asked him to work overtime. From this point of view, Augustus simply wanted to tire his father to death.

At this moment, Augustus was sitting on the command chair in the middle of the command center, leaning back on the leather-trimmed chair, with one leg crossed over the other, and the hem of a thick gray-black Imperial Airborne Division windbreaker. Almost hanging to the ground.

There is no need for gold and red attire bordered by jewels. His iconic dark hair, deep eyes and strong chin are symbols of the Mengsk royal family.

"I heard that you have made a fortune recently." Augustus took the saucer and teacup from Faraday's hand, and took a sip of the steaming tea to drive away Talon's chill.

"Tychus, is this what happened?"

"Your news is really good, that's what it is." Tychus walked to a chair next to Augustus and sat down, picked up the lighter and lit the cigar in his hand, and gently spit out a long puff. of smoke. He was still wearing the khaki shirt with a black jacket over it.

"But Lieutenant Colonel Carl can testify that I was as well-behaved as a primary school student during my time in Talon."

Augustus slowly put down the tea cup and slammed the table next to him: "Did I tell you to sit down? Stand up!"

Tychus's cigar shook in fear, and he jumped up immediately, but the next moment he sat back down and continued smoking like a normal person.

"The laws of the empire do not stipulate that I cannot make a little extra money through 'legal' channels. I just dug out a few boxes of Ardeon crystal resource boxes that no one wanted from the abandoned military base of the old Federation, and it happened to be There is a group of interstellar scavengers nearby who can afford the price." Tychus's scarred face was filled with a smile, and the laugh lines at the corners of his eyes were laughing.

"Logically speaking, this cannot be considered theft of national assets."

The old boy knew that it was better to be honest with Augustus as soon as possible. The risk of fooling an emperor was greater than that of using every opportunity to collect some money for whoring.

Elden Crystal is a good thing. It is a hard currency that is more useful than currency. Tychus turned in most of it, but secretly kept a few boxes of money for himself, which he exchanged for large amounts of money.

Tychus kept an eye on him, and even if the incident came to light, Augustus would not be too harsh on him, because he had noticed this material in the first place.

"But I can still send you to New Folsom Prison for two years." Augustus snorted. If it had been someone else, he would have gone in earlier: "I still keep the criminal number with you, No. 626."

"You wouldn't do that." Tychus handed Augustus a cigar: "Tarthonis cigars are rolled out of the girls' thighs."

Augustus didn't smoke at first, and he was even bored of it for a while, but later he occasionally lit up a cigar. A little nicotine might help him relax under heavy pressure.

"Your taste is not what it used to be." Augustus looked at Tychus.

Next to him, Faraday took the cigar from the emperor, but just put it aside.

"After so many years, brands have changed, and people have also changed." Tychus leaned on the chair and relaxed his body.

Tychus knew Augustus' temper well. If he was really angry, it would not be words but knives. The emperor never wastes time on people he considers to be hopeless. If there are government officials in the Tyran Empire who commit a capital crime, they will not be able to see the emperor even if they shout until their throats are broken. All that awaits them is trial and execution. .

"How do you think I found out about that little thing about you?" Augustus said while drinking tea.

"I can't guess." Tychus could guess in his mind. He had known that the matter would be exposed, because he could not explain where he got the money.

A hedonist like Tychus would never save any money he had, but would spend it all immediately.

"Someone took photos of you entering and exiting the red light district of Hermes. Not only that, but it was also clear how many women you had sex with at night." Augustus said to Tychus: "When I I heard someone say that when someone spent a lot of money on Hermes, I immediately thought of you."

"Forget it, you always owe money every time. Do you think those beautiful girls will be happy to back you? Don't you know what you are?"

"I knew that your hands and feet were dirty, but I couldn't just give you a new rule and hang a sign in front of the door of each bar. Tychus and dogs are not allowed to enter."

"No one told you to do that." Tychus shrugged. He occasionally appears under the pseudonym Train Robber.

Tychus's salary was not low, and he received a general's allowance. As long as he did not touch luxury goods, he would not have to raise money in his life. But this guy is not a man who can save money. Although the money from selling the Elden Crystal is enough for anyone to live for half a lifetime, Sergeant Tychus was finished in half a month.

He loved only a few things in his life, sleeping with women, drinking, and driving Odin. There is a prerequisite for doing these things, and that is to have money, and a lot of money.

"Calm down, Tychus, you should be glad that you are the devil of heaven." Augustus shook his head and said: Otherwise, do you know how many people are waiting to see your misfortune? "

Tychus is a smooth guy, very treacherous and cunning. He never messes with anyone he can't afford to offend. However, Tychus has become a bit drifting in the past two years, and there are many people in the empire who are dissatisfied with him.

Although he is not as popular as Jim Raynor, whether in the Terran Empire army or official circles, Tychus still knows a lot of people.

It's just that this guy is not honest in his work. He always only talks about money and not feelings. It doesn't matter if he commits a crime. He just lies down on the ground in front of the emperor. No one can do anything to him, and the people who are fooled by him will be in trouble.

There are many people who have been tricked by Tychus these days. Many imperial officers who are greedy for profit have cooperated with him to resell military supplies in order to make money, but in the end they all entered New Folsom, and this guy is the only one who seems to be okay. of eating, drinking and having fun.

It is difficult not to suspect that Augustus released Tychus just to fish for law enforcement, so as to attract the moths in the imperial army.

"I'm old." I don't know if Tychus heard it, but his expression still seemed a little bit sentimental: "My legs and feet are not as flexible as when I was eighteen, so the jackals thought the lion was injured. It’s too much to bite.”

"You are only thirty-three, and you can still work for another twenty years." Augustus knew that even if he told Tychus to get out now, this guy would still have to rob banks and the like. Tychus was someone who could spend a night with four or five girls. If he had enough money, Augustus couldn't even imagine the ridiculous things he would do.

"Augustus Mengsk, you are not much younger than me." Tychus knew that the matter just now was revealed, so he approached Augustus and asked:

"Why did you come to Talon? It can't be just to cause trouble for me. I guess we are going to make big moves during this time."

Judging from the recent frequent mobilization of various fleets, the empire's high command is holding back its big move. Now that Emperor Augustus has arrived in Talon, this time may be the biggest movement since the war between the Tyranids and the Swarm.

Thinking about it, it is indeed time for the Empire to take the initiative. They have been struggling to resist the attack of the swarm until recently, and it was only recently that they established a foothold on the edge of the Koprulu sector.

But unless the Terran Empire has broad strategic depth and enough strategic reserves to cope with a protracted war, they will never be able to win a war in the form of a defensive war. And throughout human history, most wars have been won by It is won by attacking.

"You are not qualified to ask me to travel all the way." Augustus put down the saucer: "You are right, we will soon have to arm-wrestle with the master on the planet Phaeton."

"So I'm going to regroup an army here."

It can be seen that outside the high windows of the command center, soldiers of the 19th Marine Division are lining up outside, thousands of golden-red power armors reflecting the light in the drizzle in Talon. Transport planes tore through the continuous rain and landed from the sky, and the roar of their engines could be heard even from here.

The 19th Marine Division is a standard Imperial Marine Division, equipped with a large number of medical transport aircraft and medical soldiers, and has fought on many planets. Many members of the division have received the Order of the Silver Tower of Korhal and the Order of the Gold Star, which can be regarded as outstanding meritorious service.

Augustus didn't have to explain his battle plan to Tychus. In fact, there was more than one army, and he even brought in protoss and primitive zerg. He must concentrate on reversing the passive situation. If he continues to defend like this, the situation will only become more and more unfavorable to the Tyranids.

"Phaethon? Isn't that the territory of the Umoyan people?" Tychus frowned, as if the word Phaethon made him sick.

"Yes, we also recognize Eumoyan's sovereignty over Phaethon." Augustus replied: "Now it is also being attacked by swarms of insects. They must be coveting Phaethon's rich wildlife."

Phaethon is a huge desert planet. There are vast deserts and criss-crossing canyons on the planet's surface. The climate is quite harsh and water resources are scarce. Even so, the planet's air is breathable for humans, and its wildlife proves habitable.

Due to its great distance from the civilizations of Terran humans and protoss, Phaethon remained untouched for a long time until the Umoyans discovered and colonized the planet.

Now, Phaethon was inevitably involved in the war. At some point during the Second Total War, powerful garmu swarms invaded Phaethon, and the Umoyan settlers on it were almost slaughtered, with only a few remaining hiding in the sand dunes. middle.

"In this case, the Umoyan people have to join the war." Tychus gloated and smiled. He doesn't even have any sympathy for the national concept of Tyranids, so don't expect him to cry like a cat.

Maybe the Umoyan people are far less powerful than the Tyranids, but their military power seems to be more than just a useless showpiece, otherwise the things Umoyan politicians shout about all day long will become Bullshit.

Based on the ideas of democratic politics and humanistic care that are promoted to the outside world, the United States of Umoyan should not ignore the fallen colonies.

"They claim to have sent a fleet from Umoyan, but so far we have not received any news." Augustus said to Tychus: "In my opinion, there must be a fleet, But the scale is definitely not as big as ours.”

Phaethon is a bit useless to Umoyan. If they lose too many troops for this little valuable planet and are severely weakened, they will be even stronger against the Tyranids in the future. Can't get up.

"I have never seen the Umoyan people take action." Tychus said sarcastically: "Their soldiers have never fought a decent battle, and I don't know if they will wet their pants when they see insects."

"However, their power armor is very nice."

There are few soldiers who don't want to get some shiny high-tech weapons from Umoyan. With its sophisticated and simple design and highly advanced functions, Umoyan's military products often leave a deep impression on people.

The Tyranid Empire will also import high-end technology from Umoyan, such as more advanced unmanned warfare ordnance.

"The Camorians will also participate in the war." Augustus nodded. He also collected a lot of Umoyan powered armor. Such high-end products are for elite soldiers and are more expensive than the standard armor of the Tyranids. Much better.

Umoyan's economy is developed, its social welfare is relatively high, its population is not as good as that of the Terran Empire, and its soldiers are much better quality than those criminals from the old federation. But no one knows whether this group of elite soldiers can win the battle.

"They should indeed contribute." Tychus's words were very realistic and cruel: "Kemorian has no shortage of brave warriors, and there are many of them."

The current Kaimorian Federation is no different from the vassal states of the Tyranid Empire, except that they still retain a distinct culture.

In today's Moria, a huge group of foreign mercenaries from Kemorian are being summoned. No one expected that the two peoples who were once at odds would one day fight side by side.

Coupled with the fact that Umoyan is also following the Tyran Empire, Augustus has basically integrated the power of the entire Koprulu human race. All this is because of the swarm's pressing step by step, otherwise Augustus would not have interfered with other human forces.

"The Camorians have always been tenacious." Augustus said: "If it weren't for the many internal conflicts in their family system, they would not have ended up like this."

At this moment Augustus stood up and put on a cloak.

"Are you leaving?" Tychus was overjoyed. He would be able to do evil immediately without Augustus.

"Come here too." Augustus said:

"We still have an uphill battle to fight."

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