StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 607 Looking at each other and smiling

On the other side, Cerebrate Sass was furious when he saw how the other party made it so refreshing and refined to surrender to humans and live an ignoble existence. Among many brainworms, Sass is both extremely intelligent and relatively more irritable and mean-spirited.

"Brainworm, during that time among humans, what did you do to save our great race as you said?" Sass's voice was like the sound of dry leaves rustling against the cement floor:

"It seems to me that you spend a lot of your precious time enjoying human luxuries."

"Of course, Sass, I don't have to prove to you the painful sacrifices and compromises I made in the past to complete this mission." The brainworm α raised its head and looked at Sass, and various flashes of light came from the stacked fleshy bodies of the two brainworms. flashed across them, showing their unusual inner emotions.

"Everything is according to my plan."

Augustus and Dr. Narud were both confused when they heard this. It seemed that it might, or probably, really had a plan, but it was difficult to tell others.

At this time, the two brainworms became quiet, and only the light flowing on the surface was still flickering. Their heads swayed slightly, as if two queen ants were exchanging pheromones with each other.

After a while, Sass seemed to accept the other party's words, looked at the eagerly watching humans around him, and then lay back peacefully in the Xel'Naga sarcophagus.

What can it do? Without a group of people around them, the brainworms are too fragile and clumsy, with no ability to resist, and can only be eaten by mermaids.

Finally, Sass understood why this brainworm, which was supposed to have a bright future, became like this. As a brainworm captured by humans, if it acted too uncontrollably or had too much ambition, there would be no chance of it surviving to this day.

Therefore, the captured newborn brain worms must show their identification with human culture and become addicted to it, so that humans can relax their vigilance. This is obvious.

Considering that he was in the same situation as it, Sass also knew that the other party didn't mean what he said. But those words just now were actually meant for humans, and only humans can understand the true meaning.

Two pieces of information were revealed to Sass. First, the new cerebrates were still loyal to the swarm and were tasked with saving the swarm in the dark future.

Sass still believes in this. The older the brain worms are, the more deeply they are affected by the will of the swarm, but even if they can detect something is wrong like the master, they are unable to resist. Devouring and assimilating the protoss is the ideological imprint engraved in the swarm. It is this thought that drives the zerg to tirelessly search for the protoss in the universe, allowing the Overlord to rush towards the protoss empire's home planet without hesitation.

Secondly, if you want to save your life among humans, you must hide your strength and bide your time, and don't show your sharpness too much.

The new cerebrates were hinting to Sass that for the future of the swarm, it was worth temporarily putting aside their dignity and settling for compromises.

Of course, this may be easy for a shameless little cerebrate, but as a powerful cerebrate that has been loyal to its master for a long time, Sass is much more arrogant. good.

It was just that Sass recovered from its initial anger and gave up its struggle after feeling the psychic fluctuations of many Dark Templar masters in the laboratory.

Not only does it lack offensive capabilities, but the normal movement of the Cerebrate is problematic. The possibility of Sass saving itself is zero. Only when the Overlord or a swarm of insects discovers this place will it have a chance to escape.

And Sass imagined that it wouldn't be long before humans would transfer it to other more tightly guarded human worlds, and its life as a prisoner had just begun.

"Brainworm, you don't have to convince me, I will witness this." Sass squirmed for a while in the Xel'Naga sarcophagus, as if he was adjusting to a comfortable position.

"Sass, the Tyranids Empire promises me that you will be safe in life." Purple light flashed on the head of the royal brain worm.

"No matter what, you must live. The deep bond between the brainworms will never disappear!"

"I am a noble brain worm, the son of the Lord, a lord of the swarm, and I am immortal." Sass said at last.

Several researchers in white lab coats threw a bag of desiccant into the Xel'Naga sarcophagus and slowly closed it. Then, at the signal of Emperor Augustus, the Royal Guards in power armor moved the sarcophagus into a large rotating cylindrical psychic shield.

"When you are not with me, all the time that passes by will make me miss you even more." The royal brainworm said sadly: "Sass, in human terms, you were once my teacher, and even more strict. father."

"The brainworm Sars has calmed down. Your Majesty, you can start charging the Xel'Naga artifact. Only by proving to the master that the Terran Empire has the ability to reuse the artifact, will the worms invade the empire's territory next time. "Dr. Narud then followed up with suggestions to the emperor without commenting on the conversation between the two brainworms.

Now, large and small wars breaking out on the Tyran border have become normal. The swarm has not completely exited the Koprulu sector, and they still linger on the edge of the Tyranid Empire's territory. This means that the empire must maintain a large military force on the border to resist another invasion that may come at any time.

Although the Empire is gradually regaining its lost territory, and most of the worlds that were once invaded by the Zerg have returned to peace, the war between the Empire and the Zerg swarm is still not over on the long border, and various forms of war have begun. Conflicts and wars occur from time to time.

"Doctor, Sass has just withstood a strong nova impact. Will draining its power hastily cause it to die of exhaustion." Augustus didn't care about Sass's life or death. He only cared about whether this battery would survive. How long can it be used? If Sath is really going to die, it can only order the Dark Templar to execute him in advance, otherwise it will be reborn next to the master.

"The power of Sass is very powerful, enough to be used for one charge, and we will do our best to ensure the activity of Sass." Narud knew that Augustus could not refuse the huge war value of the Xel'Naga artifact, and he only needed to use Nova Impact could save the lives of hundreds of millions of Imperial people, and anyone would make the same choice.

"The Xel'Naga artifact's energy utilization rate is almost 100%, but human technology seems to be still in the Stone Age."

The killing effect of Nova Impact on Zerg is very amazing. It acts directly on the genetic level, which can be said to be "purification" in the true sense.

"We have alternatives if necessary," Augustus pointed out lightly.

"What do you think I'm doing?" Brainworm α was still sighing secretly at Sass's fate, but his head glowed red when he heard Augustus' words.

It was really glowing red, and the light on its forehead kept changing between red and white, just like a police light.

"After much thought, you are more experienced in charging artifacts," Augustus said.

"Augustus, you're going too far!" This brainworm, which had just been talking to Xass in a decent manner, and whose momentum was not even inferior, suddenly became anxious. It was extremely painful to charge the Xel'Naga artifact. Comparable to the top ten tortures.

"The Dog Emperor!"

Augustus Mengsk is indeed the wise king of the Tyranid Empire, but he is the dog emperor of the royal brainworm. This does not conflict.

At this moment, Captain Malen and Lieutenant Colonel Trevas, who had just watched a big show next to them, were shocked by the disrespectful words of the brain worm. They may not understand why this brain worm behaved like someone stepped on its tail. I am angry and angry, but no one here will say anything disrespectful to the emperor.

In the Tyran Empire, even if the emperor is popular among the people, there are countless people who want to assassinate the emperor or are secretly resentful of him, but few people have the opportunity to yell in person.

After all, they had no idea what Emperor Augustus had done to the brainworm.

"What did it just say?" Captain Maren opened his eyes wide, but did not dare to say the word: "What's the dog?"

"This is really terrible." Trevas wanted to bang his head against the wall to forget what he had just heard.

"My God, this is the only word I dare not put into the emperor's daily notes." Faraday said.

"Don't you want to share the pain with Sasi?" Augustus was also inappropriate: "You just called it teacher and father."

"Impossible." We can never rely on the morality and values ​​​​of the brain worm, especially we can't believe even a word said by this brain worm that has been hanging around Augustgrad's court for many years: "I can't see any of them. If one of us had to suffer, it would have to be Sars."

"If a man does not serve himself, he will be punished by heaven and earth."

This is something Tychus Finley often said, and to some extent it is what he has practiced throughout his life. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, the Royal Brainworm also learned a lot.

In fact, the Royal Brain Worm was very happy when he heard that Augustus caught Sass. No, someone had to suffer for it.

Sass may never leave a human laboratory again in his life, but he has gained the trust of the dog emperor and is not restricted. In this way, the task of charging Xel'Naga will never be its turn.

At this time, the Xel'Naga sarcophagus containing the brainworm Sass had already been sealed by a large psychic shielding device. Here, scientists from the Cerberus Project and the Moebius Foundation will further strengthen the Xel'Naga sarcophagus to ensure that it can be transported to the core world in a foolproof condition.

From then on, in the endless darkness, Thass will suffer endless loneliness and torture, unless it surrenders to the Tyranid human rulers, or another new unlucky brainworm will replace it one day in the future.

If Sath is willing to find new cerebrates for Emperor Augustus that can charge the Xel'Naga artifact, then it has a chance to be pardoned.

"Yes, compared to Sass, your power is much weaker." Augustus thought for a while and then changed his mind: "Actually, I am doing it for your own good. You will understand in the future."

"What the hell are you talking about!" Brainworm was angry.

"As a soldier of the Terran Empire, I cannot allow you to insult Emperor Augustus in front of me." Lieutenant Colonel Trevas on the side finally couldn't sit still. He couldn't understand what it meant to charge an artifact, but Nor could he tolerate a zerg speaking nonsense against the Emperor.

"What emperor, he is a devil, a devil! Haven't you heard of the devil in heaven? He has angel wings, but he is actually a devil." Anyway, these words came out of the mouth of a brainworm Still weird.

"Lieutenant Colonel, we cannot ask a brainworm according to human standards, but I will still thank you for speaking up." Augustus waved his hand, signaling Trevas to calm down.

"But" Trevas had to retreat.

"You just said that you want to rule and control mankind." Augustus was about to settle the score at this time. He had given him a script, but the actor had a lot of freedom.

"It's just bragging, why are you so serious?" Brainworm narrowed his eyes and changed the topic: "How dare I do this?"

"I think you have revealed your true colors." Augustus snorted.

"Don't we allow others to have some ideals? You Augustus can sit on this throne, but I can't?" As long as Augustus doesn't let this brainworm sit on the Xel'Naga artifact, it will be fearless.

"I heard such disrespectful, rebellious, and frightening words twice in one day." Lieutenant Colonel Trevas gritted his teeth: "It is really treasonous!"

This is a rebellion.

"Lieutenant Colonel, Lieutenant Colonel, forget it, it's just a zerg after all." Maren and Trevas' other subordinates held on to it tightly.

"Aren't you going to save the swarm?" Augustus just looked at the brain worm.

"I just made it up." Brain Worm sneered: "But yes, only I can save the insect swarm."


It was once the owner of Augustgrad's largest holographic film production company, and all kinds of young actors and popular superstars had seen it. For a brainworm that once pretended to be dead to escape being hunted by a giant bird, dignity and face were not worth mentioning at all.

"I really don't know whether I should believe you or not." Augustus smiled.

"This sentence is also for you." Brainworm said.

"Okay, okay, but before the artifact is fully charged, you have to stay here in case of emergency." Augustus waved his hand and said to the entourage following behind him:

"Let's go."

Augustus said and left the scientific research station. He stopped Dr. Narud on the way and asked him: "Doctor, you know the Xel'Naga culture well. Just now the brainworms said that the insect swarm was destroyed by the Xel'Naga." Is enslavement really a thing?”

"Oh, the zerg and protoss are indeed the creations of Xel'Naga, and they are inextricably linked to their creator." Dr. Narud chuckled:

"If what it says is true, we have to be careful."

"Then, it says that the Xel'Naga will drive the insect swarm to destroy the universe. Is this true? Did the Xel'Naga mention this prophecy?" Augustus asked again.

"Do you believe it?" Narud asked.

"You know, Emil, I am a staunch atheist." Augustus and Narud looked at each other and both smiled.

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