StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 613 Throw Tychus down

Thick dark clouds are rolling over the ocean of Glacius, flashes of golden tree-like lightning are densely knitting the sky, hurricanes are howling, and wall-like waves rise and fall. The ocean is the embodiment of the planet's wrath, and the formidable ocean never hesitates in her fury.

The storm was about to hit, and the sky turned black and dark, gradually becoming as dark as night. When a heavy rain hits, only the land and coastline shrouded in rain in the distance still shine with orange lights.

As if containing infinite power, like a forging hammer hitting an anvil, a row of Viking fighter planes cut through the wind and moved close to the turbulent sea of ​​the vast ocean of Glacius. The strong air current cut through the waves like a sword cutting through the waves.

Then came the second, third, and fourth rows of Viking aircraft whizzing by in the wind, rumbling across the sea, and their shocking posture perfectly interpreted power, high speed, and power.

Behind the clouds, the iron-gray bows of multiple battlecruisers were breaking through the clouds with unstoppable momentum. The lights on the majestic bridges flickered, and the formidable cannons looked down coldly at the roaring ocean. Even in the midst of earth-shattering huge waves, these giant ships sailing in majestic posture remain motionless.

Every inch of steel used to build such a majestic ship symbolizes the might of the Tyranid Empire and the determination of Emperor Augustus Mengsk and his brave and fearless warriors to defend the vast lands of the Terran Humanity's immortal empire.

In front of such a giant steel ship, anyone will suddenly realize how small they are.

"That's the scientific research station built by the Protoss in Glaxius. They study Purifier technology in this facility. As far as we know, it is an anthropomorphic machine mainly controlled by advanced AI." Imperial Fleet Commander Matt Howe Na's profile picture appears on the side of the Hyperion's home screen.

"The detectors show that the Glacius facility is being attacked by a large mixed force, which is mainly composed of scavenger pirates, zerg, and Orega's Fist protoss. Currently, they are still fighting with the reinforcements that have arrived. The Daram protoss exchanged fire." He said:

"The Daram Protoss has sent out many powerful legions of Zealots, and the attack is very fierce. It is expected that Orega's army will be defeated soon."

Augustus nodded to Matt Horner on the other side of the screen and focused his attention on the satellite image of the Gracius facility.

Although the protoss only called it a scientific research facility, in the eyes of humans, it was a magnificent and magnificent city. Even though he had already seen the golden and blue crystal cities in the jungles of Ayr, Augustus was still shocked by what he saw.

In a very different style from the New Antioch and Tamateros of Saguras, the entire Gracius facility is shrouded in the bright white and orange lights of the Light Curtain Bridge. Countless towers and giant cannons that seemed to be forged from white steel stretched straight into the sky. Their astonishingly gorgeous and magnificent metal shells were as delicate and smooth as white porcelain. The endless golden spiers shone under the wash of rain.

Such a majestic building complex has a consistent harmonious rhythm and unique artistic beauty. It can be said to be a collection of beauty. Like all buildings in Durham Protoss, Gracius itself and the weapons it forges are works of art of great beauty.

In terms of the combination of technology and aesthetics, Purifier Protoss is undoubtedly an iconic model, vividly demonstrating the power of machinery and the absolute rationality of intelligent AI.

Like humans, the protoss also has great imagination and the hands to put their imagination into practice. They cannot speak like humans, but their magnificent buildings seem to sing themselves.

The Glacius Purifier facility has the usual soft and elegant gorgeous lines of El architecture, but it is sharper, like a silver moon and a scimitar. The musical lightness and beauty are perfectly integrated with the highly technological and modern architecture.

In the mist caused by the heavy rain, the Gracius facility was shrouded in a magnificent halo, with heart-stopping symmetry and beauty.

"I dare say that as long as you send a photo of the Glacius facility to Umoyan and say that the intelligent machinery made by the protoss is a million times better than theirs, the Umoyan Council will definitely pay a high price for a toilet brick there. .”

"You know the Umoyan people, Jimmy." Augustus put his hands behind his back and glanced at Renault next to him: "But they are no longer satisfied with obtaining fragmentary technological products of the protoss, but are seeking to go deeper. levels of cooperation.”

"It's really a life-long friendship that earned the stars' trust in us."

The Umoyan people highly admire the protoss technology and are eager to bypass the Tyranid Empire and communicate directly with the Dallam protoss. However, it is obvious that even the current Archbishop of the Dallam protoss who is very friendly to humans is not interested in communicating with the Umoyan protoss. Young has no interest in dealing with humans.

Even the Duram protoss cooperated with the Tyranid Empire, helping them rebuild Korhal's ecosystem or researching vaccines against zerg infections. They only looked at their friendship with humans and the human leader Augustus during the Battle of Aiur. For Emperor Mengsk's sake.

What the Umoyang people are least willing to admit is that they do not have anything that the protoss needs in their hands, so there is no possibility of cooperation with the protoss.

"Your Majesty, Artanis' Zealot Legion is attacking fiercely. Orega's army is about to be repelled. The scavenger pirates are retreating. There is chaos within them. According to the analysis of the footage intercepted by satellite surveillance, Orega's Fist The Dark Templar are slaughtering the Scavenger pirates who dare to retreat." General Matt said at this time:

"Judging from the comparison of military strength, the Daram Protoss is at an absolute upper hand. Do we want to intervene now?"

"These pirates are really unlucky. Do they think they can earn a sum of money from Orega without having to pay the price of blood?" When Renault heard that the supervisory team of Orega's Fist was killing the pirates and retreating. She burst into laughter.

Obviously, Orega only regards these humans as cannon fodder. Of course, maybe only those scavenger pirates felt that others didn't treat them like beasts.

"Don't worry, Matt, look again." Augustus just said that.

Judging from the footage returned from a Terran Empire science ship located in a low-altitude orbit above the Gracius facility, multiple armies were fighting on top of it.

The fleet of Durham Protoss is parked above the Glacius facility. The golden-blue Mother Ship, aircraft carrier and Void Glow Ship are looming between the clouds. Tens of thousands of Phoenix fighters and aircraft carrier interceptors are being chased by the Dark Ruler. The alien dragons enslaved by Guan Orega and the plundering ships of the scavenger pirates flew through the sky at high speed.

There was also fierce fighting on the ground. The scavenger pirates had built an impregnable position in the Gracius facility, but the high walls and shields made of steel were simply vulnerable to the Colossus.

These pirates always have a way to get all kinds of military supplies. They even got a lot of arc light tanks and Goliath armed robots from the old Federation era, and even high-end goods from the UED expeditionary force. It's just that compared to the regular weapons of the Tyranids, the pirates are much shabbier and have many additional modified weapons designed to intimidate the enemy with spikes and violence.

It’s no wonder that the Scavenger Pirates were able to dominate the Second Total War incident. They even had a few modified battlecruisers in their hands, but even with a new layer of earthy yellow paint, they looked like they should have been retired long ago. scrapped ships.

"The Empire's fire chariot? These dirty thieves!" The avatar of the Empire's chief engineer Rory Swann suddenly appeared on the home screen. At this moment, he was on the science ship Amerigo following the fleet.

"Damn scavengers! Poor bastards who live on garbage!" He said in a rough voice, with anger beyond his words: "Emperor, you have to do something to get back what belongs to us."

Swann's anger is understandable. In the past, he always asked his acquaintances to get some Federation technology or Protoss technology, but I don't know when the Tyranids became the target of stolen technology.

"Well, Swann, I'm just as angry as you are." Augustus was almost frightened by Swann, of course, as the engineer and inventor he relied on often did.

"I don't know who leaked the secret. Maybe these pirates stole the evil fire we lost on the battlefield." The emperor said:

"These thieves must pay."

"I know you will keep your word." Swann was satisfied with this: "If possible, I hope to get the design drawings of these pirates' evil fire to see if they have messed with this great engineering masterpiece. Doodle.”

"Of course." Augustus nodded.

"I love you so much, heartthrob." Swann left the communication channel with satisfaction.

"Thank you for your love." Augustus shrugged helplessly.

"Oh - this is really tragic. The protoss directly overturned the tanks and bunkers of those pirates." At this time, Renault let out an exclamation.

It can be seen that two scavenger pirate arc tanks trying to escape were swept by the prism rays of a void glow ship, and in the blink of an eye they turned into a pool of vaporized liquid metal. The scavenger pirates wearing brown power armor nearby were so frightened that they ran around and were already defeated.

No matter how ferocious the pirates are, no matter how vicious these pirates are in fighting, their will is difficult to compare with the regular army of the Tyranids. The scavenger pirates are accustomed to bullying local armed forces and armed caravans, and their true colors are revealed when they fight against truly difficult enemies.

"Everything has come together, humans, zerg, and protoss. Orega really doesn't dislike anything." Renault said.

Orega, known as Little Eamon.

"Ourega is an extremely complex character. He is both a crazy idealist and a cold realist." Augustus expressed his views on Orega.

Orega is definitely a hard-working person among the Star Spirits. He is absolutely unambiguous when it comes to swordsmanship. To restore the cause of the Nerazims, Orega would sacrifice anything—even himself.

"The swarm of insects enslaved by Orega and his dark templar warriors are still holding on to their position." Augustus took a few steps in place: "But they are almost certain to be defeated. The fleet of Duram Protoss is outnumbered. Have a clear advantage.”

"I don't think things are that simple. They may be waiting for reinforcements." Renault said.

"I think so too, but unless Orega can assemble another army that can defeat the Artanis fleet, it is meaningless." Augustus hummed.

Suddenly, like a star twinkling, a shadow radiating a crimson death glare appeared in the center of the Gracius facility. The moment it appeared, a high-temperature shock wave spread like ripples, instantly melting all life around it.

This energy body condensed with scarlet flashes was so huge that Gracius's roadbed ion cannon seemed extremely small in front of it.

Orega released a psychic pulse that covered the sky, and everything in the sky immediately turned into ashes and fell.

"A powerful psychic signal has been detected. It is the Dark Archon Orega." Hyperion's shipboard intelligent adjutant immediately reminded him that this intelligent machine controlled by a limited AI program would be difficult to identify Orega even if it was upgraded. Psychic level.

Normally, human beings' psychic abilities range from 1 to 10, but neither Juggernaut nor Orega falls within this range. They are both incredibly terrifying and powerful.

"I think Orega is a fleet in its own right." Renault said for no reason.

"They say Dark Archon Orega is scary, but this is too scary." Augustus' eyelids jumped as he looked at the Hyperion's electronic equipment that was obviously disrupted by Orega's appearance.

Ordinary Dark Archons are already destructive weapons that can end a war, and Orega's body contains the souls of seven Dark Templars at the same time. It seems that this is not just a simple matter like 1+6=7.

Orega became almost entirely a psychic creature, crossing the line between life and death and becoming something demigod. This is a nice way of saying it. Renault would call Orega's appearance a man who is neither a human nor a ghost.

In order to possess such great power, the Dark Archons must sacrifice part of their rationality. Over time, they are destined to destroy themselves, but there is no such limitation in Orega's body.

"The detector detected a large-scale zerg life signal, and a large swarm of zerg was approaching the Gracius facility." Matt Horner said.

"Maybe we should use the Xel'Naga artifact to deal with these zerg." Raynor said to Augustus.

"No, the Xel'Naga artifact is still charging." Augustus immediately denied it.

There is a price for releasing the Nova Impact of the Xel'Naga artifact. Every time it is released, Narud accumulates one more point of energy used to summon Amon from the void to the present world. Augustus would only use it when dealing with the Overlord Swarm, because he had to.

In the view of Renault and others, apart from the painful charging process for the brainworm, Nova Impact has almost no flaws. If there is something good, use it.

"Throw Tychus down." Augustus thought for a moment and corrected his order:

"Throw Tychus down with his Odin."

I wrote in a hurry and sent the unedited manuscript directly. I will refresh it before you read it.

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