StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 617 Ancient Purifier

"my name."

Purifier Phoenix's body structure design is very clever. He can fold his huge mechanical body to save space. It is like a white iron box with a curved surface, covered with fine and elegant gray textures and orange crystal circuits. .

"My name." He repeated these words, his luminous crystal eyes flashing, like a nervous person blinking uneasily: "You are right, Emperor of the Tyranids, I need A new name."

"I still remember. During the final battle in Antioch, I was ambushed by a hydralisk. I could have killed it easily, but my psychic blade suddenly stopped working. After that, I was Put it into the body of a dragon knight."

"But this is a false lie. I am neither a dragon knight nor the real Phoenix."

"I think a new name represents a new identity." Augustus said: "Bidding the past and ushering in a new beginning."

"You have to find your own name and your own path."

"That's good." Renault said inferences: "This is why sometimes we had to remain anonymous in the past to evade federal pursuit."

"Such a wise proposal, Emperor Augustus. In your short life, few people can think as thoroughly as you." Phoenix the Purifier was surprised that he accepted the human proposal.

If the memory source of Purifier Phoenix can become friends with these humans, then this is a certainty for him. Protoss rarely misjudges a person, and friendship will always accompany them throughout their long lives.

"For the name, I can't get a reference file from my memory network." Purifier Phoenix said.

"How about xinef?" Augustus suggested cheerfully.

"Not bad." Marshal Renault's taste in naming was exactly the same as that of his old friend.

"What special meaning does this have for humans?" Purifier Phoenix asked. It was obvious that he didn't like the name very much.

"I have a friend who, whenever he wants to change a new identity and appear in front of others, he spells his name backwards." Augustus also smiled when he said it, and turned to the other person:

"Don't be too anxious. Before that, we'll call you Phoenix."

"I think a lot." Purifier Phoenix said: "There is still a real Phoenix in this world. I am just a fake. Whenever I think of this name, I feel distressed and confused."

"Okay, I have another suggestion." Augustus said after a moment of silence: "Perhaps, you can find a new one from the Protoss language based on the tradition of your Protoss."

"I have fought side by side with Archon Phoenix. He is the bravest protoss warrior I have ever seen. He is not afraid of any enemy or death. We all believe that Phoenix has a brave heart."

"Talandar! In our language, this means 'brave heart'." Phoenix the Purifier immediately thought of this word, and felt a sudden enlightenment in his heart, as if this was how it should be.

"Talandar, that's a really good name." Protoss Phase Technician Karax not far away also said.

"This one is not bad either." Renault thought either one was good. If he had chosen a name, it would have been something commonplace like David Sam.

"This name is just right." Purifier Phoenix said: "I think this may be the first choice I make in my life, and it is by no means a hasty decision."

"I chose my name with honor, my name is Talandar."

"Everyone here remembers this day, Talandar. One day, this name will be famous all over the world." Augustus said: "You will fight side by side with the heroes in your memory and re-create a story that belongs to you." The glorious legend.”

"I look forward to the day when I can fight side by side with you." Purifier Phoenix - now Talandar waved his mechanical arm, as if he was holding a real sharp blade high.

"Emperor Augustus Mengsk and Marshal James Raynor are both heroic figures among the Tyranids. They led their people to bravely resist the tyranny of the Tyranid Federation, defeated the UED human invaders, and resisted the bugs many times. The invasion of the swarm." Phase Technician Karax is kind-hearted, and he is also genuinely happy to see that Phoenix's Purifier clone has found his new name.

"They are to the Terran humans what Tassadar is to us."

"Tassadar. The memory of this great warrior seems to still be bathed in the eternal light of Kara, which makes me feel proud, but it is only a false phantom, a story that happened to another person, not Me." Talandar looked at Karax.

"Your Majesty, the Dalam Protoss flagship Purification has sent a communication request." The bridge communicator said to Augustus at this time.

"Bring in." Augustus ordered immediately.

"I am Artanis, Emperor Augustus." Artanis's image appeared again: "Dark Archon Orega once again fled the battlefield. Just like many times before, he abandoned the battle after defeat. own troops and let them fend for themselves on the battlefield.”

"This is so dishonorable."

The Dark Templar has the same respectable noble character as the Templar, but Orega is an exception. He is more like a despicable and cunning Tal'darin Protoss. Once the situation goes against him, he will not retreat without hesitation. Instead of embracing the glory of battle until death.

"The information we collected also shows that Orega has left." Augustus nodded and said: "Now, my army is capturing the scavenger pirates and prisoners of Orega's Fist, and eliminating the remaining zerg."

At this time, the dark clouds over the Glacius facility had dispersed, the sky was blue, and the surging waves gently hit the coast. Everything seemed quiet and beautiful.

The Tyranid Empire's forces have captured the Purifier Technology Collection at the Gracius Facility as well as nearby defense facilities. This is an army mainly composed of Sparta Goliath robots and Odin. These steel giants easily ran over the scrap metal of this group of pirates, which can be said to be bullying.

Despite this, when Orega arrived, the fighting will of these scavenger pirates was extremely tenacious, even as fearless as resocialized soldiers. According to the reports of the imperial soldiers who landed on Gracius, these pirates became crazy when Orega arrived. In Tychus' words, they were like taking drugs.

But once Orega escaped from Gracius, these pirates completely lost all fighting spirit, crying and knelt down in front of the imperial army, begging for mercy.

"Thanks to the Terran Empire for supporting us. It is with the help of the Imperial Army that the technological facilities in the Science and Technology Collection Hall have been backed up again," Artanis said.

"It seems that we have won this battle, but I don't know why, but I have a bad feeling in my heart." Renault frowned at this time:

"It's hard to say. I don't think Orega's target is the Purifier technology in the technology collection."

"What you said makes sense, Marshal." Artanis agreed: "Phoenix and I also have such doubts."

"We have never been able to figure out Orega's true purpose, but what is certain is that Orega is always invincible."

While the humans led by Augustus were still rebuilding their new empire, Orega had already planned several attacks against the El Protoss.

Ever since the protoss of El and Sagulas were reorganized into the protoss of Dallam, Orega was even more furious and wanted to destroy the alliance between the two races, like a cruel father who wanted to break up a star-crossed couple.

Orega first snatched a Kedarin crystal that was said to have powerful power. That crystal may be the same as the Kedarin crystal that the Overlord ordered to seize before he invaded Aiur. The Overlord believed that there was something hidden in it that was difficult for the protoss to find. The power of imagination.

Orega then used the ancient knowledge of the Dark Templar to create five replicas of the Kedarin Crystal.

At some point before the Brood War, Orega brought five twisted crystals and flames of war to Thagurath, the stronghold of the Duram Protoss, home of the Dark Templar. He is determined to create a powerful psychic storm that sweeps across the entire planet and introduces the swarm of insects into Sagulath to cause endless carnage.

After the Daram protoss foiled Orega's conspiracy, Orega disappeared for a time, and only recently made a comeback.

"Wait a minute, I just got bad news, Emperor Augustus." Artanis suddenly said: "Although the technology in the technology collection has been properly protected, Orega's minions still successfully invaded He accessed the archives of the Gracius facility. A phase technician in charge of the project told me that Orega consulted the documents on the origin of the Gracius Purifier project and downloaded information about the ancient Purifiers."

"Ancient Purifier?" Augustus asked knowingly: "Artanis, I don't know why this worries you so much."

"Your Majesty, this is a history that my people and I are unwilling to mention, but my mentor Tassadar told me that if we do not face history and learn from the past, then we are denying the Templars and the The connection between the Dark Templar."

"The only lesson humans have learned from history is that humans never learn lessons." Augustus shrugged:

"Okay, I'd like to hear the details."

"Let me explain to Emperor Augustus." Phase technician Karax came out at this time.

"Glacius's Purifier is a restarted project. It is inspired by the ancient Purifier project." After getting Artanis's consent, he explained to Augustus.

"The Ancient Purifier Project was ordered by the Supreme Council to create an armed force powerful enough to determine the winner on the battlefield."

Karax said: "The breakthroughs made by the Purifiers in artificial intelligence and intelligent machinery are unbelievable even from today's perspective. In human terms, they are unprecedented and unprecedented. It is an unattainable and unreachable The pinnacle of transcendence.”

"So you are the ones here." When Augustus nodded, Renault said: "We have seen the power of the Purifier from Talandar, but why not use such a good weapon. "

"How did Al fall?"

"I think this may be the same as the mothership and the Colossus. It had to be sealed because it was too powerful." Augustus said.

"There is part of the reason for this. The ancient Purifiers were considered uncontrollable. They once launched a terrible rebellion and brutally killed their creators." Karax said:

"It was a horrific tragedy that shocked the Conclave at the time. As such, the Purifiers were considered a dangerous weapon."

"Now, the ancient Purifiers have been sealed away by the Supreme Council and banned forever."

"What's going on? Aren't you saying that the Purifiers have copied the personality of the greatest hero in the history of the Protoss? Since they are the greatest heroes, why would they do anything to the people they are supposed to protect?" Raised his own questions.

"I think there is something hidden in it," Augustus said.

"This" Karax hesitated.

"I think I have a say in this matter." Phoenix, the Purifier who has been renamed Talandar, has been listening for a long time, and now he puts forward his own opinion: "The copies of the Purifier are all from the greatest protoss. Templars. They continue to improve their martial arts and hone their skills, day after day, year after year, ready for any war to come."

"But after becoming Purifiers, the Supreme Council did not treat them like the former heroes. Not only that, the Council also treated the Purifiers like slaves, treating them as cold weapons and tools." He said: " The arbitrators do not understand that since the Purifiers have digitally preserved their consciousness and personality, and the similarity is over 99%, then they are new lives rather than cold weapons of war."

"For this reason, the Purifiers had to fight back to regain their freedom."

The Protoss Empire has a strict order, and the Kalais are still unable to transcend classes, let alone machines that are not regarded as "human beings". The Supreme Council's arrogance has long since penetrated deep into its bones.

"The protoss have failed these mechanical protoss before." Raynor thought for a while and said: "This sounds similar to the expulsion of the Dark Templar ancestors." Raynor suddenly realized: "Didn't the Supreme Council do anything good? ?"

"Just like we had to resist the tyranny of the federal government, it was for freedom. My parents and I were just farmers in Shiloh. We worked hard and abided by the law, but in the end we couldn't make a living."

"I have to admit, but it's true." Artanis: "The ancient Purifiers hated the Council and the Templars with all their heart."

"We had no intention of awakening the ancient Purifiers. Once they awaken, the consequences will be disastrous."

"What will Orega do if he learns of this?" Augustus and Artanis looked at each other:

"I think something big is going to happen."

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