StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 620 Hybrid Mal

Zakuul, Twilight Fortress.

The dense forest casts ghostly, writhing and twisted shadows in the daylight, and the weird howls of beasts echoed over the ruins of the once glorious temple of Twilight Fortress, like the last horrified screams of the killed people before death.

When he set foot on this strange land, a feeling of remoteness, desolation, but also absurdity and horror immediately came to Augustus's heart. Even the most brave and fearless Imperial soldiers were beating drums in their hearts. Uneasiness and fear quietly affected everyone. Even the chaplains who accompanied the army could only murmur about evil ways, evil ways, evil ways.

Zakul is a vibrant green planet. Countless dense and colorful magical forests surround pyramid-shaped temples that seem to have existed since ancient times. The atmosphere of vastness and mystery blows in your face.

The vegetation here is very peculiar, with fluorescent succulents and bright corolla-like tree crowns swaying gently in the wind. The air was filled with a slightly pungent fragrance, which tasted like crushed mint.

"This place is weird, Tychus. For so many years, you and I have followed Augustus all over the world, through life and death, and visited many worlds, but no place has made my hair stand on end like Zakuul. , shuddering." Renault was staring at the huge Zakuul obelisk in front of him, with one hand on the electromagnetic pistol hanging on the waist of the power armor.

This magical monument is floating in the air under the blessing of some mysterious power, surrounded by green lightning. There are many such strange obelisks near this protoss city called Twilight Fortress, and they can even form a magnificent array when gathered together. Even from far away, one can hear the lightning-like crackling buzz of these obelisks.

The obelisk that appeared in Zakuul is very similar to the Xel'Naga artifact. They are both triangular prisms. However, the core component of the obelisk is a luminous body that shines with fluorescent green light, and the interior is unevenly covered. Housing with irregular geometry. The materials from which these obelisks were made and their mysterious uses are of great curiosity, but may only be known to those who created them an unknown number of epochs ago.

Looking south from here, there is the Zhakul Library. That magnificent building is still in operation today. Countless strange words are engraved on the black stone wall of the library. . In the green flash of light dancing above Zakul Library, exquisite geometric images and incomprehensible equations refract brilliant light, as if there is infinite knowledge waiting to be discovered by future generations here.

Unlike many of El's ruins lying in the rainforest, Zakul's seems to still be functioning.

"This is really evil." As Tychus spoke, a Hercules-class transport ship had already transported an Odin mecha to the surface. When this incomparable behemoth crashed to the ground, the ground trembled.

"Xel'Naga. If they are really gods, they are probably crazy. Let me tell you, let's get some valuable things here and leave early. There is no need to fight with these gods just to catch a few pirates. Dealing with stuff."

Behind him, a huge imperial army composed of Goliath armed robots, Sidewinder chariots, siege tanks and Wolf Warrior mechas has been assembled, including even an attack force composed of Odin and Thor mechas. When these giant-like mechas form an army, it is a spectacular sight. The unified gold and red colors and the unified imperial emblem further highlight the power of the Iron Legion.

Today's more advanced Imperial Wolf Warrior mecha is developed by the famous Axiom Corporation. This new model of mecha can reach a height of 24 feet, making it a true iron giant.

This is the iron torrent of the Tyranid Empire, its scale and prestige far exceeding any period in Tyranid human history.

"Now that we're here, is there any reason to turn around and run away?" Augustus came from behind and said to Renault: "Tell the soldiers not to touch anything on Zakul, and don't believe anything that appears on Zakul. No voice in our head. With firm faith and concentrated will, no one can defeat us."

"The more you say that, the more scared I will pee my pants." Tychus just said this, but he still calmly opened the helmet visor of the power armor to spit out the burned cigarette butts.

"It sounds like we need to ask some shamans from the Druid sect and Haiji Voodoo sect to exorcise the demons. I know that people who are close to the Protoss Altar and the Xel'Naga Artifact occasionally hear some weird noises. Some people are I still have nightmares in the middle of the night. Zakul looks like the source of those sounds."

Renault looked away from the obelisk in mid-air, as if it had some kind of attractive magic power on it. He is not afraid of these strange creations that contain mysterious power, but who knows whether these things will suddenly fall and create a crater.

"In view of some recent events, there is no room for us to be careless." Augustus hummed.

"Are you referring to what happened in District 6?" Renault's voice also dropped.

Sector Six is ​​an advanced research arm of the Tyranid Empire, concerned with outer biospace experiments. What is little known is that a portion of the hybrids captured by the Empire are secretly imprisoned there for research and development of new weapons to combat this terrifying monster.

Although the scientists in District 6 all know that when dealing with evil creatures with extremely strong psychic powers such as hybrids, they must be extremely alert and extremely careful. However, ever since a careless young researcher accidentally released a hybrid, body, a terrible tragedy also followed one after another.

By the time the special tactics force of the Terran Empire's Moebius Corps, formed specifically to eliminate this monster, arrived, it was already too late. Everyone in District 6 has either become a slave to the hybrids or shot themselves in the process of resisting mind control.

The Moebius Corps had to incinerate the entire District 6 and seal all files related to District 6. Since then, the tragedy in District 6 has served as a warning to researchers working on such projects.

"Perhaps the relics left by Xel'Naga cannot truly control the human spirit, but the hybrid must be able to." Augustus said.

Hybrids are evil creatures that combine the genes of zerg and protoss, combining the characteristics and powerful powers of both races. When this kind of terrifying monster appears among humans, it is simply destructive. For example, a hybrid dominator strain with powerful power can even directly crush the fragile human spirit and destroy an army in the blink of an eye.

Compared to the protoss who are born with powerful psychic powers, humans are more susceptible to the influence of psychic powers. Strong armor might be able to withstand artillery fire, but the pilot within it cannot withstand the mental impact.

"Zakuul has a hybrid?"

Tychus scanned the jungle in the distance, as if to find those horrifying and terrifying monsters. However, there are only some weird trees in the distance. These large branches with amber-like color and magnificent texture are intertwined, but not even a leaf can be seen. The trunks and branches are dotted with dots of golden light, like many dense Eye.

In addition, the protoss buildings on Zakuul look very strange.

Logically speaking, although Zakuul is very far away from Aiur, it was essentially part of the Protoss Empire, but its architectural style is far from the luxurious and gorgeous golden and blue cities on Aiur.

The buildings in Zakul are darker and more low-key. The dark walls are compactly laid out, with transparent threads and sharp edges. The sharp black spiers extend straight into the sky. The shining crystal curtain walls and the light bridges connecting them sparkle with dark green. The flash is closer to the style of the Dark Templar.

Only the Protoss Empire itself knows that the decay of these buildings into this state has actually happened recently.

Green is the representative color of Xel'Naga and the void, symbolizing the endless life. In Zakuul, it has a completely different meaning, death.

"I just found out." Augustus said to Tychus:

"A few minutes ago, Artanis told me that Zakul's protoss army had rebelled and instead imprisoned the three protectors they were supposed to be guarding. And the leader of these protoss traitors turned out to be a hybrid .”

"Orega's army also appeared in this area. It must not be a coincidence." Renault said through gritted teeth.

The science ship detection team detected the scavenger pirate base near this protoss city, and the Tyranid Empire came here for this reason. And there are not only pirates nearby, but also a sizable army of rebel protoss.

So far, people in the Tyranid Empire have never heard of rebellions in the Protoss Empire and the Durham Protoss, let alone large-scale rebellions.

Considering that most of the Protoss Templars are of noble character, it is almost impossible for them to defect or even defect in battle. Even if there is a traitor among them, it is difficult for such a person to hide himself in the Kara.

It now appears that the hybrid is not only capable of controlling humans and zerg, but is even powerful enough to corrupt the protoss.

It's perhaps understandable that if Amon and Narud were using templars with Kara instead of Tal'darim protoss to create hybrids, they could more easily invade and use the Kara to spread corrupt ideas.

"Your Majesty, the detector shows that a protoss army composed of Zakuul Guardians is approaching us. They must be crazy, and there are even a large number of protoss archons among them." Matt Horner's The voice came from the communication channel of Augustus Power Armor:

"This is not the way of the protoss. Only in the most critical moments will high-ranking templars sacrifice themselves and merge into consuls."

"Matt, maybe when these protoss realize that their enemy is the Tyranid Empire, now is the most critical moment for them." Raynor said in the command channel.

"Soldiers, the enemy is attacking us, greet them!"

Ahead, in the dark forest of Zakuul, an army of protoss appeared quietly, and hundreds of Zakuul fanatics appeared at the edge of the forest holding light blades. Large numbers of stalkers appeared from the shadows, and the Immortal mechas wearing heavy armor moved their phase interference cannons to lock on the enemies in the air.

"Despicable humans, the current protectors serve a greater power."

From the ancient armor of these protoss warriors engraved with mysterious words, the immortal achievements they were once proud of can be vaguely seen, but in the eyes burning with green psychic flames, there is only madness, and even the stars that make up their The spiritual energy of the Spirit Blade is transformed into the color of its eyes.

"There must be something in the ruins of Zakul'sar's Naga that has corrupted these noble protoss warriors. God, I can hear their roars now." Raynor said: "How long has it been since we last communicated with the protoss other than Tal'darin? Have you ever fought against the star spirits?"

"I can't remember clearly, Jimmy - since we had a fight with the old stubborn people in the Supreme Council in Ayr." Augustus ordered on the command channel: "Open fire, soldiers, show no mercy, they Not the star spirits we are familiar with."

In response to the Emperor's orders, the Tyranids opened fire first. In an instant, steel and fire poured onto the ground, and huge spring pillars made of soil rose from the ground. The god of war appeared in the sky above Zakuul, and destruction came.

On the battlefield filled with artillery fire, everything except the plasma shields on the protoss army was reduced to ashes. Countless bullets, shells, missiles and plasma were poured onto the entire battlefield. Even the protoss could not resist such fierce artillery fire, and a large number of green light pillars rose immediately.

Soon, the Zakuul Guardians fought back fiercely. When the stalkers induced the power of the void to teleport within range, the particle disruptors on their heads released dense void energy. Whether it is a heavily armored mecha or an ordinary Imperial Marine, once hit, it will disintegrate into the atomic state and melt like jelly that has been cracked.

The resolute energy shield raised by the Immortal mecha is strong enough to withstand the artillery fire of the Tyranid Empire's siege tanks. With only two shots, the anti-matter bullets fired by the phase interference cannon can destroy the proud battlefield of the Imperial army. Wolf.

Both sides are ruthless and don't talk much. They come up with real swords and guns.

"Your Majesty, the Zakul defenders' offensive is very fierce. You should evacuate to a safe area." Matt reminded Augustus: "I am deploying air strike forces."

"No need," said Augustus.

"I want to ask to join this glorious battle!" Talandar the Purifier walked out.

Before Augustus could answer, a dark figure appeared in front of him. Such a cool and unrestrained behavior has not caused the attack of the guards around Augustus, it can only be one person.

"Zeratu!" Raynor shouted: "After Zerus, where have you been these days? I miss you so much."

"No time to reminisce, James Raynor," Zeratul said.

"The city of Zakuul was abandoned, and the hybrids planted the seeds of ominousness and darkness on this planet. Their master is the hybrid Marr, a servant of the dark god." He said:

"I came for the prophecy, but I only saw annihilation."

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