StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 622 That Man

Wherever the Terran Empire's human armies advanced along the battle line, fire burned. Missiles trailing flames tore through the earth in terrifying screams, and the cold flash of Zakuul's protoss particle weapons covered the entire sky.

Amidst the deafening explosions, even the majestic temple spiers of the Twilight Fortress on the horizon seemed to be shaking, and the human and protoss fleets roaring across the battlefield seemed to be riding on the waves of destruction. The battle was almost evenly matched at first, with the assembled Zakuul defenders unhesitatingly unleashing their thunderous wrath on their enemies.

Fights seemed to be breaking out everywhere, and fights to the death seemed to be taking place everywhere.

The Templars are all excellent masters of swordsmanship, with a wide range of swordsmanship, and an attack as strong as liquor or as violent wind. The protoss army once tore several holes in the Tyranid Empire army. The terrifying particle weapons and psychic storms were like erasers, instantly erasing the entire Imperial company on the ground, leaving only the charred remains. The traces of decay and scorch are tragic and shocking.

The protoss warriors demonstrated their powerful power in front of humans, and everyone shuddered amidst the angry spiritual war cries of the fanatics. When fighting against the protoss army, humans have a clear disadvantage. Just like whether they can overcome the fear of the zerg is an indicator of the qualifications of a Terran Empire soldier. Being able to scream is enough to defeat an army.

And even when a powerful Templar is trapped in a tight siege, it often takes several or even ten times the number of Wolf Warriors to defeat him, depending on whether he is a fledgling Zealot Order warrior or one who has been fighting for centuries. Like a Kara master who hones his skills day by day.

Protoss are few in number, but their lives are long. This is why every outstanding Templar can be called a Sword Master.

The Protoss Archons, formed by the fusion of Zakul's high-level templar warriors, are worldly gods who destroy heaven and earth. Their bodies with gray-green light and shadow walk on the earth, and they can easily set off storms.

The earth-shattering roar awakened the sleeping ancient guardians in the Twilight Fortress temple city and underground ruins. When the war became more intense, those colossi with black and green icy flashes also appeared from the stasis facilities underground and at the bottom of the lake. .

These slender and elegant giant structures walked on the land under fire. The metal limbs that could climb over the cliff fell like raindrops, and the terrifying thermal ray guns immediately released flames that burned everything. It was a horrific sight that always reminded humanity of the day when the Protoss fleet burned Cha Sara and Mal Sara during the First Contact War.

In the face of such magnificent war weapons, even large mechas such as Wolf Warrior and Giant Goliath seemed small. Even so, this is only a smaller force among the defenders of the Forbidden Documents.

It is conceivable that in the heyday of the Protoss Empire, it was difficult for them to find opponents, so that conservative ideas replaced the ambition of conquest, and countless war weapons were sealed.

The rest of Zakuul's protoss forces were still defending against the Dalam protoss forces from several other directions in the Citadel of Twilight. Although Artanis was extremely heartbroken by ordering the death of his compatriots, during the War of Aiur, his mentor Tassadar also sadly made the same decision in the face of the absurd Supreme Council.

For the protoss, killing a former compatriot is an extremely painful thing. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, they will do whatever it takes to save their people. The current situation shows that the Zakul Protoss has been corrupted to such an extent that Artanis despairs.

This also gave the protoss a warning that their spirits were not so pure that they could not be corrupted.

These corrupted protoss still maintain considerable sanity to a certain extent. They are not completely mad, but their will has been fundamentally changed.

The Tyranid Empire is not afraid of fighting protoss armies, but that doesn't mean defeating the protoss, who have experienced the Great Decline, will be an easy task.

It was not until anti-psionic weapons such as EMP electromagnetic pulse scramblers and EMP shock wave launchers came online that the Tyranid Empire army took the initiative. Then, the Imperial fleet also launched orbital bombardment from high-altitude orbit, while Zakuul's protoss army lacked the fire support of the fleet.

Under the direct fire of naval guns, shells of various calibers bombarded the ground, deadly shrapnel and flames flew all over the sky, and black and brown fountains composed of stones and soil sprayed high into the air.

After two hours of fierce fighting, the Tyranid Empire army advanced to about 2 miles from the Twilight Fortress, leaving behind a large number of mecha remains along the way, some of which were even cut into many pieces by the protoss' particle beams.

At this time, the voice of the hybrid Maar became clearer and clearer in the minds of the Imperial warriors. The high-pitched, sharp evil voice was even more impactful than the war cry of the protoss army.

Since the beginning of the battle, the voice of the hybrid Mal has not disappeared. He keeps repeating that voice full of malice and mockery, spreading indescribable fear. Once the box of fear is opened, it is difficult to close it again.

In fact, except for the casualties caused by Zakuul Protoss, the non-combat attrition all came from the mental oppression of the hybrid Maar. Once brave warriors can become extremely fragile and even collapse, and you can't blame them.

The power of this evil hybrid exceeds all the hybrids humans have seen so far. He is undoubtedly a special individual, even the Chosen One of Amon, the Champion of the Dark God.

"My foolish slaves, the time has come to offer your strength! Annihilation has arrived and no one can stop it!"

"Damn, this guy has been buzzing in my head for hours, can't he just stop for a while?"

"Tychus, how are you doing there?" Augustus' command center was not far from the front line. A colossus of Zakuul Protoss even fell very close to here, with its black body still burning. Dark green flames.

The colossus continued to carry out its killing orders before it fell, until it was left alone and overwhelmed by hundreds of locking rounds from Goliath's armed robots.

"We are still moving forward, and wherever we look, these protoss are defeated like bugs under Odin's feet." Compared with the anxious situation on the front line, Tychus's side is reporting good news frequently.

Commanding this Imperial force was Jim Raynor, who had a completely opposite view of the battle.

The psychic impact of the hybrids and protoss on humanity had a great impact on the Terran Empire's forces. Tyranid humans are a race with low psychic energy. Another ability of the Xel'Naga artifact is the ability to detonate powerful psychic interference waves, which are enough to defeat the will of humans and make them faint.

And people like Tychus are a weirdo. Augustus said that his heart was made of stone. If you crack it open, it might be a piece of gold or emerald, but it is more likely to be a piece of shit.

"But Odin just took a few shots from an immortal, and now some parts are not working well. The repair speed of the nano-regeneration component is too slow. You have to send some SCVs to repair it."

"The Imperial Engineering Corps is behind you." Augustus said: "Odin's damage is not serious and he can return to the battlefield with a little repair."

"That's what it is." Tychus was much more honest today.

A few days ago, Sergeant Tychus didn't know what he was missing. He was so bored that he was peddling the emperor's little secrets in the Hyperion bar, and vividly described the relationship between Augustus the Great and his ginger-haired lover. The story was told with such certainty that it was as if he was the lover.

Although it was impossible to guess that Tychus was drunk and talking nonsense, for the sailors who were still idle even after cleaning the deck all day, they would rather believe that this kind of thing happened than that it didn't happen.

This was fine. The next day, he was put into a solitary cell because he entered the gate with his left foot first. He was not released until the battle.

"The mechanical star spirit is also near me. He was killing everyone just now, as if he was in no one's land, and he doesn't seem to need repairs. Augustus, when will our Odin be able to use the shield. Tychus asked.

"Come on, I'll ask Swann later." Augustus said.

"Oh!" Tychus suddenly shouted: "That damn hybrid has appeared. I really want to clamp his neck and teach him to shut up."

"Take the picture, Tychus," said Augustus.

"Seriously, I bet one of your boys peed their pants. In this case, their bladders won't obey you." Tychus said:

"No, I have to find a way to fuck him."

"Stop, the psychic shield in Odin's cab may not be enough to deal with the hybrid Mar's psychic attack. He may directly turn you into an idiot." Augustus said:

"It doesn't matter if you die, Odin is very expensive."

"I'm just saying," Tychus said with a dry smile.

What comes into view is the dome of the temple with its dreamlike outline. The mysterious obelisk buzzes in the storm and shines with the flame that symbolizes life. The ingenious temple blends into the natural scenery and is shrouded in divine radiance.

And this scene only reflects the evil and distortion of the hybrid Mal.

As if the monster that should only exist in nightmares came into reality, an extremely scary and weird creature appeared on the main screen of the command center. He is a monster that combines the characteristics of Zerg and Protoss, but his appearance and abilities are closer to those of Protoss. He has Protoss-like long skull and narrow chin, slender torso and slender limbs.

The hybrid Mal was suspended on the altar in the Twilight Fortress, and three indistinguishable streams of spiritual energy were flowing towards him from three different directions. Every moment, Mal's power grew. Hundreds of Zakuul protoss guard their current master, and the green psychic energy that represents the void shows that they have been deeply corrupted by the void, but not to the level of the Tal'darin protoss.

Abnormal psionic indexes indicate that this terrifying monster is extremely powerful, and Mar may be the most terrifying hybrid Augustus has ever encountered.

"What a monster!" Dark Hierarch Zeratul did not join the battle.

Such a powerful shadow hunter has the ability to end a war, but he obviously thinks that now is not the best time to take action.

"Even though I have witnessed this kind of monster many times, their evil presence still scares me every time." Zeratul said: "Such an evil demon must be born at the hands of the evil god."

After the Brood War, Dark Master Zeratul traveled the universe not only to search for the Xel'Naga prophecies, but also to find clues about the hybrid.

During the period of his disappearance, Zeratul also visited a place called the Dark Moon (hidden level dark moon), where he discovered a biological factory used to create evil hybrids. However, when Zeratul arrived on the planet, the hybrids in it had long disappeared, and countless damaged cloning facility containers revealed a terrible fact——

A group of evil dragons with only pure malice for the world have emerged from their shells. They were already adults when they emerged from their shells, and their claws have been sharpened.

"Master, this hybrid is different from the ones we have seen before. His existence has even corrupted the protoss." Narud looked frightened, but there was clearly sarcasm in his eyes. The fear of the enemy is the praise of one's most proud dogs and pets.

"Dr. Narud, you are an expert in this field, and you know the mixture well." Augustus asked Narud, what do you think?

This thing was probably made by Narud, and it has nothing to do with him anyway.

Augustus called Narud here, firstly to see the other party's reaction, and secondly, after the war was over, he asked him to study the captured hybrid Mar. If he couldn't study anything, he was incompetent.

"It looks like this is just a hybrid Destroyer, but his psychic level is far higher than that of ordinary samples. The protoss said that Zakuul was once a forbidden place of literature in their huge empire, and the hybrid Marr must be It draws terrifying power from the forbidden knowledge within it." Narud analyzed it carefully.

"Your Majesty, you must be extremely careful when dealing with this kind of monster. It is very likely that he can seize control of the mind within a few steps."

"Look, what is that?" Zeratul suddenly discovered something, and his body even trembled with unexpected anger:

"Hybrid Mal is drawing energy from the souls of the three imprisoned protectors. How evil!"

"We must find a way to save those protectors!" Dr. Narud said with an ouch, saying that this is too evil.

"Maar has controlled the guardians of Zakul, and defeating them will not be easy." The green light in Zeratul's eyes burned brightly.

"The hybrid Marr is too powerful, and the Dark Archon Orega may be nearby. Your Majesty, you must be fully prepared!" Narud said.

As if in response to Dr. Narud's words, several purifying beams from the main cannon of the Protoss Mothership destroyed the entire temple in an instant. In a brilliant flash of light, high-ranking executive Artanis jumped onto the battlefield with thunderous momentum. He raised his head and stood up straight, his shirt rustling in the rising ashes.

"This is cool, man," Tychus shouted.

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