StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 624: Wouldn’t it be a perpetual motion machine if used to generate electricity?

"What. You actually said he would be reborn?" Tychus took a breath of heat:

"What kind of bird is that!"

"Rebirth." Augustus muttered a few words and looked at Zeratul and Narud next to him. There was surprise and uncertainty on their always calm faces: "Just like the brainworm?"

"Maybe yes, the hybrid is a twisted product of the genes of zerg and protoss. It is evil, strange, and like a nightmare. For an evil spirit, death means rebirth." Even though Zeratul stooped slightly, He still stood tall among the humans in power armor.

"Resurrection from death, rebirth from death. For the immortal." Zeratul said.

"I am not overly surprised. In our sad ancient legends, a man with the same talent as Adon will appear when the end comes. At that time, our great hero Adon will return." Zeratul said: "For our people, this is a culture and a belief. We always believe that the shadow protects the people, just like the heroic spirit of Adun protects us."

"Using two different energies of void and purification at the same time, that's not Tassadar." Augustus said: "And I think Artanis can be considered one of them."

"I believe he will one day save our people," Zeratul said.

"Doctor, you have done a lot of research on hybrids. Have you ever seen a similar situation?" Augustus nodded and looked at Dr. Emil Narud on the other side.

"I have never seen a hybrid that can resurrect from the dead. This is contrary to common sense! They are only living creatures after all. Brainworms can be reborn because they are connected to the master's mind, and they can reshape their bodies even after death." Dr. Narud was brave. Xiao, now can only pretend to be calm: "It was the Xel'Naga who created the Zerg. Your Majesty, in that era, they were the real gods. In front of the Xel'Naga, we are just three-year-old children. .”

"Only Cerebrates can be reborn. It's possible that the Protoss Executor didn't actually kill Mal, but that he was just teleported back to the Documentation Hub in the Twilight Fortress at the last moment before his death."

"Okay." Emperor Augustus said, dear Narud, your acting skills are getting more and more exaggerated.

"Just like the stars, they are reasonable." Augustus felt that although it was difficult to tell whether Narud's words were true or false, they could always be used as a reference. Sometimes you have to wonder what he means when he says something, or even guess the other way around.

The next moment, a sudden change occurred on the battlefield that had gradually calmed down. In a dazzling and dazzling flash of light, the outline of the open wings of light behind the hybrid Mar became clearer and clearer, looking like a holy angel. The magnificent temple was also shrouded in a shocking and gorgeous halo.

This is a contradictory creature that is a mixture of beauty and ugliness, absurd and grotesque, beautiful and evil. It would be better if he did not add fuel to the fire of his master who is clamoring to burn the world down.

Hybrids. To this day, many Imperial warriors who have faced hybrids in past wars still live with nightmares of blood-soaked skies day after day.

"Surge in psychic energy waveform detected, hybrid Mal is back." The sensors in the command center continuously alarmed.

"That's really Mal. How did he do it?" Zeratul couldn't help but be moved by this terrifying sight: "His body is filled with the spiritual power of Zakul's protectors. This thing is absolutely impossible." not simple."

"Mal is even stronger than before. It seems he is really reborn!" Narud was as surprised as if he found a dead mouse in his boots, but luckily he didn't scream.

"This is really unbelievable. If this is not a ridiculous trick of stealing a piece of cake, it is probably related to the forbidden knowledge in the forbidden area of ​​​​Zakul's literature, and Orega may have come here for this purpose. Your Majesty, you must destroy it immediately This evil place.”

"No hurry, doctor." Augustus looked quite shocked. But he waved his hand, with a look of interest on his face: "Perhaps, we should first figure out how the hybrid Mal was reborn, and apply that to our technology."

"If you don't understand it, you can't kill Maar completely," Zeratul said.

"You are right, Your Majesty." Narud never contradicted his emperor and acted so obediently from beginning to end. But at this moment, the evil god hidden under this body is grinning ferociously.

Narud is good at exploiting the weaknesses of human nature. In his opinion, this is as full of loopholes as the human race itself. Even though Augustus was Emperor of the Tyranids, he still had weaknesses.

Whenever Augustus showed signs of conceit, suspicion, and fear, Narud took it to heart and took advantage of it. How can a mere human being be more patient than a god?

Throughout the history of mankind, emperors and ambitious monarchs, no matter how great they were, could not escape death, and the same was true for Augustus Mengsk. After all, he is only a human being. No matter how long his reign is, it will only be a brief moment for Xel'Naga. What's more, this emperor who has devoted himself to the empire has left many hidden diseases even in his prime.

According to Narud's observation, the reason why Augustus was interested in Xel'Naga was not because he really cared about any ridiculous prophecies of destruction, but because he wanted to pursue immortality. Well, this is what can be exploited.

"I want to know, if Artanis kills this hybrid again, will he be able to be reborn?" Augustus asked, looking at the hybrid Mal suspended in mid-air on the screen.

"Let's wait and see." Zeratul actually sat down cross-legged and closed his eyes, as if there was no suspense in the coming battle.

"Okay, Zeratul, let's see what this hybrid Marr is capable of." Augustus ordered the Tyranid Empire army to cooperate with the Duram protoss to encircle and annihilate Zakuul in the Twilight Fortress. Ling, but he also pulled up a command chair at the back and sat down.

Only Narud, who was wearing a white research coat, stood aside nervously, clenching his hands tightly and frowning sometimes, as if he himself wanted to go on stage and beat the hybrid Mal.

No one can understand Narud's mood at this moment.

"Your Majesty, we should provide support to the Protoss Executive. The duel just now has exhausted a considerable part of his strength." Narud slowed down and suggested again.

"It doesn't seem necessary." Augustus thought for a while and said.

"This is a Shadow Run, and the testers in the Shadow Run can only rely on their own strength, wisdom and determination to complete the test." Augustus said: "Atanis is not a fool, he must have such a confidence."

"We will reshape the world." A creepy sneer came slowly, and the hybrid Mal roared and screamed, like a wraith that had just crawled out of hell, eager to tear out the enemy's intestines: "Bow to despair!"

"I can kill you once, and I can kill you a second time. Mal, you must pay the price for the atrocities against my people." Unexpectedly, Executive Officer Artanis spoke righteously as if he had taken the template of a male protagonist. Speaking of:

“The firstborn Son of God will never forget a favor and will never forgive.”

Facing the hybrid's eyes that exuded scorching blue light, Artanis did not flinch, but directly faced the monster that was charging like a ferocious beast, the light blade burning and the psychic fire roaring fiercely.

The war was about to break out, and the spiritual shock waves overflowing between the swords and swords ruthlessly destroyed the land under their feet, and the momentum seemed to really make the mountains collapse. Obviously, by human standards, both Artanis and Mal are psychic creatures that exceed the highest detection energy level. They can both set off a terrifying psychic storm with their own power.

Artanis had just won a psychic blast duel, but he showed no signs of fatigue and was even more comfortable dealing with Mal.

In just a few minutes, the hybrid Mal showed signs of fatigue, while Artanis became more and more courageous as he fought, hitting his vital points again and again with the psionic blade he wielded, beating the opponent back steadily.

This time, Mal finally understood that he was no match for Artanis, and actually dropped some harsh words that he would definitely come back, turned around and ran away.

Unexpectedly, Mal foolishly left his back to Artanis. The latter immediately stepped forward, leaped high and slashed open the hard carapace on Mal's back, almost cutting half of it in an instant. body. Immediately, the miserable Mal turned into a handful of soft light mist and floated into the sky.

"Good fight!" Tychus shouted while drinking cold beer, thinking about the time he drank with Artanis. It was really nostalgic. This protoss executive had a good drinking ability. He drank so much that his clothes were soaked and he didn't even taste anything.

"Well done, Artanis." Augustus shouted, and Dr. Narud could only laugh.

A moment later, the sensor in the command center once again issued an early warning, showing that the hybrid Mar's psychic signal was gradually taking shape.

Artanis stood on top of the temple with his psychic blade held high, calmly waiting for the return of the hybrid Maar like a true god of war. As Artanis said, every time Mal was resurrected, he would be killed.

A few minutes later, the hybrid Mal poked his head out from under the water of the temple altar, with wisps of white steam rising from his bare head. Mal could not hide for much longer. Soon, the water in the entire altar was evaporated due to the hot spiritual power surging in his body.

Artanis climbed up the stairs below the Temple of Zakul's Protoss and walked unswervingly towards the hybrid Mal at the top of the temple. Every step you take is as valuable as gold and cannot be shaken. At this moment, Artanis is not fighting alone, countless warriors are supporting him and encouraging him in the Kara.

And with every step he took, the roaring hybrid Mal's momentum seemed to weaken a little. He kept emitting terrible psychic screams, roaring endless threats and abuses, but did not dare to come near Artanis again.

When Artanis picked up the two psychic blades in his hands and trotted forward to charge on the steps, Mal, the hybrid who kept shouting, took a small step back. As Artanis moved faster and faster, Mal retreated faster and faster.

Unexpectedly, a tragic battle did not just happen. The two sides remained relatively still in sync, as if they were dancing a funny pas de deux. Maar must have been frightened by Artanis' ability in close combat and did not dare to let the opponent close the distance.

But in terms of spiritual power, Mal no longer had the confidence to win, so he actually didn't take action.

"When I regain my strength, I will destroy you again!" The hybrid Mal shouted a few words, and actually ran away along another step of the temple. He was suspended in mid-air at an extremely fast speed. It was really lightning fast, and even afterimages appeared behind him.

This scene is extremely funny. This hybrid looks like the kind of ruthless person who wants to slash people with a knife, and he is swearing.

Involuntarily, both Augustus and Narud covered their faces with one hand at the same time.

Dr. Narud's face turned crooked.

But Artanis was faster, and just like Mal, he rose into the air with the use of psychic power, catching up with him again and killing him without any suspense as if he was riding lightning.

Immediately afterwards, Artanis returned to the altar, calmly waiting for the rebirth of the hybrid Mal.

This time, Augustus was able to see the entire process of Mar's rebirth. His body seemed to be reshaped by pure energy and born from the brilliant light.

For a race born from the void like the Xel'Naga, matter, consciousness, and energy are all integrated. Although the Xel'Naga's body in the void cannot enter the real universe, they can build a body in the real universe that can accommodate their consciousness, and then travel around on ships.

In other words, death in the real universe only means the death of that body and has no effect on the body in the void. Rebirth can be achieved as long as a new body is built to accommodate consciousness, and this is what Eamon's "rebirth" is.

Although it is still far from the Xel'Naga, the hybrid Marr may also be able to do this, but the energy required to reshape his new body is much less than that of Eamon.

Therefore, Maar could not be defeated as long as he could draw the energy necessary for his rebirth from the imprisoned guardians of Zakuul's protoss.


"." When Mal once again took control of his new body, he and Artanis, who was only a few feet away from him, were silent.

"Doctor, can't Marr choose the place of resurrection?" Augustus asked Narud.

"It's possible. Mal used this temple as the medium for resurrection, so he can only be reborn here." Narud said to himself: "How do I know? Don't ask."

"Atanis. Leave him alive. I can still be used." At this time, the crystal communicator on Atanis's wrist rang. It was Augustus who spoke, asking him to kill him with the knife. Keep people.

If this were used to charge the Xel'Naga artifact, wouldn't it be a perpetual motion machine?

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