StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 635 Imperial Prince

The main console was activated again, shakingly projecting the flashing imperial emblem, and the flickering light reflected the magnificent and wide bridge and a formidable face.

The man's carefully trimmed and groomed brown hair and beard flickered under the bright lights of the bridge, and his majestic face was as carved as a Greek statue. A lot of white hair could already be seen on his head, but Still not showing his age.

He wore a gray-black double-breasted military uniform with a wide collar and a golden wolf head badge on his chest. Broad bronze epaulettes outlined the silhouette of his shoulders. He had a pistol and a sword at his waist.

"It's Arcturus Mengsk!" Compared to the calm-looking Grace, Tavis Cole couldn't help but panic when he saw this sculpture-like motionless face, even if he felt the reaction in his heart. Remind yourself over and over again. Even if Augustus Mengsk is here, he is still a mortal after all, not much different from himself.

Prince Arcturus is one of the most powerful figures in the Tyranid Empire, one of the few who stand at the top of the Koprulu Sector, and this power does not only come from his brothers who already rule the world.

Able to manipulate people's minds and control politics at will, Arcturus Mengsk is a born politician and leader.

Korhal's House Mengsk built an empire through war, conquest, and bloodshed, and ruled it through politics, ambition, and an iron fist. The family's rise from the fire did not rely on empty talk of ideals or begging for mercy from its enemies. They are fatalists, but they only believe in the destiny they create.

The Tyranid Empire rose from the ruins of countless worlds and mountains of corpses on a sea of ​​blood. Sitting high on the throne, Emperor Augustus looked down on his empire with cold eyes. He and his brothers and sisters had their hands stained with blood.

"He brought an imperial fleet." Gliss's beautiful face was illuminated by the flash of the explosion of a Camorian pirate ship for a moment, looking extremely pale and gloomy, as if she was just a Ghosts that could disappear in the sun at any moment.

More and more imperial battleships appeared on the radar scans. The bright rays of the stars shone on the armor belts of the spectacular battleships painted iron gray. The deep dark sky could not be seen to the end, with only the lights ahead. brilliant.

The formidable battlecruisers lined up, followed by the escorting Valkyrie frigates, science ships and Viking fleets.

Another newer type of battleship, the Liberator, also appeared in this starry sky. This new type of battleship is a new type of gunship-class battleship based on the Valkyrie. When it first appeared, it was defeated by its powerful air-to-ground plasma cannon. It dispelled all doubts about this new type of warship and soon became an indispensable support force for the main fleets of major empires.

The flame symbol on these Imperial warships signifies that they belong to the Prometheus Legion, a legion that has burned many more worlds than the Protoss. In comparison, the Imperial Red Devil Firebats are even more humane than the Prometheus Legion, because at least they don't litter charred corpses.

Arcturus Mengsk's flagship Bucephalus is at the forefront of the Imperial fleet, its magnificent bridge lights twinkling. It is said to be a Gorgon-class battlecruiser.

She is also the largest warship the Tyranid Empire has ever built, and is undoubtedly the brightest star in the Imperial fleet, although this number will soon be undoubtedly surpassed by the new Imperial flagships White Star and Royal Princess. Ground breaks.

Led by the Bucephalos, the Imperial pack of wolves showed their fangs and launched a devastating attack on the panicked pirates without mercy. The precise and orderly barrage of the Imperial fleet searched for every missing person like the god of death. The escaping pirate warship.

Without any mercy or hesitation, one pirate warship after another was destroyed without any suspense and buried in the cold space.

The pirate warships, which already lacked unified command, just fought on their own after the initial shock, confusion and bewilderment, not to mention that the two groups of pirates were fighting to the death just a few minutes ago.

The powerful pirate fleet is no match for the more powerful imperial fleet, and they lack the courage to fight the empire here.

The first to waver were the group of mercenaries. Obviously, the Chimera pirates' commission was not enough to allow these profit-seeking interstellar mercenaries to confront the powerful empire.

"A fleet?" Tavis's face became even more ugly: "In the past two years, the empire has only deployed fleets near the main waterways and has never wiped out pirates on a large scale, let alone this time when the insect swarm invaded. when."

Even if it is an inferior Imperial fleet, its capital ships are genuine Minotaur-class battlecruisers, which cannot be compared to those of these pirate ships. Even a mid-level Imperial Navy squadron is enough to feed the pirates of this galaxy.

"This is a trap." At this time, he finally understood it completely: "The empire would not have deployed an entire fleet in a remote star field if it had not been prepared in advance. Damn it, the Chimera pirates probably also got the empire's deliberate leaks News out.”

"The old Federation Technology Center on that satellite was just bait, and we're now a bunch of fish trapped in a stagnant pool of water."

"Arturus Mengsk!" Tavis looked directly at the illusory light and shadow in the holographic projection, clenched his fists and shouted: "You can't arrest a Camorian who has not committed any crime, you can't do this Do!"

But the man in the holographic image only moved his neck slightly, the expression on his face was as hard as steel, and the flames of the naval gun outside the porthole swayed out of his clear outline.

Occasionally, the prince would nod in a certain direction, as if he had decided on the death penalty of a certain pirate warship at that moment.

"This is an all-channel broadcast. He can't hear what we are saying." Grace said calmly and waved her hand: "I advise you to save your energy."

"Now tell him that we are just passing by and have no interest in the old federal technology here. Will he believe it?" Tavis slumped like a deflated ball and couldn't help sighing.

The Imperial Navy fleet is a symbol of the Empire's force and the basis for maintaining the Empire's hegemony. There is absolutely no way that mere pirates can be an opponent of the Imperial Fleet. This fleet may have just been transferred back from the front lines of the empire. They had just finished beating the Zerg, and dealing with a bunch of pirates was just a slap in the face of children.

"This is simply talking about a thief stealing gold." Grace shook her head, as if she was amused by Tavis: "You shouldn't beg for mercy from the Mengsk family, because they will not pity anyone."

"No, no, I am not a pirate, and I will not die in the hands of the empire." Tavis looked at the imperial fleet getting closer and closer outside the bridge window and gritted his teeth and said: "We should surrender, we should surrender!"

"Your father can use money to ransom people, but all the pirates on this ship, including me, will be hanged by the empire. Even if they risk their lives, they will not surrender to the empire." Grace smiled, Throw the pot to Tavis again:

"Of course, if your father's people were more cautious, we wouldn't be doing this. If Captain Alfred came back now, he would definitely tear you alive."

"What's the use of hindsight? We've already made it clear, and I'm still standing here." Tavis knew the situation clearly.

"Had it not been for the outbreak of zerg infection and plague in your father's mining area, which made it difficult to make ends meet and had major problems with capital turnover, you wouldn't have taken the risk." Grace seemed to have seen through everything, but she didn't clarify it until now.

"This is why I hate telepaths." Tavis snorted: "But now is not the time to argue. The top priority is to find a lifeboat to escape. Everyone can see that this ragtag group of people cannot be the opponent of the regular army. "

At this moment, Tavis really saw the Yamato cannon of Arcturus Mengsk's flagship Bucephalos firing, and the surging flames immediately engulfed the ship shrouded in the shield position. The Chimera battlecruiser. The momentum when charging and firing is extremely shocking. Compared with it, the old Yamato cannon equipped on the pirate warship is nothing more than a match gun.

Several pirate capital ships turned their bows in an attempt to block the Bucephalos' progress, but all their cannon fire just fell on the rising green shield force field, like a punch on cotton. The Bucephalos's counterattack was a fatal blow. Her firepower completely overwhelmed any pirate ship. Even the most magnificent pirate capital ship was extremely vulnerable in front of this imperial flagship.

At this moment, the battleship under Tavis' feet had already been completely paralyzed, and most of its systems had stopped running. In the thrilling competition with the Chimera at "pistol shooting distance", Captain Alfred's pirate capital ship has been defeated.

Not only that, many areas of the battleship were on fire, and the spread of the fire was so large that it was difficult to put out. The raging fire illuminated the riddled hull, and the scene was spectacular and terrifying.

The Chimera's condition was much better. From the moment the imperial fleet appeared, she had already left the boarding battle and was preparing to escape.

At this time, the Kemorian pirate capital ship, which was heading towards death, was floating powerlessly in deep space, unable to resist or escape. It would only take a few rounds of concentrated fire from the Imperial fleet to silence it.

"Escape?" Grace didn't seem afraid at all.

"It's not about escaping, it's about surrendering." Tavis emphasized: "I am just a businessman who was unfortunately captured by pirates, and the diplomatic ambassador of the Kemerian Federation in Augustgrad will definitely try his best to get the favor from the imperial government. rescue our own countrymen who were unfortunately captured."

In the blink of an eye, Tavis had already thought of a way out. There was no need for him to live and die with a group of despicable pirates. Since the Imperial fleet appeared, Tavis did not believe that his side had any possibility of victory.

The reason why Tavis told Grace was that he believed that with her status, she would be able to get the best lifeboat at such a critical moment. He had to stay as far away as possible, because being captured on the bridge of a pirate ship by incoming Imperial Marines was something entirely different.

"Then run away." Grace glanced at him and said mockingly, "But I still have to stay here."

"Are you crazy?" Tavis asked in surprise.

"There are still two lifeboats in Port G. You have to hurry up." Grace ignored him.

"The Cole family will never forget your kindness." Tavis glanced at her and realized that he could not get any more help from this mysterious woman, but it was enough.

Tavis took a few steps, preparing to rush out of the wailing bridge, when the holographic image of the Imperial Prince Arcturus finally began to speak.

Also playing was the tune "I, Mengsk" (Wings of Liberty cutscene heir music), which is said to have been composed by a Tarsonian musician to commemorate the fourth anniversary of Augustus the Great's accession to the throne. , impassioned and shocking.

"My brother has no time to pay attention to you jackals." There was no trace of warmth in the prince's Mengsk family's iconic cold gray eyes, which were cold and hard, as if he was talking to a group of dead people.

Just when Arcturus Mengsk spoke, the Bucephalos opened fire again, and the deadly laser cannon fire completely penetrated the armor of a Kaimorian pirate capital ship.

Like an egg shell smashed by a heavy hammer, this arrogant pirate warship stopped moving in the blink of an eye after an earth-shattering explosion. Finally, it was buried by a huge space torpedo, tilting and burning, like A building engulfed in flames.

It was like a scene in hell. No pirate ship could withstand a salvo from the Bucephalos, and no amount of resistance from the pirates could shake her in the slightest.

The entire starry sky has turned into a terrifying furnace, filled with horrific explosions and burning metal, with tragic wreckage and pathetic corpses everywhere. These steel behemoths are like fragile rag dolls being tossed around in the Imperial fleet. go.

As the rumors say, this is a ruthless character who truly emerged from the bloodshed of war. Arcturus Mengsk has never been merciful when dealing with his enemies.

Tavis felt his hands and feet were cold, and he couldn't make any sound from his throat. In the cold sky, he couldn't hear the deafening roar of those battleships at all, but watching the battleships go silent one by one was a more terrifying mime.

He saw a Chimera pirate battleship converted from a Behemoth-class battlecruiser desperately trying to escape the Bucephalos' barrage salvo, and mistakenly prepared to forcefully enter the jump state, but the other two Imperial Mi The Nuotao class caught up with her and caught her.

Like a ignited firewood, the Chimera pirate warship sank with a roar.

"I only give you scumbags one chance to choose. Surrender without killing." Prince Arcturus paused for a moment, as if waiting for an answer. Then, he spoke again:

"Do it, General Blazer."

After saying that, Prince Arcturus left, replaced by an Imperial general whose face was covered by a heavy power armor helmet.

"Burn them," General Blazer said.

I have a slight cold, my sleep quality is very poor, and I have a lot of nosebleeds...

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