StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 65 I disagree

Augustus opened prison cells separated by steel plates and even iron gratings. In the dim room lacking light, the prisoners who were as skinny, emaciated and even tortured to the point of being out of shape looked like skeletons. Only those who had been detained for a short period of time had the strength to stand up tremblingly.

The Kaimorian Consortium once claimed that in their internment camps, Federation prisoners would receive the most humane treatment and three meals a day, but this was obviously not the case. Of course, the Kemerian captives in Federation prisons weren't much better than this.

"We are federal marines." Augustus said to every prisoner: "If you can still fight, then stand up and take up arms."

“Blood for blood.”

These people were still wearing the clothes they wore when they were captured, but now it had become a layer of rags wrapping their bodies, carrying an unpleasant smell. In the wilderness where No. 34 Asylum is located, water is scarce, and it often takes a week or more for prisoners to take a bath.

However, when these prisoners who were no different from homeless people surrounded Augustus and his marines, the power of anger and hatred burst out from the seemingly haggard and thin body.

At this moment, there was chaos in the camp. Other troops of Warfield's 1st Company had already captured two hills. Another battalion of resocialized soldiers, assisted by two arc-light tanks, had begun to attack from three directions. The Kaimorian troops in the shelter soon found that they had no way to retreat.

When the crowd followed several marines rushing out of the barracks and returning to the landing site, Augustus's fourth squad was guarding boxes of weapons and ammunition dropped from the air. Electromagnetic rifles and ammunition belts that could be slung over the shoulders immediately distributed to everyone.

The prisoners were organized into a battalion with unified command and unified operations, and their mission was to follow the fourth squad to capture and blow up the Kemerian bunker and the electrified Presteel barrier between hills A and C.

Looking from the outside in, the 34th Camp is indeed impregnable. The Camorians cleverly used the terrain to transform the depression between the hills into a small fortress that is easy to defend and difficult to attack. However, an attack from the inside out can Causing them to be in chaos.

Augustus led the first and second squads through the military barracks where prisoners were held and headed to the command center of the 34th Camp.

Along the way, scattered Kaimorian soldiers either died under their guns or fled in panic. Augustus charged forward with Raynor, Tychus, and Harnak. He killed two Kemorian soldiers wearing kinetic vests and smashed the head of another soldier with the butt of his rifle.

The command center of Kemerian is a huge building with a spire, its architectural style is closer to the Gothic style, and traces of the welding of building plates can be clearly seen on the Prey steel walls. A rotating communications satellite station stood next to it.

Only one squad of Kaimorian Rippers was guarding the entrance to the command center, and it seemed that they had just rushed out, rushing to support the defense or escape.

The moment these Rippers appeared at the door of the command center, Grenadier Ward had already thrown out two electromagnetic grenades, three Honey Whisperer heavy machine guns, two individual missile launchers and a dozen electromagnetic rods. The rifle killed three Rippers who were about to rush out in a matter of seconds.

So, these tearers abandoned the bodies of their companions and fled back, disappearing from Augustus' eyes.

"Harnack, Griffith." Augustus said on the communication channel.

"Look, boss." The two fire bats walked side by side into the entrance of the command center.

A howitzer hit and nearly shattered Harnak's breastplate as he stepped through the door into the vestibule, but failed to cause any damage to the wearer. At Augustus' request, Armor Technician Fick thickened the armor plates of all of his platoon's power armor, especially those of the Firebats.

Before Augustus and the other marines stepped into the command center, the Kemorian soldier who fired the grenade fled without a trace. Of course, the group of jailers who guard the prisoners all year round are not the elite of the Kaimorian army. Some of them retired early due to old age or disability, while others are new recruits who have not fought a few tough battles.

To Augustus's expectation, the Kemerian command center looked more like a gorgeous private villa. It not only had a restaurant, entertainment room, rooms for the team leader and foreman, but also a cafe, Opera hall and cake room.

At least fifty Terran Federation prisoners were used as servants to keep the entertainment facilities running and clean. It seems that the Kaimorian overseer of this asylum has completely turned this place into a kingdom for his entertainment and selfish desires.

I can't imagine what the prisoners here have gone through. They are far more decently dressed than their compatriots in cages, and at least have a relatively neat set of clothes. But everyone seemed to have lost their souls, their eyes were dull, and they didn't react much even when they saw the marines in power armor.

"Where is Superintendent Handsbrook of Asylum 34?"

Augustus found a prisoner who was sitting in a corner and crying. The prisoner was wearing a maid uniform with a long black and white skirt and was holding a broom in his hand.

"Keep moving forward, at the end of the road, that devil, he is there." She almost burst into tears: "Too many of our brothers and sisters are tortured here, and life is worse than death."

"kill him!"

"Lundstein, take your people to find all the other Tyranids in this command center." Augustus was silent for a moment and then turned and left, followed closely by nearly twenty marines.

Kemerian oversees Brooke's private room, which is as luxurious as the living rooms of Korhal's nobles. A fat, bald, middle-aged man is sitting in the chair behind his mahogany desk.

At the moment Augustus saw him, he had a pistol in his hand and was about to commit suicide by swallowing it, but he delayed firing.

"I thought there were no cowards in Moria."

Augustus held the electromagnetic rifle in his hand, and the aiming system on the helmet visor had locked the balding head of Supervisor Kemerian with only a handful of hair left.

Supervisor Kemerian swallowed and slowly lowered his pistol. Then, he suddenly began to defend himself: "Those prisoners, those prisoners totally deserved their crimes."

"Why should I be kind to a group of demons who brutally killed my compatriots. Their hands are stained with the blood of the Caimorians. They should atone for their sins! My brother died due to an air raid. I can't wait to eat the murderer alive." Kill that Tyranid, your heroic pilot!"

"You said so much because you want to beg me to let you continue to live?" Augustus shook his shoulders and nodded excitedly when he saw the other person.

But the gunfire rang out immediately, and Augustus watched calmly as the bald head exploded into a pile of bone residue and minced meat.

"I disagree."

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