StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 638 Original Split Pool

Augustgrad, palace gate.

Officials from various imperial ministries wearing gray flannel suits and uniforms left the palace one after another and boarded the government-issued flying car with serious expressions. The face of Frederick, the Minister of Justice of the Empire, was particularly ugly. In the imperial meeting just now, he was sprayed by Emperor Augustus for a long time by his tie, but now the spittle on his face has long dried.

Walking down the granite steps at the entrance of the palace, Frederick touched his neck with lingering fear, secretly glad that he survived.

Emperor Augustus was not the kind of monarch whose face was always clouded with anger and anger, so ministers who were familiar with him knew how serious the situation was when he was gnashing his teeth.

Comparing the emperor to a lion, he just roared in front of the chicken coop, and the chickens pissed themselves off. Only a brainworm looked behind and smiled.

To the Imperial officials, the angry Emperor was even more terrifying than the zerg. Even outside the palace, the trembling imperial officials did not dare to gather together in twos and threes to talk. To be precise, this is not a meeting where the emperor listens to the work reports and opinions of ministers at all, but a meeting for criticism.

There is no doubt that Emperor Augustus was disappointed with the performance of his courtiers. Although there are corrupt elements and anti-imperialists within the government, it is also expected that war-time rebellions, terrorist attacks, demonstrations and workers' strikes will continue to occur no matter how careful they are.

The empire has fleets and artillery to deal with any external enemy, but what it should worry about most is corruption from within.

What really made Augustus angry was that perhaps the stable life had passed for too long, and there were more and more overstaffing. The imperial government became gradually bloated and inefficient, and people who lacked ability and courage occupied crucial positions. position. If things go on like this, the empire will become another federation.

If the emperor is not satisfied with the highly centralized overall structure of the Tyran Empire, then he will prove that no one in the entire imperial government is indispensable.

The power of the empire is highly concentrated in the government, and the power of the government is highly concentrated in the emperor. The cabinet is only a tool for him to rule the empire, used to convey his own will, and no one dares to violate it.

The authority of Augustus Mengsk cannot be questioned by anyone in the Tyranid Empire. His word is law. Under the current situation, this is the most suitable system for the empire.

The weather in Augustgrad is getting colder this season, and the parks and boulevards between the Royal Palace and the Imperial Parliament Building are full of people and dimly lit. Frederick straightened his tie out of habit, gritted his teeth, and prepared to go back and summon the heads of subordinate bureaus to properly convey the emperor's anger.

"General Jacques Bennett, long time no see." At this time, Frederick noticed a man in an Imperial Navy uniform walking over under the escort of guards.

General Jaco Bennett was once a member of the Heavenly Demon Squad. He had a very high status in the empire that was founded on military. He was a patriarch and meritorious figure who followed Emperor Augustus to expand the territory. General Bennett is not interested in politics, but this is what politicians are most willing to approach.

The army belongs to the emperor, and smart politicians should always avoid dealing with senior officers as much as possible.

"Well, I went on a long trip." Although Jako Bennett was born into a noble family, he was not a handsome, elegant and elegant noble boy who could talk to anyone.

"There are wars going on everywhere now, and the battles on the front lines are tense. Not only the zerg, but also pirates and rebel groups are taking the opportunity to threaten the central channel and the edge world." As the Minister of Justice, Frederick naturally knows how turbulent there is outside the core world.

In the past two days, Arcturus has brought tens of thousands of pirates to Korhal's Resocialization Factory, and I heard that this is only the first batch.

"Hey, Frederick, I haven't seen you for a while." Behind Bennett was a red-haired man wearing a Marine Corps uniform. He had a chic ponytail and gold skull earrings on his ears. This somewhat frivolous man is covered with battle scars, but to him they are just badges of honor.

Frederick had long recognized who he was, but had tried his best not to have anything to do with him.

This is General Harnak Hanke, an old subordinate of Emperor Augustus the Great in the Demons of Heaven. The hardships of war have transformed this former street gangster into a real soldier, but the bad aspects of his character cannot be ignored.

"Do you know what we did?" Hanak Hank hugged Frederick's neck and laughed: "We didn't do anything. I just took people to the depths of the Milky Way and released the Zerg's hometown. Made a fire."

"It's so happy! It's so happy!"

Harnak was not bragging, they really led an imperial fleet to Zerus, the birthplace of the zerg.

It is indeed as dangerous as Char. The dense jungle is full of dangers, and there are zerg and primitive zerg fighting each other everywhere. But Harnak was not an ordinary person. Augustus asked him to go to Zerus and set a fire, and he really set the mountain on fire.

Then, according to the instructions of Augustus, the Dark Templars of the Tyranid Empire and the Dark Priest packed up the original schism pool of Zerus and brought it back.

With Harnak's intelligence, it was difficult to understand why they had to go all the way to Zerus to bring a pool back. It couldn't be for bathing.

Of course, Augustus must have his reasons for doing this. He is always right.

Frederick had a dark face and tried his best to break away from the other party's arms: "Let me go!"

The powerful Attorney General has an outstanding appearance, with sharp blue eyes like an eagle and a crescent-shaped nose. Frederick always gave people a cold impression, and he only became disheartened when facing General Harnack.

As the eldest brother of the emperor, Harnak could not be messed with by anyone in the empire.

Foolish people are blessed. Unexpectedly, Hanak fell in love with Tara Bennett, the current patriarch of the Bennett family, who is also the biological sister of Jacques Bennett, and he was already engaged.

"You mean the home planet of the Zerg?" Frederick finally broke free from Harnak's warm embrace.

It's no secret that the zerg were not born in Char, but rather a warm but dangerous place. Of course, today's zerg are far removed from their ancestors, more like swarming insects than reptiles.

The Imperial fleet has actually reached the Zerg's home planet. This incident is bound to cause an uproar among the people. It can be expected that the empire's media propaganda machine can use this to increase the empire's people's confidence in winning the war.

"Yeah, I've been walking alone for more than half a year. If it weren't for the hibernation cabin, I would have been bored to death." Hanak yawned. He was always talkative: "By the way, I brought some with me." When I come back with my specialties, would you like to go to my house and take a look?"

"No, no, I still have things to do." Frederick waved his hands repeatedly, thinking that I don't have time to fool around with you.

"What a pity. You should really go take a look at the primitive thunder beast skull I brought back. It's about that big!" Hanak finished gesticulating and saw that the other person had no expression on his face and finally lost all hope with Frey. Derek showed off his interest as if he were ogling an old woman wrapped in a torn sheet.

"It's boring, I'm going to find the boss."

Frederick shook the sweat off his face and watched the two imperial generals walk into the palace, still feeling a little excited. It's really exciting to have a fleet full of warriors travel deep into the galaxy to attack the Zerg homeworld and return victorious.

Compared with the mighty imperial fleet, the bureaucrats in Augustgrad were really embarrassed. No wonder the emperor was furious.

Frederick shook his head and walked to his flying car. The assistant waiting next to him told him that the Kemerian Ambassador had just asked to see him and wanted him to rescue a group of Kemerians who had been mistakenly imprisoned as pirates by the imperial army. sailor.

"No, under the censorship system presided over by telepaths, no criminal will be innocent, and no one will be wronged." He just dropped this sentence and signaled his assistant to reject the visitor: " Unless his memory has been tampered with, unless there is a deviation in his perception of his own identity."

It would be better to have less contact with the Camorians.

"Are you familiar with Frederick from the Ministry of Justice?" Jacques Bennett walked into the gorgeously decorated main hall of the palace and nodded repeatedly at the Royal Guardsmen who were saluting along the way.

Auguste Gullery is resplendent with all kinds of precious works of art on display, and even exotic flowers and plants are planted in the aisles.

There are many imperial officials in the palace, but their appearance is very unfamiliar to Jaco and Harnak. Most of the old members of the Revolutionary Army are in the Imperial Army and are incompatible with these elites in suits and ties.

But in the final analysis, the imperial government is much more down-to-earth than the old federation. At least there are no despised nobles here.

Although Jaco was once a noble, he never considered himself one of them. In his opinion, Augustus Mengsk was the same kind of person.

"Who said I'm popular?" Hanak considers himself a popular person.

"Okay, let's not talk about this, let's talk about other things." Yaco thought for a while: "Since you have returned to Augustgrad, why don't you dare to see my sister?"

"Don't you dare?" Hanak grinned: "Is there anything I don't dare to do?"

"It seems you really didn't go to find her." Yaco said.

"Just no time," Harnack corrected.

"You are afraid of her." Yaco said expressionlessly: "For a scumbag like you who is not afraid of meat and vegetables, this is really strange. After all, she is also very beautiful, and she is one of the few remaining founding families. leader.”

"I can't deal with smart women. Your sister always plays with me." Hanak sighed as he spoke: "You should be able to understand my situation to some extent."

"No matter how much I think, I still don't understand what your charm is?" Yaco sighed deeply.

This world is really strange. It turns out that an heir to a founding family will never have any contact with a soldier.

Time has passed, and every one of the bad boys in Paradise who are still alive today has become a big shot. The farm boy has become an imperial marshal, and the street gangster has become a famous general.

Jaco could imagine that if he hadn't met Augustus, the ragtag group of people who came out of the boot camp would have either died in the war or gone their separate ways after retirement. Perhaps except Augustus, no one could have imagined that they would achieve great things in the future.

If it hadn't been for that, Harnak had died in the flames ignited by his Firebat armor, and Tychus might have dragged Raynor to commit the train robbers.

"Compared with her, I am more happy to stay with the boss." Hanak didn't take it seriously.

"He doesn't have that much time to stay with us anymore." Yaco shook his head: "He is the emperor of the Tyran Empire. There are many things that we can't help him with."

Just as he was talking, Harnak saw the Royal Guard Captains Faraday and Tychus approaching.

"I haven't seen you for a while. Where have you been fooling around?" Tychus asked when they met.

"Go to Zerus and set a fire," Harnak said.

"You have done a big thing." Tychus said happily: "Then what?"

"We moved the original splitting pool of Zerus back. God knows what it is used for." Hanak spread his hands: "The pool is filled with some kind of catalytic liquid. It is said to strengthen the body and accelerate evolution, but most people can't bear it. Stay, if you jump in, there will definitely be no bones left."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Tychus asked again.

"You ask me?" Hanak waved his hand: "I don't know what I'm talking about."

"Where's the boss?" Hanak asked.

"Who knows." Tychus shrugged.

"Aren't you from the Royal Guard?" Jaco said.

"I'm fired now. It happened not long ago." Tychus' tone was a bit proud.

"What did you do again?" Hanak asked.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't been put in jail." Tychus is a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water. He had no intention of getting promoted to a noble rank.

"Faraday, the Emperor is looking for us, but where is he now?"

"I'll take you there." Faraday waved his hand and led Jaco and the others to a palace elevator.

Finally they came to a hall facing the sun, in which stood statues of ancient heroes, and the four walls were inlaid with gold-framed mirrors.

"What's going on with this taped golden wolf statue?" As soon as he entered, Jaco noticed a strange statue at the door.

Golden wolf statues can be seen in many places in Augustgrad. This heavy bronze statue was undoubtedly intended to demonstrate royal authority to the people of the empire. But this one is very strange, because it is covered with white tape, and the technique is very bad, like a mummy covered with bandages.

Sitting next to it was a brainworm who was studying how to repair the statue. It had big bumps on its forehead and was more silent than ever before.

Hanak Hank thought it was dead, so he gave the brainworm a gentle kick, and the brainworm immediately bit his boot.

".Leave that brainworm alone, Hank."

Emperor Augustus was sitting on the throne, holding his head in one hand, while Queen Sarah was sitting sideways on his right leg.

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