StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 643 The Dominator of the Empire

Augustgrad Palace, Throne Hall Molay Hall.

Moirai is the goddess of fate in Greek mythology, so the throne room is also called the Hall of Destiny. The name comes from a sentence said by Arcturus Mengsk: The most interesting thing for the Mengsk family is to create their own destiny with their own hands.

The Hall of Destiny is the place where Emperor Augustus meets with his cabinet, and it is also the pinnacle of power of the Tyran Empire. After all, only a few people can meet under the throne. Surrounding the entire hall, a thousand flags representing various empire territories hung high, guarding the central throne.

The throne is backed by staggered statues of eagle heads and wolf heads. They are made of pure gold and have silver crystals on their eyes. This symbol represents the destiny of the emperor and the divine right of kings. The red silk carpet under the throne is made of gold. The two big words order and law are embroidered on the thread. There is no doubt that this is the work of Prince Arcturus. Of course, he did not believe that there was really such a thing as a god in the world, but this was a common method to strengthen the emperor's authority and consolidate his inheritance rights.

The great Emperor Augustus I of the Tyranid Empire sat on this throne and ruled the largest empire in the Koprulu Sector. He was the head of the empire. Once his signature was placed on the legal document, it became law. If it is finalized, no one can question his authority.

This is also the White Hall. The four walls and magnificent pilasters are all cut and carved from pure white Luria marble. The inner walls are inlaid with gorgeous carved scrolls, which depict the Great Emperor starting from Korhal and conquering various worlds to finally establish Tai. Many major events in the Lun Empire. This is a majestic scroll, which took a year to be carved by hundreds of highly skilled Kalai master craftsmen from the protoss Frignax tribe. Its exquisiteness and level of detail are rarely seen in the world, and the scene it depicts is like a myth. Sacred and solemn.

The rich curtains of silk and velvet fluttered in the wind, and the Augustgrad midday sun was pouring down from the huge windows, illuminating the gilded stucco and gold leaf tassels on the walls with its bright light.

The clear sky outside the window is as clear as blue, and the jagged skyline of Augustgrad city buildings can be vaguely seen in the distance.

Today, most areas on Korhal are habitable, but some restricted areas are still very dangerous. Whenever Augustus thought back on all this, he felt proud of what he and his friends had accomplished.

But in order to get to this point, too many people have been buried in other places. Augustus still remembered the warriors who fell into the lava lake of Char and lost their lives in the underground cave temple of El. Both their heroic spirits and ghosts are now accompanying and correcting the thirty-year-old emperor. .

Augustus stood alone under the billowing curtains, gazing at the hexagonal green borders of the palace gardens and the towering silver lighthouse of the Royal Naval Academy.

He thought about the square gate of Augustgrad that was not yet visible at the moment. Vehicles, spaceships and pedestrians from the suburbs and other imperial worlds were converging into black streams and pouring into the glorious and magnificent imperial capital. The slowly falling metal in the sky is the cargo ship that travels between Kohal and the surrounding galaxies. Although it looks only a little bit big, it weighs at least several thousand tons. These unparalleled giant cargo ships will transport high-purity crystal blocks from worlds such as Redstone Star and Cha Sara, and then transport them to various parts of the empire in the form of industrial products such as vehicles and spaceships.

Thousands of ships of all types gather on the Empire's central waterway across the Koprulu sector, laden with countless cargo and the hopes of hundreds of millions of Imperial people. The prosperous waterway network accelerated the exchange process and population flow among the various territories of the empire, making those originally closed and backward worlds increasingly shrouded in the glory of the empire. On planets where humans have thrived for several or even more than a dozen generations in the edge world, people's impressions of Tarsonis, the birthplace of the Tyranids, and even humanity's home planet, Earth, may have long been blurred. It was the New Empire that restored the glory and glory of humanity. Brought to these distant places at once.

At this time in 2500 AD, there may still be people who do not know Augustus Mengsk, but they have definitely witnessed the banner of the Empire and the influence it exerts.

Subjects who have never met each other are repeating their daily lives under the protection of the empire. Most people will not think about who is guarding their stable and peaceful days, but the threats of zerg and protoss will remind them.

Just as Augustus was reminiscing about the past, two Royal Guard soldiers stationed at the entrance of the Hall of Destiny opened the majestic door, and an imperial government official wearing a gray tweed suit and a red tie walked in quickly.

This is a middle-aged man with thin cheeks, a clean shaven mustache, and a head of neglected blond hair that always rises slightly disobediently. Although he was obviously not the kind of old Federation official who would spend two hours looking in the mirror when attending a meeting, at least there was absolutely no fault in his appearance as an Imperial official.

Among Tarsonis's gregarious upper-class nobility, this look would undoubtedly associate them with alien bumpkins, but in a group of revolutionaries founded by a series of local nobles, sons and bastards of farmers and café owners, In the Terran Empire, this outfit may be just right.

"His Holy Majesty, Emperor Blessed by God, Emperor Augustus Mengsk, Mike Liberty comes to see you." As soon as he came up, this man used a series of exaggerated titles to attract Augustus to turn away from the window. Come here. Then, he bowed slightly to the emperor and didn't straighten up until he received a reply.

Standing in front of this powerful emperor, even an imperial official like Liberty who was accustomed to grand scenes would inevitably be overwhelmed by the aura of power. Such people are often used to giving orders, and everything they say and do to others seems to be condescending.

Simply speaking, Liberty knew that Emperor Augustus was not such a person. The imperial emperor was like a civilian leader, without the arrogance and indifference common among the aristocrats of the old federation.

"Mike, who taught you to call me that?" Augustus chuckled: "You are still so humorous, but I will not allow others to imitate you."

Speaking of which, the first time Augustus learned about Mike Liberty was from a UNN news column. Among all the news reports that angrily accused the Korhal Revolutionary Army of rape, robbery, and the disregard of human life, Liberty's report on the corruption case of Tarsonis city government officials was a breath of fresh air.

Of course, that was all in the past, and since Augustus put Liberty into the cabinet in a rage, they had become quite familiar with each other now.

In fact, Augustus also admired Liberty, but that did not mean that he liked this person. When he was still the marshal of the Revolutionary Army, it was great to hear Liberty criticize the old federal government for clearing the grievances of the Revolutionary Army, but it was another matter when the target of criticism became himself.

"I just quoted the eulogy that editor Donny Vermilion sang in praise of you." Liberty admired Augustus and was sincerely grateful for his contribution to saving human civilization, but that did not mean that he would become Willingly licking the dog: "In recent times, I have also memorized several quotations from the Great Emperor."

However, Doni Vermillion is a bit special. He did not make rainbow farts on the UNN channel just to win the emperor's favor, but he was a loyal fan of Emperor Augustus.

Fortunately, in the current Tyran Empire, fanatical personality worship is not the mainstream.

"To be honest, I never tire of hearing nice words." Augustus admitted that he was a layman: "But let's put aside the emperor's quotations - eight of ten of them were not said by me, or The author directly attributes the words of the First Emperor, Caesar, Rudolf, Richelieu, and Bismarck to me.”

In other words, this is just bullying the Terran Empire country folk for not reading enough books on Earth. And, leaving aside the plagiarism, the original parts look like the diary of a late-stage chuunibyou.

Augustus almost regarded these emperor's sayings as black history, and would even tremble with shame every time he saw them. But despite his death, Faraday, the captain of the royal guard, still couldn't understand the hints in the emperor's eyes and desperately promoted this "the greatest work of Tyranids since the 26th century" in the palace, leaving Augustus speechless. explain.

"Many imperial territories have listed the Emperor's Quotations as required reading for primary school students." Liberty said to Augustus: "Whenever someone in the Secretary of State's office makes a mistake, I have to punish them to copy the Emperor's Quotations twenty times. Your Majesty , guess what, someone is looking for it."

Liberty was not the kind of old revolutionary army who followed Augustus in all directions a long time ago, because the emperor also needed people with both management skills and experience to assist him in ruling the empire, and many people in the revolutionary army only knew fight.

Although Liberty has a good relationship with the old backbones of the Revolutionary Army, they are not the same type of people after all. Some sharp-tongued news writers occasionally referred to the group surrounding the emperor with poignant words as the new meritorious aristocracy, the same generals who had risen to the top of the empire by virtue of their military exploits.

"Please don't do that." Augustus changed the subject: "Let's get down to business. In an hour, I have to go to the Usa Ghost Military Academy."

"Minister Dunn has confirmed that the Imperial Department of Transportation has opened the waterway to the Sigma sector." Liberty said to Augustus: "The new voyage starts from the Raydin III and goes directly to Calud. Charybdis, multiple outposts have been established in the systems along the way to ensure the safety of the route, and the new batch of colonial fleets are ready to set off."

Since Prince Arcturus led the imperial fleet to sweep away the pirate forces entrenched in the Tyranid Empire, all large-scale pirate fleets have been wiped out, and the Kaimorian pirates and Chimaera pirates can only retreat to Kaimorian Within the sphere of influence of the Commonwealth and the United States of Umoyan. Currently, there are only two or three small privateering pirate fleets still harassing slow-moving merchant ships that are alone.

Facts have also proved that the rampant proliferation of pirates has threatened the Tyranids' control of various territories. Because once normal interstellar trade is affected, it will be difficult to transport necessary supplies and necessities to distant border worlds, and even if they are delivered, the price will immediately increase three or four times because of the availability of rare goods, which is simply unbearable for the people. Fragile economic systems can also easily collapse.

Some lawless pirates will even attack small worlds with weak defenses and plunder populations and resources. This will undoubtedly weaken the confidence of the people of the empire in the emperor and the government.

No matter what, for the current Tyran Empire, it is always right to fight against pirates.

"Very good, very good." Augustus said two very good words in a row.

The Sigma Sector is adjacent to the Koprulu Sector. This distant and dark star region may be deeper and wider than the Koprulu Sector. The stars there are sparse, and it is cold and chaotic. But in such a vast world, a planet suitable for human habitation can eventually be found, bringing valuable resources for the further development of the empire.

Due to the impact of the insect invasion, it was difficult for the Tyranid Empire to expand to the east and south. Therefore, the plan to develop the Sigma sector was gradually put on the agenda by the ministers entrusted with important tasks by Augustus.

"However, one thing you must know is that traces of Tal'darin protoss have also been discovered in the Sigma sector." Liberty poured cold water on Augustus: "Our scientific ship team that went deep into the Sigma sector once discovered But these weird protoss are performing sacrificial activities on their colonial planet full of temples."

"No matter what, the object of their sacrifice must be an evil god."

"These Tal'darim are nothing to be afraid of." Augustus said: "But in the early days of colonization, we still have to try to avoid conflicts with them. We can't start a war on two fronts yet. I know the people hope that we can free up our hands to deal with the protoss. , but this is just a pipe dream.”

"It's always easy to talk about war on paper, but that's just using black and white words to describe a distant and abstract war." Liberty paused, hesitating to speak.

Augustus paused: "Is there anything else?"

"The Navy has submitted a new budget. Admiral Warfield believes that twenty new Gorgon-class battlecruisers are urgently needed to deal with the new threats posed by the insect swarm in the eastern border of the empire in the past year," Liberty said. .

"He thought the Gorgon was a cabbage, and he said that it was only a matter of success." Augustus gave a sharp comment: "This kind of person will not cherish the hard-won Gorgon battlecruiser. I can be sure. .”

With the current financial resources of the empire, it is enough to maintain such a large fleet, but if the Minotaur is converted into a Gorgon, it is another matter. This is not a battleship of the same magnitude at all. Each Gorgon can be counted as a flagship in any current Imperial fleet.

"..." Liberty was silent for a moment: "Do you know the requirements of the Marine Corps? They need two million sets of the latest CMC-400 power armor, and a thousand Thors and... Here is a list for you to take a look at."

Mike Liberty holds a special position in the Terran Empire government. He is responsible for diplomatic work, coordinating the work between various empire ministries, and supervising the emperor's ministers. At some point, he also had to act as a mediator.

"No money." Augustus took the list from Liberty, his face clouded: "Let them go."

"No, tell them to meet me here now!"

The Hall of Destiny was actually not just a place where Emperor Augustus met with his ministers. He was not very particular about the original uses of the many halls and suites in the palace. Occasionally, the emperor would summon senior generals of the Imperial Navy and Imperial Marine Corps here to mediate their various conflicts over military expenditures, lest these roughnecks fight in public again.

The Marines and Navy in the empire are two independent services. If you want to earn more resources, they will inevitably quarrel. After all, generals all know that only those who cry can get milk.

This is not the first time this has happened. In order to compete for military spending, the last time the Navy represented by Edmund Duke and the Marines led by Jim Raynor got into a fight.

These two famous imperial generals are not ordinary people. When fighting, they pulled their hair, picked their nostrils, poked their eyes and sprinkled lime. When the passing royal brainworm joined the battle, General Duke's gray hair Almost almost bald.

When the day came to close the server, I stood in front of the computer and waited for everything to settle, and found that I was more sad than I expected. Ultimately, this is indeed a very sad thing.

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