StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 655 Wuhu! The hero appears!

Durham Protoss World, Swampus.

Swopes is a world that exudes the stench of decay, covered in a swamp with an acidic swamp like a thick mung bean soup, with countless dry branches like pitch black stretching crookedly from the muddy silt toward a sky filled with poisonous miasma. Bronze pyramid-shaped buildings stand in the thick mud and putrid air. Each one is like a mountain, so majestic that it seems to come from another world. The proudly standing spiers are surrounded by green ball lightning.

Surrounding these giant buildings, ancient altars, obelisks and broken high walls are vaguely visible. They are all incredibly large, as if they are ancient giants.

Thousands of years ago, the protoss came to Swopes and established a settlement, but these ancient gold-shaped buildings and the ruins of the ancient city were not left behind by them.

This planet may have once belonged to an incredibly glorious civilization, and the ruins of its great cities look like miracles even today. But that must have been an eternity ago, and the current Swopes is just a piece of mud stuck in the long river of time.

Now, Swopes has evolved into a real hell. The sky and the ground are densely covered with dark purple creeps and bugs extending along the swamp, shaking like a swarm of summer mosquitoes. These twisted monsters covered in solid biological carapace have a bronze-green sheen all over their bodies, which means that they belong to a branch of the Fenris swarm, with a younger second-generation Mini Cerebrate or multiple The Commander-in-Chief of the Insect Queen.

Swopeth's cruel natural environment is quite harsh even to the protoss, but it is just right for the zerg. Once the swarm arrived at Swopes, carpets and hatcheries spread like scars across the planet's surface, and all native life forms were assimilated by the swarm.

And once Swopes is completely transformed into the mother nest world of the swarm, infection and destruction will spread like the umbilical hernia of the universe on planets, hatching endless armies of swarms.

"Swopes. I have to say this is a pustule on the ass of the universe." On the bridge of the Behemoth Hunter, Tychus was chewing a cigar in his mouth and couldn't help cursing:

"Why are there all these ghost places? One is competing and the other is losing."

"Looking at it this way, Turasis II is simply a paradise on earth. What else did we have to complain about back then?" Renault has visited many planets, at least a few hundred in total, but humans rarely visit them. Make your home in a barren land within a barren land like Swopes, unless there are really many mines there.

Most of the protoss came to Swopes for the ruins on it. They firmly believed that the pyramid-shaped buildings scattered across the planet were the footprints left by the Xel'Naga.

In the prosperous golden age of the Protoss Empire, their fleets followed the footsteps of the Xel'Naga. At that time, the territory developed by the Protoss Empire had reached one-eighth of the space once dominated by the Creator. And even though the Protoss Empire has long since weakened and its former colonies have gradually disappeared, its territories scattered across the stars are staggering.

Swopes is definitely not the worst of them all, but he's probably not far off.

"Marshal, the sensors show that the Purifier mothership's main gun is ready and about to fire on Swopeth." Captain Brown of the Behemoth Hunter reported.

The screen on the main screen of the bridge changed, and the super giant Purifier mothership Sebros, shining brightly, immediately occupied the entire screen. The Sebros is so huge that the aircraft carrier looks small in front of it. It is more like a super fortress than a battleship.

The Cybros embodies the brilliant achievements of the Purifier project. The three-dimensional three-dimensional structure supports the oval-shaped ship-based platform, and the burning solar matrix releases extremely dazzling light from the crystal-clear shield dome. Once you take one look at Sebros, you will never forget the visual impact that exceeds the limit of imagination.

Majestic, brilliant and sparkling.

If the Spear of Adun is an ark built to preserve the fire of the protoss, then the Cybros is built for war.

In an instant, a new sun rose under Cebros's main gun, and the most terrifying purification beam that mankind had ever seen fell from the sky. The white plasma beam stirred the gray atmosphere of Swopes, and the endless swamp glowed with blue-gray color. Under the high temperature, it becomes as dry and hard as ceramics, and the evaporated water vapor rises like white smoke.

In less than half a quarter of an hour, the Swopes planet on the main screen of the Behemoth Hunter was like a red-hot carbon ball. Its brightness in the galaxy even suddenly increased by several orders of magnitude, and even exuded a little bright color. of Blu-ray.

When it comes to exploding stars, the Purifiers are absolutely unambiguous about exploding them. They don't care whether the precious Xel'Naga relics are preserved on the planet Swopes. They just follow the instructions and destroy the objects that must be purified. The planet is swept into the dustbin of history.

"All the zerg life signals on the surface of Swopes disappeared." Captain Brown said.

"This is the Purifier's mothership Sebros. They use this great battleship fortress as their home and forward base." Purifier Talandar explained to Renault:

"Today, the Cybros is home to the Purifiers."

"Mom, what does this have to do with us?" Tychus held back his words for a while as he watched the Purifier fleet turn a planet into a glowing glass ball in three strokes.

Watching an entire planet being leveled was really shocking. After all, Tychus didn't want to blow up others while driving an Odin, drinking cold beer, and singing.

As a last resort, the Tyranid Empire will also use nuclear weapons or biochemical poisonous gas to destroy an entire planet, but the power is far less powerful than the main gun of the Sebros. Even so, this planet must be in ruins, and it is impossible for the Tyranid Empire to devote resources to rebuilding it like it did to rebuild Korhal.

The empire's territory is too small to say too much, and even half of it will collapse.

But now Swopes seems to be terminally ill and cannot be saved. Both the protoss and humans have the same attitude towards the zerg brood world: it's burning!

"Svopes has been abandoned by the Durham Protoss. There is no treasure on it that is worthy of us sending the Marines to fight tooth and nail to recapture it." Renault stroked the beard on his chin: "We will take back the treasures we brought after they finish blowing them up. Throw the mining mules down and pick up some crystal ore. If you don’t pick it up, it will be useless.”

"Brown, let's follow suit and fire a few shots to help." Renault is not a rigid person. He relies on his brains to make a living in the Tyran Empire.

Occasionally, people will be surprised to find that the planets burned to slag by the protoss actually have many crystal mines with special properties. This kind of crystal mineral is not only of excellent quality but also easy to mine. Mar Sara and Blackxis are typical examples. It is a real "your hometown has become a mine".

There are a lot of rich ores underground in Swopes, and this explosion will probably bring them out.

Renault remembers the Shiloh birds that followed his father Tres when he was plowing the fields with machinery when he was a child. They could always pick up the bugs dug out of the ground by the machinery without much effort.

They do similar work, and each fleet fleet carries engineering corps and mining mules to supply supplies in star fields far away from the worlds of the Tyranid Empire.

Our Marshal Reno came all the way with Emperor Augustus, and he was a parent in the empire. In the past, he was afraid of poverty, so he brought many mining mules, and only attacked the allies' territory.

"Hehe." Tychus rubbed his hands, secretly thinking that he was going to make a small fortune now. As for what crooked thinking he is using, it depends on whether he will be directly promoted to private after he learns Augustgrad.

Mr. Tychus has some morals, but not much. Moreover, for him, morality is a flexible thing.

"What, they are leaving?" Suddenly, Tychus noticed that the Purifier fleet surrounding the mothership Sebros was turning around and leaving. He squinted his eyes and prepared to drive the SCV to mine by himself.

Although Tychus is a villain, he is undoubtedly a genius. As long as he can get some money, he can even teach himself to drive a battleship.

"Purifier Executor Koralion sent us new system coordinates, which is the Alanor system, and Zerg have also appeared there." Captain Brown said.

The friendship between the young Tyranids and our Purifier is so pure.

"Alanor, that place is not far from our territory." Tychus frowned: "This is not a good thing."

"Well" Renault was also very worried, and he was also surprised at the moment: "You actually worry about such a thing."

"Alanor and Hohandel are very close." Tychus said calmly: "I have a few good friends there, and they don't charge me any money."

Renault was just about to let Master Tychus pretend to be a hero of the empire and lie around, but he suddenly received a report of an unknown ship suddenly jumping into Swopes.

"There is only one battleship." Captain Brown said:

"It's Tassadar's flagship starship, the only one."

"Tassadar." Renault recognized the aircraft carrier that was sailing out of the hyperspace channel at a glance.

As the flagship of Tassadar, the design of the Star Shuttle is so classic that the antique-style aircraft carrier currently built by Durham is modeled after this great battleship.

"What does he want to do?" Tychus noticed that the protoss aircraft carrier, which was glowing with golden-blue light, was heading straight for the Purifier mothership Sebros.

"Tassadar should have personally driven the battleship here in order to reconcile Duram with the Purifiers." Talandar said: "This is exactly Tassadar's heroism."

"This is something he can do." Raynor knew that Tassadar, as a benevolent leader, was also a brave man who dared to go into the tiger's den to feed the tiger with his own body.

"Isn't he afraid that the Purifier will burn him to ashes with one shot?" Tychus knew that the Purifier would not give the Duram protoss any good looks.

"I think Tassadar is not stupid. He is actually a very shrewd guy." Renault said, "If something goes wrong, he will definitely have a way to get out."

"Sometimes the protoss are stupid, and sometimes they are very smart." Tychus didn't care about Tassadar's life or death, he only wanted to make money.

"The Purifiers contacted me. They said that the Dallam Protoss came for peace talks - the Purifiers thought we could talk." Talandar said at this time: "Executor Cororalion wants me to be present. "

"We're going too." Raynor hadn't seen Tassadar for a while. Speaking of which, he is also a warrior, and Mr. Big Scene is not afraid at all.

It would be good if Durham and the Purifiers settled their differences. If they continue fighting like this, they would end up on the territory of the Tyranid Empire sooner or later.

"Standing, rich people are generous." Tychus looked at the solar fragment crystal core embedded in the virtual circuit of the Cebros quietly, knowing that this was the perfect catalyst for the fusion reaction. Although humans are far from being able to harness the power of solar energy fragments like the protoss, they can still use it as a weapon to ignite something.

"Why are you carrying laser cutters?" Renault was walking in the wide corridor of the Sebros and noticed that Tychus was taking out a tool from his crotch to check the quality of the Sebros deck.

"Every word and deed you say represents the face of Emperor Augustus." Captain Brown's face turned crooked.

"If that's the case, I'll give him face if I don't take off my pants." Tychus looked at it for a long time, and was about to break a piece of solar energy fragments to sell for money, when he saw two Purifier sentries walking slowly from the other side. They are larger than humans and look like flat plates.

Mechanical Sentinels are not strictly ancient Purifier technology, but the Purifiers have obviously quickly added Durham's drone technology to the data network to produce this powerful battlefield support machine with higher efficiency. When producing their own mechanical sentries, the Purifiers will add something of their own.

Probably because there was no concept of sneaking around in the database, the two sentries left quickly.

"Put it down, you." Renault glared. They were not gangsters. The Terran Empire couldn't afford to lose this person.

As he was talking, a team escorted by more than a dozen Purifier Legion soldiers appeared directly in front of Renault. These powerful legionnaires all have independent personalities, and each one of them is an ancient hero with great achievements in battle.

"Tassadar!" Renault recognized one of the protoss, and then he saw Phoenix's huge dragon knight armor. ——The only two of them came.

"Ah, James Raynor, I didn't expect you to be here." Tassadar was also very happy: "I hope you can bring my greetings to Emperor Augustus Mengsk."

He noticed that compared to Tassadar, the leader of Duram, the surrounding Purifier Legion soldiers focused their attention on Phoenix. It was probably not because they had never seen the Dragon Knight.

Although the Purifier's eyes were also mechanical, Renault believed that they were all looking at Phoenix with strange eyes.

The fact that Phoenix activated the Time History skill to modify the memory of the Purifier clone and boasted about his achievements is now known to everyone - except himself.

Archon Fenix ​​is ​​indeed a unique hero, and the story is probably true, but there are hundreds of millions of tweaks. Even Talandar himself found it unbelievable when he looked at this memory. If it were applied to humans, it would be to say that supermen flying into the sky and falling into the earth really existed in history.

Well, now everyone knows he is a historical inventor.

"Phoenix, old friend, it's so nice to see you here!"

I'll see if I can post a video of the star explosion, I guess not.

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