StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 671 Professional Exorcism

Imperial Territory, Ketill IV

Ketil IV is a huge planet with a gorgeous star ring system. Countless sand and ice planets form a thin ring around it. Under the light of the star, it refracts like a flaming spirit. Moving ice blue light. This incredible ring is dreamlike and charming, just like a brilliant shining bridge.

In this vast and empty star field of the empire's territory, the Ketil IV is as unnoticed as an indigo gem lost in the gravel. Like most planets in the universe, Ketil is too barren and barren for humans, and the proportion of ammonia in the atmosphere is too high, making it unsuitable for survival.

The voyage ships that occasionally deviated from their course and broke into the Ketil system always turned around in a hurry and left, never noticing that the largest confidential weapons laboratory in the Tyranid Empire was located on this desolate planet.

The Skigel Research Station is hidden in the Empire's top-secret archives, and has only been mentioned a few times by a code name in the highest-authority channels.

This research station is of great significance to the Tyranid Empire. It took more than two years to build this magnificent and magnificent building, using the manpower and material resources of the three surrounding empires and colonial worlds. To this end, the empire even established a small colony on another planet in the Ketil system to house the participating builders who signed a confidentiality agreement.

To further ensure that the Skigel Research Station remains undetected by the enemies of the Empire, the entire majestic research station complex is shrouded in a jamming field, maintaining absolute radio silence.

"Dr. Narud is truly the pillar of the empire. Without him, we might not have to take many detours." At this moment, Augustus had just stepped off the special plane when a gust of wind mixed with a faint smell of ammonia hit him. Come.

Just outside the protective force field on the apron of the Skigel Research Station, the terrifying hurricane was screaming and roaring, releasing a sharp hissing sound, as if even the alloy-cast parking platform under Augustus' feet was trembling. .

In the dusky sky covered with dense clouds at sunset, the fleeting distant flash of a ship's leap can sometimes be seen. A majestic Imperial Gorgon-class battlecruiser is parked above the Skigel Research Station. The red plasma jets ejected from its main thrusters are miles long, like a moving scorching sun.

Just the docking port of Skigel Research Station is incredibly large. There are many huge Zeus-class landing ships docked on it. From a distance, it looks like a group of giant beasts crawling on the horizon. The place is heavily guarded and filled with sentry rail turrets and patrolling Imperial Marines. Their black and red power armor and exclusive Moebius ring badges indicate that they belong to the mysterious Moebius Legion.

Even Augustus only visited the Skigel Research Station a few times, but that does not mean that he neglected to pay attention. After all, not all important research projects can be put into the experiments of the Augustgrad Palace. in the room.

The real purpose of the Skigel Research Station is to study hybrids, study the Xel'Naga civilization, study the void, and study all methods and weapons that can deal with them. In other words, from the beginning of the establishment of the Skigel Research Station, the Empire, or Emperor Augustus, had foreseen the current situation.

"Yeah, yeah." Although he didn't like Narud very much, Marshal Jim Reynolds, who came down after Augustus, agreed with Augustus' words.

No matter what, there is nothing to say about Narud's work attitude. It is not an exaggeration to say that he worked hard and forgot about food and sleep. Even the real ruler of the empire, Augustus the Great, was not so diligent.

What are you trying to figure out?

Dr. Narud is extremely self-disciplined and is by no means a person who just wants to enjoy himself. When it comes to power, he has always stayed outside the core political circle of the empire and focused on scientific research. Speaking of wealth, he also wants money to further advance his research work. Isn't it essentially for the empire?

"Narud has evil intentions and cannot be trusted." Arcturus doesn't like his subordinates who are too smart, and he is afraid that they are not smart enough. An idiot like Edmund Duke is actually just right.

Arcturus had long recognized Narud's eccentricities, but he was exactly the kind of person who was confident in his ability to exploit and control others.

Augustus nodded and said nothing, but he seemed to have said everything.

In public, Augustus talked a lot about how highly he valued Narud, and he also consciously or unconsciously reminded several close friends around him to be careful about this person.

In fact, Augustus was more wary of Narud than anyone else. They seemed to be playing chess on a chessboard, and coincidentally, Augustus happened to know what cards Narud was going to play, but the latter thought he had figured out this ridiculous and ignorant human emperor.

Narud's performance was completely flawless, but in Augustus' eyes, it was full of flaws.

But Narud is not here right now, but is presiding over the final repair work of the Xel'Naga World Ship in the Sigma Quadrant. With the help of the protoss, the world ship, which had been abandoned for countless years, resumed operation.

Speaking of which, Augustus even suspected that Narud had been working hard in the past few years. It was not until he confirmed that his master Amon was about to return that he stepped up the repair work. And he, Amon, may be building the "resources of the empire" Imperial Warships" against the Empire's own masters.

"I feel the familiar power in this research station, not only the hybrid, but also the coldness and hollowness of the void." Unexpectedly, a man with a stooped figure but still taller than most of the humans present Many elders of the protoss were walking down the gangway, and it was Zeratul, the Dark Hierophant.

In the words of the Dark Templar, that is synonymous with void. In the legend of the protoss, the Xel'Naga came from the void.

As he spoke, the tall protoss elder walked down the gangway with steady steps.

After treatment, Zeratul recovered quickly from his injuries. Although Zeratul is old even among the protoss, he remains a powerful Dark Templar.

Ever since they embarked on the path of the brave men of the Dark Templar, these Dark Templar warriors dancing on swords have walked between light and shadow, life and death. As time goes by, knowledge and experience will make them stronger.

"Yes, Skigel holds a large number of hybrids that we have captured over the years. This number may be much more than you know, Zeratul." Augustus looked at Zeratul:

"And you and I both know that this is just a drop in the bucket compared to the true army of hybrids."

"The efforts and sacrifices you humans have made to fight against the doomsday prophecies far exceed my imagination." The spiritual flames burning in Zeratul's eyes suddenly became more shining.

At this point, Zeratul even bowed to Augustus with human courtesy. Although Zeratul has long been accustomed to the suspicion and distrust of his tribe, human trust is really valuable, which is why he bypassed his tribe to seek help from the Tyranids.

Zeratul knew that Augustus valued the prophecies of doomsday even more than the protoss themselves, and he himself was a staunch atheist.

In contrast, look at what his compatriots in Sagurath are doing in the precious time before the dark end - busy with internal power struggles and waging war to regain Aiur.

Zeratul's words may be able to convince some fellow Dark Templars, but they cannot make the El Protoss listen to him.

Tassadar had always been on Zeratul's side, but he could not suppress the surging public opinion. In the view of the Duram Protoss, although they formed a huge golden fleet to recover Aiur, it was also to prepare for the doomsday that would come.

As long as Sagurath sends out the golden fleet, everything will be fine.

When the real doomsday comes, if even the Golden Fleet fails, what else can we hope for? Since the fall of Aiur, more and more protoss have placed their hopes on regaining the glory of the protoss empire on the golden fleet.

Under this situation, the Duram Protoss, who are busy expanding the golden fleet, are even more passive than the Tyranid Empire. On the contrary, the Purifier Protoss has been fighting side by side with the Tyranid Empire and has formed a deep friendship.

"If the doomsday really comes, then everyone will be doomed. In the end, we are just trying to save ourselves." Renault smiled and said, "Everyone has to do their part."

Renault has a strong sense of responsibility. If the sky is falling, he will definitely be the first one to lift it up.

Just as he was talking, an imperial officer wearing a black and red uniform hurried over with several soldiers. Emperor Augustus never announced his itinerary during his private visits, and local governors often saw the emperor appearing in his office without warning.

Lieutenant Colonel Sparks hurriedly apologized to Augustus and led the way for the emperor.

It can be noticed that the uniforms of the soldiers behind Sparks are very different from the Marines outside. They wear lighter power armor of light infantry, which looks more like some kind of semi-covered exoskeleton, and the exposed red protective clothing and military coats clearly cannot make them invulnerable.

All soldiers carry a power backpack to provide energy for the plasma rifles they are equipped with, and wear miniaturized anti-psionic devices on their helmets that are more like some kind of upright antennas, making them look more like communications soldiers. .

Unsurprisingly, this is a special force formed specifically to deal with psychic creatures, and its equipment is more designed to deal with mental than physical attacks.

"We have a special exorcism force responsible for sending these monsters back to the void or into their mother's womb if they have a mother." Raynor said to Zeratul.

Skigel Research Station is both a classified weapons laboratory and the main military port of the Moebius Corps.

The Imperial fleet that is about to set off for the planet Atrias is also assembled here. The farthest one even comes from Jontur II (Jontur II), where the giant construction plant is also Mobi. One of the anchorages of the Sri Lankan Army.

The Empire's Cerberus Legion, Prometheus Legion and Moebius Legion are all armies formed specifically to deal with alien creatures. They face different types of enemies and have more sophisticated equipment.

"Your Majesty, I have to implore you to stay away from the high-risk areas of the Skigel Research Station during your visit, because we cannot guarantee your absolute safety." Lieutenant Colonel Sparks walked in front and turned back to Austria. Gusdu said something.

The risks of experiments related to hybrids are very high. This terrifying monster can even subtly control humans through the power of their minds, so much so that the Moebius Corps must test the mental state of researchers every day at work.

The purpose of Augustus establishing the Skigel Research Station was to find ways to fight hybrids. His top priority was to develop anti-psionic equipment that could restrain hybrids' mental attacks.

At the same time, the Skigel Research Station also brought many surprises to Augustus. Augustus had ordered Narud to find ways to effectively kill hybrids, and Narud did his best to help the empire create many new weapons - to deal with outdated hybrid semi-finished products.

But on the other hand, a weapon that can severely damage or even kill a hybrid is already very powerful in itself, which may not have been thought of by Narud.

"Of course, I trust the judgment of exorcism experts." Augustus' joking words immediately relaxed Lieutenant Colonel Sparks' nervous mood.

The Skigel Research Station is built on five Xel'Naga temples that stand on the top of the mountain. They are connected by multiple fixed platforms. It is a super-large surface building with multiple layers stacked on top of each other. With the Xel'Naga Temple as the foundation, the frame and all-metal covering made of countless tons of alloy cast iron constitute the current Skigel Research Station.

The research station is divided into three floors, and the hybrid monsters imprisoned on each floor are more terrifying.

After a while, Augustus saw Dr. Egon Steitmann, who had also arrived in a hurry - he had just been transferred here recently.

Steitmann was blindfolded when he arrived, which almost scared him to death.

"Weapons research expert Reigel, he is responsible for the research and testing of Skigel's latest weapons - oh, the test object is a hybrid." Stetman asked Augustus as soon as he saw Augustus Sidu introduces his new partner.

It was a dark-faced man with a shiny bald head and a calm and calm expression.

Augustus noticed that Regel's hands had been replaced with mechanical prostheses, and the trauma on his body seemed to have been left in his teenage years.

"Hello, Regal," Augustus said, shaking hands with him.

This is also a rare talent.

"All I care about is whether I'm doing the right thing," Reger said to Augustus.

"As long as you do something for the emperor, you are doing the right thing." Arcturus said with a stern expression:

"Don't have any doubts."

"What are you doing here?" Augustus asked Steitmann again.

"Research hybrids, create hybrids, and repair my collection robots." Stetman's eyes glowed: my cute collection robots.

"They're so cute - but a little naughty. Understandable, they are kids after all."

"Daddy loves you so much!"

Augustus was deeply gratified to see the child slowly becoming lively and cheerful, but perhaps becoming a little too bold and unrestrained.

Augustus knew that Stetman would take a certain amount of terrazine when he lacked inspiration, which would have a certain impact on his spirit to a certain extent, so that he had to see a doctor frequently.

After a moment of silence, he said, "What did the psychiatrist say?"

Refresh, there are two paragraphs just added.

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