StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 69 Preventive Measures

The bedroom is very warm. The boiler powered by the fortress's fusion reactor transports hot water through an intricate network of internal pipes to every supply depot and military camp and other buildings. The heat is released through aluminum heat sinks, making the interior of the building always warm. spring.

As for command centers, barracks and engineering stations and other temporary military camps that can use thrusters to fly off the ground, convection heaters are used for heating.

When Augustus told the story of Cinderella, Lisa Cassidy had closed her eyes and fell into a deep sleep, her long eyelashes fluttering gently, and her chest rising and falling with her breathing.

Because Lisa would always vomit uncontrollably during drug addiction, she wore an easy-to-change white long-sleeved shirt on her upper body. The shirt was very thin, and Augustus could always see the black lace underwear underneath.

Lisa's shorts were only twelve and a half inches long, and her round and white thighs were exposed. Her small feet were covered with flesh-colored stockings, and her fingers were slightly raised inward.

Augustus, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, looked at it for a while and then looked back. Augustus admitted that Lisa's body was indeed quite attractive, and he was not shy about admitting his desires.

After all, before time travel, he was also someone who would send "Here are some pornographic pictures" and "My friends want to see them" in the chat group.

Stuffing the books in his hands into the bookcase next to him, Augustus untied the restraints that tied Lisa, and then covered her with a quilt. After confirming that every corner of the quilt was square, Augustus turned off the light, closed the door, and left happily.

Back in his bedroom, Augustus opened his PIG laptop and began writing the letter he would send back to Korhal this week.

As always, Augustus mentioned some interesting things in his letters to his sister Dorothy, and at the same time unconsciously talked about his achievements to maintain his glorious image in Dorothy's heart.

Dorothy always complained to Augustus about some of the rules and regulations in the school in her letters, talking about her troubles and annoying suitors. Augustus always felt an inexplicable panic whenever he saw a suitor.

Therefore, in his reply, in addition to enlightening and comforting Dorothy, Augustus also spent a lot of words criticizing the bad qualities of men.

In the letter to his mother, Augustus mentioned his brother Arcturus and said a few good words for his brother. It is said that Arcturus Mengsk is actually a man with lofty ideals, his aspirations are in the stars and the sea, but there is no mention of his desire to mine.

Augustus was afraid that his father Angus would be so angry that he would have a cerebral hemorrhage if he found out.

In the letter, Augustus only talked about his achievements in a few words, because he knew that although his mother would be proud of him, she would definitely be more worried about the dangers that would follow the achievements.

In the remaining part, Augustus talked about the security issue at home and tried hard to get his parents to pay attention to this issue. From the Mengsk family's seaside villa, summer manor, mountain castle to the Mengsk Sky Tower in Stillling City, every family residence should strengthen security and guard against infiltration.

Originally, Augustus still had some luck in his heart, but after reading the letter from his mother last time, Augustus could only accept the fact that he would definitely be involved in the Korhal independence incident. It was impossible to convince the father.

After careful consideration, Augustus decided to use the information he knew to make early plans and do his best to protect his family. No one knows when the three ghost agents will arrive, take Angus' head, and kill his mother and sister.

In order to make his father take it seriously instead of treating it as a child's inexplicable fear and wild fantasy, Augustus used sincere words, even playing the family card:

Mom, it has been five months since I came to Turasis. I am used to seeing death. My comrades and brothers died in front of my eyes, but I was powerless and could only cry out of grief.

Ten thousand crosses were erected on the cemetery of Pork Pride, and ten thousand homeless souls were wailing over the city.

These days, I'm always so worried that I can't sleep. As I watched the forklifts scooping up corpses and the crows of Turasis surrounding the rising dust, I began to think about the meaning of death.

Mom, the cause of revolution is always accompanied by intrigues, persecution and assassinations. Angus believed that as long as the people of Korhal were on his side, as long as his supporters surrounded him, and as long as he stood in the sun, the federal lackeys would not dare to do anything to him.

But let me say, no matter how you estimate the despicability and viciousness of your enemies, it is impossible to overestimate them.

The leaders of the Terran Federation have used various means to eliminate their political opponents, and slander in the public opinion is just one of their usual tactics. The Council of Tarsonis has sent special forces more than once to assassinate the planetary overseers of Kaimorion, the presidents of giant mining companies, and high-ranking officials within the union.

If Angus is determined to start a revolution, he must consider this possibility. Even if he wasn't thinking about himself, he should be thinking about his wife and little daughter.

Mom, I am worried about your safety and afraid of losing you. Mom, have mercy on your child who is a few light years away. Please "build a high wall" in the Mengsk family's house so that I can sleep peacefully.

Augustus then laid out a very detailed list of security systems. For example, all outdated infrared sensors should be replaced immediately with highly sensitive air vibration sensors that can detect invisible units.

Build safe passages and secret rooms underground. The passages must lead directly to the apron. The doors of the secret rooms must be strong enough to withstand nuclear explosions as a minimum requirement.

Security forces must receive professional anti-infiltration and anti-submarine training, be equipped with CMC power armor, and use the latest electromagnetic weapons. Personnel must be recruited from Umoyan with high salaries, and only Umoyan people are required.

...If the other parents of Augustus can at least understand, after all, assassinations against members of the Mengsk family have happened, but replacing all fire-fighting equipment would be a bit baffling.

The fire-fighting equipment that Augustus ordered replaced were all of the latest models, with one exception. He asked for more powder fire extinguishers to be stocked, and the powder in them should preferably be sticky.

Because he knows that ghost agents can become invisible with the help of refractive clothing, and this is the easiest way to deal with invisible people. When you can't see them, use something that outlines them to make them visible. Fire extinguishers, flour, and buckets of paint all work.

These are just one of the methods that Augustus thought of. As for more and more complicated ones, he must wait until he knows Korha before doing them himself.

At the end of the letter, Augustus told his mother that he had been applying for a long leave but had not been granted it.

However, he will have a week off before Christmas at the end of the year, and will return to Korhal in mid-December.

Thanks for the support!

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