StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 675 It was Eamon who was beaten

Amidst the huge flashes and horrifying explosions, the main guns of several Terran Empire Sigma Sector Fleet warships took the lead in firing at the Tal'darin fleet directly ahead. Orange flames rushed out of the daunting huge muzzles, and dense laser cannons A curtain of death composed of barrage and missile clusters followed one after another.

In the dark deep sky, countless rays of light lit up simultaneously with the folding fluctuations. There were countless battleships and countless roaring muzzles.

As if being whipped by a sharp whip, a Taldarin aircraft carrier that was outside the mothership's invisible force field was hit by a concentrated fire from Yamato artillery, causing its shield to collapse. The broken bow of the ship collapsed incomparably. It leaned sideways under the huge force, and spectacular and hot flames spurted out like a welding torch.

This scene was both spectacular and terrifying. The flames passed through the bridge and deck in an instant, killing all life along the way. The surrounding Tal'darin fighter planes were all rushing away to escape the shock wave generated by the explosion of the battleship.

As multiple Imperial science ships and Ravens joined the battlefield, the Tal'darin battleship in the mothership's stealth field was unable to hide from the high-precision detection array. In the blink of an eye, the wolves of the Empire showed their fangs and tore off a large piece of bloody flesh from the enemy's body.

For a moment, the Tal'darin War Lord's cold orders were deafening as he sat high on the Tal'darin mothership and overlooked the entire battlefield. Countless Tal'darin aircraft carrier interceptors swarmed out from the invisible force field, and the twin plasma cannons were like Welding the shields and decks of human warships with scalpel-like precision.

The Tal'darin Destroyer battleship, which was transformed from the Duram Protoss Void Glow Ship, stood out from the crowd. The scarlet energy beam containing destructive power swept across the frontmost Imperial battleship, like light refracted by different mirrors. It usually jumps and collides between adjacent battleships, forming a desperate chain of light that symbolizes death.

From time to time, frigates and fighter planes from both sides were destroyed after bright flashes of light. Some Imperial fighter planes that were melted by the beam of the Tal'darin mothership did not even leave any decent wreckage.

Hurricanes filled with ripples of destruction overflowed in the Atrias galaxy. The fleets of both sides fought and advanced at high speed, quickly changing from a long-range bombardment to a close-range desperate fight.

A large group of Tal'darin Phoenix aircraft approached the Imperial fleet with their excellent maneuverability. These powerful attack fighters obtained from the Dalam protoss have been used by Tal'darin fleet commanders to disrupt the enemy's formation and attack weak points.

Under the terrible artillery fire, the Viking fighter planes of the Tyranid Empire drove out of the hangar one by one and took off from the docks of the battlecruiser and large fighter carrier to block the incoming Phoenix fighter planes. Just like the noble Imperial Falcon and Tal'darin Blood Phoenix flying together into the sky on a battlefield filled with flames, brave human and protoss fighter pilots seemed to be dancing in the few gaps in the beam jungle.

This is the war of the brave.

Since the first ten minutes of the war, many Tal'darin and Imperial warships have been severely damaged or damaged, and the war has spread to the entire galaxy.

But this is just the beginning.

Under the indiscriminate bombardment of the Tal'darin fleet, the Imperial Gorgon-class battlecruisers Supreme, The Reckoning, and Apex Predator broke into the tower with an unshakable attitude. In the formation of Darling's fleet. At the same time, more majestic and majestic silhouettes of Gorgon battleships followed, with such momentum that it seemed as if the sky was about to fall and the mountains were about to be destroyed.

There was only one order on the Imperial fleet's communications channel.

"Attack! Attack! Attack again!"

When these formidable Imperial capital ships launched an attack, the entire world seemed to be reduced to the flash of cannons. Countless laser beams and missiles spurted out. Multiple aircraft tried to pass through this terrifying barrage. The Tal'darin reconnaissance plane was immediately riddled with holes.

In front and on the flanks of the Tyranid Empire are Gorgon-class battlecruisers with strong ships and powerful guns. Hundreds of majestic main battleships of the Empire form an indestructible attack formation. Tal'darim warships had advantages in size and firepower, but the sheer number of Imperial ships made up for the difference.

Another burst of dazzling flashes flashed, and a compressed fusion explosion beam burst out from the Yamato cannon of the Final Judgment's Gorgon, and ruthlessly bombarded the raised shield of the Tal'darin mothership. The fire Rain suddenly poured down from the shield like a curtain of rain.

Immediately, the huge steel battleship also suffered a fierce counterattack. At least three Tal'darin aircraft carriers locked onto her again, and the swarming aircraft carrier aircraft pecked at the shield field on the battleship like birds of prey.

However, the first one to be damaged was another Gorgon battleship, the Protonic Reversal. This battleship was hit by the main gun of the Tal'darin mothership, and a dazzling fire broke out from the bow and amidships. Thousands of tons of steel and metal were thrown in all directions, killing or injuring crew members who were in the area.

But the Proton Subversion was still fighting, and its roaring gun crew was locking fire on another Tal'darin aircraft carrier, shattering its portholes and bending its armor. By the time she turned around, all that was left in her path was burning wreckage.

At the same time, in the other direction, multiple Imperial Zeus-class troop carriers have arrived in the high-altitude orbit of the planet Atrias, delivering large numbers of airdrop pods to the surface.

On the planet Atrias, the warriors of Tal'darin High Lord Marash were already ready.

"What a bunch of noisy bugs!"

On the planet Atrias, in front of the walled entrance of the Xel'Naga Temple Iris Temple, Jinara, the second ascendant of Tal'darin, was scolding coldly, with bright red psychic energy ripples from her blood. ripples beneath her robe.

"Bedbug! Bedbug! Bedbug!"

The main force of the Tal'darin Death Fleet is not in the Sigma sector, but in Slane, which is completely separated from it by the Koprulu sector. It is related to the great plan of the dark god Amon, and the death fleet cannot be mobilized at will at this moment.

If not, how could these humans be allowed to run wild?

Merely human!

On the other side, seeing how angry the second ascended person was, the high-level ascended individuals and Death Apostle slaves under Jinara also trembled in their hearts.

Jinara was originally only the fifth ascendant in the chain of promotion, but after the first ascendant Alarak conspired to kill the former third ascendant Zenich, the second ascendant Gulaki and the first ascendant , she effortlessly moved up the ranks and was promoted to the second seat.

Now, Jinara has undoubtedly become the first person under Marash and Alarak.

But Jinara clearly didn't even participate in the Rak'sir ceremony, and she was promoted to the second level of promotion while lying down. It was completely because Alarak was killing people in the Rak'sir ceremony, and she took advantage of it for no reason.

Alarak, the first upgraded person, knew every high-level upgraded person well. He was full of humble words, but his heart was full of calculations. Even among the Tal'darin Protoss, who are always known for their darkness and cunning, Alarak is the best at playing with people's hearts.

Cruel and cunning, good at planning, yet extremely calm and patient, this is Alarak.

"When I enter the temple to meet the master, Jinara, stay here and don't allow anyone to enter." Only one person was indifferent to Jinara's rage, and it was Malash, the high-ranking lord of Ta'darin, and Amon. A ruthless ruler above ten thousand people, and a tyrant who dominates Tal'darin with tyranny and cruelty.

"Anyone who dares to disobey will pay the price with blood!"

After saying that, the high-ranking lord wearing black armor and bloody robes entered the Temple of Iris, leaving behind a group of trembling Tal'darin stars.

In years of carnage and pain, High Lord Malash has slain all Tal'darim who dared challenge him. Malash was so powerful that the Tal'darim believed that he was blessed by Amon.

The humans called him the Blade of Aemon.

Every Tal'darin hopes that someone will finally ascend the throne of the High Lord, but so far all the Tal'darim can only crawl at the feet of Marash.

For all those who disobey, this is the fate of Niang who was tortured and driven mad by Marash.

"As ordered." Jinara immediately bowed and said:

"Allegiance to the Blades of Amon."

"The second ascended person, the Terran Empire humans have landed around the Temple of Iris, and they are coming here." A Tal'darin upgraded person reported to Jinara at this time.

At this time, Jinara could see the human airdrop pods falling from the sky even without reporting from her subordinates. Some of the drop pods were quickly hit by Tal'darin plasma cannons on the ground, but most still made it safely to the ground.

"You really don't know how to live or die!" Jinara coldly glanced at the surrounding Tal'darin protoss. The ascendant was slender and lithe, but no one dared to despise her authority.

"It's not over yet!"

How dare they!

I don't know when, even these insignificant bugs dared to jump on Tal'darin's head.

Her master Eamon has never taken human beings seriously. This primitive race that emerged from nowhere is not worth mentioning at all.

Before these human ancestors came to this star area from a sloppy and dirty little planet in the galaxy, the Tal'darin Protoss was the overlord of this starry sky. In Jinara's eyes, humans are not even qualified to be enemies with Tal'darin.

Judging from Tal'darin's previous experience of fighting with humans, this is indeed the case. However, since the rise of this human regime called the Tyranid Empire from Korhal, the power of the Terran humans has become more and more important.

By now, humans have obviously forgotten the boundless fear Tal'darin brought to them!

"Calling all the Chosen Ones." Jinara said, activating the blood-red psychic blades on her arms, and ordered coldly.

This is pure energy taken from the realm of Emon, gathered into the shape of a sharp blade. According to ancient masters, this weapon can slice through planets, cutting them in two.

"Since these human beings are seeking death," Jinara said, "If they are seeking death, then let them do it!"

Following Jinara's order, the Tal'darin army around the Temple of Iris began to move quickly.

Tal'darin Bloodswords wearing black armor formed a legion of a thousand people, marching towards the outside of the Temple of Iris under the cover of Tal'darin Sentinel Havoc and Vanguard walker mechas. The huge shadow of Tal'darin's giant Skywalker crossed the hills with the moving part, and swept away into the distance as quickly as a dark cloud.

At the same time, Jinara could also feel that the human troop signals outside the temple were still increasing. Protoss lack noses and mouths, but make up for this with a keen sense of psychic and psychic abilities, a sign of evolution.

As the second-upgraded person, there are only a few people who can rank above them in Tal'darin. Even the first-upgraded person Alarak and the high-ranking lord Marash are not afraid of her.

"Fight quickly." Jinara ordered again as she walked towards her army.

In fact, the fleet battle situation in the Atrias system is not optimistic for the Tal'darin side.

According to observations, there is a larger Terran Empire fleet on its way to the Atrias galaxy.

As a last resort, the commander of the Tal'darin mothership even ordered the opening of a galactic vortex, dragging many Imperial warships and one's own aircraft carriers into it, in order to slow down the advancement of the Imperial fleet.

But after all, this is the orthodox Slane fleet, not an expeditionary force put together by that fool from Naion.

At what point did humans, whom even Tal'darin had always looked down upon, become a force that cannot be ignored in the Koprulu sector.

Jinara knew that the Emperor of the Tyranid Empire had been strengthening his military power to deal with the threat of the swarm. Up to now, his huge fleet and army were still expanding.

She also didn't know that since the end of the Second Total War, the number of Tyranid Empire's main battlecruisers had doubled or even tripled every year until the number reached an appalling two thousand. The size of the remaining ships, navy, marines and other services must be calculated in hundreds of millions.

The number of soldiers alone is several times greater than the population of Tal'darin protoss in Slane.

Even though the system is inevitably bloated and expensive, a fleet of this size is the confidence for the Tyranids to stand in this vast sea of ​​stars. With such a huge fleet, it seems that even the terrifying insect swarms are not something to be afraid of.

At this moment, a dense burst of siege tank fire covered an open space outside the Temple of Iris, destroying a Tal'darin outpost there in the blink of an eye. Immediately afterwards, along with the adjustment and landing test firing, another round of terrifying firepower struck again, and the violent artillery fire even caused a slight earthquake.

Atrias, this planet is on the verge of death. The gas flow in its underground is very chaotic and has been in a state of constant eruption.

Large numbers of heavily armored Terran Empire raiders appeared in front of Jinara, and hundreds of siege tanks were unfolding behind their high wall-like front.

"Attack!" Jinara's burning bright red psychic blade pointed straight ahead: "For Eamon!"

Tal'darin is the Chosen One.

How ignorant and stupid these humans are, waiting for the day when the dark god Amon is reborn, the Tal'darin protoss completes their ascension, and the burning universe will surrender under their feet.

"The one you're beating is Eamon!" an Imperial Marine officer who was coming towards him spat:

"Tal'darin Star Spirits, the debt of Baishel and Blackxis will be placed on your heads!"

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