StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 676 Creation of the Void

The dark deep space surrounding the planet Atrias is full of relics left by starship bombardments. The huge wrecks of large battleships are like tombstones marking the battlefield. Countless debris surrounds them like a star ring. Under the light of the stars, Shining with a cold luster under the light.

Some of the half-sunk battleships were still spewing bright flashes of light from their gun muzzles, while the other part was silently moving toward final destruction. Both warring parties lost dozens of warships, or were sunk or unable to participate in the next battle, but with the same battle loss ratio, this was obviously beneficial to the Tyranids Empire fleet.

The Tyranid Empire's warships have been rapidly updated every two to three years, catching the Tal'darin protoss who underestimated the enemy by surprise with their rapidly expanding military strength.

But now, the Taldarins are about to be defeated, and they are retreating in embarrassment! Otherwise, they will all be destroyed on this battlefield under the stars.

After leaving behind more than fifty aircraft carriers and destroyer warships that were too damaged to take off with the flagship, the Tal'darin mothership took the lead in opening a rift in the hyperspace channel, and the remaining warships followed hurriedly.

By this time, all Imperial fleet commanders who can accurately and quickly understand the battlefield situation will order the pursuit to continue.

The ensuing war can no longer be called a well-matched confrontation between two fleets, but has evolved into a strangulation of a single Tal'darin warship by the dominant Tyranid Empire warship group on multiple local battlefields. The Tal'darin Protoss is still fighting. I also understand that they are just stubbornly resisting.

As time went by, the Tal'darin warships, which were being besieged by several or even ten times their own empire's warships, were sunk by fierce fire one after another, turning into beautiful metal fragments floating in the universe.

Some Tal'darin warships were cut into two pieces midships by the explosion caused by the crystal core, and some were ignited like flammable haystacks, emitting dazzling light like torches. In the dark sky, these flaming battleships stood out like beacons guiding the way.

As this battle came to an end, another larger Tyranid Empire fleet completely ruined the hopes of the Tal'darin protoss.

The first one to leap into the Atrias galaxy was the Empire's flagship Gorgon battleship White Star. Its iconic "T" shaped bow caused a burst of cheers in the Empire's Sigma sector fleet communication channel as soon as it appeared.

At the same time, more black battleships jumped out of hundreds of unfolding space-time rifts, followed by countless star fighters.

This is the main force of the Terran Empire's Moebius Legion fleet, known for their absolute silence over the radio channels and ice-cold efficiency during their extermination missions. For a long time, the Moebius Corps has been fighting against all alien enemies that threaten the empire.

The various large fleets of the empire were now sufficient to launch and win a large-scale war on their own, and Augustus no longer needed to concentrate the few main battleships and use the power at hand cautiously.

"Report the battle situation, General Harris." On the bridge of the White Star, Augustus only took a few minutes to figure out the situation on the battlefield.

Judging from the comparison of main battleship losses, the Imperial Fleet had three Gorgons and twelve Minotaur battlecruisers sunk in this battle, and the number that were damaged or even seriously damaged was about twice this number. times. And because the Tal'darin flagship abandoned its warships and jumped away from the battlefield, the already precarious formation of the Tal'darin fleet was gradually broken through, and the number of aircraft carriers and Destroyer warships lost was even greater.

In addition, another seven battlecruisers and hundreds of attached frigates were dragged into the galaxy vortex created by Tal'darin, and their whereabouts are unknown.

It is possible that these battleships will appear again in the Atrias system after a period of time, or they may never appear again, as if they were completely erased. Also dragged in were five other Tal'darin aircraft carriers and a dozen Destroyer warships, which were also missing.

The protoss usually do not take the initiative to use the galaxy vortex, because this terrifying black hole cannot distinguish between ourselves and the enemy.

Of course, Tal'darin might not care at all.

"Your Majesty, our fleet has occupied the high-altitude orbit of the planet Atrias and is conducting orbital bombardment of Tal'darin's main military facilities on the ground." General Harris is an old-school imperial soldier with a pipe hanging. He has experienced life and death. Countless, participated in a frightening number of battles:

"I have begun deploying more airdrop pods to provide aerial fire support to the troops that have landed."

"Very good." Augustus frowned and looked at General Harris, who had a red face and a white ivory beard: "Continue to perform your duties, General."

Then, Augustus emphatically commended the achievements of the Sigma Sector Fleet and ordered the dispatch of additional supply ships and hospital ships to search and rescue the anchored Imperial warships.

Even if the Imperial Fleet has won the victory, its own losses are not small.

Just as the White Star was heading 220 degrees, an Imperial Minotaur battlecruiser was still struggling painfully. Its sturdy battleship armor was covered with terrible scorch marks left by the destruction ray, and the interior was filled with large and small explosions. There was a bright flash, and the raging flames rising from the stern of the ship spurted out violently from each porthole, and the hull was covered with bright red dots of fire. Some horrific large-scale explosions are throwing the wreckage of the ship's hull in all directions, making it unbearable to look at it any longer.

Sadly, other Imperial warships were completely helpless against this battlecruiser that was irreversibly heading towards self-destruction, and could only send ships to rescue the crew members as much as possible.

Compared with this miserable situation, the remaining Tal'darin warships were also brutally massacred by Imperial warships. As more and more Moebius Legion warships jumped into the Atrias system, the newly added Imperial warships joined the battlefield, and the Yamato cannon fired at the remaining Tal'darin warships one by one. The scene was very spectacular.

At this time, the image of the planet Atrias was being projected from the star chart on the bridge of the White Star, and the green flashes that appeared from time to time on its bright brown continental plates were quite eye-catching.

Atriais is a restless planet, and active continental activities will always frequently spray high-energy gas resources rich in its underground into the sky. On the one hand, high-energy gas that emerges due to earthquakes is easier to collect, but high-energy gas extraction facilities built on the surface are also easily destroyed by seismic activities.

This kind of planet is actually more suitable for development by small-scale mining companies. They only need to capture the high-energy gas scattered on the surface to make profits at a very low cost.

When it comes to developing a mining planet, there are many in the Sigma sector that are more suitable than Atrias. And if it is developed by force, it might be a new Folsom planet.

The Tyranid Empire does not necessarily need this planet, but Tal'darin's current activities on this planet have greatly interfered with the activities of nearby empire colonies and nearby waterways. The Atrias system is an important stronghold of the Tal'darin protoss in the Sigma sector, and must be removed.

The Tal'darin do not have a good temper when it comes to human colonies. This race has no mercy even for its own kind.

On the other hand, the Empire had heard about the bad things the Tal'darim protoss were doing in the Sigma sector.

In fact, since Augustus did not give Narud much resources and support to create hybrids, the Tal'darin Protoss in this timeline took over the Terran Empire's original position and focused its main work on manufacturing On the hybrid body.

To this end, an unimaginable number of protoss templars were kidnapped by the Tal'darim and taken into their hybrid factories, including a large number of scientists and craftsmen. Occasionally, the Tal'darin Protoss, who are not scrupulous about meat and vegetables, will attack the Tyranid Empire's colonial fleet and plunder slaves.

This feud is dead.

The Tyranid Empire and the Tal'darin fought fiercely as soon as they met, showing no mercy and hoping to break their bones and ashes.

"What on earth is Tal'darin doing on this planet?" Raynor looked at the rotating planet Atrias and said:

"There shouldn't be any terrazine on this."

"Resources, terrapin, or temples." Augustus said, "You have to choose one among them."

Augustus reached out and touched the planet projection on the star chart table and zoomed in. A towering Xel'Naga temple appeared in front of everyone.

Although this Xel'Naga temple is not as good as the temple complex under the Skigel Research Station, judging from the majesty of the individual buildings, it seems that there are only the two temples on El and Sagulath. It can be compared with it. Judging from the state of preservation, the temple is in quite good condition. Even the huge statue seems to still retain its original grandeur.

Moreover, this Xel'Naga building, which the Tal'darin Protoss calls the Temple of Iris, is apparently still in operation to this day. The main function of the Xel'Naga Temple is to store energy and communicate with the void.

It is obvious that the Tal'darim intend to use the Temple of Iris to communicate with their master, the dark god Amon.

"Iris Temple" Augustus looked at the dark patriarch Zeratul next to him: "Zeratu, what did you find?"

"On this planet, I feel the call of destiny." Zeratul approached the porthole and overlooked the towering Temple of Iris below: "Amon is pulling this temple closer to the void."

"The void reflects His will."

"It sounds like we pissed off Eamon." Renault laughed twice, but there wasn't much warmth in his laughter.

"The energy level of the void energy on this planet is still increasing." Zeratul said solemnly: "That means that the boundary between the void and the universe has been blurred, which is extraordinary."

If you follow Zeratul's gaze at this moment, you can see the surface of the planet Atrias with a scarlet flash of light outside the bridge window.

"I have only seen this situation on Aiur before." Zeratul said worriedly: "The Dark Templar believe that the void and the present world must be crossed between life and death. In the memory of our family, the existence of the void has never existed. It’s never been as clear as it is now.”

"The Tal'darim must be communicating with the void through the Temple of Iris."

Aiur may be the first planet discovered to be infinitely close to the void.

The huge hole that was formed in the huge remnant body of the first Overlord has become another Ultarian rift, and the terrible shadow and void corruption are spreading over the once beautiful land of Aiur.

The situation on the planet Atrias also shows that the power of Amon, the God of Darkness, has indeed further revived, and his control over the void is far greater than before.

"No matter what, whatever Tal'darin and Eamon want to do, we have to fight against them." Augustus further unfolded the battle map around the Temple of Iris.

Although there is a lag in the location information of each unit, the Terran Empire's landing troops are clearly surrounding the Temple of Iris.

In this regard, Augustus could only choose to believe that the commanders on the ground would be able to capture the Temple of Iris. After all, he is not a micro-manipulation master. At this time, he can still stand on the battleship and command the ground troops on the distant planet.

"Judging from the information we have received so far, the person commanding this Tal'darin army is none other than the second-ascended Jinara." Augustus breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it was only Jinara.


Well, based on Augustus' impression of Genara in the game.

"However, Tal'darin High Lord Marash may also be in the Temple of Iris." Augustus thought for a moment and then said: "No matter who the Tal'darin commander here is, they must be killed!"

At this time, Augustus couldn't help but wonder where Alarak, the first ascended person in Tal'darin, was now. If all the high-ranking lords and second-upgraded people died here, this insidious guy would definitely be happy to see it happen.

But I'm afraid, Marash is not so easy to kill. Maybe he really has the blessing of Eamon.

Marash is a true madman. He knows that Amon's so-called promotion is just a lie, but he is willing to send the entire Tal'darin to a place of eternal destruction.

However, Augustus had his own way of dealing with Marash and Taldarin.

"Wait!" Renault suddenly looked at the combat map on the star chart table: "The sensor has detected a large number of hybrid signals——"

The satellite image near the Temple of Iris immediately appeared on the main screen, and it was clearly visible that a large number of hybrids were mixed in the Tal'darin army.

To this day, Tal'darin seems to regard these hybrids as ascendants who have completed their ascension, and worships these evil creatures endlessly.

"It's a hybrid!" Zeratul shouted:

"And it seems like it's not just a hybrid."

As the words fell, the green light shining on the Iris Temple suddenly turned into a dazzling scarlet, and a large amount of surging void energy poured out like a thick fog, quickly covering the entire temple.

In these surging void energies, many biological entities composed of dark red void energy continue to emerge, including bugs, protoss, and even humans. They are composed entirely of twisted void energy and are different from any life form in the real universe.

"This is. This is a creation of the void, a creature transformed from the shadow of the void. In the material universe we are in, they cannot exert their full power, but they are still very terrifying." Zeratul looked at Augustus:

"I have to join this fight!"

"You have just been injured, Zeratul." Augustus nodded: "Proceed with caution, my warriors will provide support for you."

"Okay, without further ado, act as soon as possible." Zeratul said: "The sharp blade in my hand will pave the way forward for us."

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