The undulating lights of Olympic Avenue rippled in the surging blue water, and the aroma of cinnamon and barbecue hit your face. The beer in the pub and the swaying skirts of the girls attracted cheers from the Imperial sailors who had just earned a short shore leave. Thunder.

There are many vendors selling local delicacies on the streets, but in fact they are just a hodgepodge of food culture from the many hometowns of the colonists, and the ingredients rely on local materials.

Speaking of the real specialty of Chiron III, it is probably a thick soup made from Zukar giant eel, which is just cut into small pieces and stewed with chopped parsley, spices and Seasoned with scowler's milk and thickened with flour, it is a rare delicacy.

"You should try it too, Jimmy." At this moment, Augustus was tasting this local delicacy on the streets of Olympic Avenue.

Among the local colonists, those astute people from the imperial world of Hermes quickly sensed business opportunities in these sailors and realized that their bulging pockets were being filled with money lost due to long-term fleet life. Credit coins spent everywhere. Soon, residents from other worlds followed suit.

Suddenly, the people in the colonies were no longer afraid of the coming war, because these imperial soldiers were their confidence.

"...One more cup." The eel soup was served in a biodegradable paper cup. With Renault's appetite, he drank it in just a few sips and didn't taste much of it. But in the final analysis, the advantage of this eel soup is that it is cheap. One imperial credit coin can buy eight cups.

Among the fringe colonies far away from the core world, credit coins are still the most important currency in circulation, and there is no exception in any imperial colony.

In the Chiron III colony, credit coins can be said to be as valuable as gold, because local residents still have to rely on merchant ships that travel between the homeland and the Sigma sector at regular intervals to provide necessary living supplies. The new colony is still far from being truly self-sufficient, but even if it completely loses contact with the Imperial government and the rest of the world, its people no longer have to worry about starving to death.

"How's it going?" Augustus took another bite of the Scourer meat sandwich in his hand, with a very satisfied expression on his face.

Stepping on the solid ground paved with bricks and stones made Augustus feel at ease, and seeing the prosperity of the new colony made his mood gradually improve.

For Augustus, there was nothing more satisfying than seeing his people live and work in peace and contentment. The monarch has ruled the Terran Empire for seven years, but what he really wants has never been the praise of his people.

In the initial stages of colonization, these foods were important sources of protein for the colonists. The rapid development of Chiron III Colony is partly due to its abundant products. The stable supply of fresh meat has largely surpassed the living conditions of these colonists before they came here.

Most of those who are willing to go to the remote and unknown world of the Sigma Sector to expand the territory of the Tyranid Empire are those who have difficulty surviving in their homeland, such as Tarsonis and Korhal, which have the highest population density. For these people, being able to join the colonial fleet is a rare opportunity. A new world means a fresh start and more opportunities.

If not for the pressure of life, the colonists would not abandon their familiar homeland. But luckily, Chiron III was a much better place, so good that they would rather die here than return to their homeland.

In Chiron III, at least survival is not a problem. A hard-working and hard-working big family can even develop hundreds of acres of land by relying on automated farming equipment.

"It doesn't look very good, but it tastes pretty good." Renault commented honestly. The appearance of Zu'kal's giant eel is very scary, but it doesn't seem to be difficult for the Tyranids who dare to try even the Allosaurus chicken wings.

"This is a wonderful place," Augustus exclaimed. He has been to many planets, probably hundreds of them, among which paradise-like planets are still rare.

Each planet gave Augustus a different feeling.

Chiron III.

This light blue planet is mankind's ideal home. Its axial inclination, gravity, atmospheric oxygen content, average temperature, and rotation period are all similar to those of mankind's ancient home star, the Earth. It even has a moderately sized satellite to provide Stable tidal forces.

It's so good that it's unbelievable and brings tears to your eyes.

In the Sigma sector where stars are sparse, this is a place that shines like gold.

Ever since humans first left the cradle of the Earth, they have been searching for their coveted new home. The vast universe has endless possibilities. Maybe there is an identical planet in a certain corner, but it is also possible that the birth of the earth and the life situation on the earth is just an unrepeatable coincidence.

If the planet Chiron III is different, it is that a higher intelligent race has appeared on it. This kind of creature can no longer be called "primitive", and has even evolved language and social forms. Perhaps in a few thousand years this race will enter the civilized era.

In the universe, the protoss has seen hundreds of advanced intelligent races and even had wars with some of them. This is the first time that humans have encountered a higher intelligent race other than the protoss and zerg, and they will not be as kind as the protoss.

"This is a really good place," Renault admitted.

"See, this is why we fight." Augustus stopped on the street as he walked, unconsciously sublimating the theme habitually.

Next to it is a shop that sells barbecue. The owner is pouring gravy with a lot of spices on the rows of hanging sausages. The sausages are also made from Skowler meat originating from Umoyan. This strange alien creature can adapt to most environments in the Koprulu sector. Not only can it produce meat and milk, but its leather is also extremely valuable.

A gigantic Tarsonian turkey was being butchered at a cookery in front of Augustus, even with a shotgun. In its native place, this kind of giant monster, which is taller than an adult man, is cruel by nature and will try to attack rail trains passing through the wilderness in groups.

Although this kind of turkey has very poor meat quality, it has been promoted by the Terran Empire government because of its fast growth rate and tall meat, and is even cultivated in such remote colonies.

On the other side is a shop selling smoked Chiron salmon. The expensive glass display window imported from the Hade star is filled with these giant underwater monsters that can often reach more than ten feet in length. The other shop opposite is a cake shop. The products inside are also very local, using many unheard of local fruits and vegetables.

The unique alien style comes naturally.

"There are always people who are willing to sacrifice for this." Renault also said: "It's us now, and it will be our descendants' turn in the future."

"You are not the kind of person who would leave troubles to the new generation." Augustus smiled.

"Yeah, I'm not that kind of person," Reno said.

At this time, Augustus and Renault were just walking on Olympic Avenue, with the Royal Guards following at a distance. Many people here have already recognized Augustus, but more people are just busy with their own work and life.

The neatly arranged buildings on this street are a unique symbol of the official colonial period. The central building is the Governor's Building, which was converted from the bridge of a colonial ship. Powering the entire colony is the colony ship's fusion engine, which, if properly maintained, should last at least another hundred years.

Many systems of the Terran Empire were inherited from the old Federation, and colonial buildings also used modular steel and alloy plates. Modular construction technology has become quite mature in this era, and the ability to erect buildings anytime and anywhere is also a characteristic of the Tyranids.

The streets were not very wide and were crowded with many Imperial sailors. The place was noisy and there were shouts everywhere. After a while, when the Marines come down, it will probably become more lively. These soldiers are well-trained and disciplined, but to keep them out of trouble, military police are everywhere.

It is no exaggeration to say that the number of soldiers was much greater than the population of the colony.

There is a sense of life here, far away from death, blood and killing, which is very good for restoring morale. In such a picturesque place, even the most impetuous heart will gradually calm down.

"Hey, my God, I see Emperor Augustus."

"Wow, you're so tall."

"Can I touch him?"

A group of children ran past Augustus and Renault, with happy expressions on their faces like a group of fluffy little ducks. As they ran, they boldly looked at the two adults in front of them, until the girl in the lead said:

"You must have seen it wrong. He lives in Keha's palace. How could he come here?"

Augustus and Renault both couldn't help laughing and felt more relaxed.

People say that children in Char must learn to hold a gun before they are born, children in Port of the Dead can steal money from your pocket before they learn to walk, and children who grow up in the new colonies must be innocent and kind in comparison. many.

They just hope that these children can grow up safely, because the chance of premature death of colonial children is still very high in comparison.

The colonists themselves were pioneer explorers, and their children also had to face such risks and challenges. In the early days of the Chiron III colony, giving birth to children also meant greater risks for the Great Mother.

Watching these children go away, Augustus couldn't help but think of his two daughters, Louise and Charlotte, thinking that children were the hope of the future.

Only then did Augustus notice the statue in the center of the street ahead, which was his bronze statue.

It was a man much taller than him, wearing the emperor's red dress and thick cloak, holding a sword symbolizing power in his hand, and lying on his side was a giant golden wolf.

The inscription on the base of the statue reads Augustus, the pioneer.

There was a similar statue to Korhal in the past, but it was dedicated to his grandfather of the same name.

It can be seen that everyone who passes by this statue greets it.

These statues of emperors were erected voluntarily by the colonial people rather than imposed upon them by the imperial government, and whenever Augustus saw them he reminded himself that the people could either erect a statue for him or tear it down.

"Why does this wolf look so much like Alpha?" Augustus looked at it and commented.

He may have forgotten that there are no wolves in Kehal now.

Unknowingly, Augustus has left his mark on this world of StarCraft.

"Don't tell me, it's really similar." Renault didn't see any power from the sharp eyes of the giant wolf. Instead, he saw the sinister eyebrows and rat eyes, and the pointed ears that stood up showed weakness and cowardice.

They had a lot of time to wander around here today. After all, Augustus had always wanted to see with his own eyes what the new colony in the Sigma sector looked like now.

The huge fleet under Augustus will stop here briefly for a few days to rest and resupply before setting off to the Temple of Urna in the Otarian Rift. In the past few days, many local welders and auto repair workers in Chiron have been summoned to repair the battleships damaged by the Battle of Atrias in the fleet above the orbit.

Taking advantage of this time, the fleet quartermaster must also seize the time to purchase enough supplies from Chiron III Colony to ensure the supply of various materials, food, and clothing.

Take the Gorgon battlecruiser as an example. Its 8,000-person crew consumes a large amount of food every day, and energy bars and protein paste alone are not enough to meet their needs. Due to the huge amount of supplies required, there are nearly a hundred professional soldiers on each warship responsible for this kind of work.

Most of what can be purchased from the new colonies are seasonal fruits and vegetables, including boxes of broccoli, apples, and potatoes, as well as fans of Scouler meat, dairy products, and butter. At the same time, Chiron III's high-energy gas resources are also quite abundant, enough to provide sufficient fuel for the fleet.

Another advantage of having many colonies is that it can provide ports and supplies for the ocean-going fleet, so that no matter where it sails, the imperial fleet can obtain sufficient supplies and support. After all, it is really difficult for a human fleet far away from the human world to survive alone.

As for the imperial soldiers who were injured in this battle, they were not sent to the ground. That was because the fleet had enough medical ships with extremely advanced medical technology specially designed to serve the war.

Besides, this colony, which was only established two or three years ago, cannot maintain such a large and sound medical system, and it is still very fragile.

"People will remember all this." Reno said, pointing to the statue of Augustus: "Even if the statue decays, even if the memory is blurred, even if all of us are gone."

"Look what you said." Augustus said half-jokingly: "We have to live for another ten thousand years."

At this moment, the lights on Olympic Avenue were a little brighter, and there seemed to be meteors falling from the sky. Standing on Chiron III and looking at the sky, even the positions of the constellations are completely different from those on Earth.

This is the new home.

In the future, these colonists will tell their children why they came to this new world and tell the story of Augustus the Great and the Terran Empire.

Today I was deleting, editing, and editing, and I felt like I was not in the right state of writing QAQ

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