StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 684 Guiyi Temple

"I heard someone is looking for old Tychus?"

When Tychus Finley walked into the bridge, he had already put on power armor painted with bright blue paint. He was holding a Sweet Whisperer heavy machine gun in his hand. He was breathing heavily and walking with wind.

Renault raised his eyebrows and pointed at Tychus's blue armor:

"Why are you dressed like this?"

Most of the ordinary Imperial Army has red armor. Only the Rangers, who are elite light infantry units, have blue armor. The most famous of them is the Renault Rangers.

"Those damn mechanical technicians have welded all the joints of this armor, damn it--" Tychus sighed, feeling dispirited: "This rotten armor is going to grow on you."

"How do you say this?" Renault looked at Augustus, knowing that this was his handiwork.

In view of the fact that Tychus had committed many deaths recently and offended Augustus severely, this was something he brought upon himself.

"You know, there are still three months of Tychus' accumulated imprisonment period." Augustus had already prepared this armor for Tychus, but later he forgot about it because of too many things: "Before the imprisonment period is over, , this armor is his new prison."

"." The corner of Tychus's mouth twitched, he didn't dare to talk or ask any more questions. He was worthy of no one in the huge Tyran Empire, but he just didn't dare to offend the man in front of him.

In fact, this problem is not a serious problem for Tychus, which means that he can no longer look for flowers before he is allowed to take off his armor. It just so happened that the crime committed this time was a bit serious, and it couldn't be fooled by just talking and talking.

"Where is this?" Tychus was thick-skinned and glanced at the star chart table and the purple glow outside the porthole without caring. As soon as he saw Zeratul next to Augustus, he knew that something good would probably happen.

During this time, he was kept in the solitary cell of the White Star, and was not even released when the fleet docked at the Chiron III colony. Until now, he didn't know where he was or what he was going to do.

But Tychus knew that this was another large-scale interstellar war just by looking at the imperial ship blocking the sky outside the porthole. Follow the old commander, and there will always be a battle.

Tychus is a very contradictory person. He is greedy for enjoyment and afraid of death, but he still kills everyone on the battlefield of blood and fire, as fierce as a lion and a tiger.

"Otarian Rift, Urna." Raynor said and shook his head again: "You don't understand even if I tell you. In short, we have to capture this place now."

As they spoke, they could all see through the portholes that huge Zeus-class landing ships had landed on the surface of Urna, and more large landing ships were descending above them, preparing to land.

The sky was filled with the magnificent Imperial fleet ships, and the majestic outlines of the Imperial battlecruisers were clearly visible. Hundreds of warships were firing at the same time, and the sound of the gunfire was like thunder in the sky, which was terrifying.

At the landing site that had been cleaned several times by fleet fire, entire battalions of Moebius Corps Marines and landing ships packed with combatants filed out, often carrying giant walking mechas more than ten feet tall. The landing springboard creaked when stepped on, and the steel torrent of alloy armor and heavy machinery rolled in overwhelmingly.

In an instant, the firing and explosion sounds of plasma torpedoes and rockets were heard together. Countless artillery shells and rockets with trailing flames passed over the heads of the soldiers, falling like raindrops on the menacing enemy troops, bringing them with them. Come the earth-shattering roar and the inferno that bursts like fire.

Under the terrifying firepower, everything was wiped out.

This is how the Imperial Moebius Corps attacks: cover with fire, advance, establish a position, continue to cover with fire, continue to advance, and so on.

In addition, the Empire's most cutting-edge weapons are equipped in the Moebius Corps, and some are even in the experimental stage. For example, Swann and Reger equipped the erected Moebius siege tanks with flight stabilizers, reverse thrusters, and jetpacks, allowing them to fire while airborne to the surface.

"My dear, this battle is really big." Tychus was a little surprised, but he didn't ask any more questions. During the years of following Augustus in the Koprulu sector, he had seen too many strange and strange things, and stretching his neck and croaking like a duck would only make him look ignorant.

"Where is my precious Odin?" he asked. "I'm ready for a big fight."

"Don't worry, I'll use you later." Augustus waved his hand, telling him to calm down.

"Jim." Then he turned to Renault next to him: "How is the situation with the Purifiers and Durham?"

"They moved very quickly and have each controlled a sky lock." Renault replied: "The armies of Artanis and Coralion are still advancing, and they are really overwhelming."

"The stars are also holding a fire in their hearts." Augustus nodded: "But our progress is not slow."

After a hard battle, the Moebius Corps had established a firm foothold at the landing site near the central sky lock and established fortifications on the spot. As Renault said: Build a battlefield, set up turrets, have siege tanks in front and bunkers behind, and our defenses will be impregnable.

The enemies that appear in Urna are extremely difficult to deal with, consisting primarily of fanatical Tal'darim protoss and humans corrupted by the hybrids. And among them, there are huge shadows that are moving on the ground - hybrids leading these armies of servants loyal to Eamon.

At the same time, the hybrid also caused a lot of trouble for the landing troops of the Moebius Corps. If the Moebius Corps were not a skilled fighting force built specifically to fight hybrids, they would inevitably be unable to move under the attack of hybrid psychic attacks and mental pollution.

But precisely because of the need for frequent contact with hybrids, many Moebius Legion soldiers and even entire battleships were corrupted.

"What on earth are those disgusting beasts?" Tychus's vicious blue eyes were staring at the holographic screen of the tactical console.

The holographic screen was freezing on an extremely terrifying scene, with an extremely huge hybrid monster in the center of the screen. The monster's ghastly and evil face can remind anyone of the most terrifying nightmare he has ever had in his life, causing him to vomit out everything he has just eaten.

This monster has a heavy body and a black carapace covered with razor-like spikes. Its twisted head has a huge and gorgeous crown and a terrifying giant red eye. There are numerous tentacles on its raised back. . When these tentacles are swung, they are like long, tough whips, and the ends seem to be tied with quenched dark red sharp knives, which look shocking and terrifying.

It is extraordinarily huge. When it stands upright, it is almost as big as the largest human mecha. It is like a walking giant and can easily trample human positions. This newly emerged new variant of the hybrid is much larger, more powerful and brutal than the earlier hybrids.

And it might not even be the biggest one. Imagine that Eamonn would have many such pets, but there would always be some that were particularly favored.

The giant hybrid on the screen was inserting its huge red claws that looked like flames into the cab of a Moebius Legion Thor mecha, as easily as cutting through butter with a hot knife.

Tychus knew that this was no ordinary Thor mecha, but the elite black war hammer of the empire. Compared with ordinary Thors, the Black Warhammer has upgraded armor and a more powerful cannon. Only elites and ace pilots are qualified to drive it.

"This is the new hybrid variant that first appeared in Urna," Raynor explained. "We call it the Hybrid Behemoth."

"It's the largest hybrid we've ever recorded, but I bet there will be bigger ones sooner or later."

"I have never seen this kind of monster." Zeratul also said: "They are like stronger variants based on the hybrid predator, and their physical functions have been further strengthened."

"Fortunately, it is not immortal." Augustus took over Renault's words and said, "Our heavy firepower is fully capable of dealing with this monster."

Thinking of the Moebius Legionnaires controlled by the hybrids, Augustus became increasingly disgusted and hated these twisted monsters.

"This is a warning. There may be more terrifying monsters hidden in the depths of Urna." Zeratul's excitement when he first arrived in Urna has mostly faded.

The presence of so many evil mixtures in such a holy place made him even more worried about the situation of the xel'naga in Urna.

Renault received a report at this time: "Augustus, look at this. There are reports from the front line that the enemy's offensive is weakening."

"General Riley has ordered a counterattack."

At this time, more than two hours had passed since the landing operation, and the bloodiest and cruelest stage of the battle was also over. As more follow-up troops arrived at the landing site, the Moebius Corps finally took firm control of the central skylock and cleared away any enemy forces that tried to compete with them for control.

Medical soldiers were shuttled between the injured soldiers, using laser nail guns and nano medical kits to perform preliminary wound treatment, waiting for the arrival of subsequent medical transport ships.

"Very good." Augustus nodded: "Hurry up and build fortifications and rescue the wounded."

"Your Majesty, there is a communication request from the Executive Officer of Corola Leon." A communications soldier said.

"Come in," Augustus said.

"Emperor Augustus Mengsk, we have occupied two Skylocks." Coralion said: "If the Terran Empire humans need help, we can deploy the Phoenix Archon mecha to your position."

The Purifiers were still used to calling Talandar by his original name, Phoenix. Maybe this name left such a deep impression on them that they couldn't change it for a while.

"It's like deploying nuclear weapons." Tychus couldn't help but complain.

Immediately afterwards, Artanis also connected to the communication channel: "We have also completed the planned goal and are recalling the ground troops."

Since the Empire, Durham and the Purifiers all sent a large number of troops to the five heavenly locks at the same time, the roads between the various heavenly locks were quickly opened.

"Boss, the sensors show that the void energy below is increasing." After a while, Swann's voice appeared in the channel again: "I marked a coordinate, and there is a door that is opening."

"You could send someone to check, I suspect that's the entrance."

"A gate to the void is opening." Zeratul's eyes burning with psychic flames became brighter.

"Yes." Artanis also said: "We also noticed it."

"We have to go in and find out," said Colorarion.

"Given the intricate corridors in the temple, it will be difficult for a large-scale legion to deploy." Artanis expressed his opinion.

"So we still need to send an elite force." Renault said: "This matter is not difficult to handle. The important thing is to understand the situation inside first."

"Swan, how much do you know about the situation there?" Augustus said to Swan.

"Not much, I'm still sending out drones to investigate." Swann scratched his head: "But the void energy down there is too strong, and our drones have become headless flies. The situation is very bad now, I can't wait to One person breaks it in half and uses it.”

"Continue your work." Augustus didn't embarrass him anymore: "But there is no need to break the person in half."

"Your work is crucial, Engineer Swann." Artanis was always used to encouraging his subordinates, that is, sprinkling chicken soup or something, which worked very well for the protoss.

"Look, great hero," said Swann cheerfully.

"Great hero?" Artanis didn't know how to reply.

"So, Emperor Augustus, what is your decision?" Colorarion asked Augustus at this time.

For a moment, Artanis also looked at Augustus.

The leaders of the two protoss camps actually sought a human's opinion at the same time.

"Of course we have to get in." Augustus said in a firm tone: "And we have to do it quickly, otherwise the hybrid will be one step ahead of us."

Ten minutes later, Augustus, Renault, Zeratul and others descended to the surface of Urna in a spaceship and came to the opening door of the temple.

The Emperor rarely visits the front line in person. In fact, even if he just sits in the Augustgrad Palace to let the soldiers know that he is still safe, it will definitely be of much greater use to fire a shot on the battlefield.

But this time, Augustus decided to be there in person. Renault and others tried to stop him, but in the end it didn't work.

Thinking about it, if the Urna Temple really involves the issue of Xel'Naga's successor, Augustus, as the leader of a race, must still go in personally.

"Zeratul, you were injured before and shouldn't have come." Augustus knew that he would never be able to convince Zeratul to stay on the White Star and not explore the temple in this situation.

At this moment, they were standing in front of the suddenly opened door of Urna Temple, and a shining light came out of it, as if it were light from heaven. The buzzing sound of the void crystal echoed far away in the winding corridor, like a beautiful piece of natural music.

"Don't worry, Augustus." Standing in front of the temple gate, Zeratul let out a burst of heartfelt laughter: "If it is too dangerous, I will definitely avoid it."

"It is precisely because of this alertness that I have been able to escape death countless times."

In fact, Zeratul couldn't quite understand what Augustus said. He just noticed that the other party was worried about his safety. This made Zeratul feel that Augustus had noble moral character even more, because as a human with little psychic ability, he was much more fragile than himself.

After a while, Artanis arrived with a team of Templars and Dark Templars, preparing to enter the temple with Augustus.

But when Purifier Executor Koralion arrived in person with a group of legionnaires, Artanis was truly surprised.

"Mechanical High Templar Adon, I must have made a mistake!" Artanis rarely could control his emotions.

The Purifier Protoss do not have psychic powers because they are pure mechanical warriors, but what they see before them has obviously overturned Artanis's knowledge. So, the Purifiers must have achieved this in another way.

Augustus suspected that Artanis was even a little jealous.

"I was as surprised as you were when I saw those Purifier Dark Templars, Artanis," Zeratul said.

By comparison, there's nothing unacceptable about a mechanical warrior loaded with a stealth template.

Tychus whispered that these ancestors of the protoss are quite fashionable and pay attention to keeping up with the times.

PS: The flying tank comes from the official novel "Dark Templar Legend: Twilight". Yes, this thing can not only fly after being equipped with flying wings, but also dive bomb.

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