StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 71 War Refugees

The plan of the refugee camp transmitted back by the geostationary satellite station shows that the refugee camp, composed of thousands of crooked buildings, stretches for a mile, with almost no viable roads and no lights. The best houses here are newly built wooden lofts and cabins with faint firelights visible through the windows.

The problem of war refugees has been around for a long time, and the residents of every warring planet are the most direct victims of the battlefield. The Terran Federation was unwilling to devote resources to hosting refugees on a planet where wars raged and cities changed hands repeatedly.

As for the Kaimorians, they will establish settlements and colonies on every mineral-rich planet, seize all the resources and then abandon them.

Its predatory and nomadic colonization method determines that the number of its colonized planets is much smaller than that of the Tyranid Federation, and the ones with the largest population are only a few core worlds. Most of the wars were fought within the borders of the Federation, so that most of the Tyranids on the edge planets became refugees.

The Kaimorian Federation is martial in nature, and all the people are soldiers. Adult Kaimorians who have lost their homes will join the army.

Turasis is a mineral-rich planet with relatively scarce high-energy gas resources. Before the war, it mostly relied on imports. During the war, the trade routes of the Terran Federation were greatly affected, which also made the lives of local residents, especially refugees, even more difficult.

The Kaimorian warships were far less massive and armored than those of the Terran Confederacy, but their more maneuverable assault ships and star speeders were able to use wolf pack tactics to attack caravans and leave before the furious Federation fleet arrived.

With the support of the Caymorian Conglomerate Guild, many of the Caymorian fleet became professional pirates.

The sharp decline in imported goods has plunged Turasis into a fuel crisis and a local food crisis, because all gas refineries and mines on the planet must supply the front lines.

This also caused civilian trains, cars, and most of the means of transportation to come to a standstill. Planters, harvesters, and agricultural robots were unable to work normally. Famine began to break out in many places in Turasis, which could only achieve self-sufficiency.

Take Pork Pride, the first city Augustus garrisoned after arriving in Turasis, as an example. More than one million residents of Pork Pride died in the first year of the war.

When war came, the city's grain reserves were forcibly requisitioned. In order to keep urban residents away from the flames of war and ensure their safety, soldiers with guns drove federal citizens who abided by the law and paid taxes on time from their homes, many of whom had not even had time to bring their clothes and blankets.

Officials from the city hall told them that there was a refugee camp built outside the city, but in fact there was just a deserted open space.

The Tarsonis government only issued an order to evacuate civilians, and boasted about its achievements in media such as UNN, but did not build a shelter for those civilians.

Senior government officials and senators who are pretending to be deaf are unwilling to pay more money. People's lives are not worth mentioning in their eyes. They only temporarily remembered that a group of people needed to be evacuated, and after a while they completely forgot about it because they were "too busy."

Neither the federal government nor the founding family of Tarsonis behind them want to spend even a penny on refugees. Because this money must be invested in weapons manufacturing and other monopoly industries that flourished due to the war, to grab more profits.

The war continued, and Turasis' planetary governor and military headquarters were indifferent to the refugees and turned a deaf ear.

The local refugee management office was set up just to silence the media, with only a dozen civilian staff and cheap security guards hired locally. The federal government will only grant funding to pay the wages of these employees. This department actually has neither authority nor funds at its disposal.

In the increasingly bloated and corrupt administrative system of the Terran Federation, this has become a means for corrupt officials to defraud funds.

When winter came that year, most of the people who were driven out of Pork Pride either starved to death or froze to death.

"We need some guides."

Augustus took a few steps on the snow-covered ground, the only sounds in his ears being the whirring of the servos and the sound of the wind outside his helmet. The landing point was in an open space outside the refugee camp. There was no shelter around it, only some garbage and cinders.

"Find them."

The Marines behind him immediately divided into two groups and walked into the refugee camp from his left and right, turning into the gaps between the houses. The searchlights were extremely dazzling in the vast darkness.

Zander and Renault fall into the hands of a group of gangsters and could be killed at any time. Augustus didn't have time to use a loudspeaker to make a broadcast and ask who was willing to cooperate with the federal marines.

Suddenly there was a burst of screams and shouts from the house in front, but it quickly subsided. A few minutes later, Augustus' demons from Heaven returned to their commander with several men wearing long coats and thick coats.

"We are the federal marines who are here to wipe out the gangs in the area. I am Sergeant Mengsk. As long as any of you can provide intelligence about the gangs, in the name of Christ Jesus, I guarantee that you will be able to return home safely after this. "Augustus looked at the refugees in front of him.

"As a thank you, my soldiers will give you some emergency rations and clean water."

"I know...I know..." they immediately scrambled to answer.

"You speak first." Augustus looked at one of them.

"There is only one big gang here, and they call themselves the Free Revolutionary Army." A man wearing a shabby coat said.

"It's a very loud name, but that's not important." Augustus interrupted him: "Tell me how many people they have and where their base is."

"There are about two hundred of them, and some of them are wearing a suit of armor just like you." The refugee, whose face was covered with frostbite, seemed to have recalled something, gasping for air and sucking in the cold air into his lungs.

"The Free Revolutionary Army's stronghold is not here." He said: "They mainly operate at Fenner Crossing, a small town about seven miles away from here."

"Do you know where their stronghold is at the Fenner Crossroads?" Although he asked this, Augustus didn't hold out much hope.

However, the information obtained by Augustus is still very useful, that is, this gang is likely to be connected with the Camorians or even the Federation's own army. During this period, the chance of powered armor falling into the hands of civilian armed forces is very small.

And even though Fenner's Crossing is only a small town, its population exceeds 50,000. This is a town built on rare mineral deposits, where residents have been miners for three generations who need to dig underground to make a living.

Augustus realized that he had made the right choice in asking Warfield for an extra platoon, and his usual caution helped him.

"I don't know, sir," the refugee said. "That's all I know."

"Who else knows more?" Augustus continued.

"No one knows where the headquarters of the Free Revolutionary Army is. They have many enemies." Another refugee immediately said: "But as long as we catch one of their leaders, everything will be solved."

"All the gang members were residents of Fenner's Crossing, and their boss was Silas Tasker. Tasker liked to go out wearing gold necklaces and gold watches, and often drove around in an open-top Terra Hover car."

"Well..." Augustus nodded. He waited for a while and saw no one spoke again: "I know. Heck!"

Later, at the instruction of Augustus, Corporal Heck, the second squad leader, handed each of them an M2 backpack filled with food and water. Augustus was not prepared to give them much food. They were surrounded by hungry refugees. Hunger and greed would turn them into evil spirits.

When Lundstein rushed back with the first squad, Tychus and Harnak were following behind him.

"Boss, I've finally met you..." Hanak, who was running all the way, gasped.

"What did you ask?" Tychus pointed at the refugees running away.

"We might have to go to Fenner's Crossing," Augustus said. "Jim and Zander might not be there, but as long as we uproot this gang."

"Maybe, I know where they are." Tychus showed a proud expression and picked up his personal terminal. What is shown above is a blurry satellite map, with a red line connecting two points crookedly.

"You installed a tracker on the truck." Augustus' eyes lit up: "Tychus, you did a good job. But I don't understand why you did this, unless you knew there were robbers."

"Multiple minds are always right. I have been in the army for more than ten years and I have learned something." Tychus chuckled: "I have noticed that someone is following us furtively. , and those bastards will never know that there is a satellite positioning tracker the size of a fingernail hidden in the gap in the bed of one of the trucks."

"But I still want to remind you, always think of the worst possibility in everything. Maybe these two guys are already dead, and we just go to collect their bodies." Tychus said a little sentimentally explain.

"Sigh... I will miss Jim. This kid is still young. I didn't expect that he would die earlier than an old guy like me."

"That's not necessarily the case." Augustus waved his hand, and his men immediately lined up towards the landing transport ship.

"Jim and Zander must have been targeted when they were buying food in the small town of Howe. They spent too much money at once. And the road the truck drove to the refugee camp was too long, so they didn't want to be caught. It’s hard for people to pay attention.”

"But it may have saved the lives of both of them... Those gangsters knew that they were very rich, so they would have to spend time to torture the bank password, and finally contact their family members to get money to redeem them," Augustus said.

"Come on, do you want me to give you a gun?"

"What, you expect me to bite off the enemy's butt with my teeth?" Tychus showed a fierce expression.

"I thought you didn't want to go." Augustus chuckled, threw his rifle to Tychus, and took a shotgun from Lundstein.

"Go to hell, they have spent all their money after buying food... I rented these two trucks. God knows how much I have to pay." Tychus's heart was bleeding. This was how he installed tracking The real reason for losing the weapon is the fear of losing it.

"I won't be able to see Kleina, Susan, Mitty and Ann Sophie from Ole Town for at least half a month!"

"..." Augustus was silent.

Carrying the electromagnetic rifle on his back, Tychus said as he followed Augustus to the gangway of the transport ship: "Do you have a cigar?"

"No, you know I never smoke."

"Hold it in."

Wayne Ranch, three miles north of Fenner's Crossing.

The pasture was originally used by locals to herd Turasis caribou - creatures that feed on the thorny shrubs of the planet's cold regions but look more like some kind of four-legged reptile than reindeer.

Nowadays, the place has long been abandoned, but there are more than a dozen brightly lit prefabricated panels and reinforced concrete buildings in an open space surrounded by wooden fences. A dozen gang members armed with electromagnetic rifles are patrolling back and forth between the houses.

Behind one of the four-story concrete buildings was a ten-foot-deep circular pit with the bottom and inner walls made of concrete. There were two people in the pit, the kidnapped Renault and Zander. There were four or five gang members standing on the edge watching them.

"It's minus twenty degrees now, kind gentlemen."

Silas Tasker was standing on the edge of the pit, looking at his "guest" with a smile. Different from his usual nouveau riche look, Tusker was now only wearing a somewhat worn fur coat, with his greasy hair hanging listlessly on his forehead.

Tasker is a very smart man. Almost everyone thinks that the base camp of the Free Revolutionary Army is within the Fenner Crossing, but that is just a cover. In fact, he has five different strongholds.

"I just pour a bucket of water and you'll freeze an arm or a leg." He said: "You'd better tell me the rest of your bank account and password."

"All our bank account numbers and passwords have been told to you." Renault made a gesture of turning his trouser pockets.

"We have no money."

"You're lying!" Tasker suddenly shouted: "How could someone spend all their money to buy food and give it to a bunch of unrelated refugees?"

"This is impossible!"

"Mr. Reno," he emphasized again, "my patience is very limited."

"I don't know what you can expect from a pauper?" Reynold said, "I'm so poor that my pants are down."

"If I were the boss, I would definitely be the one who couldn't even pay my employees' wages."

"You can talk well, Mr. Renault, ha...but I will shut you up forever." Tusker had to accept the fact that Renault was really a pauper, and he began to become extremely angry.

"I know you two are Marines, but don't think that our Free Revolutionary Army is afraid of you federal lackeys! What about the Marines? The Marines are just a bunch of trash!"

"The world belongs to the workers, the world belongs to Camorion!"

Thanks to Yuan Qingwei, Dreams, Morrowind, GGsbada, Menggai Health, CommandIICHE, I, Da Luoluo, will fight with you, Agent Rongrong for the reward, thanks to Blank, GladOS, Harmonious Mark Rabbit Gundam, Dog Slayer Unbounded Master 123, It’s unintentional!!, Cough till Death, Wang Wan, Qin Guanshen, Pig Man Loves to Sleep, CommandIICHE, Vote with intention but no words, Northern Wolf Warriors, Book Friends 20170803164608387, Uh oh ah ha Clam Shrimp’s monthly ticket, thank you for the recommendation vote , thanks for the investment! ! !

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