StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 697 Urna’s Legacy

A few hours later, Augustus rewarded Duke with a glittering medal and sent him back, then returned to his flagship White Star, accompanied by Raynor and Zeratul.

The surrender of Alarak, the first Ascendant of Tal'darin, was just a small episode, and Augustus did not want to show too much importance to him, lest he could not understand his position.

Alarak was known for his cruelty and cunning, and his personal combat prowess was also said to be average. It was not right for Augustus to keep him by his side. He might one day backstab himself and hold the emperor hostage to order the princes. So Augustus left Alarak to Artanis, who seemed to be the only one who could restrain him.

At this time, the magnificent fleet battle in the Otarian Rift has come to an end. The fleets of all parties have begun to gather the warships and recover the fleet of carrier-based aircraft.

The Tyranid Empire and the Purifier Protoss teamed up to defeat the corrupted Dallam Protoss fleet. They tried their best to save some of the Dallam warships, but still destroyed most of the remaining ones as a last resort. Because the Templars above have completely fallen into darkness.

In this civil war with the other two allies, the Duram Protoss suffered the greatest losses. More than a third of the warships were sunk in the war, and the rest also suffered heavy damage. Including the Ark Ship Spear of Adon and several motherships, there are less than twenty warships that do not require major repairs and can immediately enter the next stage of the battle.

The protoss are always accustomed to directly jumping fleets and buildings from distant Aiur and other protoss empire colonies, instead of building new warships like humans do. This is the foundation of a universal interstellar civilization. Sadly, since Aemon corrupted Kara, these ships are now the last strength Artanis can muster.

If the Tyranid Empire and the Purifier Protoss hadn't helped Artanis get his battleship back, almost none of this would be left, and he would almost become a bare commander.

In comparison, the Terran Empire fleet under Augustus only lost a few dozen battlecruisers and some fighter planes. This is mainly because the Imperial fleet only serves as fire support and joint forces to complete the encirclement, while it is the Purifier Protoss fleet under Kororarion that performs the task of attacking.

The Purifier Protoss can withstand casualties that far exceed the limits of the human army, and those artificial intelligence programmed warriors who join the battle in accordance with the battle protocol can withstand 100% casualties without affecting morale.

This allowed these warriors to commit themselves to doomed Durham warships during the battle and save them by severing the Templar's nerve bundles mid-battle as much as possible without taking any casualties to their own.

And the only ones who can do this are the Purifier Star Spirits. To the Purifier protoss, death is a glorious sacrifice, not the end. Appropriately speaking, they are all heroic spirits who have died once.

These protoss heroes from ancient times still regard themselves as templar warriors. They have a high sense of honor, are accustomed to charging into battle, and take the lead. They regard it as a shame to fall behind others in battle.

In the final analysis, although descendants are unfilial, they still have to be beaten by themselves. The saying that family scandals should not be publicized is probably the truth.

If it weren't for the Purifier Protoss who could exchange lives for their lives, all Augustus could do was order the destruction of all the Durham battleships instead of trying to see if he could save some.

To deal with the corrupted Kara, Augustus still has the Xel'Naga artifact as his trump card, but he can't use it yet.

Eamon's plan to destroy the world is not without flaws. His biggest flaw is that he is arrogant and underestimates everyone. Among the three races, the one he looked down upon the most was humans.

But coincidentally, Augustus happened to know a complete set of procedures for dealing with Aemon.

But speaking of it, Amon has just corrupted Kara here, and it would be too much to expect Karax to come up with a solution now like he did in the original timeline.

Augustus could only remind Karax by insinuating that the Xel'Naga artifact could be used to briefly imprison Amon's consciousness in order to extract it from Kara - but this obviously takes time.

With this trump card, Augustus is not worried about the Golden Fleet. Currently, he is more worried about the various Tyran Empire territories outside the Otarian Rift and the people there.

Now that Amon has corrupted Kara, over time, the only remaining protoss of Dallam capable of resisting him are the Nerazim protoss Dark Templar of Sargulath.

When Sagulas fell, the only humans in the Koprulu sector who could fight back were the humans of Augustus.

"Ararak brought some Tal'darin troops. According to him, they are the most powerful warriors under his command." Raynor's voice brought Augustus back to reality.

At this moment, the two of them were walking along the gangway in the middle of the bridge inside the steel giant White Star. The bulkhead lines on both sides were neat and neat, shining like pure silver. In their spare time, the crew and sailors will clean the alloy steel floors and other exposed metal parts of the warships' decks over and over again at the captain's request, making them as bright and shiny as new.

As the flagship of the new generation of the Tyranids, the White Star can be seen everywhere with gorgeous golden wolf ornaments and badges symbolizing imperial power. The soldiers on board are all elite royal guards.

This behemoth has countless corridors and heavy steel doors that look exactly the same. The roar of engines and the buzz of fans are always around, never far away.

Like a precision-operated machine, this battleship, together with every component and crew inside it, operates in an orderly manner.

There are always strange sounds in the depths of the battlecruiser, some of which even the most experienced engineers on the battleship cannot identify where they are coming from. This battleship is so huge, with thousands of different cabins, some of which have never been visited since it was built.

"Even if what he said is true, we can't count on the loyalty of the Tal'darin protoss." Raynor continued: "Talandar said that even if these Tal'darin glare at you from behind, you must bring him down immediately. .”

"We are not in the chain of promotion, so it will do him no good to defeat the superior." Augustus acted very relaxed and joked:

"With Artanis watching over him, I can rest assured."

"Artanis?" Renault couldn't figure out which part of Augustus's words was a joke: "I'm worried that he will be deceived by Alarak and lose his pants."

"You are underestimating Artanis then. Although the Templars are far inferior to Tal'darin in making trouble and plotting, they are not stupid." Augustus shook his head: "And Artanis is not inflexible. stubborn."

"If Alarak can indeed push the Tal'darim protoss to leave Amon's camp as he said, then it will be an unexpected surprise." Since coming to Urna, Zeratul has never been far away from Augustus' sight. :

"In this final battle, we must unite as much as possible with all the forces that can be united."

This respectable elder always held a pessimistic attitude towards the crisis of extinction, but he never gave up hope. Now that the Xel'Naga have no hope, they must now gather all the forces determined to resist Amon.

"You are right." Augustus had already made plans for this, and he had already concluded who was worth winning over and forming an alliance with, and who must be resolved first.

The arrival of Eamon has changed many things. When there is a final BOSS who is more powerful than anyone else and makes no secret of his intention to upset everyone, the forces that had never been able to form an alliance with the Tyranids in the past will be shaken. .

Take the primitive zerg of Zulvin as an example. Although they are afraid of Amon to the core, they may not jump over the wall when pressed. Eamon does not need an individual with free will, only a slave who can be fully controlled for himself.

"Zeratul, you have been traveling in the universe for many years. You have seen much more than us, and you should have a wide network of contacts." Raynor looked at Zeratul and said.

"Before this, an ancient protoss empire responded to my call for help." Zeratul thought for a while and said: "I learned that they were once a branch of the ancient protoss who followed Xel'Naga and left Aiur, but Didn't evolve into Tal'darim."

"These protoss call themselves Ihanri (meaning Great Teachers in Protoss language), and are the only descendants of Xel'naga. The Ihanri protoss are as arrogant as they possess great power. They regard Thrall as Najia, as a god, is far more fanatical than us.”

"An ancient protoss empire?" Raynor just asked casually, not expecting that Zeratul really had connections.

"Yes, but we have never encountered or seen the Ihanri Protoss." Zeratul said: "Our understanding of them is even far less than that of the Tal'darin Protoss."

"It sounds like they came out of nowhere." Augustus was surprised. This was something he had never expected.

The Ihanri Protoss are known to be a branch of protoss that worship the Xel'Naga. This protoss faction has embarked on another development path, that is, using Xel'Naga technology to decorate its own civilization.

Augustus optimistically estimated that if they were to see the Xel'Naga morgue in Urnari, it would explode on the spot.

Different cultures, different traditions, different standpoints. This protoss may also be very powerful. But just like the Purifiers, they have long withdrawn from the stage of history and have been in a state of deep dormancy.

In the original timeline, the Ihanri star spirit did not appear. If I had to say it, it would be Zeratul’s forces in the co-op mode timeline, but that’s not actually canon.

However, the current timeline has long been messed up by Augustus, and people like Tassadar, Phoenix, Zeratul, Arcturus and Tychus have all survived. In a sense, it is really like a parallel world timeline in the cooperative mode, but it is not the same.

Augustus speculated that perhaps the glorious history of the Ihanli Empire and the rise of the Aiel Protoss Empire were completely staggered, because they may have left Aier before the catastrophe of the ages. Before the Protoss Empire entered its golden age of expansion, the empire was so dormant that they did not understand each other.

In other words, the Ihanri Protoss is extremely mysterious and has avoided communicating with other protoss branches, but is still watching them secretly.

If this awakened Protoss Empire can become a boost to the Tyranids Empire, that would be a good idea.

However, Augustus remembered that the former home planet of the Ihanri Protoss Empire was the planet Terrador IX, which is located in the current Terran Empire. This is a hidden danger of territorial disputes, and it is really a "territory that has existed since ancient times." .

One of the original intentions of the Ihanri Protoss' return was to restore the glory of their ancient empire, which was enough to give Augustus a headache.

"Zeratul, can you still contact these protoss?" Augustus said to himself, no matter how to recruit, let them come first, don't let the thugs come in vain, relying on humans alone is simply not enough.

This is still good news. Considering that the second-generation Overlord is still alive, it is not enough to rely on Artanis's original team to fight against Eamon.

"The trip to Urna temporarily interrupted my contact with them. Once I leave the Otarian Rift, I will try to contact the Ihanli Council again." Zeratul said to Augustus.

While they were talking, they had already walked into a fast-moving elevator inside the ship, and quickly boarded the bridge deck of the White Star along with the running ramp.

"Your Majesty, there is a new communication request waiting for your review." As soon as Augustus entered the bridge, the mechanical adjutant of the White Star stopped him.

"It's Artanis." Augustus glanced at him and said, "Come in."

Artanis's figure wearing white gold armor then appeared on the main screen: "Emperor Augustus, we are beginning to close the void door opened in the Ascension Palace to expel the shadow invasion from the void."

A part of the footage taken in the Urna Guiyi Temple was connected to the screen. Scarlet void energy was pouring out from the majestic walls of the temple, tearing apart the towering walls.

"It's really spectacular." Renault said: "This gate leads straight into the void. Maybe we can throw some nuclear bombs in and give Eamon a surprise."

"If you really want to do this, my suggestion is to throw something more explosive into it." Augustus said and nodded to Artanis: "But now, we can't leave this thing alone."

Augustus is still waiting to take over the Xel'Naga legacy in Urna, but he cannot sit back and watch it be eroded by the void.

At the same time, among the magnificent temples in Urna, alloy-forged trusses rose from the ground, and huge steel cranes were lifting huge Xel'Naga structures, lifting countless precious Xel'Naga structures. Extremely precious ancient relics such as Xel'Naga artifacts, document tablets that preserve ancient knowledge, and Xel'Naga kinetic energy machines that store powerful void energy were all sent into the rising and falling Hercules transport ship. The ground was full of large space engineering vehicles and busy figures, and the roar of machinery was deafening.

In time, these precious xel'naga can be used by the Tyranid Empire. For example, through research on Xel'Naga space-time technology, the jump speed of imperial warships will be significantly improved.

After Augustus leads the fleet to leave the Otarian Rift and return to the Koprulu sector, the excavation work in Urna will not stop there. ——Until it is hollowed out.

In the introduction of the Ihanri Protoss skin, it was mentioned that the Ihanri fleet awakened by Zeratul belonged to an ancient empire. Essentially this is a skin-selling setting, but I really like the different racial factions.

I have wanted to write this for a long time, and I have laid the groundwork for it a long time ago.

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