The town of Oran is located seventeen miles north of Howe Fortress. Thousands of vertical Gothic houses are built on the New Heracles Mountain, which is 10,000 feet above sea level. The top is covered with white snow.

This is the most famous skiing and resort destination in this hemisphere. The large and small hot springs formed by geological movements have created the world-renowned hot spring hotels and holiday resorts in Oran Town.

Before the outbreak of the war, the town of Oran was once a favorite resort for Turasis II celebrities and dignitaries. Rich people poured into this town with a history of only more than 20 years, bringing unprecedented prosperity. Commercial streets selling luxury goods and souvenirs have been built around the ski resort, where wealthy people spend money to buy castle-like mansions.

Of course, this was all three years ago.

When the first team of Augustus and the Demons of Heaven came to this small town, the prosperity was no longer what it used to be, and the streets were desolate. Frustrated residents watched their every move with vigilance, and there were more drunks and sex workers than they had encountered in any city or town before.

"Haven't you figured out what the buyer does?"

In the biting cold wind, Augustus leaned against the locked window of a ski equipment store, put his hands in his pockets and looked at the red brick paved street. There were four or five people standing in different positions in front of him. Same devil in heaven.

Lisa Cassidy, who was wearing the same brown parka as Augustus, stood on his right side. Her long ginger hair was tied into a long ponytail with a blue tie, and the long ponytail was gathered on her right shoulder. , placed on the chest.

Most of these soldiers are tall and strong, and have developed strong bodies through daily training and battles. Connor Ward, who has tanned his skin, and Tychus Finley, who always looks fierce, look at each other. It looks like two strong bears standing upright. The tall and thin Hanak and Josephine's hooded skull tattoos on their necks are looming under the stand-up collars of their long trench coats, which is enough to scare away anyone with evil intentions.

"The buyer is a friend of my friend. It is said that he is a nouveau riche who made a fortune from the war. He is in urgent need of some luxury goods and decent weapons and equipment to expand his influence. But you also know that this cannot be true. letter."

"Smugglers, human traffickers, drug gangs, interstellar pirates and scavengers who make a living by picking up interstellar garbage. They could be any kind of people." Tychus said: "The key is not to have too deep connections with these people. Good thing, getting to the bottom of it makes them wary. We don't know who they are and they don't know we're Marines, which is good for both sides."

"Even if you get close enough to them, be careful of these people selling you out."

"Well, this reminds me, should I trust you without reservation? Will you just sell me out? Tychus." Augustus nodded, with an inexplicable flicker in his cold gray eyes. mean.

"Oh my God, you won't find anyone more trustworthy than old Tychus. In my hometown, everyone said that the son of the Finley family is honest and trustworthy, and everyone loves him." Tychus hugged Ogu. Stuart's shoulders.

"The version I heard is that you even sold your mother to drink." Augustus said.

"Which son of a bitch said this?" Tychus knitted his eyebrows together, feeling truly angry: "I really love her, no one loves her more than me. But I have to leave that boring In the small town, the people there are buzzing like flies. In the summer, I can only stay in my dad’s coffee shop in a daze, and the customers in the shop are always surrounding me, laughing like a fool.”

"I've had enough of that life and that's why I'm here and why I chose to be a loyal soldier."

"How is your mother doing?" Augustus asked. Tychus was talking nonsense because he was unwilling to swear loyalty to himself, but Augustus actually didn't care too much.

"I often dream of her," Tychus replied.

At this time, at a corner of the street, in the narrow alleyway between luxury stores and food stores, a man wearing a long-brimmed flat hat and a low-level miner's uniform came out.

He looked around, then lowered the brim of his hat and walked toward Augustus and the others, followed closely by a man with a round belly and several strong bodyguards. One of the bodyguards was carrying two A password box.

"It's such a sunny day, sir. I always miss my wife who died in childbirth at this time." The man with a big belly ran quickly and walked to Augustus. After standing still, he used his silk handkerchief. He wiped his smooth scalp.

"Do you have a wife?"

"I have not seen my bride," said Augustus. "We have brought goods."

"Where are they? If Mr. Smith is right, then we can get fifty electromagnetic rifles, two hundred KMC-12 automatic rifles and a set of CMC powered armor." The man with a big belly no longer sweats constantly, and his expression is abnormal He was calm and composed, and his eyes as thin as his eyebrows showed a shrewd brilliance.

"Are you Mr. Saint Nicholas Caesar Augustus?"

"That's right." Augustus replied without changing his expression: "Follow us. Don't ask questions and keep your eyes forward."

Seeing the other party nodding, Augustus waved his hand and led the Demon of Heaven away, followed closely by the buyer's men.

"Eleven minutes, three minutes and forty-six seconds, this is Rick. I haven't found anyone following you." A mini headset produced by Umoyan hidden in Augustus's ear transmitted the message from the sniper in the Demon Platoon of Heaven. Lance Corporal Rick Kidd's voice.

"I'll report again in five minutes."

Last night, Augustus dismissed the commander of the resocialization platoon and took his demons from heaven to count the supplies in the hands of the gangster gang. They found more than three hundred .50-caliber automatic rifles and dozens of boxes of copper. There are nearly a hundred old-fashioned electromagnetic rifles for making bullets and electromagnetic grenades.

There were also fourteen pieces of power armor, two Goliaths, and five assault armored vehicles. The gold and silver jewelry piled in the warehouse made Renault and Rundstein's hands go numb after counting them.

Who knew why a gang leader could be so rich? Augustus was wondering if there really was a huge organization called the Free Revolutionary Army.

Augustus gave some of the inferior equipment to Warfield, and the food was given to the Wetburg refugee camp in the name of the Demon of Heaven. The rest remain sealed in their original locations. Originally, Augustus wanted to keep all the equipment, but after thinking about it for a night, he decided to sell a batch first to test the waters.

Korhal IV's independence is a foregone conclusion. As a member of the Mengsk family, even if he wants to escape, the agents of the Tyranid Federation will hunt him to the ends of the earth. Augustus would inevitably devote himself to his father's revolutionary cause and be tied to the battle wheels of Korhal IV. Either we will be reborn with Korhal, or we will be destroyed together.

Since his brother Arcturus is determined to realize his ideals in life in the mines, Augustus has to shoulder the burden of saving the Mengsk family and Korhal.

Thanks to Mad Niu Wudi and Agent Rongrong for the reward. Thanks to Agent Rongrong, the angel of death in the sleeves, the existence of Yujie Control, the blue sky takes me soaring, Book Friends 20190422191709173, SimonDD41, the tragedy of Double 11, Book Friends 20191025235406298, XMD01, the monthly ticket of Dream Thousand Years. Thanks for the recommendation votes guys!

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