StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 707 Alarua Ke’s Approval

The enemy rushed into the Xel'Naga Temple. Swarms of springtails, cockroaches, banelings and hydralisks advanced along the winding passages and colonnades, filled with impatient screams. An explicit desire for destruction. They overturned all the magnificent statues seen along the way and shattered the colorful lighting crystals.

The intricate, maze-like passages and corridors here are no more suitable for the fighting style of the insect swarm than any underground insect tunnel. As Augustus' officers reported, the insects poured in like water into an anthill.

The swarm is a tide of fangs, claws and carapace, a rumbling hum of locust swarms that roll across the fields in summer. Like insects, they swoop toward places that emit light and heat until they are burned by fire, making horrifying cries.

Augustus's royal guards and their Protoss allies retreated all the way to the depths of the Xel'Naga Temple. Their number was small, probably only two companies of a few hundred people, but they were well-equipped with raider armor, The firepower of tanks and large mechas is enough to rival several heavy artillery battalions.

The protoss were no more numerous than the human forces, but those who remained were the most powerful warriors, some with more seniority than their executors.

The main force has been evacuated to the high-altitude orbit of Sagulas, and the last moment is coming.

The commander of the Royal Guards, Berry, ordered all passages to the interior of the temple to be blown up, but this only temporarily delayed the swarm's attack. As a large number of Nydus Worms eroded the temple's underground floor with holes, more and more large and giant zerg units were able to pour in from the collapsed walls.

Among them, hybrids account for an unprecedentedly high proportion. These horrific hybrid monsters serve as servants of the Dark God and are the agents of death.

They passed through tall arches, dropping all the Spider Mines and Widow Mines along the way, and continued to retreat deeper into the Xel'Naga Temple amidst the explosions one after another behind them. Along the way, the vanguard of the insect swarm kept clinging behind them, and the pair of flashing red eyes and the sound of the carapace colliding with each other were chilling.

On the other side, a huge, hazy shadow shimmering with scarlet death glare enveloped the changing weather, passing over the fragmented land like a storm, and burned out a black hole on the wall at the southern end of the Xel'Naga Temple. Huge gap. No obstacle can stop this unstoppable dark archon. He has long since faded away from his physical form, falling to the earth like a violent star, scorching, deadly, and terrifying.

Endless swarms of insects flocked to Orega, and the endless swarms burned like dry firewood piles.

No one knows the true purpose of Orega's coming here. He may have already gone crazy, lost in the overwhelming anger and hatred. Augustus, Artanis and others could only piece together the true intentions of Orega from his illogical actions.

Obviously, the swarm's invasion of Sagulas and the slaughter of the El Protoss on it is exactly what Orega wants. He no longer even cares about the lives of his fellow Nerazims because these people once "betrayed" him. , but Orega did not want Sagulath to fall into the hands of the zerg.

For Orega, the best situation would be to come to Sagulath when the swarm is killing the El Protoss, turn the tide and become the savior of Nerazim, which can be said to be killing two birds with one stone.

Maybe Orega had reached a deal with Eamon, but he probably didn't expect that the number of zerg that poured into Sagulas would be so large. Orega is extremely powerful, like a god, but his power is not unlimited.

What is certain is that Orega does not seem to be on anyone's side. Orega slaughtered the swarms wantonly and showed no mercy to the protoss and human armies, but there is no doubt that his appearance brought great chaos to the swarms and hindered their attack. Even hybrids are powerless against this terrible dark archon.

Augustus' footsteps stopped in a magnificent hall in the Xel'Naga Temple. The supports of this hall stretched straight to a dizzying height, as if they had escaped the gravity of the earth. The influence transcends the boundaries of time and space.

Among them, hundreds of stone pillars are precisely arranged in an order that contains some mysterious foreshadowing. The exquisitely carved patterns on the pillars and walls made Augustus involuntarily associate them with the green leaves, with a gentle feeling surging through them. The air flow reminds people of the first breeze when spring arrives.

Countless silver Kedarin crystal fragments are scattered like snowflakes between the walls and columns. Surprising and magical power surges within them, making a sweet sound like a soft groan under the stepping and collision of Augustus' power boots. .

There is a magnificent altar in the hall, with a huge prism crystal suspended on the top of the altar, emitting blue light like the sun. This piece of crystal is a vertical passage that leads directly to the depths of Sagulas' planet.

Under the gaze of Augustus and others, Artanis walked up the steps of the altar and activated the operation panel. Suddenly, powerful power surged out from the prism crystal that split into multiple fragments, and an indescribable uneasiness arose in Augustus's heart.

Almost a few breaths later, a huge Nydus Worm broke through a wall of the hall, roared and stretched out its ugly head from the splashed boulder fragments, opened its bloody mouth and spit out a large number of springtails and Hydralisks reminded Augustus of grain dumped from a threshing machine.

The difference is that they are absolutely deadly monsters that show no mercy or mercy. The vanguard of the insect swarm are still those flexible springtails, which look like blue-gray grasshoppers in groups. They have strong hind limbs and wings on their backs. They are really little monsters.

At this moment, the most correct decision they could make immediately was to open fire immediately.

Surrounding the altar in the center of the hall, multiple Wolf Warriors and Marauders with the Royal Golden Wolf emblem opened fire at the same time. The Hurricane mid-range anti-aircraft missile battery roared into action, launching a cluster of flaming missiles, setting off a dense barrage of missiles. Explosions and smoke, high-impact shrapnel rattling the zerg carapace.

Amidst the earth-shattering roar, several hybrids with sickly copper-blue skin jumped out of the thick smoke. A team of Wolf Warriors led by Imperial Sergeant James "Sirius" Sykes aimed their guns. A burst of dazzling blue beams spurted out from the railgun, and the carapace was carbonized and dissolved. The hybrid monster immediately fell into a sea of ​​burning fire.

This rail gun weapon is a magic weapon against heavy armor. It was developed with the participation of Zhenyan Company. It uses a DPF plasma guidance field charging bullet. After plasma charging, the bullet can accelerate to three thousand meters per second. After hitting the target The plasma will spread outward from the point of impact, striking targets within a cone in a dense manner.

The railgun equipped by the Wolf Warrior is enough to easily penetrate the heavy armor of siege tanks and bunkers, as well as the Stalker armor used to deal with Ultralisks and Protoss. Likewise, this weapon is also capable of killing hybrids.

The heavy firepower of the Protoss side also opened fire. The vertical drop here was large enough to accommodate the towering Purifier colossi. The terrifying solar ray gun immediately burned an insurmountable, raging field on the rocky ground in front of the altar. The huge burning cracks burned the insects that tried to cross this limit into irregular black carbon traces on the ground.

Although those mechanical predators were slow in movement, they were able to exert effects far beyond expectations when fighting in the winding corridors of the Xel'Naga Temple. In a relatively narrow and enclosed space, due to the large number of bugs, the swarm is like bugs piled in a glass jar. Just one ejected scarab bomb can kill hundreds of bugs on a large scale.

At the front, the Templar Zealots, Dark Templar Centurions and Tal'darin Bloodblade formed an indestructible front. The psychic blades of various colors lit up in rows, slashing horizontally and vertically, harvesting everyone. The life of a zerg.

A series of spiked bullets swept towards the open space in front of Augustus, and the air was filled with blood and the smell of raw meat cut open by hot shrapnel. Like a juicy fruit, the red flesh splashed everywhere after being hit by a heavy hammer. A Leviathan cockroach was torn apart by the Immortal's phase interference cannon, with flesh and blood flying everywhere.

The Disruptors moved slowly but surely towards the most critical front. The Purification Nova weapons they were equipped with immediately set off a terrifying impact from the high-heat energy flow in the dense insect swarm front. The swarms of zerg were torn into pieces. A large number of broken black carapace fell from the sky like rain.

Augustus stood behind the two Royal Viking fighter planes, watching the Gatling gun spray out a torrent of bullets burning with blue flames towards the front. The shells that were withdrawn fell to the ground with a thud. In an instant, there were more than a dozen of them. The springtails were sieved, as if they were killing bed bugs in the house.

Many centuries ago, such steel giants were just a common sight in movies and comics.

In just a few minutes, large swaths of zerg fell in front of the altar, but to the swarm, this was just a drop in the bucket, not even worth feeling sorry for. Humans will always use up all their ammunition. They are mortal bodies, and they will eventually feel the fatigue that penetrates their bones. The protoss warriors are brave and good at fighting, and they can fight one against a hundred, but they are not invulnerable.

The Swarm will eventually win.

Even if previous enemies are killed on a large scale, casualties will inevitably occur. The situation in front of him was not the same as what Augustus remembered. There were not only springtails and hydralisks, but also large-scale hybrids and thunder beasts. The defensive pressure he faced was much greater than expected. .

A terrifying hybrid beast broke into the battle line and immediately started killing the people at its feet, trampling everything under its feet without any scruples. He knocked away a royal war wolf with one palm, and then knocked over several marauders.

The surrounding royal guards tried to use their weapons to deal with the giant monster, but with little success. It seemed like they were just scratching the surface.

The Marines of the Royal Guard are all tall warriors, and they are wearing specially crafted power armor. They are much taller than ordinary people, but they are not worth mentioning in front of the hybrid beast.

Artanis, the high-ranking executive of Durham, arrived just in time. He jumped high from the steps of the altar and landed in front of the hybrid beast like a blue comet. He lit up his sharp blade and started a sword-fight. The bloody fight began immediately.

"It's wonderful!" Alarak walked towards Augustus from the other side of the altar, with unspeakable excitement in his words: "Being able to destroy Amon's huge army in one battle, there is nothing more worthwhile than this. This star The dark asteroid is a worthy death."

"Although our real home is still Aiur, I will never allow you to insult Sagulas." Vorazun also came to Augustus: "We will always remember her!"

"What value do losers and dead people have worth mentioning?" Alarak said without hesitation: "If necessary, I will blow up Slane a thousand times."

"I thought this stupid rescue operation was a waste of time."

While speaking, Alarak's scarlet eyes flashed with purple light from time to time. Combined with his abnormal excitement, it was difficult to tell whether he had consumed too much terazine at one time.

"You are always complaining, but complaining is a waste of time." Augustus didn't even look at Alarak.

"Hmph, you are more useful than I thought." Alarak said suddenly.

"What did you say?" Augustus thought he had heard wrongly, but he didn't expect that the other party would say what he really meant.

Should we say he is a real person or a master of black humor?

Despite his cruelty and lack of scruples, Alarak is very true to his word in his dealings and cannot tolerate betrayal. Even so, it's hard to say when he betrays others.

All in all, it would be a big mistake if you tried to make friends with Alarak, and a more lucrative deal would be more attractive to an ambitious Tal'darin.

Augustus was not worried about Alarak's betrayal, but he would not do so before killing Aemon. If that were the case, then Augustus would definitely strike first.

"You've taken too much methane." Augustus looked at him and said.

"No, that's what I want to say." Alarak's eyes glowed purple.

As he was talking, a hybrid Dominator appeared. This monster was almost an enhanced version of the Hybrid Destroyer. Its size and psychic talent had been greatly improved, and it was extremely terrifying.

When the hybrid ruler roared, many people were traumatized. Blood came out of their noses, and the thick blood soaked into the combat uniforms below the neck, but it did not affect the battle. The Royal Guards are experienced veterans who have seen real blood and death, and have also faced the fear of hybrids.

Augustus also felt tightness in his chest, but it was nothing serious. It might be because he spent time with a telepath like Kerrigan, who was at the top of the human race.

"I'm going to help Artanis." Alarak said to himself, flying to join the battlefield: "You are not as weak as you look, Artanis."

Augustus watched Alarak leave - he never thought that he should fight against a hybrid alone like Artanis or Zeratul. After all, human power has its limits.

"I heard that the power of the first ascended person, Alarak, is comparable to that of the high lord Marash." Vorazun said to Augustus.

"Who did you listen to?" asked Augustus.

"Aranak," Vorazun answered.

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