StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 709 Narud: No, no, no

In the sparsely populated fringe of the Milky Way, the Sigma Sector is a largely unexplored virgin territory. After Emperor Augustus Mengsk ascended the throne, this vast space was immediately included in the Tyranid Empire's northward expansion as part of this huge interstellar empire.

As more and more human exploration spacecraft begin to penetrate into the dark and distant depths of the Sigma sector, one after another fully loaded colonial ships are launched into space, and thousands of people who are full of longing for the future are on those new worlds that contain hope. Built his own home.

Relatively speaking, the Sigma Sector is considered barren in the Milky Way, and the distance between stars is much larger than in the Galactic Center. This also makes the imperial colonies among them need to be farther together, and the interstellar routes between them span an extremely wide span, far less than the prosperous core world.

Since the Sigma sector has not been included in the empire's territory for a long time, until the final battle broke out, the Terran Empire was still continuously transporting necessary survival and construction materials to the new colonies in the Sigma sector through interstellar routes, even if Entering a state of war only forced to reduce the size of the transport fleet.

On the interstellar route map of the Sigma sector, there is an extremely desolate space that has maintained a stable secret route with Kohal, and the transport fleet that sails on this route every Earth month is considered to be huge. There are hundreds of thousands of people working on this route and related systems alone.

But this space can be called desolate and lonely even in the Sigma Sector. There are only a few ancient and silent stars there, and the planet shrouded in darkness rises and falls like gravel in the sea of ​​time. This place is farther than any known world in the Koprulu Sector, and even exiled criminals do not need such a distance.

Few people know that the end point of this route is actually a space hulk that has been abandoned by alien civilizations for countless years. The fleets setting sail from Kohal are transporting personnel and personnel to repair this super giant ship. supplies.

This space hulk was so huge and the damage was so severe that the alloy furnaces, forging factories and orbital facilities built on site by the Tyranids to repair it were like sparse star rings surrounding it. around the hull.

Around the asteroids anchored in fixed orbits around it, the Tyranid Empire even built multiple satellite cities. These small cities were fully equipped and were no different from those built on the planet.

Now, this super giant ship called the Xel'Naga World Ship has completed its repair work and can set sail again at any time.

Jim Raynor must admit that the Xel'Naga World Ship shocked him even more than the Spear of Aton, because now it was considered their own ship.

They received a lot of help from the protoss, but the main work was still done by human engineers. Even if it was just repairing rather than building, it was still a technological miracle.

This is an extremely old spaceship, perhaps even older than human history, and it was built by the legendary creator Xel'Naga, a race that has even been deified by the protoss.

Just when Dr. Emil Narud said that he could repair the Xel'Naga world ship, Renault felt that he was not bragging about his abilities and was simply crazy.

The technological achievements of the Protoss Empire are quite incredible in the eyes of humans, but they have not understood the core of Xel'Naga technology at all, and only use it superficially.

Except for the Xel'Naga themselves, no one knows the true purpose of this Xel'Naga world ship being built. Only the Xel'Naga can repair their spaceship, there is no doubt about it.

You Narud, you said you have nothing to do with Xel'naga and Eamon?

I've already seen that you are not human!

"Haha, I'm so happy to see you here, Marshal Jim Reno." Dr. Narud on the other side didn't know what Reno was thinking in front of him, because the power armor he was wearing shielded him. Completed all telepathic explorations.

"Me too." Renault also showed a formulaic smile and shook Narud's hand vigorously. His old friend Tychus was also standing on the other side with a smile, nominally Renault's adjutant.

——You are happy too early.

This is the bow deck of the Xel'Naga World Ship. The densely packed superstructure supports have been removed, leaving only some giant cranes the size of spaceships falling in the distance like metal peaks. There are many people standing in the distance. These scientists, engineers and soldiers are undoubtedly heroes. They work here day and night just to realize the lofty ideals of Augustus the Great.

The majestic outline of the world ship stretched in Renault's sight like a magnificent battlement. Countless huge turrets stood tall, casting slender shadows on the bright mirror-like deck, showing the world her terrifying construction purpose.

Like other Xel'Naga works, she is majestic and powerful, as well as beautiful and elegant.

Raynor's view on star battleships is simple and straightforward. It must be able to withstand beatings, but it must also hurt. In this way, this restored Xel'Naga world ship definitely fits his aesthetics.

The Tyranid Empire fleet parked on the Xel'Naga World Ship looked like nothing more than a hundred boats competing against each other. Even the largest Gorgon-class battlecruiser seemed small at this moment.

This worldship alone is better than a large fleet of the Tyranid Empire. Its magnificent giant shipyard can not only take off and land battlecruisers, but also accommodate a giant shipyard such as the Delarian Orbital Shipyard.

It is foreseeable that there will be no other human warships that can compare with it within a century.

Although Dr. Narud is extremely bad, he is a Xel'naga after all, and his attainments in art and aesthetics are nothing to mention. This is why he fascinated Valerian in the original timeline.

"Marshal, please tell His Majesty Augustus that the World Ship can join any great imperial fleet at any time!" Narud frowned and withdrew the painful hand held by Renault, secretly cursing the other party for being rough. People don't understand etiquette.

Narud received the notification that Marshal Raynor would accept the repaired Xel'Naga Worldship on behalf of the Imperial Navy and incorporate it into the Imperial fleet he brought.

Of course, this is also part of Narud's calculation. Now that the final battle has come, and Amon's world-destroying army has destroyed world after world, it is impossible for Augustus not to use this super battleship that he spent countless manpower and material resources to build.

Thinking of this, the smile on Narud's face became even brighter.

He couldn't wait to see the world ship that Augustus had spent countless resources building to protect the empire turn and fire on the empire's territory. This was simply a great irony.

The smarter they think they are, the more they think they can play with everyone, Narud will only treat them with cruel sneers and ridicules. ——Although Narud is also such a person.

For this reason, Narud devoted all his efforts to create weapons capable of destroying planets for this Xel'Naga world ship, and it was equipped with a powerful void shield that could even withstand the artillery fire of the Gold Fleet. Not only that, Narud even spent his own money to install the Xel'Naga technology he had collected over countless years on the world ship. He used all the good treasures and wished he could weld them all on.

In Augustus's view, he was borrowing Narud's hand to build an Ark-level super battleship. Putting aside the cost of materials and labor, he was using Xel'Naga technology for free.

But in Narud's eyes, he was borrowing the resources of the Tyranids to build a world-destroying weapon for Eamon. How could he not work hard and do his best? Anyway, it was the empire that provided the people and efforts, but he only provided the technology, and in his opinion, this technology was not worth mentioning at all.

In other words, this is also free money.

It's really a two-way street.

As a result, Narud worked overtime to repair the Xel'Naga world ship before Aemon was resurrected, and built it into a real world-destroying ship. This amazing workload would have been real if he hadn't been a Xel'Naga. Hard to say.

In order to complete the repair on time, Narud did not even use the hybrid to corrupt the personnel above, so as to avoid alerting the enemy. After all, no one else knew the worldship he had personally restored better than he did.

In any case, with this dedication, Augustus must erect a monument to Narud.

"I'm just waiting for your words." Renault glanced at Narud again.

Just like the image in people's eyes, Narud is always meticulously dressed, wearing a smooth tie and shiny leather shoes, which is incompatible with bohemian cowboys and villains like them. It can be seen that Narud is in a very good mood today.

But thinking about Narud's betrayal of the emperor and secret betrayal of the empire, Renault's heart surged with anger.

Augustus was originally going to send Stukov to arrest Narud, but one thing was that Stukov couldn't get away with commanding the fleet, and the other was that he didn't want to have anything to do with the shameless villain.

"Marshal, you and your soldiers have come all the way. I have prepared a dinner to wash away the dust." Narud prepared the dinner, not to establish friendship with Renault, but to find out more about the Imperial Fleet. Moving confidential information.

Our Dr. Narud is indeed worthy of admiration. He still thinks that his disguise is perfect, so he still hides in the empire with peace of mind to ensure that Amon's plan of annihilation can be executed perfectly.

In the words of the game, Dr. Narud worked hard for Eamon, but he gave everything away.

"Thank you for your kindness, doctor." Renault changed the topic: "Didn't you hear? Dr. Narud, the god of darkness has been resurrected and is gathering his rabble, the lost dog, to attack the Koprulu sector."

"I have heard about the dark god Amon. He has a terrifying hybrid army." Narud said that we must be careful: "I once advised your majesty to control the hybrid before others do. It's a pity."

"If I had been more determined!"

Dr. Narud had assured the Emperor and his generals that hybrid technology was completely controllable. For example, there are sounds of special frequencies that can calm hybrids and make them less irritable, allowing the Tyranid Empire to tame hybrids like dogs.

But Augustus did not have Leonardo.

Augustus was not enthusiastic about Narud's proposal to build a hybrid army to fight against the protoss and zerg, and the latter understood after repeated setbacks that the emperor would ultimately be unable to realize the hybrid plan.

In other words, Augustus has always been hesitant, even hesitant. He is excited about the powerful power and war value of the hybrids, but is also afraid of the bad effects they may cause, and worries that these monsters cannot be controlled.

If it were his brother Arcturus, he wouldn't care whether the weapon in his hand conforms to justice and morality. The difference is that Arcturus doesn't care whether the sword in his hand is righteous or evil.

But after the hybrid plan was rejected, Narud quickly devoted himself to the repair work of the Xel'Naga World Ship.

This was something Narud had not expected. Augustus asked him to build the Xel'Naga World Ship, which was actually to further tie him to the empire so that he could not escape his sight.

After all, if Augustus vetoes the hybrid plan, Narud may leave the empire in frustration, and Augustus will not be able to continue fishing for him.

At the same time, Narud also believed that Augustus put all his confidence in dealing with Amon on this Xel'Naga world ship. After all, the Tyranids Empire had already invested countless resources on this epic and magnificent ship. of human and material resources.

But is it what you think it is?

In fact, with Augustus's personality, he would not bet on a mere battleship - no matter how magnificent she was, no matter how powerful she was.

This is unreasonable.

The more energy Narud spent on building the Xel'Naga world ship, the more time he had to spend on tossing the hybrid army.

After all, Narud was indeed very smart, but he failed to realize that Augustus knew from the beginning that he was a young man, and his underwear was even taken out.

Augustus did ask Narud to build a world warship for him in an almost empty-handed manner, but only when the person who built the warship was truly dead could he use it with confidence and boldness.

"Don't be frightened." Tychus' voice came out at an inappropriate time.

He was tall and tall, six and a half feet tall. When he stood in the crowd wearing power armor, he looked like a giant. His voice was low and deep, and he always looked at people with blue eyes full of humor.

"But that's not important. Dr. Narud, do you have any beautiful girls at this dinner party?"

"No, not really." Narud really didn't know how to respond to Tychus's words. He felt helpless like a scholar meeting a soldier: "There are only scientists here."

"Female scientists can do it too." Tychus may have been holding back his nerves and was already ravenous.

"." Narud had nothing to say.

"Tychus, you can do whatever you want when we get back to Korhal." Raynor frowned: "I'm sorry, Dr. Narud, we have to return to Korhal immediately. I received an order from His Majesty to return to August immediately. Gullah.”

"Amon's hybrid army attacked there."

"How could this happen?" Narud said what is going on, I don't know anything.

"I'm afraid we have to drive this ship back to Korhal now." Raynor's expression softened.

"Like I said, the Xel'Naga World Ship can join the fleet at any time!" Narud nodded immediately.

"But my people don't know much about this battleship yet." Renault said.

"Of course, my engineers and I will follow this world ship and help you train the crew and soldiers." Narud immediately said: "I lived in Augustgrad for a long time, where the entire Thai The hometown of the Lun Empire."

Narud's job here is to repair the world ship. Now that his work is completed, he was originally going to return to Augustgrad.

"This couldn't be better." Renault said yes, yes.

It’s too late, send first and change later!

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