StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 711 The Ghost of the Empire

Flying over the solemn Wolf Central Square in Augustgrad, multiple Imperial Special Forces transport planes arrived at the battlefield carrying blue and white trails.

Augustgrad is a city like no other, with unparalleled majesty and splendor. The straight streets and strict checkerboard road network continue to extend under the moving horizon. The urban layout of countless straight lines and right angles makes it This majestic city has a king-like cold demeanor.

Nova Terra sat in the last row of seats, leaning her head in the shadow of the light, silently looking through the observation window at the central city of Augustgrad that was passing quickly outside the window. An eerie red light reflected outside, covering the jagged skyline of skyscrapers, and the gray transportation network and green-dotted parks were also bloody.

This is an unusual color. It does not belong to the red glow of the sunset or the colorful neon lights. It does not belong to natural or artificial light sources. It makes people feel very uncomfortable.

The culprit behind all this is the huge stone pillar that occupies the entire field of vision in front of it. All the sky towers in Augustgrad City pale in comparison. Its pointed spire supports the sky and penetrates deep into the churning clouds. The scene is really shocking.

This supernatural thing called the Void Shard was beyond people's imagination. It appeared almost out of thin air. Thousands of people saw it rising from the void, as if traveling from another dimension.

Nova had been living in Augustgrad for several years, and it was here that she spent her last years before growing up. At first, Nova came to Augustgrad just to receive training at the Ghost Military Academy. She decided to forget her sad past and start a new life.

Because of the support of the royal family, although the Terra family's industry has shrunk a lot compared to the Federation era, it is still the behemoth of Tarsonis. Even if Nova doesn't have the right to inherit, she will definitely have enough food and clothing from now on.

However, Nova still chose to become a ghost agent because she believed that her life was destined to be different from others.

Nova has been "training" with Kerrigan, strengthening her ability to control psychic energy by tempering her spirit and meditating like the high-level templars and dark templars of the protoss. But if you want to do this, you must have extremely high talent.

In fact, the power possessed by high-level telepaths like Nova is already very, very powerful, but they cannot control it and there is no need to increase their power at all.

As the transport plane got closer and closer to the void fragment rising from the center of the Queens Business District, Nova clearly felt that the fuselage was becoming more and more bumpy. The tremors did not come from strong airflow disturbances, but were tearing the ship apart. The void energy of the shell.

The anti-aircraft firepower network in the city below was constantly firing. The furious anti-aircraft missiles created brilliant fireworks in the sky. It was hard to imagine what kind of enemy they were fighting.

At the same time, rows of Viking fighters formed a four-plane formation and passed by at high speed from both sides. Bright lights flashed in front of the dark black-painted cockpits, and their advanced twin engines drove dazzling flames. Viking fighter planes are as flexible as a giant bird with outstretched wings in the high altitude, but they are actually giant steel beasts that breathe out flames. They are currently the main model of the Tyranids, and are also equipped with local air forces and air forces in the planet's atmosphere. Naval fleet.

I saw Viking fighter planes climbing upwards and disappearing from Nova's field of vision. A large number of death heat missiles equipped with anti-matter warheads were launched into the air. A large rising smoke trail pointed directly at the glowing red void fragment. A series of horrific explosions hit the sky.

Nova knew that Viking fighter pilots would use these astonishingly powerful missiles to deal with swarms of mutalisks or overlord insects that were defenseless against attacks, but she was not sure whether that would be effective against void fragments.

If this thing really comes from the void as mentioned above, then how can they deal with such a mysterious and mysterious thing. As the old saying goes, fight magic with magic and psionics with psionics, so that's why Nova is here.

Yes, their mission is to destroy these void fragments and completely erase them from the territory of Augustgrad.

This was a direct order from the Augustgrad Palace, from Queen Sarah Kerrigan herself. She is the most powerful woman in the empire, standing on the throne like a queen and giving orders.

She assigned a group of beasts to complete the task.

Soon, the tremors of the transport ship became more and more violent, and Nova felt as if she was riding on a crazy bear-toothed beast. The Marine on the seat next to him was still whispering on the communication channel, chatting about everything from which girl's family was the most beautiful to the emperor's dirty stuff. There was no trace of nervousness at all.

The Imperial Special Forces do not only accept experienced veterans, but tend to recruit the elite of the Marine Corps. There are many ways to join the special forces, which may come from the recommendation of a commander or through open selection.

Like the Sons of Korhal and Nova Squadron's special operations units, Imperial special operations units are equipped with the finest weapons and perform the most dangerous and exciting missions. After joining the special teams, everyone will receive a new contract, which of course includes a staggering triple salary and considerable pension protection.

High risk, high reward, but Nova only joined the special forces because the emperor wanted her to command the army, and to this end, he rarely refused any of her requests.

Nova used to worry that Augustus would one day become her father inexplicably, so her feelings towards him were complicated.

In any case, Nova believed that Augustus was neither great nor perfect, and he also had many intolerable shortcomings, such as his occasional arrogance and self-centeredness, his small-mindedness, bad taste, and his tendency to think that everything was wrong. The sense of superiority in control, as if he really knew where the situation was going, was certainly not something he could feel himself.

Augustus' benevolence aside, Nova was loyal to the Empire simply to fulfill her duty, as she believed the Empire was indeed loyal to her people.

"What the hell is going on with these damn pillars? They're crushing my house. Luckily I bought extra insurance!"

"A void fragment appeared in Enfield City. Damn it, my new car is ruined again."

"I hope my family has evacuated safely. Even Augustgrad was attacked. Is there any safe place in this universe?"

"Brother, how can you find a clean place in a rotten pit?"

"There are wars everywhere, and there is no peace anywhere. I heard that the scale of the battlefield this time is larger than the previous ones combined. But the most terrifying thing is that the above can't tell who our enemy is? Is it human, protoss, zerg or a hybrid?"

"Someone said the enemy is a god from the Protoss. That's the biggest joke I've ever heard in my life. Hey, we have to bring in the god to deal with him."

"I gotta tell you, God is in the palace."

"Guys, are we there yet? Maybe I should wash my face?"

"Be prepared." When Nova spoke on the channel, everyone fell silent: "The transport plane will land in one minute."

In the eyes of many people, Nova is just a little girl who has just turned twenty. Before that, she was just a pampered little princess of Tarsonis. But just by entering the Marine Corps, Nova has already established absolute authority in the army.

Powerful, reliable and most importantly no one would say no to a beautiful blonde ghost.


"Understood, sir." The answers on the channel were surprisingly unanimous.

Nova couldn't help but smile on her delicate face. Many people thought she couldn't smile, but that wasn't the case. Nowadays, Nova has finally moved on from the death of her father Constantine, because at least she still has her mother and brother.

"The action begins."

Amidst the violent turbulence, the transport ship finally landed. An Imperial Special Forces Marine wearing blue and black power armor jumped from the loading ramp at the rear, and the heavily armored Marauder kicked up a large amount of dust in the heavy footsteps.

At this time, Nova realized how huge the void fragment in front of her was. Its towering spire penetrated into the sky and divided the entire city into two. The Void Shard is so tall that nearby anti-aircraft fire can easily lock onto this conspicuous target.

But whether it was an anti-aircraft missile or a Viking fighter's Lanzer flying mine, they were intercepted by a void shield on the surface of the void debris and exploded in the surroundings.

The only way to destroy it was to use directional blasts with high explosives, or use the incredibly powerful pulse cannons of Korhal's defense network, but the latter would definitely send the entire city into the sky.

Maybe they have other better methods, but now they can only use the simplest and most effective method.

This is the commercial center located in the central city of Augustgrad. A few hours ago there was a bustling flow of people, but now it is a mess.

Nova was convinced that there were still people here who had not been completely evacuated. The situation was more complicated than imagined, and they had to allocate manpower to evacuate people. Obviously, the void fragments emerging everywhere in the city not only caused great damage, but also blocked transportation and communications.

Some friendly troops who had already arrived were nearby, and fierce exchanges of fire could be heard. They were fighting an extremely bizarre void creature, including both humanoid and more terrifying images.

After entering reality, these void creations seem to be able to simulate the existing biological existence in the universe, and even hybrids.

It has to be said that Nova has not figured out why those void creations that look like marines are also using weapons made of void energy to shoot. If their bullets are pure void energy, why not make them more powerful? arms.

Obviously, these void creations have no obvious intelligence, and everything seems to be just a kind of imitation.

When the SWAT team arrived, several uniformed men burst out of a building called the Singularity Travel Agency. This is a huge travel company, and its business even covers Charles' wilderness survival program. These few people were obviously left out in the chaos.

The staff of the travel agency were still panicking. They were at a loss as to where those terrifying void creations came from. As soon as they saw the Imperial soldiers, they immediately seemed to have seen a savior.

Nova immediately asked people to take them aboard her transport ship, and these people were very grateful.

"Act, we must destroy this mission target." Nova ordered on the communication channel: "Quick!"

Several special operations teams carried fusion explosives and manually went to the expected target point to plant the explosives. The streets in front of them were filled with debris left by the explosives. They were not the only force involved in this operation, as all the Imperial legions on Korhal sent their best forces.

Prince Arcturus even gave up the defense of the palace and sent most of the royal guards to join the battle, which allowed the royal family to win the hearts of the people.

Suddenly, a thunder beast condensed from void energy appeared from the alley on one side, roaring and rushing towards Nova.

Only then did Nova see the appearance of this void creature at close range. It was an entity made of condensed energy, and its black body was flashing with spots of red light. In addition, both the body structure and the details of the huge crown and thick armor are the same as a real Thunder Beast.

A ridiculous idea suddenly came to Nova's mind, that is, they could even simulate their own appearance, including people like Kerrigan, Raynor, and Tychus. Perhaps these void creations can also simulate their abilities, or even fake them.

But if Amon is really so powerful, does he really need to use other powers to destroy the world?

The special forces team immediately opened fire on this thunder beast, summoning a large number of armor-piercing rifle bullets and grenades towards its ugly giant face, making it roar again and again. Although these weapons did not seem to be able to hurt it, Nova could clearly sense that the monster's energy was weakening.

At this time, more special forces transport planes arrived on the battlefield. Two huge Thors descended from the sky and occupied the entire street. The siege tanks of the Imperial Shock Team were set up and artillery fire roared. This is a battle between a giant beast and a giant mecha. Everything is just like the blood-spraying scene in a holographic movie.

There's nothing more reassuring than the unwavering rumble of tank tracks and walking mechs on the move.

"Stone, Pierce." Nova summoned his Imperial Ghost agents: "Don't worry about those monsters. Our mission is to blow up the void fragment and leave them to others to solve."

Just as he was talking, more than a dozen springtails transformed from void creations broke into the neighborhood unexpectedly and were immediately defeated by the marines of the special operations team. A springtail came into Nova's sight, and golden light flashed in her eyes. The hateful little monster immediately exploded into pieces.

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