StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 713 Narud, this bad old man, is full of evil

"Do you hear that, Eamon? The Empire is not easily defeated."

With the roar of Faraday, the commander of the Korhal Defense Force, in the command center, the unclean red clouds shrouding Augustgrad finally faded away, suddenly revealing a blue sky with white clouds shining in the golden sunshine. The sky is shining brightly.

After the clouds dispersed, what was reflected in people's eyes was a desolate scene. The once neat streets were in a mess, with potholes and huge shell casings embedded in the road. The majestic high-rise buildings, statues and monuments of Augustgrad were leaning and collapsing in the rising black smoke columns. The magnificent railway tracks, switches and bridges surrounding the city collapsed in sections, like broken bridges. The spine stretches across the back of this black dragon.

Many areas look like they have been burned by fire, with clouds of smoke and dust blocking light from reaching the ground. Damaged houses, facilities and roads are in urgent need of repair, traffic is poor, and the bus system is forced to suspend operations, but this is just a drop in the bucket of the severe challenges Augustgrad faced after the disaster.

But no matter what, everything will not be worse than Korhal ten years ago. At that time, what they took over was just a wasteland scattered with radioactive dust, and not even a single intact stone could be found on the shattered earth. arrive.

When the first batch of residents returned to their homes one after another, imperial soldiers from various combat units were still guarding the traffic arteries. Huge mechas could be seen striding through the windows, shocking the people. The ground and window glass rattled.

Through the matte masks and cockpits, people could not clearly see the soldiers' faces or hear their voices, so they all appeared silent and calm.

Compared with the loss of the city, the casualties of civilians are more heartbreaking. Under the layers of white cloth next to the excavator lay corpses that were horrific to look at. Some were dripping with blood and barely human-like, while others were black charcoal with only human shapes visible.

When this terrible disaster came, the people in Augustgrad still knew nothing about what they were about to face. The fear of the unknown and the invisible was sometimes more terrifying than the real enemy.

Many people still don't know who the enemies that invade Augustgrad are. Sometimes they are protoss and zerg, and sometimes they are humans, but it is obvious at a glance that they are definitely not real flesh-and-blood creatures. When facing those Marines covered in armor, you can clearly feel that they are living, flesh-and-blood people, but those void creations do not have such emotions. They really come from another different dimension. .

A bloody and inescapable fact has been placed in front of the people of the empire. Staying in the heavily guarded capital star of the empire is not safe. So is there really a safe place in the Koprulu sector?

War has arrived.

Since alien civilization first appeared in front of the world, the flames of war have never been far away from this ill-fated star region. Every war is magnificent and long-lasting. Every war is a preview of the next more terrible war. Each war is more massive and cruel than the last.

The catastrophe was so sudden and ended so quickly that no other Imperial world outside of Korhal knew anything about it. Augustgrad was hit hard, other cities on Korkha were affected, and the number of casualties continued to increase.

Later this afternoon, the channel of the UNN Broadcasting Station in Augustgrad, which had been interrupted for a while, finally brought the news that everyone was looking forward to.

Because host Doni Vermillion accidentally sprained his foot while trying to avoid danger, Kate Rockwell took over control of the UNN studio and told the listeners who were waiting in front of their televisions and car radios that a The attack on Augustgrad had been defused, the disaster was over, and victory once again came. But what happened in Augustgrad cannot be resolved with understatement. The subsequent losses and casualty statistics are even more worrying.

What really makes UNN feel troublesome is how to explain the existence of void fragments and void creations to the public. This cannot be solved by opening a few more popular science columns. It is better to admit to the public that such things as hell and demons exist, but God It's hard to say whether it has anything to do with angels.

One thing is certain, although the Tyranid Empire army has encountered the Void Army in Atrias and Sagulath, this is the first time that they have appeared so close to the public.

Even after the void fragments were cleared, the imperial army that entered Augustgrad had to put in a lot of effort to eliminate the outflowing void creations. Fortunately, if the energy support from void fragments and void rifts is lost, void creatures cannot exist in the real world for too long, and they will eventually dissipate due to energy exhaustion, otherwise what happened in Augustgrad The war will continue to prolong and cause greater damage.

In the past, humans only knew that their enemies were the protoss and zerg, but they knew little about the enemies within the void. Obviously, these must be some more terrifying monsters. They are weird and evil, killing rampantly and without any scruples.

The imperial government is not prepared to hide it from the people. Both the soldiers and the people who fight for the empire should know who their enemies are. The tragedy of Augustgrad should have made them hate Eamon, rather than succumb to invisible fear.

Compared with the real insects and hybrids, the emptiness and mysterious void can inspire more fear in the hearts of humans. Some extreme religious groups among humans in the Koprulu sector have begun to believe in the dark god Amon and hybrids. These concepts will soon be demonized or sanctified due to the barriers of time and geography.

If left unchecked, the situation will only get worse.

Queen Sarah Kerrigan appeared in public for the first time through the media after the disaster. She did not shy away from the loss of Augustgrad, but everyone who was frightened could be calmed down by the queen. Feeling comfort in the majestic face.

The queen was being interviewed in a devastated park square, not in a heavily guarded palace. She was wearing a military uniform with a gun hanging on her waist. This outfit matched her blade-like temperament better than those gorgeous dresses. The emperor of the Tyran Empire never needed beautiful women to decorate his court in Augustgrad. On the contrary, the palace was only built to serve as a foil for the queen.

People would not know that if the palace did not need an indispensable figure to take charge of the overall situation, their queen would have led the imperial general to charge into the battle.

Queen Kerrigan's calm words led people to believe that the Empire had finally saved Augustgrad before it was about to fall into the abyss of destruction and fall into even greater misery. Now that the disaster has passed, the families of the victims will receive compensation and relief, and they will soon rebuild their homes as before.

"Nearly a quarter of the urban area was affected by this attack and suffered varying degrees of damage, with the urban area of ​​Bliviv being the most serious at present."

With its huge area and magnificent architectural complex, Ursadak Park Square once became part of the spectacular landmark of Augustgrad. Beautiful fountains, monuments, and wide boulevards can be seen everywhere. At the end is the Marine Memorial Statue built by the Empire for the Brood War.

Now, the entire square has almost been reduced to ruins, with debris left after the void fragments shattered scattered everywhere. The sharp fragments are embedded in the square like javelins. Void fragments are products that emerge directly from nothingness. Its material composition is unique, and it emits a faint purple-black light in the sun.

Next to the remains of a huge void fragment in Usada Park Square, Kerrigan was listening to a report from Augustgrad city officials. Behind her stood some UNN film crew members, and in addition, they were all Royal Officer of the Guards and Imperial Marines.

The surroundings are filled with the rumble of excavators and cranes, and some smart sentry mines are walking up and down between the ruins on their mechanical feet, like a few spiders slipping through the gaps.

Medical transport aircraft carrying battlefield triage stations and intensive care units roar past in the sky almost every moment. The Minotaur-class battlecruiser Helios (Helios, crashed during the Battle of Wings of Liberty) The Warfield Flagship) was casting a huge shadow over the square, and shining lights were cast down from the gray clouds.

At this moment, the way these people looked at Kerrigan could almost be described as "shocked." They had witnessed the queen using her mental power to pull up the collapsed reinforced concrete of a skyscraper, and rescued the person buried under it. A person with such great power, it is difficult for people not to doubt whether she still belongs to the category of human beings.

Kerrigan rarely showed her abilities to others, but this kind of power was no longer what she could match during her time as a ghost agent.

"Yeah, yeah" Kerrigan nodded repeatedly to the imperial official, issuing orders from time to time, which were immediately written down by the recording officer next to him. There was a lot of black dust on the face of the Imperial Queen, but it still could not cover up her solemn beauty.

All the void fragments in Augustgrad have been destroyed, but the trauma caused by the war will take quite some time to heal. Fortunately among the misfortunes, none of the worlds around Korhal were hit, and the core world of the Empire was still safe. With the power of the Empire's First Star, everything would soon be restored to its original state.

This was a warning and a turning point for the Tyranid Empire to enter a more outright state of war. Resources from the mining world and distant colonies will continue to be delivered to the core world, and hundreds of foundries will be operating at full capacity, producing countless armor and cannons to arm the army and fleet of Augustus the Great.

When the final battle comes, the Tyranid Empire will not only have to face the invasion of the second-generation Overlord Swarm again, but also an entire golden fleet of the Duram Protoss and countless void creations. This is indeed a battle. A world-destroying battle.

"Lieutenant Nova has arrived."

At this time, Nova Terra, the commander of the Imperial Special Forces, arrived with several soldiers, and the UNN camera crew immediately stopped filming.

Nova wears a classic blue and white tight-fitting combat uniform with a flamethrower shotgun on her back. She is the perfect ghost agent, tough, smart, capable, but dangerous.

As the commander of the empire's covert operations force, Nova's identity has never been revealed, and few people know that she is actually a well-dressed aristocratic boy. It was only the death of her father and her views on psychic talents that made her embark on a career path. The road now.

Few people know that the relationship between Kerrigan and Nova is more like a master-student relationship, and Nova is almost raised as a daughter.

"Compared with these shadows of the void, the void ripper is more like a void creature from the void, but there are not many of them." Nova talked about her experience on the battlefield as soon as she saw Kerrigan. knowledge.

Void Rippers are powerful behemoths born in the void. They can be summoned by Amon and enter the world by tearing the space-time rift between the void and reality.

"The Void Ripper. It brings us far more fear than the hybrid." Kerrigan once witnessed a Void Ripper that appeared in Korhal sweeping across a building with energy lightning filled with void energy. Central Building, destroying an Imperial Marine Corps.

If the Void Rippers themselves were not locked in place by the void rift beneath them, they would have been able to cause even greater damage in Augustgrad.

"I think Eamon is threatening us," Nova said. "But if he has the power to drag all our planets and even our armies into the void, why not do that?"

"If Amon can do it, then he won't need the armies of hybrids and Dallam protoss." Kerrigan said: "Amon will think that humans are weak, but the Terran Empire is not."

"Eamon thought this would scare us, but he was wrong."

"Your Majesty the Queen, we have received reports that the Emperor's flagship has arrived in the outer space orbit of Kohal." While they were talking, an officer brought new news.

"He's back with the fleet?" Kerrigan asked the officer. "All of it?"

"Yes." The other person replied.

"It's a little late, but it doesn't matter." Nova looked at Kerrigan and said, "If Amon attacked Augustgrad just to make all our fleets return to defense, then he succeeded."

Kerrigan couldn't help but defend Augustus and said: "Augustus said that Amon is actually arrogant and self-centered. As long as he feels that he has no plan and thinks that our defeat is certain, everything will go in the right direction." develop in a direction that is beneficial to us.”

In summary, Augustus knew what Aemon wanted to do and did it deliberately.

"He really understands Eamonn," Nova said.

"He knows us better than he knows himself," Kerrigan continued.

"Hey, are you kidding him?" Nova asked.

"I didn't say that." Kerrigan spread her hands.

A few minutes later, Kerrigan received a transmission from Augustus, who was apparently on the bridge of the flagship White Star. When Augustus was asking about the situation in Augustgrad, Jim Raynor also arrived with his fleet and the Xel'Naga world ship retrieved from the Sigma sector.

"Ask Jim, who is driving the ship now?" Augustus looked at General Wachowski beside him: "That world ship should not be parked in Korhal's orbit."

"What's wrong?" Kerrigan asked.

"It's too close," said Augustus.

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