StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 715 Showing off each other’s acting skills

"Emir, my friend, brother and mentor, your achievements will shine through the annals of history and be remembered by the world."

In the Youth Goddess Hall of the Augustgrad Palace receiving guests, Emperor Augustus and Dr. Narud were hugging each other warmly, patting each other on the back, as if they were old friends who had not seen each other for many years. .

"Emperor Augustus, all my work and missions have been completed. The Xel'Naga world ship embodies the power to destroy a world, and even the strongest fortress cannot withstand it." Narud was wearing his tailor-made suit. The tailored black tuxedo-less dress, the posture when speaking is like a proud parrot:

"You will rule this universe as you rule your empire. The world lies at your feet. No one can refuse the emperor of the Tyran Empire!"

"Haha. Without you, we can't do it anyway. If anyone can repair the Xel'Naga World Ship, it can only be Emil Narud." Augustus let go of Narud and said to himself This is much more applicable to your master Eamon. You are mocking me.

It's too much, it's too much.

"If what the protoss said is true, the end of the world has come, and this is when we need the Xel'Naga World Ship." Queen Sarah Kerrigan was standing behind the emperor. She did not like those gorgeous things. The dress was only worn in black veil after the Augustgrad attack to commemorate the victims.

Listening to Augustus and Narud talking to each other, the rows of high floor-to-ceiling windows reflected their smiling faces, which is indeed a lesson in true love.

"I never knew they had such a good relationship." Tychus on the other side muttered quietly.

"I have also seen brainworms and protoss being brothers." Renault said: "No one can say clearly about this. As the saying goes, if you live a long time, you will see everything."

Gentleman Tychus, who owes no salary to Jim Raynor.

At this time, Renault and Tychus only knew that Narud was an evil scientist who betrayed the empire and took refuge in the dark god Amon.

This is actually not difficult to understand. For humans, Xel'Naga's technology can be said to be at the pinnacle of the world. Narud seems to be a very eccentric person. It is not impossible that he would go astray and fall into darkness in pursuit of the pinnacle of science. This is quite consistent with his character.

Augustus didn't tell Raynor or Tychus that Narud was actually an evil Xel'Naga shape-shifter with unpredictable abilities. This is because in the face of such a powerful void psychic creature with the ability to read minds, the more he knows, the more dangerous he is. Every omission in his words and deeds may arouse his vigilance.

But if they knew that Augustus dared to be so close to Narud even though he knew this, they would probably be amazed by his courage.

No one knows what kind of monster face Narud is underneath this human skin, but it must be disgusting. He may be a humanoid creature or a slug. No one can say for sure until he enters the void and sees Narud's true face.

Sincerity, humility, conscientiousness, all these are disguises and lies.

"While we were still in the Sigma sector, we heard that wars were raging in the Koprulu sector, that the insect swarms were coming back, that the protoss fleet was threatening the borders of the empire, and that the army of the Dark God Amon was destroying planets one after another." No need. Listening carefully, Narud knew that Tychus and Renault were mumbling something behind their backs, but in his heart he didn't look down on these people at all and didn't take them seriously.

"Not long ago, a tragedy occurred in Augustgrad. The Empire needs a magnificent flagship like the Xel'Naga Worldship more than ever before, and needs it to bring an inspiring victory."

Narud is only one step away from realizing Eamon's grand vision, or in his opinion, his plan has already succeeded. The body of the evil god that Amon entered into the real universe to complete his rebirth is almost complete. Even the power he holds in his hands is enough to destroy this corrupt cosmic cycle.

While his incarnation can still survive in the real universe, Narud will further weaken the power of humans and protoss so that his master Amon's plan can be implemented more smoothly.

As Eamonn's most loyal servant, Narud has been planning his master's return for countless years, even though Narud knows that Eamonn doesn't care about what he does.

Now that the overall situation has been decided, such details are really insignificant.

Amon enjoys this world-destroying battle and enjoys witnessing the tragic demise of the Xel'Naga creations from a overlooking position, so that he can show his "god-like" power.

It's hard to see a brilliant strategy from Amon's deployment, but if he already has an army capable of destroying all resistance in the universe, he has the largest fleet in the history of the Protoss Empire and a fleet in its heyday. To dominate the insect swarm, there is no need to think too much.

And if there is an unexpected power that can reverse this war, it can only be the mysterious power from the East.

"You are right." Augustus turned around and looked out the window, looking up at the sky from a small angle with a melancholy expression.

It was a rainy day, which seemed to confirm the emperor's inner worries. The sky above Augustgrad was covered with dark clouds, rain rumbled on the towering glass walls, and a hazy mist rose from the window eaves.

"The insect swarm is approaching, and even Durham has abandoned us." Augustus' profile was shrouded in shadow: "In the past, we were still fighting enemies that were tangible and within reach, but now , but the enemy comes from the mysterious and hard-to-find void.”

"We have all fought against the Protoss or the Zerg, but we have never tried to fight both of them at the same time." He sighed softly: "I and Zeratul, the Dark Master of Nerazim, We talked about how we are now besieged on all sides and unable to survive. But he told me not to give up hope, but in the burning Koprulu sector, I only saw ruins above countless ashes."

"In the past, I believed that those who cannot defeat us will eventually make us stronger. But this time, even I feel powerless."

Thousands of words condensed into one sentence: It can’t be fought, it can’t be fought at all.

Narud, my beloved, what do you think?

Augustus said, "I treat you as one of my own, and these words are only for you." Although I have to maintain a confident appearance on the outside, in reality, who can tell me about the pain in my heart.

Narud wiped the non-existent sweat on his forehead again. The void was so powerful, how could I not know it?

If void creatures invaded the real world casually, why would Xel'Naga bother to become an incarnation?

Just like the creation of the void, without the supplement of void energy, even the incarnation of Xel'Naga will continue to weaken. Narud was able to survive for so many years in the real universe because of the energy supply from the Xel'Naga Temple.

At that time, Eamon, who was descended from El by God, consumed so much energy due to repeated "miracles" and maintaining the existence of the incarnation that he had to use Kedarin crystal to directly drain the star in a way similar to sacrifice. Spiritual energy to replenish itself.

"Maybe he is right. In the face of a disaster sweeping the world, no one can be spared." Narud thought to himself whether it is possible that the emperor of your Tyran Empire is the biggest supporter of the theory of defeat. He should have said it earlier. , I will take you to surrender to Eamon now, and you will not lose your glory and wealth by then.

This thing is really weird. Why do I have to advise you to resist to the end now?

But this is natural. The higher a person stands, the farther he can see. Perhaps no one can feel the true despair more than this emperor.

In the past, the reason why the swarm could not defeat the Tyranid Empire was that the second-generation master had to take into account the intervention of the Daram Protoss in the war and could not let go. But now, the Tyranid Empire has to face the two most powerful races in the galaxy, and the more terrifying enemies are still behind.

"I am a scientist and an old and frail old man." Narud wrote a few strokes: "I don't know how many years I have left to live. This world ship is dedicated to the Tyranids and the empire by me. The emperor’s last gift, even if the world is about to perish, she can preserve the last fire for human civilization.”

It can be seen that Narud also seems to lack confidence this time. When the war broke out between the Tyranids Empire and the Insect Swarm in the past, he kept shouting that he would fight to the death and the empire would win.

Now, you don't even want to say this.

Augustus could notice that Narud had lost a lot of weight over the years, probably because his body was really not very good now. Maybe he had done too much work, and he was really working hard and working hard. But what should we do? We don’t treat you as a person in the first place.

"But if this world is destroyed, where can humans escape?" Augustus put his hand on Narud's shoulder and enjoyed the rainy scene outside the window with him: "We are just fish in a tank, but we think that outside There is also an ocean that I have never seen before.”

"." Narud calmly looked at Kerrigan and others around him, and found that they were also silent.

You guys should say something, aren't you usually very eloquent? That guy named Tychus, stop scratching your ass!

In the past, even in the most critical situations, Augustus never showed his lack of fighting spirit. On the contrary, as a leader, Augustus believed more than anyone else that they would eventually win. He never gave up the fight, and he practiced it fiercely and inspired everyone.

"I knew that pessimism was prevalent among our people and the military, but I didn't expect the impact to be so profound." Dr. Narud pondered his thoughts:

"Your Majesty, don't forget that you also have the largest fleet in history. This fleet is currently parked in the orbit of Korhal. Overcome.”

"As I suggested to you before, the empire should use a grand ceremony to let the people of the empire see the super flagship of the new era with their own eyes. The Xel'Naga have dominated the world with their warships, and now that is Augustus The most shining embellishment on the Emperor’s sword.”

The corners of Augustus' lips moved, revealing an imperceptible smile.

Narud must have felt that Augustus was so frightened by Korhal's attack that he rushed to mobilize all his fleets to defend the core world, as a matter of fact. It's hard to say otherwise.

There are more than a dozen large-scale fleets parked in the high-altitude orbit of Korhal. The number of Minotaur battleships alone exceeds 800. No matter when you look at it, this is an astonishing number. Huge fleet formations occupy all the harbors and anchorages on the track. City-sized steel giants follow each other one after another, forming a grid-like compact arrangement of horizontal and vertical lines. Each fleet is connected end to end. They are all tens or hundreds of miles long.

In the port of the Sky Shield Orbital Platform, hundreds of military ships converged into a torrent, and the huge and astonishing signal lights of the battleships were like lighthouses, casting huge beams of light into the rolling clouds of Kohal. If anyone thought the Imperial fleet was vulnerable, it was because they had never been to Korhal.

Everything sounded very much in line with Augustus' expectations, and he liked military parades. Whenever the majestic Imperial fleet and army circle in front of the people, they will feel that the Empire is invincible, even if these armies and warships have always been there instead of suddenly appearing one day.

In fact, just a fleet of eight battlecruisers and dozens of ancillary warships is shocking enough, and it is overwhelming when viewed from the ground.

Now, a new super battleship has joined the empire's battle order. She is dozens of miles long, a hundred times longer than the Gorgon battlecruiser, and the narrowest part of the hull can accommodate two sky-high ships. Shield track platform.

According to Narud, the Xel'Naga world ship is powered entirely by structural kinetic energy machines, is equipped with a destruction array that can rain down rain of destruction, and is equipped with a void shield that can even resist the flow of high-energy particles in the void. In front of the world ship, the huge group of imperial battleships are just fish swimming around the giant whale.

Augustus had to admit that this unparalleled world ship was indeed magnificent. Narud made it sparkling and turned it into a true work of art.

No matter how many years pass, she is an immortal masterpiece that cannot be copied.

The Xel'Naga world ship and the Ark ship of the Protoss Empire have another completely different artistic style. They are like towers of heaven and world spears penetrating the sky. Everything is unstoppable. The World Ship will be a true strategic weapon. As long as we have her, there will no longer be a force in the Koprulu sector that can oppose the Tyranid Empire.

"I think the Xel'Naga World Ship is great, but we can't pin our last hope on her." Augustus gently patted Narud on the shoulder again: "Even if we are If you think this way, you can’t propagandize it to the public like this.”

Dr. Narud's idea was still very good. He turned around and fought to the death with the golden fleet and the insect swarm army. It was euphemistically called the glorious final battle. Everyone was very happy.

You have been encouraging me to drive the world ship to Augustgrad. What exactly do you want to do?

You can obviously explode from high-altitude orbit, but you have to tell the people how important this battleship is to the empire before the war begins. It is best to let the largest news media UNN broadcast the entire process of the empire's proud destruction of the imperial capital to the entire empire?

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