StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 719 Augustus’ gold medal fighters

Narud has completely separated from his human form with gray temples. The cold and hollow void energy surges out of the cracked skin and condenses into a terrifying phantom with sharp horns and a ferocious face.

He roared and stretched out an illusory giant claw, and a torrent of boiling bright green psychic lightning pushed the space filled with death vortex directly towards Kerrigan, creating waves on the deck made of organic rocks along the way. A violent psychic storm.

Zero Space is a void and dead space in which all life cannot exist. Narud used his miraculous control over psychic powers to create this space and shoot it out like a cannonball accelerated to the extreme. There is no doubt that any creature that is touched by zero-dimensional space will definitely die.

The entire world ship seems to be echoing this surging force. The hull structure condensed with the crystallization of Xel'Naga technology is like a drowning person rising to the surface to breathe in the fresh air. It extends from the bridge command platform to The navigation room on the lower deck, even the precisely cut and carved hulls, were shrouded in vibrant green light.

Kerrigan had no doubt that if she scattered a handful of violet seeds on the deck, they would immediately produce clumps of flowers. It is hard to imagine that before life appeared on today's vibrant planets, Xel'Naga took such a world ship to spread the seeds of life in the universe.

Human beings will never understand Xel'Naga technology. They are the creators. All creations contain vitality, but creation and destruction have always been twin sisters.

"Be careful! Narud has summoned a huge void energy and he is pushing a Null zone towards you!"

Upon seeing this, Artanis quickly shouted a warning, and at the same time took a step without hesitation, trying to block the blow for Kerrigan, but the latter reacted faster than him.

In a limited time, Kerrigan has condensed a terrifying psychic power between her open arms and has taken shape. Together with the psychic waves blasted by Narud, it is like two columns of the second universe. The speeding trains collided with each other.

Kerrigan soared into the air under a lift generated out of thin air. Her light blue dress flapped its wings like a dancing butterfly. The strong wind caused by the surge of psychic energy blew away her long hair, making her The lively flame hunted and burned in the wind.

The light released by the collision of two equally huge psychic powers was like a new star splashing with golden light, coating Kerrigan's body with a dazzling brilliance.

The wizards of Haji will surely worship Kerrigan, who looks almost identical to the Voodoo goddess of death.

No human has ever been as powerful as her.

At this moment, Kerrigan was completely fighting Narud on her own. The two opposing and attacking psychic waves were constantly entangled, colliding, and tearing apart. In the terrifying explosion, the zero-dimensional space tore apart all the areas it passed, and the stripped electrons created the largest man-made lightning waterfall in history.

In the space within a short distance, a cosmic explosion-like fusion is taking place. The light spots that suddenly shine and suddenly extinguish are like countless stars being born and destroyed. The shower of broken and reunited stars spreads out like a heavy fog, shrouding the universe. The trembling bridge.

The next moment, Artanis, Vorazun and Alarak joined the battle, and at the same time released psychic shock waves of different colors, working together to confront Narud's power, suppressing the opponent's power to the death. Suddenly, green, blue, and purple psychic light waves bombarded each other heavily.

Only Talandar, the purifier star spirit, stared at him. If Narud drew a knife and wanted to fight him hand to hand, he could say "Well done!" But if he could get through the psychic storm in front of him, he would have to give Narud a slap in the face.

Even when Tarandar was still a Templar, the interstellar war he was familiar with was fought with swords and swords instead of psychic bombardment. This was really different from the form of war that humans have always known.

"Narud is drawing power from the Xel'Naga temples of the world ship. These temples must be destroyed!" Artanis was surprised to find that the combined psychic powers of the four of them were able to suppress Narud. Breathless, maybe the Xel'Naga are not as powerful as they thought.

But soon, Artanis realized that Narud's power was no match for Amon.

"I think we have to destroy those temples, otherwise Narud will cause greater damage." Vorazun also said. In terms of strength, Vorazun may not be able to defeat Artanis and Alarak, but her in-depth understanding of the void allows her to better understand how to severely damage void creatures like Narud.

Vorazun will never forget the shock that this Xel'Naga World Ship brought to her. It is simply a miracle. The Ihanri Protoss will regard it as a holy object, kneel before it, and write devoutly. into poetry and scripture.

Except for the Xel'Naga, no one could build such a world ship, and Augustus actually found the last Xel'Naga that still existed in the world by mistake.

Augustus asked Narud to willingly build a Xel'Naga spaceship for him, and he killed and silenced him in one go.

Human beings are indeed evil-minded.

"Go ahead and smash them!" Kerrigan felt that every cell in her body was releasing violent psychic power. The wind was howling in her ears, letting it control her as if she was the master of the world.

She wondered how powerful she could get.

By this time, Kerrigan had completely absorbed the power of the original schism pool, possessing both human and original zerg genes. Augustus told Kerrigan that she had the power of pure form and pure essence, but she could not fully grasp the meaning of his words.

"If Augustus is going to feel sorry for his ship, then let him feel sorry for himself."

"Send your troops to me quickly and let them provide me with psychic support." Alarak pushed out a surging scarlet psychic ripple from his palm, feeling incredible at the power Kerrigan displayed.

Driven by a certain competitive spirit, Alarak drained almost all the psychic power from his body in order to defeat Kerrigan.

"My troops are on their way," Artanis replied. They jumped directly to the bridge of the world ship, and the follow-up troops were still behind.

Artanis knew that the Tal'darin protoss were able to draw psychic support from their allies, but was unsure how.

During the Rak'sir ritual, allies cannot interfere directly in the duel, but they can "lend" their psychic powers to the generals of both sides. In general, the more allies the better.

However, this is not a Rak'sir ceremony. If the armies of Artanis and the Tyranid Empire catch up, they can also directly attack Narud.

"It's too slow. Do I have to deal with all the enemies?" Alarak glanced sideways at Talandar beside him and found that not only could the opponent not do anything, he could not even provide him with psychic support.

If this is a team of five, then there is obviously a bastard.

"It's as if you are the only one who is contributing!" After spending time with Augustus and Renault, Artanis's ability to complain has also been significantly improved.

"Have I not sacrificed enough for you?" Alarak seemed to be able to handle Narud's psychic pressure: "Even my buildings are more useful than you in battle!"

"I really dare not expect anything more from you Tal'darin." Artanis focused on dealing with the previous attacks.

Alarak snorted coldly. Today's sharp counterattack by Artanis really surprised him: "If you could help me seize the position of high-ranking lord earlier, the one who provides me with psychic support now is the death fleet and the blood of countless dead disciples. will pave my way to victory.”

"The Templars will never risk the lives of their people for victory!" Artanis said.

Artanis knew that high-level Tal'darin ascendants could devour the flesh and blood of low-level Tal'darin to replenish their lost spiritual energy. Such a cruel method was enough to make any Duram protoss' hands and feet go cold.

"What a woman's kindness, Artanis. I would rather sacrifice a thousand Dead Apostles in exchange for victory." Alarak said.

Ever since Alarak learned of Narud's identity, he has been plotting revenge against Eamon. To this day, the intentions of the Corrupted Xel'Naga Amon in launching a world-destroying war remain unknown. Only the Tal'darin knew that Amon believed that the Xel'Naga's endless reincarnation and the creations in the reincarnation were corrupt, and that he wanted to bring them "liberation".

Eamon is full of resentment towards Xel'Naga. His philosophy may be simple. When realizing that there are huge flaws in the world, some people will choose to do their best to make up for the flaws, while others will choose to erase the world itself.

As Aemon's servant, Narud obviously shares the same philosophy.

In order to kill Narud, Alarak would pay any price.

"If I were you, I would use the energy of my words to deal with Narud." Vorazun said: "Aranak, why do you always have to chatter in the battle?"

"Language can also be a sharp knife." Alarak said.

"But it looks like you're just stabbing your own ally." Kerrigan strengthened her psychic powers, and she could feel Narud's power fading.

At this moment, battles are also taking place everywhere in the world ship, not just here. The surge of void power makes every corner potentially dangerous.

However, the situation is still very unfavorable for Narud, and there is not even a decent army to support him here. At this time, the Purifier Protoss army had destroyed a large number of energy supply facilities, greatly weakening Narud's power.

Soon, the first Dalam protoss army arrived, and more than a dozen high-ranking templar and dark templar masters greatly increased their power. At the same time, another Tyranid Empire army had arrived and dropped tons of explosives on Narud's head.

The zero-dimensional space was gradually pushed towards Narud, and his livid, ghost-like face was so gray that he seemed to have lost the strength to scream sarcastically.

"No!" Narud growled.

But now Narud is just blocked here and beaten, and any strategy is of no avail. Augustus will not listen to any word or word he says.


"Tsk, tsk - Narud, is this all your power? It really disappoints me." Alarak couldn't help but sarcastically said:

"Give your strength! My slaves!"

Even so, when Alarak finished his words, Narud accumulated the last terrifying power like a flashback. This power was so powerful that it actually pushed the zero-dimensional space towards Kerry again. Gan et al.

At this moment, they all felt that they were facing the core of the void, the extremely dark coldness, dead silence and emptiness.

"Why do you have to ask that?" Vorazun said.

"Try harder, he won't be able to hold it anymore!" Alarak shouted loudly: "I have no doubt that this is the true power of Xel'Naga."

"Don't save your strength, otherwise we will all die here!"

An army composed of dark archons arrived on the battlefield. This was the last straw that overwhelmed Narud. Together, they pushed Zero Dimension towards Narud.

In Narud's cry of grief, the void monster transformed by void energy suddenly disappeared, and the terrifying power that originally ravaged the bridge of the world ship also dissipated without a trace.

"Is he dead?" Artanis asked.

"I think this can at least injure him hard." Kerrigan looked at the location where Narud was originally located, but it was already shrouded in a hazy mist.

"I can't believe that you are just a human?" Alarak looked at Kerrigan and said.

He thought he was the protagonist today, but in fact that was not the case.

In any respect, humans are a fairly young race compared to the protoss, and this is also true in terms of psychic talent. Alarak once believed that even the most powerful human telepaths could not withstand his gaze, and that a single mental attack that penetrated the soul could make them bleed from all orifices, but Kerrigan refreshed his understanding of the power of human psychic abilities. Know.

How many "strong men" like this are there in the Tyran Empire? Is this the reason why Augustus Mengsk dares to be so arrogant and rude to him?

"I will not allow you to be rude to the queen! Otherwise my sharp blade will teach you etiquette." Talandar respected the Augustus and his wife just as he respected Tassadar. In his opinion, Alarak was so arrogant that it was difficult to Bear.

"Tal'darin never convinces people with etiquette. Tal'darin convinces people with swords, unlike you templars - including the fictional templars." Alarak said: "I didn't see you working hard to win the battle just now. Then he jumped out."

"Aranak, I have decided to help you ascend to the position of high-ranking lord from now on, but I'm afraid I have to push it back." At this time, Augustus was escorted by multiple royal guards. Arrived at the battlefield.

The emperor has arrived in person, and I am afraid that the news of UNN the next day has already been written: the mad scientist Emil Narud, the evil Xel'Naga lackey, and the despicable traitor tried to assassinate our head of state.

"I mean, she's too powerful to be human." Alarak said immediately, "You know what I mean, Augustus Mengsk."

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