StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 743 Against the Master

"Ik s'abee."

When Artanis heard what Augustus said, he just said a sentence in the Kalani language of the Star Spirit as if he was resigned to his fate. This was the meaning of destiny.

During the First War, Artanis went to Char on the orders of the Supreme Council to bring Tassadar, who was considered a traitor, back to Aiur for trial.

That was the first time they were on opposite sides.

In Kara, Tassadar's "betrayal" was obvious at a glance, and he made no attempt to hide it. How treacherously he accepted the ideas of the Exile, and actually mastered the power of both the Templar and the Dark Templar.

But Artanis did not sense any evil power in Tassadar's consciousness, but was convinced by his brave determination to devote himself to his people.

Tassadar's unforgettable exploits earned him the respect and trust of the Templars, and he remained steadfast and never wavered.

Artanis never believed that Tassadar would betray his faith and people, never believed the rumors that his noble soul had been corrupted by the Dark Templar, and stood firmly on Tassadar's side.

At that time, they still had Kara, and as long as they were open and honest, they could still understand each other and resolve their differences.

But this time, there is really an evil Xel'Naga residing in Kara. Tassadar's soul is imprisoned in his own body, and he is definitely corrupted.

The former savior is killing with his own hands those who were saved through him.

"Aigon just sent a message, saying that the artifact has been charged 92%." For some reason, Augustus could see the frustrated expression of a human being on Artanis' face: "As long as you persist for a while, He can activate the artifact."

Speaking of this, the corners of Augustus' eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Whether it's the huge holographic screen flashing with light or the scene outside the observation window of the planetary fortress, the horrific scene is despairing.

No one noticed when it got light, and no one cared about such a thing at this time.

Countless weapon rays symbolizing death and destruction covered the sky like a big curtain. Intermittent and crazy orbital bombings shook the earth. Huge shock waves set off strong winds and brought deafening roars, making people feel that the planet was in danger. Both hemispheres fell under the terrible attack.

As Augustus looked toward the bustling sky, he saw hundreds of flames leaping from the ground into the clouds or falling down. Sometimes, a giant torch tens of thousands of miles long will split the sky in two, and then the destructive beam will sweep across the earth.

The landscape of two provinces has been permanently altered by man-made geological changes and is still changing. The forest has long been burned to ashes, leaving only glassy scorched earth. The crisscrossing giant ravines are clearly visible even from Aiur's orbit. The originally lush and beautiful planet now looks like it has wide rifts and super giant Desert Mars.

The Spear of Adun, the largest and most powerful single starship in this battle, has used three of its shipboard central control systems to support the ground battlefield, including the Guardian Shell and Time Freeze, which are enough to rewrite the current war. A terrible weapon in the form of. In response, the Pride of Altaris poured out equally terrifying firepower on the protoss-human coalition.

Never before had so many starships descended to fight below low Earth orbit. If Augustus could stare at the sky for long periods of time in the glare of high-energy particle weapons and nuclear explosions, he could at least do it from above. More than twenty Imperial warships were counted, and the number of Protoss warships was ten times that number.

As far as Augustus knew, the area within a few dozen light seconds from El was already filled with warships from the Insect Swarm and the Golden Fleet, and their fleet had completely lost control of the situation.

Each fleet of the empire was defeated one after another, leaving only one battleship fighting on its own, separated by layers of golden fleet battleships and insect swarms, and the situation of the protoss would not be much better than this.

In short, even if Augustus can regroup all the battleships in the Aiur system, even based on the most optimistic estimates, I am afraid that their scale will only reach one-tenth of what they were when they first arrived here, and only a few of them can still fight. Two to three hundred ships.

And you know, just one night ago, the warships in their hands were still close to half of the entire fleet.

As a result, the Golden Fleet is bombarding the surface indiscriminately in Ayr's high-altitude orbit.

Not only have they lost the space battlefield, but the situation on the ground is also very critical. The number of Zealot Legions deployed by the Golden Fleet alone on the battlefield exceeds theirs, not to mention other powerful protoss warriors and war weapons.

Augustus knew that this was what happened when the army was defeated. They were losing the war. They were losing the war.

The only hope to turn the tide of the battle and turn defeat into victory lies in whether the Xel'Naga artifact can actually work, temporarily restraining Eamon's consciousness and buying time for Tassadar and the Templars to cut off their nerve bundles and leave Kara.

If such an extreme plan was proposed by someone other than Augustus, it would probably take a long time to obtain the unanimous opinion of the Supreme Command. But after Augustus gave the order, the Terran Empire began to prepare for war, even though many people thought this plan was quite crazy.

"Your Majesty, the sensor array of the Amerigo science ship shows that the enemy mothership Moradon's main gun has locked onto your planetary fortress and is expected to fire in two minutes." Matt Horner suddenly appeared in In the channel, one could hear from the voice that he felt nervous and exhausted after experiencing such a tragic battle.

Moradon is a protoss mothership that was awakened after the fall of Aiur. She is so ancient that she is even one of the known prototypes. According to the information obtained by the Tyranid Empire, this is a powerful war carrier equipped with enough terrifying weapons to burn a colony.

It is said that the protoss engineer who designed the mothership believed they would never use these weapons under the teachings of Da'u, but he was apparently mistaken.

"Notify everyone, get out of here quickly!" Augustus did not hesitate and immediately led the people out of the planetary fortress command room.

Outside is a temporary position made of cement, filled with temporary bunkers and anti-aircraft missile towers made of reinforced concrete and Presteel, but the imperial soldiers inside are now evacuating. Although these soldiers did not panic at all, in the eyes of the protoss above them, they were just a group of rat women who escaped from under the turned-over stone.

The Ibex cannon on the top of the fortress was still rumbling and spewing flames just now, and the air was filled with the smell of burning and ionized air. A few hundred yards away was a position that had been plowed several times by artillery fire, and the angry shouts of the Templars of the Golden Fleet were very close.

Augustus retreated back without looking back. By this time, his own defense line had already shrunk to the perimeter of the temple. Rather, they had been cornered by their enemies.

If Augustus were standing on an imperial warship above the temple at this moment, he would see an extremely spectacular sight. The legions of zealots advancing along the battle line were like a moving city of gold. Towering giant statues can be seen everywhere here, and there are black scorch marks left by the heat gun everywhere.

Even if they ran as fast as they could and reached the last line of defense in front of the temple, they were still knocked to the ground by a shock wave that followed.

Looking back, a majestic and gorgeous Star Spirit Mothership is constantly venting its anger to the ground. The pure and pure beam of light sways and sweeps left and right like a moving light in a bar. The sizzling sound produced by the ionization of air molecules fills the entire place. battlefield.

Although there were no people left there, the mothership still burned everything on the ground to ashes, including several Gold Fleet protoss troops that rushed to the front.

"Damn it, are they serious? They're even going to blow up their own people." Tychus was also surprised.

"They must also be in great pain." Artanis also ran with Augustus for a while, but compared to the disgraced Tychus, he was much more chic.

In fact, Artanis couldn't figure out whether the Templars controlled by Amon had their own consciousness, but even if they could still think, they could only quietly watch the atrocities committed by their own hands, like a Like a miserable bystander.

Augustus glanced back and saw several crystal towers being folded onto the battlefield, followed by dazzling folding beams.

Eamon's use of the troops of the Golden Fleet can be described as luxurious. Those Protoss battleships that were often centuries old were thrown on the battlefield like garbage by him, without caring about the losses at all.

I don’t feel bad for selling my son.

"It's your Majesty! Let them in quickly."

In front is a reinforced bunker of the empire, and behind the bunker group is the earth-shattering cannon position. But since there are not many cannon shells available, these dark gun barrels stretching high into the sky seem to be wilting, and they are not as menacing as they were at the beginning.

As Augustus rolled over his position, a protoss force that had been jumped onto the battlefield was almost directly behind them, and the place was immediately flooded with bullets.

When he went inside the temple again, the courtyard, corridors and stone steps of the temple were full of wounded people, and the smell of death was in the air.

The room where the Xel'Naga artifact was placed was crowded with sweaty technicians. The triangular prism shining with copper-blue luster was so bright that it was almost impossible to look directly at it, and it was obviously close to being fully charged. Nova and her Imperial Special Forces have taken over the temple, and these soldiers in black power armor with the ghost skull logo are waiting for them.

Speaking of which, Amon could obviously destroy the temple and the Xel'Naga artifact just like Augustus bombed the evil god's body, but he did not do that.

It is absolutely impossible that Eamon did not think of this, so the conclusion is that he does not want the artifact to be damaged because of this, because if he wants to be resurrected again, he must also use it to collect energy. It doesn't mean that the artifact cannot be destroyed. After all, they have previously detected traces of self-repair on it.

Another point is that even though Eamon knew that the artifact was accumulating energy, he did not know Augustus' true purpose.

Before Augustus could grab Stetman and ask him about the current condition of the artifact, a beam of deflection light fell from the dome of the temple.

"They're all here."

High Lord Alarak glanced sharply at everyone, and finally landed on Artanis. Finally, he clicked his tongue and walked out of the jumping field with his head held high, as if he was the protagonist today.

Alarak's pure black armor and eye-catching blood-red tabard are extremely eye-catching, and his two scarlet blades of betrayal seem to be bathing in the blood of his enemies.

"I have now begun to suspect that I have chosen the wrong ally." Alarak quickly turned his finger on Artanis: "Atanis, I don't know what it feels like for you to lead so many incompetent people? Your Templars They are completely useless, they are a group of weak warriors who actually have mercy on their enemies.”

"They are our former compatriots and comrades-in-arms." Artanis was very angry. He would never allow anyone to insult the Templars: "Even if they must be killed, in my eyes they are still great warriors."

"Tal'darin will not tie his hands to this." Alarak said this, and of course he did the same: "If he is disabled, he will be put into the Immortal, and when he dies, he will be made into a Purifier. What else can be better than this? Efficient way?”

The Tal'darim protoss never care about the so-called friendship of their fellow humans, and their methods of dealing with their own people are as ruthless and cruel as they deal with their enemies.

"I must remind you, Alarak, it was another group of Templars who beat us to the ground." Augustus didn't want these two people to quarrel here.

Artanis has the overall situation in mind, but the high-ranking lord of Tal'darin is not very sensible. After all, he talks too much and can't help but sneer at the Templars. The enemy is still obsessed with engaging in internal strife.

"I don't deny this, but Tal'darin has not been defeated yet." It seems that even Alarak admits that Tassadar's templars are indeed very capable and as brave as Tal'darin.

It's true that the Death Fleet hasn't been defeated yet, but it's not far off. This time, they were fighting against the Protoss Empire and the Insect Swarm almost at the same time.

A moment later, another huge figure appeared in the temple, almost squeezing Tychus and Alarak to the other side, which made these two cautious guys very unhappy.

"Talandar, my brother." Augustus' eyes lit up.

Such a huge figure is rare even among Purifiers, it can only be Talandar.

"You are still alive, Purifier Protoss." Alarak greeted.

"Tal'darin, I don't trust you, but I will defend every comrade with a sharp blade." Talandar said to Alarak.

"Look, even the mechanical protoss is more generous than you." Tychus rudely insulted two groups of people.

Alarak stared at Tychus and killed him hundreds of times with his terrible eyes, but the high lord would not care about such a small person.

"What's the situation like there?" Artanis asked.

"When we discovered that the insect swarm desperately left the battlefield and pounced on Aiur, we realized that you were in big trouble." Talandar looked at Augustus: "My memory primarch Phoenix appeared on the Aiur battlefield. On top, not only him, but also many famous executives also joined the battle."

"I have only seen such a scene when Ayr fell."

"This just shows that our plan worked." Augustus said: "The more the enemy is wary, the more we can sit back and relax."

"What I'm most worried about is Tassadar." Talandar continued: "Tassadar's destructive power on the battlefield exceeds even the most powerful weapons of war. The most important thing is that we don't want to hurt him. Neither can If we ignore it, we cannot use weapons of destruction.”

"Someone has to stop Tassadar." After saying that, Augustus inadvertently looked at Tychus Finley beside him.

Cruelly speaking, Tassadar must live, as Augustus still needs him to convince the protoss in the Golden Fleet to have their nerve bundles cut off.

"You must be crazy, all he needs to do is shock me lightly." Tychus, the bear of the empire, had an expression on his face that said, "You think you look down on me like that, I'm so fucking teary-eyed":

"I will shit in my crotch in the next second!" (End of Chapter)

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