StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 77 Meinhof (Second update please subscribe)

Meinhof is a mining planet in the Kaimorian Conglomerate.

Whether viewed from synchronous orbit or on the holographic star map of the dilapidated and oil-stained observatory of the Swan family in the New Apollon community, this dark blue planet has no features, with canyons and ravines. Rooted like scars in its dark brown earth, the land is as poor as a bare stone in the universe.

It orbits an equally featureless main-sequence star, a young Sun that always rises slowly. In this barren land, its light cannot even nourish the crops of Kaimorian, only the nurseries grow precious crops.

Young Rory Swann always had inexplicable expectations for the fireball hanging above Mrs. Mainho's head, thinking that it could bring some beautiful things, such as mountains and rivers that did not exist on this planet. Forest grassland.

But as the old Camorian proverb goes, "The uglier the appearance, the richer the content."

Meinhof is actually a good place. The mountains and plains here are dotted with gas refineries, mines, processing plants, oil refineries, and among these factories, there are large and small communities where families with the same surname live.

In fact, Swann rarely gets to see the sun, which is called the "Fire Serpent" by the residents of the New Apollon community. Just like the men in other communities, he went to work in the mines when he was sixteen years old, and now he has Is a skilled and experienced miner.

In Meinhof, all jobs are inseparable from mining, and food, daily necessities, and even water resources are heavily dependent on imports. Especially today, when war is sucking the blood of all Camorians, Swann, his fathers and cousins ​​must work twice as hard as before to earn the bread to feed their families.

When the sun has not yet risen, Swann has to put on work clothes and boots and take an elevator from the mouth of a bottomless mine into a pit, driving Kaimo in a tunnel full of dust and inferior crystals. The Ruian Mining Robot uses a power electric drill to extract crystals from the mine and send them to the road truck in the tunnel.

The workers had to work for twelve hours straight every day until the next shift of workers to replace them went down the well, by which time the sun had already set. Swann got up in the dark morning and went down the well, and did not return home until late at night. He had not seen the sun for several months, and his scarred skin turned white.

Rory Swann wiped the dust off the old machine with a rag that was not much cleaner than the family's only observation platform, and then placed the insulated lunch box he brought on the flat console, thinking to himself How his uncle Edward would angrily scold him.

But that doesn't matter, just let him pull his beard in a hurry, and Swann will apologize to him after he has eaten and drank enough.

Swann opened the lunch box and lamented the food inside - two slices of fried bread, a small spoonful of butter and a palm-sized piece of Moria avocado. It was noon now, and he had to rely on these gadgets to survive until the evening.

Although life is very hard and entertainment life is very scarce, Swann does not feel sorry for himself. On the contrary, he always enjoys it. It's not that Swann is used to being patient, it's just that he prefers living with his family and other clan members.

The Swann family is a united big family, just like other families in Camorion, it is their tradition to help each other and support each other. A few slices of bread made no difference, and when Swann stood up again, his growling stomach and cramping calves were no doubt protesting to him, but he had to get back to his duties immediately.

He packed everything up in ten seconds and prepared to walk towards his mining robot parked not far away. The Camorian mining robots are crawler-mounted, only twelve feet tall, with two joystick-controlled robotic arms that can be equipped with power drills, laser drills, engineering clamps, and plasma welding torches, and are fueled by high-energy gas.

Swann's mining robot looks larger than the others, with more obvious but unclear parts. An additional mechanical arm, two propellers and matching parts are added to the back of the robot. engine.

With the help of this robot, Swann can complete the work faster and better. The cost of fuel is of course higher, but it is cost-effective compared with the increased efficiency.

This robot can even be equipped with a power hammer and machine gun if necessary. Swann has not yet been exposed to anything other than automatic rifles and electromagnetic guns, but he thinks they will not be difficult for him.

Although Rory Swann does not feel that he is any different from other people, he is undoubtedly the most talented genius mechanic and inventor in the entire Swan family and even New Apollowen.

Swann doesn't like to deal with people very much. He is always used to immersing himself in doing his own things and likes tools that are uninteresting in the eyes of others.

He liked getting his hands dirty, and there was nothing more beautiful than the sound of gears turning in machinery. Swann was passionate about dismantling, repairing and then reassembling equipment. The hard life forced him to constantly innovate and use various inventions to make life better for himself and his family.

"Lori, come and fix the magnetic resonance machine." A powerful voice echoed in the empty mine.

"I'll be here soon. Well, I hope that thing can hold up before I come. Ha, it's hard to say." In the second half, Swann was almost talking to himself.

Just as Swann was about to walk in the direction from which the sound came, suddenly, the observatory next to him, which had not moved for at least twenty years, seemed to jump up and emit a flickering red light. Swann's short but strong body immediately threw himself on the console. He didn't know what that meant, but it was definitely not good news.

This observatory has a history as old as the Swan family. It is connected to the earliest artificial satellite in Meinhof synchronous orbit and detects routes throughout the galaxy through a relatively "primitive" radar system.

Usually, on certain days of the month, holographic projections of several Kaimorian system cargo ships would suddenly appear on this observatory. These holographic projections, which looked like scaled-down models, were in green representing friendly forces.

During the colonial period, the first Meinhof used this observatory to communicate with the supply fleet responsible for bringing necessary supplies and mining facilities to the colonists. At the same time, this observatory was also responsible for monitoring enemy fleets in the galaxy, but it had never been put to any use. At this time, the Kaimorian pirates were basically "one of their own."

Swann hoped that this grandma's machine was just having a seizure, but the three slowly moving Behemoth-class battlecruisers and the other two leaping battleships on the holographic projection instantly shattered his hopes. The holographic light and shadow are dangerous red.

The Tyranids are coming.

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