StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 755 Eamon: Don’t think you won

While Kerrigan was talking to Warfield, a large number of technicians in earth-gray uniforms flooded into the starport, and a transport ship loaded with boxes of parts fell from the sky in a row, like a large group of returnees. Nest of Giant Bird.

Directly above them, an imperial fleet was jumping out of the exit of the hyperspace channel. The separated space-time vortices seemed like a colorful oil film on the water. Rows of black behemoths lined up. The portholes of each ship reflected thousands of golden lights from the sun, and the muzzles of the murderous main guns and coupled laser cannons flashed with cold light.

No matter from which angle you look at it, this scene is spectacular.

Kerrigan noticed that the flagship of this fleet was a super-battlecruiser, which was almost an enlarged version of the Gorgon-class battlecruiser prototype Vulcan, larger than the Gorgon and Augustgrad's Pride classes are larger, thicker armored, and more powerful. They are equipped with doomsday cannons, plasma torpedoes, and serpent laser cannons, capable of raining destruction on the planet's surface from orbit.

The super battlecruiser can hardly be called an independent battlecruiser class because its number is very small. Since its construction began, its numbers have not exceeded double digits.

Building such a battleship also requires an astronomical amount of money. From Marines to battlecruisers, nothing is free.

The Imperial Navy hopes that this kind of battleship can become the Tyranids' own protoss mothership, and has high hopes for this. However, except for the promising size, the current super battlecruiser's various indicators are far from the mothership.

The shipbuilding director in charge of ship design was a top student who was sent to Umoyan by Augustus for further study during the Revolutionary Era. Now he is an indispensable figure in the Imperial Shipbuilding Bureau.

And Kerrigan still remembered that when the first and second super battlecruisers Typhon and Python after the Vulcan officially started construction at the Seros Shipyard, she went to visit them with Augustus. However, multiple sections of the hull began to be constructed simultaneously, and countless engineers, forgers, and riveters were involved in this massive shipbuilding plan.

These skilled workers were accumulated during the empire's many shipbuilding projects and came from all over the empire, including even people from Earth. Without them, the Empire couldn't conjure warships out of thin air.

The huge state machine of the Tyranids will not stop once it starts operating at full capacity. This tenacious and tenacious race has experienced countless wars at the turn of the new century. They lack neither warriors nor scientists and engineers.

"It's the fleet of Epsilon Squadron. They used to be stationed in the western border of the Empire to guard against the primitive zerg and Tal'darin protoss." Warfield pointed to these huge warships and said to Kerrigan.

The logo of Epsilon Squadron is bright yellow as warm as the sun, which is easy to identify. They once belonged to the old Federation, and their original duty was to station at the borders and strategic locations of the Federation world to monitor and control those who were not "safe" enough. colony.

Augustus retained this army and ordered them to serve him.

The presence of a border force of the nature of Epsilon Squadron on Korhal is unusual. Since they were not sent to the Aiur Battlefield, they are one of the few Imperial fleets whose organization has remained almost unscathed. Now It also received support from super battlecruisers.

Now that the Empire has recalled this fleet, it means that they are now in urgent need of powerful combat power to deal with threats far more terrifying than the primitive zerg and Tal'darim.

This is obviously not commensurate with the jubilant scenes of victory celebrations in various human worlds. Various media and military experts are more convinced than anyone else that humans have won this battle, which they call the Second Battle of El. Of course, the people I also want to believe that the war is over and will never happen again.

Another point that ordinary people of course have no way of knowing is that the current empire's warship construction plan is still expanding. Once they are all completed, even if future plans are not taken into account, the number of capital ships in the empire's fleet in three years will be this time. Four times the size of the Imperial fleet at the Battle of Ayr.

Their enemies before were the Golden Fleet, the Insect Swarm, and the Hybrid Legion, and even people from the Imperial Navy believed that unless they were marching towards Earth, Zerus, and Slane at the same time, there was no need to act so urgently. Build battleships.

Predictably, they still have a more brutal battle to fight than the Battle of Ayr. But except Augustus, no one knew when, where and under what circumstances the battle would begin.

"Augustus told me he thought the Swarm would soon come back and attack again," Kerrigan said. "They left billions of corpses and rivers of blood on Aiur, but they didn't. It’s a stretch. We’ve destroyed Eamon’s most important hybrid factory, but these horrific monsters continue to appear.”

"His judgment is never wrong." Warfield hummed: "It won't be long before the Empire and the Insect Swarm start war again."

Augustus emphasized to all his marshals and generals that Amon was the ultimate mastermind behind the scenes, especially in the void where he also had Narud, the dog-headed strategist, making suggestions, and their ultimate goal was to Destroy the world they live in.

One day, Eamon's power will return again, like the Pharaoh mummy in the Egyptian pyramids, commanding the army of the undead and returning to the world. The war will continue in a more brutal manner until either us or them are completely destroyed.

Even if the Empire unites with the Protoss to defeat the swarm of insects and does not kill Amon in the Void, the Doomsday War will never be called over.

Louis on the side could not understand the complex internal and external situation of the empire very well, and could not say anything. Even Augustus sometimes became worried when it came to Aemon and the war.

At this time, another fleet from other star regions of the empire arrived. The huge imperial flag on the bow of its battleship was like a shadow in the half-dark starlight. Countless pilot lights lit up at the same time, making the crowd roar. The harbor shines like daylight.

This fleet did not return from the Aiel Battlefield, but came from the distant planet Taurus IV (the planet in the novice tutorial level), which was a world abandoned by the Protoss Empire.

At some point during the Second Total War, an Imperial scientific expedition team went to Taurus IV to unearth alien artifacts, only to quickly lose contact. An imperial governor of the surrounding system sent marines to search for the scientific expedition team, only to learn that they had been infected by the swarm.

The Marines found that they were unable to deal with the huge swarm, so they called in the Imperial Navy and Ghost troops. At the same time, the Duram Protoss also discovered signs of infection on the planet and immediately sent troops to purify it.

Seeing that the situation was not right, the insect mother on Taurus could only seek support from other hive worlds, and alarmed more than one insect swarm master.

So soon, all races started the popular mode of fighting each other. Edmund Duke of the Tyranid Empire led the Alpha Squadron and rushed over. According to his style, he beat up the Zerg and Protoss unceremoniously. once. This incident was such a big fuss that Augustus had to run through the Xel'Naga portal to make Sagulas wipe Duke's butt.

In short, this is another tragedy caused by an alien artifact.

In the end, the Terran Empire won the war, took the Taurus IV into its own hands, and planted the imperial flag.

After the Second Total War, Taurus became an Imperial colonial world due to its habitability. A group of poor people from Antiga and the Port of the Dead set out to open up their homes in the New World. With the help of the Imperial Immigration Bureau, large power stations, automatic mining stations, and high-energy gas refineries were built.

By the end of 2503, the number of immigrants on Taurus had exceeded 500,000. Because of its high-quality minerals and important location, there was an Imperial fleet stationed on the planet for a long time. The fleet just came from there. .

After the fleet from Taurus arrived, the fleet guarding Mistaff IV, the empire's military production center, also joined this massive gathering. After that, these fleets may be organized into a new imperial combined fleet for unified command, ready to fight against enemies that invade again.

This is also due to the need for rotation. The warships that have just experienced a war need to be repaired and maintained, as well as replaced with a new batch of crews.

Anyone who sees this scene will understand that the empire is going to make big moves recently, and it has only been two months since the Second Battle of Ayr. Almost everyone thought that there was peace for all eternity.

"His Majesty is here." Suddenly, Warfield said.

A huge Sovereign-class battlecruiser jumped over. The copper-clad metal rams and the giant blades on the side torpedo tubes gave the illusion of bayonets on the battleship.

Following the battlecruiser were a large number of science ships, Valkyrie frigates, and a large number of Griffin fighters. Most of the ships looked like they had experienced a fierce battle. Those warships that had suffered heavy damage had already gone to Delalion and other giant orbital shipyards for overhaul on their way back to the Empire's territory, and they could not survive the day of returning to Korhal.

The protoss also helped the empire tow back many battlecruisers that were stranded in the orbit of Aiur. Today, the empire's major shipyards and ship repair yards are full of battleships that are in urgent need of repair, and the damaged alloys that have been removed are Piles of steel would fill up a sea of ​​radiation on Korhal.

As a blessing in disguise, for the crews of these warships, they were able to get a long vacation before being sent to other warships. They will be arranged to vacation on planets like Terrador and Haven to experience the local customs and food.

They narrowly escaped from a tragic and horrific battle, and the long voyage back to the human world intensified their fear. When they closed their eyes, they saw the grotesque and evil face of the hybrid. Many people needed to see a psychiatrist.

Compared with the old Federation era, the reputation of Imperial soldiers is much better. As long as they can prove that they have killed zerg and resisted protoss, they may be able to have a few drinks with beautiful local girls.

"He should have come back a long time ago." Kerrigan said this, but her face was so bright that she could see the sun through the clouds. She was indeed very happy and couldn't help but rub Louis' head.

Not long after, several Royal Viking fighter planes landed in the Gemini Port in mecha form, and a transport plane painted with the Demon of Heaven landed smoothly under the guidance of landing lights.

Augustus lost some weight, but could still hold Kerrigan firmly.

Marshal Matt Horner was following Augustus. When the emperor told him: Matt, you are too tired from work, and you should take some time off recently to spend the night with Mira, but he said that he preferred to work overtime. Feel.

"I miss you every minute and every second in Ayr." At this moment, Augustus' thousands of words only condensed into one sentence.

"I miss you too, Dad." Louise was very happy. She was still a child, and her happiness was written on her face.

"And you, Louis." Augustus kissed Louis' forehead: "Haggie's wizard said that you have the appearance of a heavenly being. I never worry about you."

"You shouldn't have left me in Korhal." Kerrigan noted with distress that Augustus's hair had become more white. If he hadn't shaved, he would have looked more like his brother Arcturus. .

Prince Arcturus, brother of the current Emperor.

Prince Arcturus has mixed reputations even in the imperial political circles. He is tough-minded and only cares about results. He is a person who does not care whether his hands are stained with blood. At the same time, he has also been bluntly criticized for lacking empathy, and is considered a political giant and an emotional dwarf.

Arcturus views imperial institutions and even the people within them as cold tools in the service of rule, and believes that the equipment of soldiers is more valuable than the soldiers themselves. Augustus was much more humane, but this does not prove that they are not essentially the same kind of person.

"I would rather die than see you in danger again." Augustus sadly realized that if he had to enter the void, Kerrigan would have to become a Xel'naga to kill Amon. will come.

Augustus then explained the reason for his late return to Korhal: "I had to deal with some lingering issues with the Dallam protoss."

"The Golden Fleet almost burned Haiwen to ashes. It took many of us dying to lure them away."

"Now Tassadar and his people are back, but what about our dead people, those lush forests, those rich fields, those respectable people." He said: "I know they are not to blame. , but people always have an object of resentment that I can’t control.”

"Some people say that human beings always fail to learn the lessons of the past, but they hold grudges very much. Historians will not forget these, and neither will those who lost their homes."

"Cha Sara has been destroyed by the Protoss for many years. Those people are still trapped in the past and cannot get out. They formed Dante's Circle and vowed to avenge their enemies." Warfield said: "They will strangle everyone. Protoss, whether it's Tal'darim or Dallam."

"But at this point, it is impossible and should not come to war between us and the protoss."

"Don't let them see the protoss," Kerrigan said. "The protoss have a bad enough reputation now."

"We also have too many people to bury, and someone needs to tell the families of the victims this sad news." Augustus continued: "There is a large cemetery in Ayr, which is full of crosses and white lilies. Phoenix swore that they would guard it as they guarded the heart of the Council."

The Terran Empire usually has officers or comrades come to the door to inform the families of martyrs of the tragic news, rather than coldly informing the victims.

There was an officer who was awarded a medal by Augustus himself and was one of the only survivors of the battlecruiser Asteria. The enemy did not defeat him, but when he faced the families of his former comrades, he collapsed. . (End of chapter)

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