StarCraft: Tyranid Empire

Chapter 767 Moebius Hybrid

The largest hybrid manufacturing plant in Arakan Castle is located in the walls of a collapsed temple. It is a large forest of metal buildings with black stone obelisks. Alien artifacts, Protoss relics and holy statues on the base of Khaydarin monoliths are common.

When Valerian arrived here, the battle outside the hybrid factory had basically ended.

Several Imperial Marine companies with a large number of looters have been assembled and are launching a new round of attacks on the human servants of Amon guarding here.

Transport planes are still bringing in shiploads of armored Imperial warriors, dropping tanks and war vehicles and boxes of weapons and ammunition. They gather in every open space and are ready to go to the battlefield as soon as the imperial flag is raised. There are soldiers, mechas and war vehicles running rampant everywhere, shouting and huge roars everywhere.

Huge battle cruisers are parked above the hybrid factory, and strong searchlights pierce the dense terrazine fog row after row, like lightsabers piercing through the thick purple curtain. The air-to-ground Concord artillery of the raiding liberators blocked every traffic route, and the siege tanks fiercely bombarded the factory outposts and heavy firepower platforms that still tried to fight back from far away.

If he listened carefully, Valerian could distinguish the bang bang of small electromagnetic weapons firing and the screaming sound of cluster rockets rising into the air. It was the sound of steel scraping across the ground, and fire and death bloomed like gorgeous flowers.

Then there were other more unbearable sounds, the screams of dying, the wailing of wounded soldiers, and the sad sobs of soldiers who lost their arms because they could not bear the pain. The sound of bomb explosions was enough to cover these sounds, but they always reached his ears inadvertently.

This wide road leading to the hybrid factory was originally large enough for four tanker trucks to pass side by side, and heavy trucks loaded with crystal minerals passed by at any time.

Whenever the Terran Empire arrived at a new world, it would build bridges and roads as usual, and build railways connecting various resource-based cities and huge airports that could take off and land starships.

Arakan's belt of roads was once home to crystal smelters, gas refineries, and complexes, countless large-scale projects, and exquisite towns and spectacular skyscrapers.

The city between the Bysher jungle and the temple is a uniquely beautiful place, just as the Aiur carefully built their magnificent cities of crystal and gold between tropical rainforests and spectacular waterfalls. The Terran colonists did something similar here, except their cities were made of glass and steel, and the large settlements were connected by maglev trains instead of psionic matrices.

But now Arakan is a ruin, and the road has become a charnel ground for miles, with dead bodies and burning vehicles all along the way.

The huge wreckage of a Thor mech in the middle of the road almost blocked the entire road, most of its ceramite armor had melted and shattered, and it was scattered with messy wires, and the driver had long disappeared.

Even so, several engineers still tried to repair or just tow back the paralyzed steel giant. The war is not over yet, and every resource is hard-earned and cannot be wasted.

This place is less than a mile away from the front of the hybrid factory. Valerian only needs to look up to see the vast factory area. Hundreds of reactor cooling towers, cranes and lifting platforms rise from the ground, like a giant skeleton of Behemoth after death.

Four charred giant spires twisted into the sky, each of which stood tall and towering into the clouds, covered with blasphemous and filthy marks, and illuminated the green flames from the void like lights.

There are often some terrible sounds coming from these spires, which are the mental screams of many Protoss, and the surrounding atmosphere is even more terrifying. When the Protoss Templars of Phoenix arrive at Basher and see the torture that Amon has inflicted on their own people, they will be furious.

Valerian knows that what is produced in this factory is not ordinary weapons and ammunition, but living mutant monsters.

The most accurate name here should be Amon's hybrid breeding factory, which is specially used to produce batches of hybrid armies for him, and such factories are all over the Koprulu sector.

Amon never concealed his dark ambitions and deeds. Hundreds of hybrid breeding chambers were clearly piled up in the factory, like goods displayed on shelves. The largest of them was hundreds of feet high, like a towering tower. It was hard to imagine what kind of abominable ultimate creatures were cultivated in it.

Although incredible, most of these hybrid factories were built by humans. The emblem of the Moebius Corps can be seen everywhere in the factory of Baysher. It is a white Moebius ring on a black background, which is now a symbol of corruption and evil.

Since Emperor Augustus established the Moebius Corps and asked them to carry out the task of searching for alien technology and hybrid factories, disasters have been like a curse.

After the Doomsday War, many Moebius fleets disappeared after sailing out of the border of the Koprulu Sector. When they returned to the Imperial World, they had become loyal servants of the Dark God. They wreaked havoc everywhere in the Sector, leaving no one alive.

It is said that half of them have gone mad, and the other half have become something more terrible.

The rebellious Moebius Corps, led by the hybrid, shot civilians without scruples and massacred an entire colony to build a Jingguan.

For darker purposes, the Moebius Corps used refugees for experiments to cultivate deformed hybrid monsters. Their ships were full of corpses, and countless frozen dead people were piled together, with skin like pale snakes.

This is how Jon, a classmate of Valerian at the Tyrrling Officer Academy, disappeared. He followed the Moebius Corps and the Marines from the military port of Pantera Prime. It was a mission to discover the holy relics of the Protoss. He was supposed to return in two to three months, but he never returned.

He also remembered that Jon also had a pair of young and frizzy eyes, a beautiful brown curly hair and a sparse mustache.

If there were no such changes, Valerian thought, Jon should have stayed in his hometown to take care of the farm and wheat, and would not leave his hometown until he died of old age.

However, the worlds saved by the Moebius Corps far exceeded those they destroyed, and the technology they brought to the Empire was enough to benefit mankind for centuries.

The number of people who defected from the Moebius Corps was the highest, precisely because they had the most contact with hybrids and other evil creations of Amon.

Most Moebius soldiers remained loyal.

The Empire could have directly destroyed this evil hybrid factory with orbital weapons, or reduced it to ashes with a radiation-free nuclear bomb, just as they had done to other factories here before.

But the Amon believers here were more cunning and cruel. They used imprisoned civilians and captured Imperial soldiers as threats, threatening to dig out the eyes of the hostages and chop off their limbs, in order to force Stukov to withdraw.

Stukov rejected these people's demands, and out of considerations of human morality and stabilizing the military morale, he could not order a direct bombing of the factory where hostages were held, otherwise the Empire would be no different from Amon.

So Stukov could only order the army to attack, but the enemy was tenacious and crazy. They fanatically believed that they would be reborn in blood and flames, and would rather perish than surrender.

In the past, these crazy Amon believers have made the Empire suffer enough.

The minds of these people have been devoured and they have become slaves of the hybrid. Even the Protoss do not think there is any hope of saving them.

Most of them were completely crazy and could not communicate normally, while others showed no unusual signs on the surface. But without exception, they would kill for their Lord without hesitation and sacrifice blood and death to the Dark God.

The so-called holy war dedicated to my Lord must end with flames.

The imperial army had to use heavy bombs and flamethrowers to sweep the reinforced concrete bunkers and kill all the traitors and evil god believers. Since there was no hope that the enemy would surrender, there was no need to leave any alive.

Therefore, many of the corpses that Valerian saw died miserably, either burned into smoking charred remains by plasma, which were shrunk compared to when they were alive, or blasted into pieces by artillery fire. I am afraid that even forensic doctors would find it difficult to piece together a complete corpse.

At the same time, while these Amon's fanatics were busy dealing with the fierce attack from the outside, a carefully selected elite ghost agent team had sneaked into the hybrid factory, ready to attack the enemy's command center and rescue the hostages.

It was Valerian who participated in and led the formulation of this plan, and he was determined to succeed.

The Empire's military strength has an absolute advantage, and it is only a matter of time to take down the hybrid factory, but the Ghost Army will be a sharp knife stabbing the enemy from behind, and the battle will end in a short time.

The sooner the war ends, the fewer people will die.

As time passes by, as the sky covered by the fog becomes darker and darker, the sky seems to be completely dark in an instant, and the artillery fire inside and outside the hybrid factory becomes more and more eye-catching.

The terrazine fog in Baysher never dissipates all day long, like a thick cover that isolates the sunlight and temperature. Despite this, the dense jungle has never been affected at all, but has grown abnormally. Even the shortest shrubs can grow to a height of one person, and the edges of the leaves are sharp enough to.

As a result, the foggy jungle became even more dangerous. Amon's minions were hiding in it. Several Imperial squadrons that were lost in the vast jungle only sent back some chaotic images mixed with crazy mutterings and terrifying screams, and then there was no news.

Now Valerian knew that they were either slaughtered by the void shadows in the fog or captured as prisoners.

What made Valerian even more uneasy was that according to the news sent back by various troops, the current battle situation was still very tense.

Three Banshee fighters were coming from the sky above the Hybrid Square. They had obviously run out of ammunition and were preparing to return. One of the Banshees was obviously in a very bad state. It stumbled away from the formation and then fell without warning. The falling posture was as straight as a lead ball weighing dozens of tons.

The debris and wreckage from the explosion were scattered all over the ground, piled up into a mountain, and a tail blade flew a hundred yards away, inserted diagonally into the ground like a huge cross.

Some troops that had suffered heavy casualties had to withdraw to rest and regroup. Their reports had clearly confirmed that there were a large number of hybrids in the hybrid factory. These premature babies that were forced to hatch early usually died quickly, but before they died, they could still cause great casualties to the imperial troops.

The frontal troops could not make any progress, and the ghost troops he deployed did not appear in time to turn the tide as expected, and there was not even a single movement.

Due to the need for covert operations, Valerian could not keep in touch with this ghost army in real time, let alone where they were at the moment.

Maybe they were in big trouble, maybe they were all killed by the hybrid.

But since the order had been issued, Valerian could only trust and wait, and prepare for the worst.

The leader of this ghost team was the ace ghost X74996R Stone, with black hair, silent melancholy brown eyes and a heart that was unwilling to calm down.

Stone's outstanding ability and loyalty to the Mengsk family were enough for Arcturus, who was skeptical of ghosts, to personally assign him to be responsible for the prince's guard. Although Valerian never thought that he was qualified to be guarded by ghost agents with his military rank and was quite disgusted with such privileges, Arcturus never considered what his son thought of his arrangement.

He only had one heir, and he might not have another in the future.

However, Stone is actually Valerian's friend and personal psychic consultant. If he inherits his father's throne in the future, he will definitely have a place in the palace staff.

But even with Stone, Valerian still couldn't help but worry.

All the descendants of great men have to live under the shadow of their predecessors. No matter how hard they try, they can't achieve enough achievements to prove their own achievements, but as long as they make a little mistake, it will be infinitely magnified.

Valerian's father Arcturus and aunt Dorothy are both extremely outstanding people. They assist their brothers wholeheartedly and almost support the other half of the empire.

Therefore, Valerian doesn't want to be seen as an incompetent Mengsk. Deep in his heart, he is more eager to build a greater cause than Uncle Augustus.

Stukov has expected that this battle will be difficult. At this moment, a command center landed not far away. The huge reverse thrust landing rack landed with a bang, supporting the main building with dense sensors and communication antennas like a steel claw deeply nailed into the ground.

The command center was three or four stories high, with bright lights against the electroplated steel armored shell. An angled ramp was being lowered from the hatch at the entrance, and a series of orange thin lines flashed outlining its brightly lit outline.

Barracks, heavy factories, star ports, and engineering stations landed around the command center in turn, and they could be put into production once they landed. Hundreds of supply stations and supply containers were dropped directly from the high-altitude orbit, which was no less than directly airdropping a small city with complete facilities.

With this as support, the Empire can still send troops continuously to ensure that the war situation is always under control.

"Your Highness, we have rescued the survivors and hostages. Their number is much larger than expected, and they must be transferred immediately!" The voice of Ghost Agent Stone finally came from the communication channel.

The first words made Valerian happy, but the latter made him feel like he was falling into an ice cellar.

"A hybrid of Moebius has awakened. Subject 9E57 is more powerful than all the hybrid rulers I have ever seen combined!" (End of this chapter)

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