The Mengsk family's majestic and vast castle complex is located on a steep cliff by the sea, with dark blue waves crashing against the golden beaches and rocks below the cliff. The scenery here is beautiful and the climate is pleasant, making you feel like you are on the mythical Nordic coast.

This building as old as the colony has always been the summer retreat for the leaders of the Mengsk family. It is four miles away from the nearest city to the north, Korhal's capital city of Stillling, far away from the arrogant and luxurious new aristocracy and corruption. The power center of the government.

The White Castle stands on the top of the cliff and is a medieval castle-style building surrounded by high white walls. All the high walls and three-dimensional towers with spires are made of pure white marble ashlar masonry, and the tall spire towers stand among the lingering mist.

This magnificent pure white fortress stood among the clouds and winds as early as the era of colonial pioneers. At that time, the brave and fearless Tarsonis colonists rode the second-generation warp spacecraft to the distant Korhal system. Finally, they chose to establish a new home on the fourth planet in the galaxy with a pleasant climate. The Mengsk family was the original leader of this group of colonists.

There is only a mountainous road between dense forests that leads directly to the Mengsk family's castle, and the owners and their servants there often travel in small private airships.

The security here is much stricter than even the Mengsk Family Sky Tower in Stillling. Only the most reliable servants will be sent here, swearing to protect the mistress of the Mengsk Family and her heirs with their own lives. .

The convoy escorting Augustus did not change to an aircraft, but drove all the way through the mountainous road with many checkpoints.

Augustus recorded every checkpoint he encountered and found that the security personnel here in black uniforms each held electromagnetic rifles, wore simple combat uniforms with powered armor, and wore infrared goggles. However, he didn't think these people could stop the three ghost agents, and the other party would definitely designate an infiltration plan based on intelligence, or even sneak into the security personnel.

"Field, how many security forces are there approximately here?" As the convoy drove on the winding mountain road, Augustus frowned, which foreshadowed his inner worries.

"Including those inside the White Castle, there are about two hundred people." Acton said: "One-third of these people are retired soldiers of the Korhal Civil Defense Force and the Planetary Defense Force, and the others are also thousands of people. The Chosen Warrior of Korhal."

"It's hard to say, people's thoughts are hard to fathom. I would still prefer to hire Umoyan people. Umoyan is a world rarely penetrated by federal agents." Augustus said: "Umoyan people Because he is proficient in using their advanced technological means to complete infiltration and counter-infiltration work, and most importantly, Umoyan has actually been supporting his father's career behind the scenes."

"It's rare, it's rare to hear the word father from your mouth. Angus actually sometimes reflects on whether there is something wrong with the way he educates his children, but Dorothy is always sensible and well-behaved." Acker After a few words of ridicule, he said.

"Your father has carefully thought about your suggestions and feels that they can be done. We are currently recruiting young people in Umoyan. The response from the young people there has been very enthusiastic. Due to the media publicity, Kemorian of Umoyan There are many sympathizers, but there is nowhere to vent their passion.”

"How many?" asked Augustus.

"There are enough to raise a non-governmental Umoyan volunteer army." A smile appeared on Acton's serious face: "They are willing to fight for Korhal's independence from the control of the Tyranid Federation."

"This is the best news I've heard in these days except for the victory of the war." Augustus nodded: "It would be great if we could drag Umoyan into the War of Independence."

"Yes, there will definitely be a war between Korhal and the Federation, but apart from providing volunteers and military supplies, it is almost impossible for Umoyan to intervene in the war." Acton said: "If they are willing to do that, Kemerian will not You will lose miserably."

"That's because the Federation has not pushed them to the point of intolerance, and Umoyan's desire for expansion is not as strong as that of the Camorion Federation, and there are not many conflicts with the Tyranid Federation." Augustus said coldly. His eyes calmly stared at the trees beside the mountain road.

"But as long as the Terran Federation is convinced that they have eliminated all threats except Umoyan, the war that the Umoyan people have tried their best to avoid will soon come."

"It's a pity that the next person the federal government has to deal with is Kehal." Acton cast an incomprehensible look at Augustus: "This is not like you."

"Augustus, you like war and hate politics. In the past, you have always been indifferent to what your father did."

"When you are used to seeing death and blood, and young lives like flowers passing away before your eyes, you will not be able to agree with my original view of war. War is not beautiful, and the epics of the galactic heroes are just children's dramas compared to them ." Augustus said.

"You have grown a lot." At this time, the convoy had resisted the Mengsk Castle outside Summer Manor. Security Captain Acton Field, who was responsible for the security of Mengsk family members and all factories and industries, was standing in the armored vehicle. He said as he gradually came to a stop in the courtyard of the castle.

"I don't know if this is good or bad for you."

Augustus did not answer Acton, because there was a silver-haired girl in a white dress, like a jumping bird, holding up her skirt and running towards the armored car where Augustus was. Mrs. Mengsk, wearing an elegant cornflower dress, was standing at the Roman columned door of the castle looking at him.

"Augustus!" Sister Dorothy threw herself into Augustus's arms, knocking Augustus back into his seat as he was about to get out of the car.

"You're back."

With Dorothy in his arms, Augustus realized that she was what kept him fighting. Augustus tried to pick Dorothy up as he had done when he was a child but failed: "You have gained weight again."

"What? Well - you just gained weight!" Dorothy angrily arched back and forth in Augustus' arms.

Augustus almost dragged Dorothy, who was clinging to him, to his mother. The beautiful woman who always treated others with elegance shed tears again when she saw her little son, and hugged her son tightly. .

"We all miss you, Augustus, for more than half a year. You are a strong young man now, you are more mature than before." Catherine said: "Mom is so happy for you."

Looking at his mother's tearful face, Augustus felt a sting in his heart. He suddenly thought of a horrific scene. His father Angus' head was cut off, his mother and sister fell in a pool of blood, and there were hideous wounds on his chest and temples.

No, this must not happen.

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