Stargate: Lords of Time

Chapter 596 Change (seeking subscription monthly pass)


The opposition between chaos and order, the power of the avenue is turbulent.

Hunting seems to be... defeated by Chaos.

The speed at which order is established is far less rapid than the destruction of the other side.

The world is born and the world perishes.

In an instant, the sky changed its color.

The collision of light and darkness!

The chaotic emperor was expressionless at the moment, although he managed to suppress one or two of Huntian, but he was not happy, there was only some sternness in his eyes, and it didn't seem to be aimed at Huntian.

The law of chaos is turbulent, and spirituality explodes.

In all directions, between heaven and earth, there seemed to be ups and downs in a chaotic world.

"I say, the source of chaos!"

Whispering softly, he punched suddenly, the world exploded, and chaos erupted.

On the opposite side, Huntian retreated in order, and the power of countless avenues seemed to have turned into soldiers, setting up a barrier to surround the power of chaos and block the spread of chaos.


In Huntian's hand, a word appeared.


The words seemed to come alive.

At this moment, there is actually some benefit of Li Hao's divine script. The divine script suppresses the world, as if it calms the chaos. In an instant, the power of countless Taoism changes from disorder to order, and is forcibly suppressed between the heaven and the earth.

The chaotic Taoist master was a little surprised and looked at Huntian.

Huntian looked calm, "Quoting one or two, chaos, God, has changed! The times have also changed."

It seems to say that this era is no longer the era of a million years ago.

The chaotic Taoist master smiled: "Times change, Tao is still Tao, people are still people, the strong are still strong, and for millions of years, chaos is still that chaos, and it has never changed!"

"No, everything old will pass away!"

Huntian laughed loudly: "A new order is about to be established, chaos, you are old!"

In an instant, light exploded!

Bright as the sun!

At this moment, it seemed that the entire chaos was illuminated, and suddenly, countless chaotic forces began to decay, like spring and autumn withering, and chaos... as if using other methods of overlord.

The power of chaos shattered in an instant, but the chaotic Taoist sneered, broken, it was also chaos.

However, in another moment, the power of countless avenues seemed to be revived, the way of glory, revived in chaos, and suddenly, an incomparably powerful power of order erupted from the core.


The world seems to be rebuilt, everything is changing, and in an instant, there is no sky and no land.

In the Nine Layers of Heaven and Earth, barriers emerged, and the power of countless principles turned into countless avatars, establishing an incomparably powerful barrier, besieging the chaotic emperor.

Resurrected from destruction!

The chaotic Taoist master changed his color slightly at this moment. Suddenly, with a sharp roar, thousands of black dragons emerged in the void, and the roar resounded in all directions.

"This world is still a chaotic world! People are chaotic, heaven and earth are chaotic, and chaos is chaotic. Your order is ultimately just a corner of peace!"


Outside the barrier, Wanlong rushed wildly, and countless order clones were instantly shattered.

The two sides staggered, and for a while, it was hard to tell the winner.

Powerful power spread in all directions, and below, a great war broke out, and the envoys of the Five Elements besieged the commander of the Nine Guards, but the black shadow pierced through like sharp blades. Actually barely maintain the five elements do not collapse.

At this moment, the three of Tianjin are also facing the siege of many strong nine-fold guards, all of them are extremely powerful, even they who used to be known as the overlord of the north, at this moment, it is unexpectedly difficult to break through.

On the contrary, there is a posture of invincibility.

Dozens of high-level breaths erupted, and the entire Jiuchongtian was in turmoil, as if it was about to be blown up.

In the north, the breath of troubled times emerges.

At the same time, the East is also in constant turmoil. The turmoil in the East, the aura of troubled times emerges, seems to have strengthened the power of chaos, and then it spreads.

Chaos is the mainstream!

Today he and Huntian are fighting, and other parties, as long as they take the opportunity to act, they will create chaos. The power of order is not as simple as chaos.

Huntian, must lose!


The west.

With the outbreak of the war in the north, the west has become more and more peaceful. Except for the turmoil of a few eighth-order breaths, the entire west seems to be as peaceful as a holy place.

Someone seemed to perceive something, and a little worry, soon turned into a blessing.

Also turned into faith.

I firmly believe that in the chaos, there is no trouble that the Taoist Master Huntian cannot solve. No matter whether it involves the way of order or not, order will eventually usher in a new life.

At this moment, Li Hao never made a move.

Sitting cross-legged in the void, the avenue merged into the western land, feeling the slight change, feeling the power of faith and order permeating the chaos.

Mentality, all in peace.

The powerful aura from the west is also forgotten by Li Hao at this moment. Faith, order...

All kinds of thoughts came to mind.

Do people have to establish faith in order to strengthen order?

What about people who have no faith?

Xinwu has faith, there is dragon war, there is Spring and Autumn, there is also Huntian...

What is my belief?

Li Hao thought about it.

At this moment, he has temporarily put down his thoughts of attacking the world of Huntian, and there is no winner between Huntian and Chaos, and if he makes a move at this moment, it may give Chaos a chance.

Li Hao didn't intervene.

At this moment, he suddenly extracted a star from the long river, like a holy sun.

He looked at the star, lost in thought.

What's this?

This is the Dao of Faith absorbed by Hong Yitang, the power of the Dao of Human Sovereignty. The queen is creating countless light balls of faith every moment. There are too many human beings in her kingdom of God. Every moment, that kind of Power of Faith, Power of Responsibility.

The queen herself did not dare to absorb it, and Hong Yitang had absorbed this kind of principles, so the queen became even more unscrupulous, and input all the power of these principles into Li Hao's long river of avenues.

The Queen's idea is that Hong Yitang needs it anyway.

But Li Hao didn't give all of them to Hong Yitang.

Bear some responsibility, that is called responsibility.

Carrying all of them, countless of them, that's called... puppet.

At this moment, Li Hao is looking at these balls of light, there are more than one, and there are many in the depths of the long river. He is quite afraid of this way, so he has never cared about it, just suppressed it.

Hong Yitang needed it, and he only absorbed part of it for the other party, not all of it!

At this time, wandering under the Western belief and order, Li Hao looked at the ball of light, his mind was slightly distracted, and he said, if you don't understand it, if you go deep into it, you will never understand it.

Dao, neither good nor bad.

A word that I often hang on my lips.

"I still don't know enough about this way. Hunting is using it, Uncle Hong is using it, and in the future, some people may use it. This way comes from the belief and persistence deep in the heart... Try it, so what? "

At this moment, he didn't care about the Huntian World, nor did he care about the Northern War.

Looking at the ball of light in front of him, he laughed, and suddenly, the ball of light was incorporated into the Dao system, a star began to emerge, and countless balls of light began to overflow from the long river and merge into the small world .

At this moment, countless voices seemed to emerge in my mind.

"I want to live forever..."

"I would rather be a dog of peace than a person in troubled times!"

"Mom, I want to study..."

"I want to be stronger!"

"It's so dark outside, where has the sun gone?"


Countless voices, countless thoughts, appeared in Li Hao's mind at this moment, as if they were about to explode.

That strong thought, strong thought, made him seem to become those countless mortals for a moment... They seem to have their own desires, their own beliefs, and their own persistence.

At this moment, it seems like a mountain of burden is pressing on the long river, Li should work hard for the peace of chaos!

And in the Nine Heavens and Earth, a force of faith also spread and was absorbed by the stars.

Li Hao didn't stop him!

He allowed this energy to seep into it, and gradually, this energy, combined with the stars, suddenly... began to drift towards the realm of order in the fifth thousandth realm, towards the realm of order that Li Hao planned to use to create the fifth thousandth realm The core floats away.

There, there is the clone of Huntian.

At this moment, all the voices in my mind seemed to be unified, turning into one voice, one will...

"All things and spirits, establish order, unify will, and chaos will calm itself!"

Li Hao, let that force penetrate him.

He is just feeling, perceiving, and at this moment, he even seems to have established some weak connections with the order here.

Li Hao's eyes didn't change, he just silently looked at the huge star, which was growing crazily.


At this moment, the power of Human Sovereign Dao and the Dao of Order began to merge and even connect. This is the real core of Huntian, order, belief, responsibility, and persistence.

In my mind, the voice kept echoing, as if it came from Huntian!

Li Hao's eyes remained unchanged, a little dark.

Hun Tian... Are you sure that I will come here?

Believe that I will come to the West?

It may not be today, maybe in the future, but as long as I come, is it... all in your calculations?

Use order and faith to weaken my defense, use peace to ease my emotions, use the power of avatar to interfere with my judgment, so that I can also establish a way of order?

More and more power of order poured into Li Hao.

Ahead, in the chaotic world.

Several eighth-level monks were a little shaken. Suddenly, they felt something. A large amount of power of order began to flow, as if gathering towards the outside world.

At this moment, everyone dare not go out to investigate rashly.

But they all felt the passing of the power of order!

As if... was absorbed by someone?




Suddenly, the order of Huntian collapsed, he took a few steps back, coughed, and there was blood at the corner of his mouth.

He looked towards the west, but at this moment, he smiled, a bright smile, Li Hao, you... went to the west!

You have gone to the Realm of Chaos!

On the opposite side, the face of the chaotic Taoist master moved slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "Why do you feel that your power of order has weakened a lot, what about the order strategy? Why not use it, Huntian, what the hell are you thinking?"

Huntian, his strength seems to be weaker at this moment.

It seems that...a large amount of power of order is flowing.

Flowing towards the West!

West, is something wrong?

Someone attacked Huntian's lair?

is that so?

The chaotic Taoist master was a little happy, but...Huntian's expression was wrong, he didn't seem surprised, and he didn't even worry about anything. At this moment, he was actually smiling.

Gang Tian was indeed laughing.

"I said that at the end of time, there is order! Everything will establish order, even if it is time, it will be suppressed by order! Time is the only one, and reversing time is an act of chaos!"

He seemed to be speaking to chaos, and he seemed to be speaking to others.

The end of time is order.

Li Hao, reversing time is disorderly. It is wrong for him to interfere with time and chaos like this. Time should not go backwards, nor can it be accelerated. Time... can only go by with the years.

Li Hao... Can you understand my painstaking efforts?

I'm not planning on you... I just let you understand that this chaos needs order!


The west.

A large amount of power of order poured into Li Hao's avenue, and at the same time, a book-like thing emerged from the sky, floating towards Li Hao.

The countless powers of order seemed to emerge from this book.

In that book, mountains, rivers, sun and moon, stars and stars in the world, nine points of heaven and earth...

From a distance, Li Hao sensed...the power of rules, even the smell of spirituality.

The book flew towards Li Hao.

On it, several words of will appeared faintly.

Order strategy!

Li Hao was as immobile as a mountain before, but at this moment, his face suddenly changed, and he couldn't help laughing at himself: "What a great handwriting!"

At this moment, he suddenly became a little ignorant.

Huntian, at the moment when he was cloned, it seemed that he had been counted on, Li Hao was counted on, and sooner or later, he would go to the west, one ring after another, and finally, even...even using the strategy of order, as He took the bait and caught Li Hao.

At this moment, Order Tiance flew towards him, extremely powerful, vaguely, even... had an aura that surpassed the eighth level!

That is... the power of the ninth level!

Li Hao's expression changed slightly. He understood Huntian's plan. Huntian actually wanted to use the strategy of order to forcibly reverse his Daohe, turning him into the power of order, the inheritor of order, and let time... be suppressed!


Li Hao suddenly cursed, at this moment, he didn't know whether to cry or laugh, Hun Tian, ​​are you planning to mess up, or are you planning on me?

You actually threw such a powerful treasure of law in the Huntian world, and did not take it away, to deal with chaos, even... because of the existence of the Huntian avatar, and because Li Hao regarded it as the core of the fifth thousandth world... ...At this moment, this power of order began to spread across his long river!

Even the time and stars at the core are being squeezed!

Be sprawled and covered!

Once Order Tiance enters Daohe, maybe... Li Hao will become a person of Order and become the spokesperson of Order.

The other party was not trying to control Li Hao, but to make Li Hao... change his attributes and become a monk of the Way of Order.

"What a big handwriting!"

Is it for me?

Or for others?

Or, whoever is going to deal with the Huntian World may face all of this, turning the identity of the attacker into a guardian?

If that's the case... then Huntian, it's really inconceivable.

"The power of order is pouring into my body... The order of the sky is fading... After the order, there is... chaos, darkness, turmoil..."

As if realizing something, Li Hao suddenly looked to the north.

When Huntian's power of order is gone, perhaps... Huntian is the most terrifying Huntian.

"The power of order pours into me, I take on the role of order, maintain the order in the West, and deal with all invading enemies, while Huntian uses the power of chaos and the power of darkness as the hidden force under the order." Desire, ambition, to kill chaos?"

Li Hao seemed to understand everything at this moment.

Hun Tian... You are very courageous and courageous, so you are not afraid. Are you losing order and being swallowed by desire and darkness?



More and more power of order began to flow away, Emperor Huntian took the opportunity to repel him by chaos, and a large amount of power of chaos began to backlash, attacking and killing Huntian.

Emperor Huntian, at this time, it seems that he has lost the power he should have, and his breath is weakening.

But he kept laughing.

In the west, there is Li Hao.

Spring and Autumn... or King of People, or Dragon War... You, even if you go to the West, it will be of no use. You dare not come here easily. If you go to the West, maybe what you will face is the new King of Order!

And I... have never been the Lord of Order, never have been, I am the chaos, the sky of chaos!

Above order!

You guys don't understand me.

Li Hao, even if you have mastered the time, you still don't understand.

"Why, your strength is still weakening?"

At this moment, the face of the chaotic Taoist master changed, even though the opponent was getting weaker and weaker, but he didn't have any joy, only some palpitations, why the power of Huntian was getting weaker and weaker.

The power of order is frantically fading.

Where did you go?

In the end what happened?

Also, why is he laughing!

"It's weak, isn't it just what you want?"

Huntian took a few steps back, blood dripped down, and he smiled all over his face: "Chaos is still in chaos. The more wars you have, the stronger you will be. You wish the chaos would continue. You wish the war between you and me would continue!"

"Chaos, you think, time, is on your side, isn't it?"

He laughed loudly: "The more people die, the more spirituality overflows, the stronger the power of chaos, as long as it continues, you... you will be able to defeat me sooner or later, won't you?"

The chaotic Taoist remained silent.

That's right.

But at this moment, he was a little uneasy.

His face changed for a moment, he stopped talking, and attacked suddenly. Before, he was just fighting in the air. At this moment, he appeared in an instant, where the chaos was, like a teleportation, appeared in the blink of an eye, and punched out, the world exploded.

Huntian continued to retreat and was completely suppressed by the chaos. Even if he still maintained the power of 8000 Daozhe at this moment, he was still strongly suppressed!

The power of order on his body is still passing away.

Getting weaker and weaker!

However, doing this made the chaotic Taoist master even more uneasy, as if...something existed and was about to awaken.

Under Huntian's smile, there seemed to be some monstrous secret hidden.

Huntian kept laughing, even though he was constantly injured, a lot of chaotic power corroded him, even swallowed him, and suppressed him, instead of worrying, he became more and more happy.

The moment when the order completely disappears, the chaos will soon meet the real Huntian!


In the depths of chaos.

Countless sculptures seem to be sensing something at this moment.

Suddenly, the Lord of Tianfang frowned slightly, looked out of the chaos, the world and chaos appeared in his eyes, as if he saw the battle between Chaos and Chaos, and saw the passing of the power of order.

They are also watching and perceiving the catastrophe.

The Lord of Calamity suddenly said: "Huntian seems to be about to collapse, his order is collapsing..."

Others are also watching.

Some people also said: "The order is unstable. To establish order in this chaos, and there is no absolute strength to suppress it, I think... collapse is a matter of time, not even the ninth level. How to establish order? He really thinks he is the leader of order." Master?"

"The strategy of order seems to be out of his hands!"

"If you attack in chaos, you can still suppress him. Even if the opponent's strength doesn't fade away, and the Taoist Lord of Chaos is around, he can't cause too much trouble!"


Several ninth-rank emperors were talking to each other, showing faint smiles.

This time, once Huntian died, Chaos would be chaotic.

The chaos has gained a firm foothold... The hope of everyone's arrival has greatly increased.

very good!

You didn't choose the wrong person.

And the Lord of Tianfang seems to be looking for something, looking for... the direction of the flow of order, the end of the flow, since Huntian has lost the power of order, and the power of order has not disappeared, there is naturally a place to go.

Where did you go?

He doesn't know.

At this moment, he was looking for it, as if there was something interfering with his line of sight, as if... It was a strategy for order!

A force of order spread across the avenue of chaos, blocking his sight, and Huntian... seemed to have been prepared to block his prying eyes.

Where did the power of order go?

The lord of Tian Fang frowned slightly.

It's fine for the second generation of time to be disobedient, but now, even the second generation of order seems to have been planning something, doing something secretly, what is he... what is he doing?


The west.

The strategy of order was falling towards the long river and began to spread. Even at this moment, Li Hao still didn't stop it, but just watched silently, as if he couldn't stop it, but also seemed to have no intention of stopping it.

A large amount of power of order began to spread across the long river, sorting out the entire long river, and establishing a river of order.

In the void, at that time, the light and stars were suppressed to one side, and Li Hao's other avenue powers were all contaminated with the power of order, suppressed, suppressed, squeezed, five thousand principles, at this moment, it is An effective defense could not be established.

The fifth thousandth world is expanding wildly with order at its core!

The boundaries are quickly filled!

Li Hao, who had opened nearly all of the 5,000 realms, now, the remaining hundreds of realms are constantly being filled, and the strongest realm of order, at this moment, is crazily promoted.

Originally, Li Hao's understanding of the way of order was still limited, but now, as the book approached, it was completely different.

The power of the entire realm expands infinitely.

In the long river, the voice of Huntian seems to be echoing: "Only when order is established can chaos be completely calmed down. If there is no more turmoil, everything will be hidden in darkness..."

At the core of the realm of order, a figure emerged, as if... also Huntian.

This world was originally forged with the power of Huntian's avatar.

At this time, as if Hunting had recovered, he took the initiative, forcibly suppressed Li Hao's will, and interfered with and assimilated Li Hao's will with the will of order.

Li Hao didn't make a move, but he wasn't idle either. A lot of power of faith was still frantically blending into it.

The channel forged by time and stars was also forcibly opened at this moment. Li Hao did not contact other people, but contacted the queen. At this moment, the channel that belonged to the queen was activated, and the voice spread: "Let the thoughts of faith and responsibility , Melt into my Dao River!"

"Let go of Rong, the more the better!"

As soon as Li Hao's voice fell, the queen seemed to be impatient. At this moment, countless powers of faith poured into Daohe, and in an instant, they merged with the power of order.

"Guardian of the Human Race..."

"Save the common people!"

Those countless thoughts merged into the realm of order crazily. Li Hao was observing, observing the phantom in the depths of the realm, which seemed to be the phantom of the clone of the sky. Gradually, it suddenly changed continuously, as if appearing Thousands of faces!

At this time, the strategy of order also merged into Li Haochanghe, and in an instant, it brought countless powers of order.

Li Hao's aura soared crazily.

In an instant, the five thousand realms were all filled.

Order still occupies the mainstream. Compared with Su Yu who came from the future that day, Li Hao is not weak at all, but only stronger.

Five thousand rules!

And as Order Tiance merged into the long river, the realm of order expanded again, spreading nearly half of the long river.

at the same time.

Out of bounds.

A little girl suddenly appeared, Chunqiu!

The moment Chunqiu appeared, he suddenly looked at Li Hao and frowned: "Is it too late?"

She seemed a little depressed and regretful, looking at Li Hao in the distance, a little helpless: "It shouldn't be! You took my avatar and established the way of withering prosperity, and the years are withering and prosperous. As long as you wither his order, even if you It is weak and can resist for a while, why... was assimilated so quickly?"

She is a little puzzled!

Also a little depressed.

She wasn't too surprised when Li Hao came here, but why...was swallowed up by order so quickly?

Really... Weak chicken!

What's up with this trash?

So angry!

That day, walking through the long river of time together, Li Hao wanted to leave one of her avatars and one of Huntian's avatars. To the two of them, Li Hao was too bold and crazy. !

Of course, Chunqiu gave it, because Huntian gave it.

As long as Li Hao refines her clone, even if he refines the Huntian clone again, it won't be a big problem. The way of Kurong is extremely powerful, and that is her strongest clone. She is sure that as long as Li Hao uses Kurong... It must be blocked for a while.

And she will arrive soon.

However, it is still too late!

At this moment, Li Hao opened his eyes, looked at Chunqiu, and suddenly asked, "Why did you come to the West?"

Chunqiu looked at Li Hao and sighed: "I cannot tolerate absolute order, and I will not allow the ancient order to continue. The so-called order is actually a rule! The battle between Heaven and Chaos... I hope that Chaos can win! Not Hongtian, can you understand?"

"So...Huntian, it's best to lose to Chaos! Let Chaos mess up the whole Chaos..."

Speaking of this, I feel a little regretful: "I just didn't expect that you have time, and my Kurong avatar, to be defeated so quickly. Even if the orderly strategy is in place, you shouldn't be defeated so quickly, Li Hao, You have let me down too much!"

She shook her head endlessly, Li Hao smiled: "So, you want to disrupt order?"


Chunqiu didn't mind what he said, and laughed: "Huntian and Chaos, I'm more afraid of Huntian, so... I'm not afraid if Chaos wins, but I'm worried that if Hongtian wins, it will be troublesome!"

After finishing speaking, he sighed: "Forget it, you have become the spokesperson of order. This time, I miscalculated a little, and I didn't expect that you didn't realize the true meaning of my glory at all, and I gave you the avatar for nothing!"

"I thought you were a smart person. You were a foolish little meter, and you couldn't hide it from you at all, but I didn't want to. After all, I overestimated you. Yes, you are too young..."

She seemed to have found the best reason for her own failure.

Li Hao is too stupid and too young.

Therefore, he has no way to comprehend the true meaning of Kurong at all, unable to fight back against the invasion of order, and was finally calculated by Huntian and turned into a puppet of order. What a fool, time wasted in vain!

Li Hao doesn't care about this at the moment, the road is long and the river is crazily fluctuating, turbulent, and the power of order even begins to overflow.

The powerful order strategy almost enveloped the entire avenue.

Five thousand principles, at this moment, seem to have only one will... order!

Even time was suppressed to the point where he couldn't see the slightest figure.

Li Hao sighed: "So, when I proposed to clone that day, you... all thought it was a good opportunity, but on that day, did you think it was a good time to control me?"

Chunqiu raised his eyebrows: "I don't have that kind of thought, and I'm not interested. As for Huntian... I just realized that there was something wrong with him. I sent you avatar to help you, are so stupid! Who is it? Things, do you dare to accept them?"

Speaking of this, he opened his mouth and said: "It seems that only by defeating you today can the order be shattered. Li Hao, I didn't intend to kill you. The way of time may still be useful to me... But today, I can't I won't kill you!"

In an instant, she appeared in front of Li Hao, as if countless ages had appeared.

Small palms emerged, like Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands.

Seal the void!


The world is dead and silent, the chaos is dead, the common people are destroyed, the years go without a trace, Li Hao's long hair is flying, just for a moment, it seems that his life is passing crazily, his hair is turning white, and the order is fading!

Chunqiu made a move on him.

In other words, she does not allow and does not want to attack this puppet of order. Huntian will stabilize the order, otherwise, the root of the race will be even more difficult to break!

It was at this moment that her strength was revealed.

At this moment, Li Hao's power of 5,000 Dao principles is comparable to the power of 8,000 Dao principles of the eighth order, but in her hands, she is still formidable. Years are dying, life is passing, and chaos is rotting.

Order Tiance burst into brilliance!

The new power of order burst out again, and Daohe rolled over to block the invasion of the opponent's withered power.

And Chunqiu snorted coldly, his small body seemed to be full of energy, and the next moment, dense figures appeared behind him, there were countless figures, all of them were Chunqiu!

She took a step forward, and countless phantoms collapsed and merged into her body.

"You have a past and a future, I have countless pasts, but no future, the past melts into me, and I am Spring and Autumn!"


The white jade-like palm pierced through the heaven and earth, broke Daohe, and her clone merged, or in other words, her past body merged, her combat power soared, and her powerful aura shook the entire heaven and earth.

"Huntian, you know what I'm asking for. It's a good idea for you to stop me with Li Hao, but he... is not my opponent after all!"

Chunqiu snorted, you know what I am asking for.

But your order...why is it so unfair?

I, Spring Autumn Cicada, why can't I get a new life in this order?

Your order, not mine!

Everything can only usher in a new life if you build and break it yourself. Li Hao, it's a pity, but it's not a pity. Such an idiot was calculated, he deserves it.

At this moment, in Li Hao's river, in the depths of the realm of order, there seems to be a voice resounding: "Spring and Autumn, order, is to establish, not to break the original, it is fair! Whether it is human beings or everything, Each has its destiny, and this is part of the order..."

"Fate? Don't you think you are ridiculous?"

On Chunqiu's small face, the corners of his mouth were raised, showing some sarcasm: "Okay, fate is that even the human race can only live for a hundred years. If you are willing to live a hundred years, I am willing to live a year! That is the real order. , otherwise... all order is just the expansion of your ambitions! You are bold, chaos is at least the ninth level, you dare to face him, and at the same time you dare to withdraw to deal with me... What a good way!"

After all, the breath is stronger, and more clones are integrated into the body.

"I live eight hundred thousand years, how long do you expect Li Hao to be against me?"

A cicada chirped, resounding in all directions, the chaos seemed to freeze, and the years would not pass by.

Li Hao retreated, and the orderly strategy broke out again with an incomparably powerful power of order, blocking Chunqiu's progress.


At this moment, Li Hao seemed to be a bystander.

Today, he has clearly understood the pursuit of Chunqiu. He can't say too much about the Cicada of Spring and Autumn. Breaking the restrictions of race, completely let Spring Cicada, or in other words, make herself no longer experience the pain of transformation.

One transformation per year, one rebirth per year, have reached this stage, become the overlord of chaos, still have to go through the death of Spring and Autumn, this weak race can rise in Spring and Autumn, as if... has broken the destiny, broken the chaos order and rules.

So... she is not what Li Hao thought, she has no pursuits, no conflicts with other people, on the contrary, all those who maintain the original rule system are her enemies!

Whoever maintains, whoever maintains, wins!

Hunting yes, those ninth ranks...all of them.

Her ultimate goal may be... the source of chaos!

Therefore, Li Hao's goal of resurrecting some people in the depths of the source of chaos may be the same as hers. At least, their goals were the same before contacting the source of chaos.

Therefore, when Huntian gave the clone, she also gave it, gave the strongest clone, and even asked Li Hao to comprehend Kurong, hoping that Li Hao could resist all of Huntian's calculations.

Never thought... Li Hao didn't resist at all, allowing the power of order to invade him.

He even took the initiative to use his beliefs, actively provoked the integration of order, and added more opportunities and more convenience to the integration of order.

It's unbelievably fast, it's almost arriving in Spring and Autumn, the speed is extremely fast, but it's still one step late!

Chunqiu strikes again!

On the avenue and long river, Order Tiance erupted with incomparably powerful brilliance, suppressing the path of glory, but Chunqiu was really powerful, and the sound of cicadas reappeared. Even Order Tiance was also oscillating wildly, as if the holy brilliance dissipated.

At this moment in Spring and Autumn, the one who is fighting against the enemy is Huntian, the one of order.

But even so, Huntian, who was infinitely close to the ninth level, was still suppressed by him. Li Hao had never expected such a toughness before.

"Huntian, I won't let you succeed... those ninth ranks, don't even try to dominate me!"

Spring and Autumn disappeared again, and appeared in an instant, as if approaching Order Tiance, and even stepping into Li Hao's long river. Countless Spring and Autumn were suddenly suppressed by Order and shattered one after another!

The closer to Order Tiance, the more powerful Order is, and all existences that do not respect Order will perish.

Every step she took, Chunqiu would leave countless corpses, all of them herself.

But she didn't care at all!

so what?

Today, she will definitely defeat Order Tiance, and completely shatter the original order!

At this time, Li Hao, Anxin hid behind Order Tiance, just looked at Chunqiu, at the fallen corpses, and at the crazy outbreak of Order Tiance...Looking at it like an outsider .

After watching for a while, he looked north again.

The power of order should be almost drawn, and Huntian... If it is going to explode, it should be the nearest.

Kill Chaos and return to Huntian, that age may be hard to match.

At this moment, almost all of Li Hao's five thousand roads, except order, were squeezed, suppressed, and surrendered... The entire Daohe was suppressed by the order strategy.

"Order... shouldn't be just like this."

Li Hao murmured, in the long river, Chunqiu, who was fighting against Order Tiance, seemed to hear the voice, and was a little confused.

At this moment, a holy light appeared in Li Hao's eyes.

There seemed to be a light of compassion emerging.

Countless voices are shouting, the long river seems to be roaring, the voices of billions and billions of humans are roaring, shouting, roaring... Disturbing people's hearts and making people unable to be quiet.

Even the sound of cicadas was suppressed at this moment, and Chunqiu's expression changed.

Order, as if new changes have appeared.

"Thousands of worlds and ten thousand ways, ten thousand people and ten thousand minds, there is no absolute order at all..."

Li Hao shook his head. After devouring a lot of power of faith, he discovered that whether it is the power of faith, the power of responsibility, or the power of order, in fact, they are not absolute.

This thing, once absolute, is wrong.

It will be replaced with the development of the times.

Everyone's demands are different, and the demands of every civilization are also different.

The demands of living beings are different.

Huntian's order is very strong, but... Huntian's order lacks some flexibility. When the shouts of countless human races emerge, his order seems to be collapsing, and it cannot withstand the changes of the times at all.

Once there are too many civilizations and too many thoughts, his order will be broken.

So, the real order...

"The real order should not be eternal, just like time, it is not eternal, it... will change!"

The years will also change.

Therefore, there is no absolute at all, once the rule involves absolute... it will be denied.

Li Hao smiled.

At this moment, he discovered some problems that he hadn't noticed in the past. Every creator hopes that the rules he established can continue to be used, and they will be used after countless generations.

So is history, so is dynasty, so is civilization...

They even hope that their own rules will become the precepts of their ancestors and the law of their ancestors.

But they... were wrong.

Times change.

Not to mention the rules of millions of years ago, even the rules of yesterday may not be applicable to today. Every day, every moment, the rules should be changed, and people will fill them in later. rules?

"I know how to establish the rules of pseudo-chaos! How should order be established? It should not be an absolute rule. Only... an outline, a rough outline is right. It only needs to have bones, and even bones... can also Follow the development of the times and change!"

"Later, people should have the courage to change the laws of the ancestors...the laws of the ancestors are reversible! As long as they follow the times and the development of the years... there is no law of the ancestors that is irreversible!"

Li Hao muttered to himself, his voice became louder and louder, and gradually, the sound of the Great Dao seemed to penetrate the world.

He smiled.

He looked at Chunqiu: "No one stipulates, the law is irreversible! As long as it conforms to the times, as long as it conforms to the current rules, as long as it does not commit crimes, as long as the framework is still there, with a little restraint, the law... is reversible! Order should not be absolute!"


The world seemed to be collapsing, and in the Daohe River, Order Tiance seemed to tremble crazily.

At this moment, the Five Thousand Principles vibrated frantically, counterattacked, and hundreds of millions of shouts resounded through the Dao River, devouring the power of order.

Li Hao showed a faint smile.

Can a plan for order invade me?

Hun Tian, ​​you underestimated me too!

Your law is not invincible.

I just want to take a deep look at whether your rules and order are usable or not, so that I can open up the sky for me and make better preparations.

At this moment, time and stars did not move.

The power of five thousand principles suddenly began to reorganize, and the original long river collapsed in an instant.

Five thousand principles, crazy shocks, order strategies, were directly besieged in it, Li Hao laughed softly: "Whether it is rules or order, it is like a book, a book, you can refer to it, it cannot be regarded as a sacred object, order strategies This is a book, why don’t you understand this truth? Take history as a mirror instead of… repeating history!”

At this moment, the five thousand principles, the magical scripts, and the divine scripts are constantly combined.

Sometimes it turns into a book, sometimes it turns into a sword, sometimes it turns into a ruler, sometimes it turns into a sentence, a piece of text, a story...

Li Hao smiled.

now it's right!

Just like time, time also changes.

I finally found some of the true meaning of time, time, why must it be time?

Zhan, until today, maybe... I have only reached the Taoism comprehension at the beginning of your establishment time... Your Taoism comprehension is really too strong.

Five thousand principles, constantly changing.

Rules no longer apply, order is no longer maintained.

Countless powers of order collapsed in an instant!

In the depths of the realm of order, a phantom appeared, like Hunting. He looked at Li Hao and shook his head suddenly: "Order is absolute, and there is only one will. Li Hao, the freedom you speak of has already affected you. Freedom and laxity are by no means real order!"

"you are wrong!"

Li Hao shook his head, but he didn't want to argue. No one can convince anyone, and neither can he.

At their level, it is impossible for him to sway the other party's choice with words.

This is the root of Tao!

Five thousand Taoism, in an instant, turned into a sword, melted into Li Hao's hand, and when the sword came out, it disappeared without a trace, indistinct, and in an instant, sword intent, sword intent, spear intent...

Countless explosions of will!

Order Tiance trembled slightly, and Chunqiu's eyes moved at this moment, revealing a smile, and in an instant, the way of dry glory broke out, suppressing the Quartet, Tiance trembled, but it was impossible to escape!

Sword down!

There was a click... the sky strategy of order began to shatter, and the cloudy shadows gradually dissipated. There was nothing unwilling, but some regrets: "The way is different, and we don't conspire with each other. After I kill Chaos, you and I will all be enemies!"

Li Hao, if you cultivate time, I will give you a chance.

You and I can control order together, even, you are the master of order, and I am the assistant of order, but you... broke all of this by yourself.

I thought that you and I would be together.

Chunqiu is stunned, the king of men is too domineering, Long Zhan is the same as Chunqiu, only you, I think, you and I... can walk together!

Li Hao smiled: "Twisted melons are not sweet, thank you for your kindness!"

The sword falls, click...

The strategy of order has completely begun to collapse!

Countless mourning sounds seemed to be heard at this moment. Not far away, Emperor Chunqiu looked at him and suddenly smiled: "Before entering the source of and I can go together!"

After that, look at their respective demands.

She looked at the Huntian Realm in front of her, and smiled, "He killed chaos, you and me, break the other realm! Completely break the order!"

The old order should be smashed!

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