StarNet Empire

Chapter 157 Aliens support the United States to restore hegemony

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Aliens have repeatedly paid a huge price for their research on supernatural races.

When studying werewolves, a violent fragment of the werewolf life gene was accidentally activated. As a result, several alien scientists were torn to pieces by the werewolves on the spot, and the laboratory was extensively destroyed.

When studying ghosts, a soul ritual was inadvertently carried out, which attracted the god of death. As a result, the souls of several aliens were taken away by the god of death.

Wizards are undoubtedly the most terrifying existence, and aliens prefer to regard wizards as gods of death, because the death brought about by wizards is worse than gods of death.

The worst methods of wizards are curses that cannot be guarded against, as well as ignoring the rules of time and space dimensions, using fire magic or freezing magic indiscriminately, which makes the aliens very troublesome and confused.

In the end, he had no choice but to send away the "experiment" captured by the wizard, just like serving the uncle.

The biggest advantage of aliens is to engage in scientific research, to conduct various scientific research.

Their shortcoming is also engaged in scientific research.

Every time he suffers huge losses in the research of supernatural creature races, he never learns to behave.

Because of the aliens' dedication to scientific research.

Although the research on the race of supernatural creatures has suffered huge losses of one kind or another, the aliens have also gained a lot. At least the aliens know which of the races of supernatural creatures

Aliens actually wanted to kidnap Wu Xiang for research.

That time when aliens sneaked into Wu Xiang's home was a kidnapping operation, but the aliens accidentally discovered the light gate channel of the simulation system. The aliens resolutely gave up their original plan to kidnap Wu Xiang, but took the opportunity to invade The light gate channel was opened, and the information of the light gate channel was stolen and copied, opening a door to the original world.

Now, the aliens dare not even think about kidnapping Wu Xiang for their scientific research.

Although most of the aliens are mad scientists, they still know how to measure. They know which people can be kidnapped as research objects, and which ones will only bring endless danger to themselves.

For example, supernatural creatures such as wizards and elves will never kidnap aliens if they kill them.

Wu Xiang, in the eyes of aliens, has become a taboo just like wizards.

Because of Wu Xiang's relationship, the Americans once again came to ask for help, which really troubled the aliens.

The aliens are too embarrassed to directly refuse.

Because the secret scientific research base they are building now is provided by the Americans. Many scientific equipment and source materials also need to be supplied by the Americans. Once they repeatedly refuse to provide help to the Americans, the Americans will definitely not support them so enthusiastically. them.

After discussion, the aliens decided to give the Americans some benefits.

Of course, they still did not forget to remind Americans to be careful of Wu Xiang, let alone reveal their existence.

Aliens know what Americans and some countries are worried about. They are nothing more than fearful of Wu Xiangshen's terrifying cyber-hacking technology.

In response to this point, the aliens have come up with a network technology called the Alien Intellectual Core Management System.

This is an intelligent core management system that has reached the third level of intelligence, and has the intelligence ability to independently process all network information and network security.

The three-level intelligent nuclear management system is even used to serve some power, recoil, anti-gravity, air, weapons and other systems on space battleships.

Using a three-level intelligent core management system to handle network services is too trivial.

The three-level intellectual core management system was granted the highest authority by aliens and opened to the US government. The United States can set and change its core authority to better serve the American target system.

The Americans have not yet fully realized the horror of Wu Xiang's personal ability. What they have always been afraid of is the military network system that Wu Xiang will invade and hijack again at some point.

As long as they can guarantee the security of their military network system 100%, Americans will have the courage to face all difficulties.

After getting the three-level intelligent core management system they wanted most from the aliens, the Americans were ecstatic. After some research, they immediately put the three-level intelligent core management system into the Internet large-scale data exchange center and In the authorization management of the US military network system.

The three-level intelligent core management system is an intelligent system with independent processing capabilities. You do not need to make detailed settings for the intelligent system. As long as you set the corresponding authorization level, the three-level intelligent core management system will perform intelligent processing accordingly.

For example, the three-level intelligence nuclear management system authorized by the Americans must improve the security level of the US military network system to the greatest extent, absolutely not allowing the phenomenon of being hacked and hijacked, and to screen the network security of the Internet, and to check the virus and hacking methods. Grant permissions such as elimination and counterattack to authorize.

In this way, the three-level intelligent core management system will try its best to deal with these possible problems automatically.

Americans absolutely believe in the technology of aliens. Since the aliens say that the three-level intelligent nuclear management system can defend against any means of network hacking, they absolutely believe that their military network system will be safe from now on.

No longer afraid that their powerful military network system will be hacked and hijacked, and in turn become their biggest threat, the Americans have become tough again.

They immediately issued a stern statement, openly stating that the Hayden-Ayla government in Grenada is a pseudo-government, and even openly stating that Haydn-Ayla's decision not only harmed the interests of the people of Grenada, but also greatly damaged the American Federation As for the interests of the Commonwealth, if Hayden and Ayla are still stubborn and insist on going their own way, the US military will not sit idly by.

Even before the Americans publicly issued a statement, as many as four aircraft carrier fleets had already set off quickly, approaching the Caribbean Sea!

The Americans have resolutely launched their military operations.

After Wu Xiang got the news for the first time, he immediately realized sensitively that the reason why the U.S. government dared to be so tough all of a sudden was definitely because they had the support of aliens. For this, Wu Xiang wanted to see what the aliens had given the U.S. What kind of government support?

Wu Xiang once again hacked into the Internet, even the Xingwang network, but was surprised to find that his talent as a network master seemed to have encountered great resistance.

It is impossible to find traces of the US military network system on the Internet, and even the virus backdoor program he deliberately left before is completely gone.

It was as if there was an invisible master who also possessed god-like network technology on the opposite side, and he was fighting with him.

Using the talent of a network master, Wu Xiang has just solved a network problem, but in the next second, another network problem will inevitably appear again, or even more levels, blocking Wu Xiang's progress, and even pushing Wu Xiang back to the original starting point.

The three-level intelligence core management system of aliens is indeed very powerful, because this intelligence core management system already belongs to the category of infinitely close to intelligent life.

Although Wu Xiang's Internet master talent has magical powers, it is only limited to the world on the Internet, and after overcoming a difficulty, the other party can no longer create difficulties for Wu Xiang, Wu Xiang's Internet master talent, In order to be able to play an absolute advantage.

However, the three-level intelligent nuclear management system handles some network security and military network security in the network all the time. The ability of the intelligent nuclear management system can operate and handle network security independently without human control. This makes Wu Xiang is completely unable to fully utilize the talent of the network master.

Network Master: The Network Master is very good at using computers, and any network problems, as long as they arise, will not be able to stump him.

The content of the Internet master's talent refers to the task network problem, as long as it appears, it is impossible to stump him, but it does not mean that after solving one network problem, another network problem will not appear again.

Wu Xiang just met the three-level intelligent core management system, a powerful opponent who can constantly create network problems for Wu Xiang, and his god-like network technology has no room for development.

No matter how strong Wu Xiang is, he is only a human being, but the three-level intelligent core management system is an electronic program, which will never get tired or tired, and will always be so smart and shrewd. A more powerful computer program can defeat a program with a program against a program.

Therefore, Wu Xiang's hacking plan failed with the help of the three-level intelligent core management system given to the Americans by the aliens!

And his hacking process was also tracked and broadcast live by the alarm program set by the Americans.

The Americans don't know the specifics, but they do know that the three-level intelligent nuclear management system has indeed blocked a powerful hack and protected the network security of the US military network system and the Internet's large data exchange center.

When the three-level intelligent core management system presented the specific information of the intruder, the US computer network security department cheered for a while, and this great news was passed to the US President Arnold Albert in an instant.

Judging from the network address information of the intruder presented by the three-level intelligence core management system, this intruder cannot be someone else, and it is definitely Wu Xiang himself.

After Arnold got the exact news, he laughed out loud, and immediately used his presidential power to sign a number of orders. First, the four aircraft carrier fleets continued to move towards the Caribbean Sea as planned, and carried out a military operation code-named "Cleansing" .

This time, the U.S. military will completely and truly occupy Grendana, station troops in Grendana, and establish a military base!

Even, the United States will take this opportunity to completely solve Wu Xiang, his Xingwang company and Xingwang energy company.

The U.S. government, which has no worries about the future, is confident that with its powerful military power, it can strike and destroy any enemy.

After Wu Xiang's hacking method failed to achieve the desired effect, or even was useless, with a super high 30% brain activity, Wu Xiang roughly calculated some intentions that the United States would do next, and immediately crossed Back in the simulation world, he began to use his current qualification authority to purchase a large number of military weapons.

(to be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, your support is my biggest motivation. Mobile users please read here. )

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