StarNet Empire

Chapter 562 Identity Chip

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Chapter 562 Identity Chip

Wu Xiang couldn't understand it.

yeah, why?

There is no answer.

Even if there is, Wu Xiang is not willing to believe it.

Regardless of the fact that he already had two guesses in his mind, no matter which guess it was, he didn't want it to be true.

Wu Xiang's two guesses, one is that another Wu Xiang has risen in the brain universe world.

And this Wu Xiang is naturally the Wu Xiang from the counterfeit world.

After all, the counterfeit Wu Xiang in the counterfeit world also has a simulation system on his body, and his fate trajectory is almost the same as Wu Xiang's. Even if there are differences, they are similar.

Wu Xiang actually thought about destroying this other self in the brain universe.

But in the end he still didn't do it.

He is too confident in himself, and indeed, he has become a great existence that arises and dies with one thought, so how can he care about the fake self in the fake world?

This is a conjecture, and it is also a conjecture that Wu Xiang does not want to come true.

Another conjecture is that Wu Xiang's body consciousness has returned.

You must know that there is a large system of the universe in the universe of the brain, so he should be the supreme master, and also Wu Xiang's body consciousness or the clone of body consciousness.

But Wu Xiang fights with the manager of the Hengsha domain, the master of the Hengsha world, the domain master of the Hengsha domain, and even the higher-level systems of Skynet, Tianji, and Skycore, which are closer to the large system of the universe Fighting separately, but the big system of the universe just didn't appear.

When the giant mule world lord appeared, Wu Xiang even believed that it was the body consciousness that made the giant mule world master wake up, so that he could escape from the brain universe and wake up. After awakening the body consciousness, he returned to reality.

In this way, it makes sense that the large system of the universe does not appear, and even helps Wu Xiang become the supreme existence of the brain universe.

But what if these guesses are just Wu Xiang's own guesses, and they are completely wrong?

The big system of the universe returns, so the whole brain universe world also rejects Wu Xiang's entry.

Wu Xiang thought of these two guesses.

Only these two possibilities will cause Wu Xiang to be rejected by the universe world of the brain.

Wu Xiang's face was cloudy and uncertain.

If Dreamland is the most favorable guarantee for Wu Xiang to gain a foothold in the doomsday catastrophe, then the brain universe world is Wu Xiang's most powerful rear.

No matter how the doomsday cataclysmic world evolves, no matter whether Wu Xiang can break through this fantasy world, or even whether Wu Xiang can truly awaken his body consciousness and truly wake himself up, as long as he has a brain and a universe, Wu Xiang will have a way out.

Yes, what if you really can't wake up?

Wu Xiang can still become the supreme existence in the brain universe.

It's better than waking up and becoming a life-seeker who needs to struggle in the world of mortals again, right?

Even if this brain universe is just a fantasy world constructed by ontological consciousness, since it exists, it is the real world.

But now, for some reason, Wu Xiang's most powerful rear brain, the universe world, rejects Wu Xiang's entry.

This left Wu Xiang at a loss as to what to do.

The current Wu Xiang is not the great existence with supreme power, but just a small second-level evolutionary, a humble human being who is cautiously surviving in the catastrophic world of the doomsday.

An alien biological spaceship monster is enough to tear Wu Xiang into pieces.

In the next few days, Wu Xiang fell into a great confusion, and he didn't even enter Neverland.

Suddenly lost his brain, the universe and the world, Wu Xiang suddenly didn't know what to do?

His mind and heart were covered with a veil.

Dirty mind!

until a few days later,

Suddenly there was a huge commotion and noise from the settlement, and Wu Xiang recovered a little bit from his confusion.

A force fully equipped with high-mobility exoskeleton armor marched into the settlement of Qingdao, and took over all the military and civil administration rights of the settlement of Qingdao.

A group of scientists from the Academy of Dragon Sciences entered the evolution center of the settlement.

The entire settlement was under martial law, allowing people to enter and not leaving.

And once you enter the settlement of Qingdao, you must accept an identity chip implanted on the back of each citizen's neck at the evolution center, and accept the new national identity and management in the last days.

This system caused an uproar among many adventurers, and they were very dissatisfied.

However, the new settlement regime announced that only after implanting this new identity chip can they be regarded as citizens of the last days and enjoy the protection and subsidies of the state.

First of all, in the slums of the inhabited area, there are survivors who have no tomorrow today, and they come here enthusiastically. They don't care whether there will be any problems with the implantation of identity chips in their bodies.

As long as he can enjoy the protection and subsidies of the state, let alone implanting an identity chip on the back of his neck, even implanting it on his lifeline is fine.

The poor in the slums first became the first group of citizens in the last days. Originally, they could only live under the corner of the wall. They were starved of food and poorly clothed, but they were arranged to live in the inner collar living quarters.

Each person can receive one kilogram of specially-made meat from mutated creatures every day as the minimum living guarantee.

Even if there are no craft survivors, as long as you still have some strength, as long as you are diligent, the sanitation and environmental protection of the settlement will require a lot of workers to work.

After these poor people became the first batch of citizens of the last days, those survivors who worked in various service positions in the settlements also came to the evolution center and implanted identity chips.

They are also a group of survivors who dare not go to the wild to fight against mutated creatures and zombies. What they have an advantage over those poor people is that they have knowledge and skills, and they can find a job that can provide food, clothing and even decent jobs in the settlement.

In addition, they are also a group of survivors who need face to make a living.

The new leaders of the settlements have promulgated new laws. All service positions in the settlements must be hired by people with the status of nationals of the last days. fired.

This makes these workers who originally had jobs, equivalent to white-collar workers in peacetime, have to rush to implant identity chips in order to obtain the status of nationals in the last days, otherwise their positions will be lost by the group of poor people who originally lived at the bottom. They stole it.

Later, when the United Front Work Department officially announced the restrictions and basic rules for wild hunting, the adventurers couldn't sit still.

Regulations: Hunting in the wild must be at least the status of an evolutionary.

The level assessment of an evolutionary must be formally assessed by the evolution center, and the corresponding level medal will be awarded.

And the identity identification of the evolutionary must also be implanted with an identity chip before it can be read on some inspection equipment.

With the status of wild hunting, it does not mean that you can go hunting in the wild immediately.

You must pay a certain contribution point to the evolution center, and after being allocated by the evolution center, you can go to the corresponding area to hunt. The most beautiful woman in Asia, with perfect buttocks and a hot body with perfect body proportions!! Follow the WeChat public account: meinvlian1 to watch online!

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