Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 990 - Return to Anville

Wu Jingyang knew the knot in the youngest sister's heart, so she stepped forward and hugged her sister who had been searching for Xixiu's traces in various star fields for these years: "Don't be sad, Xixiu won't blame you."

Ah Xian felt even sadder when she heard what Wu Jingyang said. Even if Xixiu wouldn't blame her, she would be more concerned about not saving her.

Liu Jia had no choice but to look at A-Xian and said to her from a different angle: "A-Xian, when Xixiu comes back and sees you like this, I'm afraid I'll have to feel guilty first."

It was Liujia who understood Xixiu. Axian never thought of this before.

With Xixiu's character, he would definitely feel that he was causing everyone too much worry.

A Xian regained some energy.

Jingxi is now at the Star Gate, and she has no choice but to ask Qing Zhixun about his situation.

All we can do now is wait.

I hope Qing Zhixun and Xixiu can be together.

Everyone in Anweil ​​was worried, and everyone was waiting for news about Jingxi.

Although the Star Gate has been found, there are very few Anvilians who can enter there.

Jingxi only brought a few powerful warriors in. Walking around inside, he encountered many powerful star beasts.

Fortunately, the Star Gate is currently in a dormant state. As long as no major changes occur, they will not be swallowed by the Star Gate.

Although they are safe for the time being, they must find the location where Qing Zhixun's spiritual power appears as soon as possible.

After Xixiu and his party entered the Star Realm Gate, the energy bodies dispersed their power. Krell and the others had discussed before and allocated part of their power to find the Hu Jing Beast's lair.

Claire told Xixiu her decision, and Xixiu only asked if they needed help, and she could fight.

The energy bodies shook their heads.

This is the cause and effect they created themselves, and they can only end it themselves.

Seeing the energy bodies still in their original form, Xixiu said nothing.

The existence of the Hu Jing Beast is the biggest threat to the entire alliance, but this is not Krell's original intention.

Things developed beyond their expectations, and the Hu Jing Beast settled down at the Star Gate.

And there is nothing they can do about not being able to enter.

This time, Krel was determined to catch all the Hu Jing Beasts in one fell swoop.

However, without resorting to the power of Xixiu.

It's dangerous in the Star Gate.

There are not only Hu Jing beasts.

There are other star beasts.

Therefore, someone must always pay attention to what is going on around them to prevent danger from happening.

Xixiu and the others still have five children to take care of. If they spread their strength, the children may be in danger.

This is not what Krell and the others want to see.

After living with the pups for so many years, the energy beings are very fond of them.

Although I am usually strict with children, I will not really hurt them.

Krell and the others entered the Star Realm Gate this time, holding on to the belief that even if they couldn't go out, they would send the children out safely.

It's just that they didn't tell Xixiu.

They have made predictions about the most dangerous and worst-case scenarios.

What Creel and the others didn't expect was that even if they didn't say this, Xixiu and Qing Zhixun had guessed it.

They just pretend they don't know.

When Krell and the others need help, lend a helping hand.

In fact, they want to see the true strength of the energy bodies.

In the God's Realm, they have no chance to use their own energy, and they only see one side when they train the children.

Li Xianfeng once asked Qing Zhixun in private about how powerful these energy bodies are, which are called gods by several races in Anweil.

However, no accurate answer was obtained.

After entering the Star Realm Gate, Marshal Li remained excited.

When he regained consciousness, he sensed a powerful energy that seemed to tear apart time and space.

But he knew that that was not the true strength of the energy body.

He actually spent his whole life pursuing the peak of strength, and only fell silent after his old age.

The appearance of "god" reminded him of his boyhood, when he first came here, the excitement of facing this unknown world, and the worship of power.

Xixiu restrained the children, and everyone was on the aircraft.

The environment of Star Gate is indeed complex.

This place is different from ordinary star fields.

Xixiu can perceive many small spaces that seem chaotic but are actually regular and independent.

If you are accidentally pulled into these spaces, you may lose contact.

Fortunately, the group of them was not separated.

After she and Qing Zhixun entered here, they concentrated on their mental strength and did not dare to be careless.

And Qing Zhixun also wants to look for clues left by the Anweil ​​people.

Jingxi told him that the rules of the Star Gate must not be disturbed, otherwise the Star Gate would swallow up the spiritual power, especially the spiritual power of the Anvil people.

Therefore, Xi Xiu is responsible for the primary task of checking the environment, and Li Xianfeng is responsible for vigilance.

The space here feels a bit weird.

Unlike in God's Domain, there are too many creatures, and they are mixed, and some are even aggressive.

Xixiu controlled the aircraft and nimbly avoided the starry sky beast that crashed towards them.

If you can avoid it here, avoid it. If you use lethal weapons, Xixiu is worried that it will disturb the rules here.

Li Xianfeng saw that she was skillfully dodging and had not lost these skills over the years, so he knew that she was a qualified warrior.

His body was made by Krell and the others, using the same material used to make the Hujing Beast.

After seeing more and more other creatures coming towards them, Li Xianfeng left the aircraft and went to the outside space.

In order to prevent him from getting separated from them, Xixiu tied a super strong rope around his body, which would not affect his fight and could pull him back when in danger.

These creatures wanted to confront Li Xianfeng head-on, but were beaten to pieces by Li Xianfeng.

The children looked at Li Xianfeng fighting outside the surveillance equipment, and they were a little eager to try.

However, Xixiu didn't let them go.

The Star Gate is no joke. If it were another battlefield, she would let the children give it a try.

Absolutely not possible here,

Because she is not completely sure that she can come back safely here.

If a child falls into another dimension, he may never be able to return to the Alliance in his lifetime.

No one knows where the time and space in the Star Realm Gate are connected. She and Qing Zhixun fell into the Divine Realm because the things that made the Hu Jing Beast came from the Divine Realm.

After explaining it clearly to the children, they obediently watched Li Fengfeng's battle in front of the screen, observing and learning from their experience.

Fortunately, before entering the gate of the star field, Xixiu and Qing Zhixun modified the aircraft.

According to Krell's description, the two of them almost turned the Divine Realm upside down and found a material that was very suitable for concealment.

Some minor crises were successfully avoided.

Qing Zhixun estimated that it was not the most active time for the Star Gate, so they could pass through relatively safely.

Small dangers will be encountered, but those powerful star beasts will not be awakened by them.

However, they must leave this area before Krel and the others find the Hujingmon.

Krell said "goodbye" to Xixiu before leaving with other energy bodies, but they had no intention of letting Xixiu and the others help.

The energy they separate will fight the Hu Jing Beast in the Star Domain until the last moment.

If they do not disappear, they will naturally join the alliance and merge with the scattered energies.

Xixiu had no choice but to agree.

Because Qing Zhixun has already contacted Jingxi, they are rushing to Jingxi's location.

Krel and the others went to the depths of the Star Gate without looking back, and they had already discovered the Hu Jing Beast's lair.

After separating from Krel and the others, Xixiu checked the energy bodies attached to the ebony branches. There were no abnormalities in them without any injection, so it shouldn't be a big problem.

It seemed like a short distance, but their aircraft flew for a long time before reaching Jingxi's coordinates.

After discovering Qing Zhixun's mental power, Jingxi didn't go any further, knowing that Qing Zhixun would definitely be able to discover her.

If she moves around again, it will be more dangerous inside. Her current location is outside the Star Gate.

Obviously Qing Zhixun entered from the other end of the Star Domain Gate.

Are the gates of the Divine Realm and the Star Realm connected?

We can only wait until Qing Zhixun comes over to ask.

She and the Anvil warriors waited quietly, hoping to catch everyone.

After seeing the shadow of the aircraft, Jingxi suppressed the excitement in her heart, and she and the Anvil warriors drove forward in the small aircraft.

Xixiu opened the communication, and she found that their communication had recovered somewhat, and they should be able to barely talk.

When Jingxi heard Xixiu's voice, his anxious heart finally settled.

After briefly explaining his situation, Xixiu followed Jingxi's aircraft.

Jingxi was worried about an accident, so he flew as fast as possible, while Xixiu followed him.

And Ah Xian is already waiting in the starry sky of Anweil.

She received Jingxi’s message.

The person she had cared about for more than thirty years finally returned to the alliance safely.

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