Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 993 -Gaia Star Reunion

Su Jinbao and Buhete rushed to Anweil ​​before and stayed there waiting for rest.

However, the two of them were very good at keeping secrets, and they refused to tell anyone else about Xixiu.

He also didn’t tell others that he went to Anville as soon as possible.

Hugging everyone one by one, Xixiu briefly talked about her experience of more than thirty years.

She made it easy, but Arivik knew the hardship behind it.

How can they gain the trust of those energy bodies in an unfamiliar environment?

Although they believed that Xin Xiu had the strength to survive anywhere, they still felt scared when they heard it.

However, she is back.

Finally, Xixiu walked up to Wei Lanshan with a smile. To her surprise, Wei Lanshan and Xu Jiusong became partners.

This pair of older men and women, who had feelings for each other but never revealed it, finally came together, and Xixiu was very happy.

From now on, even if she goes to a place where she can't be contacted, Wei Lanshan will have someone to accompany her.

Everyone will eventually have their own life, just like herself.

After being separated from these people for more than thirty years, everyone has his own life.

With a partner and children by your side.

Her concern for these people can only be buried deep in her heart from now on.

Zhen also traveled thousands of miles to come here.

Seeing that the beautiful girl had become a brave mother and participated in the battle in Sulena, Xixiu felt that life experiences would change a person's character.

The timid Zhen also became brave.

Everyone looked at Xixiu's eyes flashing, she was still alive, and living became the belief in all of their hearts.

Xixiu invited everyone to Gaia Li Feng's former residence, which has now become wider after being expanded by the people of Jiuxing.

Sixi took the children to the resting place, and to Xixiu's surprise, Wuyuan and Qimang were also there.

When setting off to the battlefield, Xixiu relieved them of their orders and gave them freedom.

Unexpectedly, they followed Wan Youlin and Feng Qiqi back to Gaia and stayed in their former residence without going anywhere.

Without following Xixiu, they feel as if they have no meaning.

Xu Fengxiang and several older generations also came over from Shang Yuexing.

This time, the former residence was packed with people, making Xixiu feel that this life of uninhibited indulgence was worth it.

She has a group of comrades and close friends whom she can trust with life and death.

So many people had a lively gathering together. Sixi and Wuyuan robots helped prepare food, water, and after a simple party, those who should go back to work went back to work, and those who went home went home.

As long as that person comes back, they believe they can see each other from time to time in the future.

None of them expected that these two people would actually reject the new transfer from the Elder Council.

Xixiu watched their aircraft take off and said goodbye to them in her heart.

This time, she still didn't say goodbye to them in person, she was afraid that she would be reluctant to part with them.

Wei Lanshan and Xu Jiusong stayed. They communicated with the five children and met Krel and other energy bodies.

Wei Lanshan is actually very curious, but she is very measured.

These super powerful guys definitely don't like others asking questions.

So she and Xu Jiusong just watched the children training with the energy bodies and had a different understanding of their strength.

In front of them, Wei Lanshan felt like an ant, vulnerable.

After a busy day, Xixiu finally had time to reminisce with Wei Lanshan.

She placed the drink and sat in front of Wei Lanshan, then walked around to the opposite side of her and said, "Aunt Lan, long time no see."

It's a belated greeting.

Wei Lanshan took a sip of the drink and found that it was different from the drink Xixiu had prepared for her before. She raised her eyebrows and drank it.

A sweet aftertaste fills the mouth, and it feels very good. It has a refreshing fragrance and is not greasy at all.

Xixiu smiled: "These are the magical leaves that Axun and I found in the God's Domain. They felt pretty good, so we brought some back."

"Well, what are your plans?" Wei Lanshan knew that she was a person with plans.

Now that they have returned to the alliance, the Council of Elders will definitely not leave such a capable person unused.

Xixiu took a sip of her drink and whispered to Wei Lanshan, "Axun and I plan to go out for a walk. The time and return date have not yet been determined."

The central intelligence brain gave her a data packet, and she planned to decide the time of travel after reading this with Qing Zhixun.

But it shouldn't take long.

"Are the children going too?" Wei Lanshan was reluctant to leave the children as soon as they met.

Xixiu had asked the opinions of the five bastards before. The eldest and the third decided to stay in the alliance, and Wu Jingyang would come to pick him up.

The third child is a girl, the one with the strongest bloodline from Anweil, and has inherited Jingxi's talent.

Xixiu and Qing Zhixun talked to her and asked her opinion. In the end, the child decided to go to Anweil ​​too. In the future, Jingxi would take her to deal with some matters in Anweil.

The remaining three children all wanted to see the outside world.

Xixiu will take them on a long voyage.

Hearing Xixiu's arrangement, Wei Lanshan thought thoughtfully: "Aren't you worried about them?"

Xixiu nodded, how could he not be worried, but they had to grow up.

The world is changing rapidly, and only strength is everything.

Although the children are still young, their strength is already at the peak of their peers.

Plus, Claire will be staying with her oldest child, so she doesn’t have to worry too much about safety.

Besides, she also planned to leave Qimang and Wuyuan to him.

Wu Jingyang had already developed a set of targeted training for the child based on his talent.

Qing Zhixun also made a lot of preparations.

They made this decision after consulting the children.

You need to walk the road ahead on your own.

They don’t know when they will come back from their long voyage. It will only be better for their future development if these two children stay in the league.

The other three children don't have so many ideas and seem to be more innocent.

The eldest brother is stable and already knows his direction, while the third child has inherited some of Jingxi's abilities, so she has also known her position early on.

Children in the alliance have become independent very early, so Wei Lanshan didn't say much after hearing this.

Compared with their mother, they are already lucky.

Without the guidance of her parents, Xixiu could reach a position that everyone looks up to. She believes that with these excellent parents guiding them in their childhood, the achievements of these children will not be lower than their parents.

Wei Lanshan was thinking about what help she could provide to the children. After much deliberation, she decided to give Liuyao to the third child.

Xu Jiusong asked his subordinates who were already in high positions to take more care of the boss in the future.

Thinking that Xixiu's former subordinates are now in high positions, in fact, they can only be the icing on the cake.

The alliance is an alliance of young people.

Those people will definitely arrange everything for the boss. After all, Xixiu is not in the alliance, so they can only turn their thoughts about Xixiu to their children.

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