Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 112 -3S Genius Ye Zhenwei

A Xian and Hai Su Miao were also listening. Ye Zhenwei's name was really loud. They were both very curious about Ye Zhenwei. Hai Su Miao even took a look at the live broadcast of Star Network.

However, the attentive Ah Xian felt Xixiu's calmness, "Xixiu, why don't you have a surprise about meeting your idol?"

"Sister A-Xian, my only idol is Nine-Star Marshal Li Xianfeng, the rest are just idle people." Xixiu's expression couldn't be more serious, "Haha, Xixiu's statement is good, I like it."

Thorne was also surprised when he heard it. It was rare for people of their age who didn't admire Ye Zhenwei.

After all, when Ye Zhenwei appeared on the stage, she was really too dazzling. They all respected and envied Ye Zhenwei at that time. Later, after meeting and getting along with her, hahaha, it was mainly a matter of character.

"Now that we've decided, let's pack up and set off. Take all your luggage with you. We'll find another place to camp tonight." Thorne and Xing Yuanmin left first.

Xixiu and the others parted ways with Hai Sumiao at a crossroads. Hai Sumiao and the others wanted to go back to their own territory and complete their mission.

Thorne led the team from the front, and Xing Yuanmin followed. Su Jinbao and Enwit chatted from time to time, and Flora occasionally interjected. Su Jinbao and Flora were excited to see Ye Zhenwei soon.

Enwit is indifferent to these. He still firmly believes that human beings, except for the few he knows so far, are all cunning "bad silver"!

Thorne listened to the conversation between Su Jinbao and Flora, shook his head, and there was a smile on the corner of his lips, which was a little sarcastic. Ah Xian noticed Thorne's smile. It seemed that Ye Zhenwei didn't like her peers very much, but she liked him. This was worth pondering.

Ah Xian had only heard that the alliance had produced a 3S genius like Marshal Li Xianfeng, but she didn't remember the name. It seemed that she would be a genius whose initial value reached its peak after a while.

"Xixiu, tell me about Ye Zhenwei's situation." Ah Xian rolled up her sleeves and wanted to fight. Xixiu knew that her competitive spirit was aroused. After all, her mental power had now broken through It’s normal to have a 3S and want to find a similar model.

Xixiu told everything she knew when she was in the nursery, just a few sentences, "That's it?" Ah Xian didn't believe it.

"Otherwise, if our training teacher hadn't admired Ye Zhenwei very much, I probably wouldn't have known about this person." Colleen didn't miss any of Ye Zhenwei's public information. What Xixiu knew was the alliance competition meeting. , the news that Ye Zhenwei and Chris are engaged.

As long as it was about Ye Zhenwei's discussions on other star websites, Xixiu would automatically avoid them and would not check her information.

She always thought that she would never cross paths with Ye Zhenwei in this life, but she never expected that she would, under such circumstances, meet on a narrow road.

The most important thing is to keep your vest tight. I hope Ye Zhenwei doesn't know about her existence, so that there will be less trouble.

Xixiu decided to stop talking when he could. The more he said, the more he would make mistakes. The less he said, the less he would make mistakes.

"Classmate Wu, I know Ye Zhenwei's information." Su Jinbao ran over, "She is the first 3S genius in the alliance in 500 years. Her martial arts skills are very good. I have seen her competition, and she She is very beautiful, gentle and gentle, strong but not overbearing.”

Su Jinbao gave Ah Xian some information about Ye Zhenwei, which was gathered bit by bit by Ye Zhenwei's enthusiastic fans.

For example, she comes from the Ye family in the Tianning galaxy. Her father is a general in the Tianning galaxy, and her mother is from the Tang family in the Jinghuixing star. There are countless things about the powerful alliance between the two galaxies, all of which are Ye Zhenwei's gossip.

"Okay, this information is not very useful. I want to know how strong she is now. The initial value of 3S should be stable and powerful now, right?"

Su Jinbao touched his nose, "As for her strength, we only saw it during that competition, and we haven't heard anything about it since."

A-Xian had been paying attention to Thorne's micro-expressions when she was talking, and found that he was noncommittal about her words. It seemed that they all had doubts about Ye Zhenwei's strength, but they couldn't say it clearly.

No matter what, the talent is there, unless she doesn't work hard and just relies on mental output to fight.

Ah Xian was really fooled by this! ! !

They were talking and laughing along the way. The whole group relaxed after the leader. After all, they were still half-grown boys and girls.

After the life-and-death battle, the relationship between Tarasha, Flora and the people in their group increased a lot. If nothing unexpected happens, they will spend the remaining six years of their student careers together leveling up and fighting monsters.

Thorne stopped in a canyon. On both sides of the canyon were weathered hills. There were caves on the hills.

"Everyone is ready for battle." The second-level beast's sense of smell is extremely sensitive. Now it should be peeping from a high place, waiting for opportunities. Thorne gave a gesture to Xing Yuanmin, and Xing Yuanmin nodded after receiving it.

Sure enough, the second-level beast ran down from the cave. The hills collapsed and dust and smoke rose up wherever it stepped.

"Two people in each group, follow your previous grouping, and use weapons for close combat." Thorne also put on his handy weapon, which was a pair of gloves.

Xing Yuanmin led Taraxia and Flora, and Thorne led the four others. "Move." As soon as Thorne finished speaking, the second-level beast came closer, and Xixiu and Enwit took action.

This time Enwit did not use a thermal weapon, but used his handy weapon, two heavy iron rods with barbs on them.

Ahem, he had been too embarrassed to take it out. After all, his roommate's weapons looked exquisite and beautiful, but his was too rough!

There is no time to think about anything else. Although there is a team leader, the battle still requires all-out efforts. Life is important!

The speed of breathing was very fast, which surprised Thorne. He didn't expect that this student's strength was much stronger than theirs back then.

This team should be able to successfully complete the mission even without them as the leader.

Thorne punched a second-level beast in the head. Su Jinbao occasionally pulled away and saw Thorne's calm expression, with a relaxed expression. He complained in his heart that it was too unsightly. A kill like that of Hong's classmate was more beautiful!

Enwit used his full strength this time, and Xixiu appreciated it very much. This is the natural advantage of the Ora people. They are powerful and have iron walls. One strike will knock out the second-level beast for at least several breaths.

The second-level beasts on the hill smelled the smell of blood, and several more jumped out of the cave.

Xi Xiu and A Xian led their teammates to the left and right to stop the second-level beast coming down the hill. The two teams were firing on all cylinders.

Speed ​​and strength were reflected in this battle, and Enwit felt extremely relaxed for the first time.

In less than two hours, Thorne led them to kill all the second-level beasts in this area.

Captains Tarasha and Flora were cleaning up the battlefield and recording data. Xixiu and Enwit were helping. Thorne asked Su Jinbao next to him, "Your team is so powerful. You can complete the task smoothly without us coming." "Who do these two girls study under?"

"Brother Thorne, neither Hong nor Wu have any apprentices. Wu is from Anweil. Hong is not favored by Master Gu. I heard that she is self-taught."

Thorne raised his eyebrows. That shouldn't be the case. If the school teacher saw such a good idea, how could he let it go?

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