Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 118 - Gu Jinyan’s skills

Gu Jinyan used a super-viewing mirror to observe the black hole at the source.

"The data given by the Physics Department is not reference yet. They said that there may be energy fluctuations and new species may appear." Thorne stared at the light screen and replied to Gu Jinyan.

"Emergency teams, divided into groups of four, will prepare for battle together with the students." Gu Jinyan gave the order.

Ye Zhenwei stared at her light screen. Hiro sent her Wu Jingxian's message. She was memorizing it and made plans. When the battle was over, she would have a good communication with Wu Jingxian.

The cave entrance of the source suddenly exploded with bright light. Xing Yuanmin and Jin Chiyue saw Thorne's gesture and threw all their atomic weapons accurately.

Thorne opened the protective shield, and the sound of the weapon disappeared outside the protective shield.

When the clouds and smoke passed, the black hole at the source was still there. Thorne was horrified, and Gu Jinyan was also thoughtful and silent.

Ye Zhen had a sneer on her face, she was really a loser.

"I just said, Thorne, your method won't work. Don't send all the students to death." Ye Zhenwei's words were quite unpleasant. Gu Jinyan was a little unhappy and looked at Ye Zhenwei's nameplate. , he was thoughtful in his heart.

Considering Ye Zhenwei's talent, Gu Jinyan concealed her emotions and said, "Second Lieutenant Ye, do you have any ideas?"

"I can't talk about it. I just feel that they are too timid. It would be better to wait for that thing to come out and fight directly than to waste so many weapons that are useless." Ye Zhen smiled slightly in confusion.

Gu Jinyan didn't say anything. The first weapon throw was necessary. If he hit it with one hit, nothing would happen next. There was no waste of weapons.

Ye Zhenwei's words were too full.

In the few seconds after the clouds and smoke dispersed, a creature crawled out of the cave. Based on Gu Jinyan's understanding of alliance creatures, the Jingsu Alliance did not have such a thing.

"Everyone, be ready for battle. The emergency team pays attention to the safety of students." After Gu Jinyan finished speaking, Thorne opened the protective cover.

He and Xing Yuanmin were with the members of the 626 team. Ye Zhenwei saw that Yuqi La and the others did not come to her position as the team leader, and she began to feel unhappy again.

"Talasha, and the other team members, don't fight hard, it's important to protect yourself, before you fight with all your strength regardless of life." Thorne said seriously to the 626 team, "We are in the front, you can rely on your own strength To fight with our abilities, we must help each other.”

"Yes, leader Thorne."

A total of three creatures that had never been seen before came out of the hole in the middle of the canyon. They were crawling, had four limbs, and were covered with scales. They had giant tails, sharp teeth, vertical pupils, long and wide mouths, and huge bodies. The one headed by Scales The armor turned out to be a dazzling golden color.

Team Yokila followed Gu Jinyan. This creature looked extremely difficult to deal with.

After Gu Jinyan's gesture, the emergency team opened fire first. After a burst of shooting, the three heads continued to crawl forward without raising their eyes.

The weapons and equipment of the emergency team have always been the latest high-tech, but they did not cause any harm to these three creatures.

Seeing that the three heads were about to approach them, "Let's fight, remember to look after each other." Gu Jinyan was very fast and took advantage of the situation to jump on top of one head. The scales were too hard, so he inserted his weapon between the scales. He could barely stand firm by holding on to his weapon.

Thorne, Xing Yuanmin and Jin Chiyue faced the left side, and the emergency team sent manpower to the right side.

Xi Xiu and A Xian saw this kind of creature for the first time. However, A Xian had read through Anweil's book collection and couldn't remember any records of this kind of creature. Where did they come from? Man-made or accidental?

"Sister Axian, do we want to help?" Xixiu looked at Thorne and the others who seemed a little nervous.

"No need for the moment, there is still a second lieutenant here. Let's wait until she moves." A Xian glanced in the direction of Ye Zhenwei. She found that Ye Zhenwei was very nervous. Didn't he just start fighting with a full speech? Now a turtle?

Thorne and Xing Yuanmin cooperated very well. Jin Chiyue's martial arts were very good, but he could not cause fatal damage to this creature.

The emergency team threw out the mechas. Their mechas were all single-person combat mechas. After they were all activated, they fought together with Gu Jinyan.

However, this creature looked huge, but its body was extremely flexible. Its head could rotate 360°, and its tail and eyes worked so well together that the mechas of the emergency team could not find a place to attack for a while.

Seeing this, Gu Jinyan dismantled his other weapon and divided it into countless pieces. It looked like Xixiu had controlled 30 flying knives at the same time before. There were almost hundreds of these square blocks. Under the control of mental power, it flew to various parts of the creature under his feet.

Gu Jinyan was testing, and finally determined a few positions, and signaled to Thorne and the emergency team, all weapons concentrated on attacking these positions. Before the mecha's weapons hit these creatures, Gu Jinyan quickly jumped down and returned. to the ground.

This blow opened a hole in the bodies of these giant creatures. Seeing this, the others fired all the thermal weapons in their hands at these wounds.

What is shocking is that the wounds of these creatures are healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Although Gu Jinyan is experienced and well-informed, he has never seen such an incredible recovery speed.

Such a wound would take a day to heal in the Jingsu Alliance using medicine. Gu Jinyan knew that they had met a powerful enemy.

"Thorne, how many broken objects can you control at the same time, and what speed can you reach?"

"Not many, about forty, and the speed can reach level 20." Thorne mentioned his own control ability, as well as Xing Yuanmin and Jin Chiyue's.

"Where's Second Lieutenant Ye?" Gu Jinyan turned to Ye Zhenwei, and Ye Zhenwei shook his head slightly, "I haven't done any training in this area, so I don't know." Ye Zhenwei said calmly.

Ye Zhenwei, who has the highest spiritual power here, has never had any training in this area. Gu Jinyan looked in disbelief.

"Second Lieutenant Ye's teacher didn't let you conduct such training?" Ye Zhenwei looked directly at Gu Jinyan, "What does Master Gu want to say? Does anyone need to tell me about my affairs? My talent is my strength."

Gu Jinyan decided that before leaving Luo Luoda, she would never speak to Ye Zhenwei again!

"Master Gu, Team 626 is joining us." Tarasha led the team members out.

Gu Jinyan glanced at them. These students were already at the peak of 2S. Wu Jingxian's mental strength was not recorded.

"Are you sure?" Wu Jingxian said bluntly after Gu Jinyan asked, "Don't worry, Master Gu. We have practiced as a team before and can accurately control about ten broken objects."

Gu Jinyan breathed a sigh of relief. The students, the emergency team, and the four team leaders, plus his, could have 600 objects that could attack at the same time.

"Master, let's join in." Yokila and Zhang Jixing are also eager to try. Gu Jinyan has taught them how to control their mental power in subtle ways before, and it should be no problem to control five small objects.

Xi Xiu knew that A Xian was hiding the strength of their team, which was exactly what she wanted.

Gu Jinyan looked at the three giant beasts in front of him and gathered together the previously scattered fragments.

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