Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 121 - Relax and go on an outing

Boarding the returning starship, they returned to Gaia five hours later. It was afternoon in Gaia.

Looking at this beautiful planet, Xixiu still feels it's amazing that she can travel in the universe so easily. Life and events are really unpredictable.

Xixiu and A-Xian returned to the dormitory. Xue Fanhui got off the starship before Xixiu and the others, and was already waiting outside the Jingtian Building of Xixiu and the others' dormitory.

The three of them went to Axian's dormitory together first, and Enwit and Su Jinbao returned to 626.

Xue Fanhui looked Xixiu up and down, "No injuries, good job!" Xue Fanhui looked proud.

"Is it dangerous for you to go to Krall, Fan Hui?" The previous communication from Star Network didn't make it clear.

"I checked your report after I came back. It should not be as dangerous as your trip to Loloda. There was no source in our place, so there was no king-level starry sky beast. On the other hand, I felt scared after watching the video in your place!" Xue Fanhui was worried about Xixiu and the others after watching the video. It wasn't until she saw them returning safely that her tense heart relaxed.

"Master Gu and the border defense force joined, as well as the emergency response team. They are experienced and the trouble was finally solved." Xixiu briefly explained the process.

"I heard that the Physics Department has cracked the secret of the origin. We shouldn't have to participate in this kind of battle in the next six months." Xue Fanhui said with certainty.

It should have been said by Master Jian and Fan Hui. It was very credible. Xixiu and Ah Xian were very happy after hearing it. No one wanted to fight on the battlefield if they could live peacefully.

"Really, that's great!" The three of them hugged each other and circled around, and their happy laughter echoed in the dormitory.

"Fan Hui, please go back and rest first. We will travel to Gaia's scenic spots in a week. I will send you specific instructions when things get better." Xi Xiu knew that Xue Fanhui had not returned to his dormitory after getting off the starship, so he hurriedly Let her go back to rest.

"Okay, I want to eat delicious food." Xue Fanhui beamed when she heard what Xixiu said, "Don't worry, sister A Xian said that there are enough ingredients!"

After Xue Fanhui left, Xixiu also returned to his dormitory. She plans to sleep in the dormitory all day today, no one can try to pry her up!

When they woke up, it was already the morning of the second day of Gaia. The school gave them two days off. They gargled slowly and tidied their dormitory.

Although you can apply for a cleaning robot, Xixiu still does everything he can do. He will only apply for a cleaning robot unless he is too busy and has no time.

She and Enwit have reached a consensus that the public areas will be cleaned by robots, and whoever is free between them will be responsible for applying.

A Xian was already waiting for her to exercise in the living room, "Classmate Hong, do you want to exercise together?" Su Jinbao, the loser, was also there.

Unexpectedly, after this battle, Su Jinbao and the others changed their attitudes, became more diligent, and were ready to catch up with Xixiu.

"Okay. Sister A Xian and I are 20 kilometers in the morning. You can keep up." Xixiu smiled, and Su Jinbao was almost dazzled by the smiling classmate Hong.

Life was very peaceful after returning to school. Not only did their group get full marks for the credits this time, but because of the danger of the task and the degree of completion of their group, an additional 500 credits were added. Tarasha and Flora were very happy. Red envelopes were distributed in the group!

Tarasha: Celebrating our 626 victory!

Flora: Thank you, Mr. Hong and Mr. Wu!

Su Jinbao: Cheers to the idol...

Enwit silently sent out a huge red envelope, and everyone who received it looked starry-eyed. They knew you were a wealthy person from the Energy Star, but they didn't expect you to be so wealthy!

Hong Xixiu: It’s the result of everyone’s hard work.

Wu Jingxian: Yes, everyone must keep training, don’t slack off, and maintain the record of 626!

Group 626 made neat "OK" gestures. Flora looked at the name of Group 626 floating at the top of the grade and even laughed out loud in her sleep.

Yokila looked at this result and felt very depressed. She had never been ranked second since she entered school at the age of five, so she was very unwilling at this moment.

Zhang Jixing and other team members have nothing to do with it. They have watched the video. Their group is indeed inferior to 626. Moreover, after their team leader Sulena arrived, he did not lead them to do anything. 626 completed the set task and came. The North came to their aid.

Not to mention the final kill, 626, but the whole group moved.

Even the master praised 626.

Han Jiajia and Tan Qingquan felt that this result was already very good, and they happily accepted the result with Lan Shengwu and Lu Mingyue.

After this episode, Xixiu and the others resumed their daily studies, including mechanical principles and practical operations, cultural classes, and martial arts teachers. They heard that Gu Jinyan had returned to Shang Yuexing, and the date of his return was uncertain.

The normal days of class were very comfortable. They had a lot of time to have fun. Although the training was still very hard, at least they didn't have to worry about it.

Everyone has made great progress after returning from this mission. Su Jinbao has made up his mind anyway. He will follow whatever Xixiu does, and so does Enwit. The two of them have reached a tacit consensus.

More than ten days passed after returning, and finally it was the day when Xixiu, Ah Xian and Flora met to go out.

Xue Fanhui had been waiting in Xixiu's dormitory early, along with her roommate Jin Kexing, Damian.

Su Jinbao knew that Xixiu and the others were going out, but he didn't take them with him, so he blocked outside 626's living room early in the morning!

Xixiu was dumbfounded when he saw this formation, and looked at each other in confusion, "Ahem, why are you all here?" Xixiu's voice was a little low, as if she had been caught.

"It's not like there are teammates who are not united and want to leave the others behind when we go out to play, huh." Su Jinbao had an accusatory look on his face.

"We are having fun among girls..." Xixiu defended.

"No matter what, it's just wrong to leave your teammates behind!" As soon as Su Jinbao finished speaking, Taraxia followed Flora and arrived.

Hold your breath, there won’t be enough ingredients for today! "Don't worry, Mr. Hong. I rushed to buy a lot of fresh ingredients last night, including meat and vegetables. I can keep them for us for a long time." Taraxia said excitedly.

Xixiu's eyes looked at Flora, and Flora responded with an expression, to the effect that she accidentally let it slip!

In the end, there were eight people in total, and two hovercars drove onto the empty track and headed east.

Su Jinbao was faintly excited and kept asking questions along the way. Flora was also very interested. Because Kino Star is a tourist galaxy, there are still some niche restaurants, but the charges are very expensive.

Tarasha was very familiar with these, and he was responsible for explaining. Su Jinbao listened with interest and looked forward to the taste of the ingredients.

A few people chatted about Kuang Biru, "I heard that he was severely punished. He will not be promoted to the second grade with us. All his credits have been deducted, and his mental strength has collapsed." Flora Not a shred of sympathy for this.

Kuang Biru and that Cheng Yixue were simply the scum among the scum. How could they directly drive away their classmates' mechas without giving them any help, regardless of their life-and-death situation?

Because of Kuang Biru, their team didn't get any credits this time. As a partner, Min Yuandeng was punished for not stopping him.

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