Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 136 -Blood boiling

The new semester started in September, and Xixiu and the others went directly to the combat department to report.

Sitting in the shuttle device, they arrived directly at the underground combat department 500 meters away. The teacher was already waiting for them.

There are seven teachers in total, tactics - Mei Zhenyue, mecha - Li Shuqi (female), warship - Gan Fuer, weapons - Xi Daiyu (female), star map drawing - Mo Farah, mental power - Zheng Shengchun, and martial arts - Yang Guxi.

Today's first lesson, all seven teachers are here. Xixiu and their combat department have a total of 100 classes this year, and each class has 200 students.

It looks huge, but after being dispersed throughout the alliance, the number of people is actually pitiful. After all, there are ten fortresses that need to be garrisoned, and eight border guards that need to be garrisoned.

Not to mention other defenses, human defense is needed everywhere.

The seven teachers introduced each one one by one, and also explained their teaching rules. In addition, they thoughtfully sent a copy to the students' terminals.

The course schedule has also been released. Xixiu and the others are in the combat class 99. There are a total of forty-six lessons per week, six sections on tactics, six sections on mechas, eight sections on warships, six sections on weapons, six sections on star maps, and six sections on spiritual power. Eight sections, six sections for martial arts.

Xixiu silently memorized the courses, as well as the appearance and name of the instructor, and found that only the spiritual power courses were held in the morning and evening, while the others were during the day.

The teachers didn't say much, they just told the students to work hard. From this moment on, they should no longer treat themselves as children, but as soldiers who are about to go to the battlefield. They should always stay vigilant and strive to improve themselves.

For novices like Xi Xiu, only battleships, star map drawing and tactics are unfamiliar areas, and the rest of the courses are more or less familiar.

The first period in the morning was a mental training class, and the other six teachers left after introducing themselves.

Zheng Shengchun looked at the two hundred people in front of him. He had read information about some students in advance. Many of them were children with potential. As long as they were properly guided, the alliance would have more fresh blood in the future.

After explaining his rules, Zheng Shengchun started teaching. He asked the robot to give students micro-objects, which were metal balls that looked small but had great mass.

Zheng Shengchun demonstrated it once himself, and then asked the students to start practicing, "You must have been exposed to the control of mental power before. This practice focuses on diligence and accumulation over time, so that you can achieve results. You must remember not to be lazy."

The control of mental power is a step-by-step process and cannot be rushed. Zheng Shengchun was worried that the students would go to extremes, so he concealed the names of the cases of freshmen who enrolled with them.

"Remember not to abuse medicines. In order to improve their mental strength, two students took the enhancement medicine without permission, regardless of the doctor's advice. The effect of the medicine was too obvious, which made people complacent, but they did not expect that the backlash came quickly, and their mental strength was directly downgraded. It almost collapsed." Zheng Shengchun said this and looked around at the two hundred students.

Some students who knew about this didn't show any surprise on their faces, they just thought they had brought it upon themselves.

Those who have never heard of this are a little scared. Some of them have heard that the newly released medicine is very effective and stable, and some families are already looking for people to buy it.

"There is never a shortcut to success, unless you can gather the luck of the entire alliance, because even Nine-Star Marshal Li Xianfeng got to that position through sweat and hard work.

As long as everyone here is willing to work hard and pay, this star field will eventually leave your legend! This sea of ​​stars is for you to roam. "

The students were excited by Zheng Shengchun's words. They knew Li Yifeng's deeds by heart, and they had also watched the precious video material from five hundred years ago. They understood that what the teacher said was right, and this would be an opportunity for all of them to become successful.

Xixiu listened very carefully. She wanted to know the difference between her teacher and her in terms of mental power control so that she could make improvements, and she discovered it.

A Xian looked at Xi Xiu and found that she was fully focused, but A Xian knew that she was not here to listen to stories, but to learn. She was really a good and motivated child.

After Zheng Shengchun finished speaking, he gestured for the students to start practicing while he observed from the side.

The members of Group 626 are all eager to learn and very conscious. At the teacher's request, they quietly practice their mental power in the protective shield.

Enwit had already controlled fifteen metal balls. After seeing this, Su Jinbao was unwilling to lag behind and gritted his teeth to control fifteen more.

Zheng Shengchun found that Enwit's method was very interesting and seemed to be very effective. He did not expect that the Aola Star people also had children with such strong comprehension ability. When he saw Su Jinbao, he found that their methods were very similar.

Zheng Shengchun was thoughtful. It seemed that these two students had received guidance from unknown people.

When he walked to A Xian's side, Zheng Shengchun could only sigh. Sure enough, the Anweil ​​people's spiritual power was born to be heaven-defying.

He saw Ah Xian controlling more than a hundred metal balls to shuttle back and forth at will. He was fast but perfectly avoided himself, and would not hurt himself because of the speed.

The other students were pretty good, but only a few couldn't control the metal ball. Zheng Shengchun patiently corrected them and showed them several times, making all the key points clear.

During this class, she only controlled more than a dozen metal balls back and forth, neither excelling nor lagging behind. She planned to just mess around like this.

After a day of classes, I was extremely tired when I returned to the dormitory. After washing myself, I lay on the bed with my hands on the back of my head, thinking about the future. The more I thought about the future, the more confused I became, so I simply got up and played with Wu Mu.

Wu Mu rubbed Xixiu affectionately, which restored Xixiu's agitated heart.

Ah Xian was in the room, chatting with his family through Anweil's encrypted channel. Wu Jingya looked around, "Why don't you see Xi Xiu?"

"She is in the dormitory opposite me. She must have fallen asleep by now. There are so many classes, I can't hold on." A Xian complained a little and acted coquettishly towards her sister.

"Hold on, otherwise Wu Jingya will suddenly be put in solitary confinement. You can't complain anymore, Ah Xian, this is your responsibility." Wu Jingya's tone had never been more serious.

"I know, I understand. I'm just saying that I train diligently every day, and so does Xixiu. All the members of our 626 team are working hard to catch up. I guess they were encouraged by the teacher's nine-star marshal today, and they are full of energy!"

"Yes. Everything is fine at home. You don't have to worry. Sister will recover in a month. In addition, I sent gifts to you and Xixiu. They are all food. They will arrive tomorrow." After Wu Jingya finished speaking, he hung up. video.

A Xian rolled on the bed a few times holding the quilt, and fell asleep after a while. On the first day of school, he was really more tired than killing the starry sky beast.

This night, everyone slept peacefully.

No one disturbs me in my dreams, and those past events have gone with the wind.

It’s New Year again in a blink of an eye. This year, I persisted in writing for four months. Although my grades were not good, I actually wrote more than 600,000 words. I even admire myself!

What about everyone, did anything unforgettable happen this year? You can @the author, have a chat with the author.

Good luck everyone!

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