Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 145 - Ye Zhenwei comes to Hai'an (recommended monthly tickets will be added, thank you

Qing Shihao took Xixiu and the others to his office in the fortress, which was on the second floor of the fortress building.

The teleporter only activates during war, so everyone walks all the way.

Qing Shihao was promoted to captain last year and is expected to be promoted to major next year, so he has his own independent office.

"You don't need to be restrained, sit wherever you want. We are all alumni." Qing Shihao is more easy-going than Qing Zhixun, and it seems that he is not as difficult to get in touch with as Qing Zhixun.

After that, he asked the robot butler to bring drinks to the students, "Brother Shi Hao, which target task are we assigned?" Li Yuanting always seemed to be responsible for helping with questions.

"On the desolate star A78 0.5 light-years away, the Physics Department has calculated the approximate location of the channel, but the specific data has not yet been released." Using the monitored data, the Physics Department only calculated the direction in which the channel appeared. There is no news about the location of A78 yet.

"You bring your luggage and all your weapons. I will also give you some self-defense weapons here. Everyone has a rest tonight and will set off at six o'clock tomorrow terminal time. If you have any questions, you can ask them now." Qing Shihao mainly looked at With new life.

Tarasha looked at the team members and found that they were all worry-free people. "Captain, we have no problem for the time being. Everything is following the command."

Qing Shihao was very satisfied. These juniors and juniors should have peace of mind.

After that, Lin Changchang took Xixiu and the others back to the dormitory, while Qing Zhixun Li Yuanting, Lu Zongan, and Xiquanlong Geerhe stayed in Qing Shihao's office.

"Axun, how is the cooperation of the team you are leading this time?" Qing Shihao was a little worried about the junior students falling behind.

"Brother, don't worry. This group is very worry-free. With our previous training cooperation, they made it impossible for me to find fault." Qing Zhixun gave 626 a high evaluation.

Hearing what Qing Zhixun said, Qing Shihao breathed a sigh of relief. During the march, he was most afraid that the people in his team would fall behind. Not only would their progress be slowed down, but they would also have to take time to deal with the aftermath of these people.

Qing Shihao was worried that these freshmen had just entered the combat department and did not understand the disciplines and rules well, so they would cause trouble.

"Brother Shihao, don't worry, these six juniors are more capable than we were before." Li Yuanting also agreed with Qing Zhixun's view.

"That's good. When you get back, you can emphasize it to them again. Let them regard themselves as active duty, obey the command, and don't fall behind casually. It's very dangerous." Qing Shihao added uneasily.

Qing Zhixun nodded, "My comrade Song Huiyong will send the A78 information to you later. You must memorize it tonight."

Qing Shihao brought the number of people in his team and those brought by Qing Zhixun. After careful calculation, they found that their team had a total of fifty people. If they used their maximum combat power, it would be more than enough to complete the mission.

Li Yuanting took the people away, while Qing Zhixun stayed with Qing Shihao and talked to him again, "Brother doesn't seem happy?" Qing Shihao's eyebrows were obviously gloomy.

"Chris released his fiancée to Hai'an Fortress." Qing Zhixun understood just this sentence.

"Why don't you let the old man come forward and just let this annoying person retire? If you want to get married and have children, let her give birth at home. If you give birth to more than ten talented people, you can be considered a contribution to the alliance, so you don't have to worry about it. Annoying." Qing Zhixun knew Qing Shihao's irritability.

This Ye Zhenwei is really a "magical woman" who can make holes in the world.

"It's not like you don't know about her talent. Everyone within the alliance is keeping a close eye on her. Although she hasn't made much progress over the years, the alliance still puts its hope in her and hopes that she will become enlightened soon." Qing Shihao said. This makes me even more speechless.

Giving birth to a son with outstanding talents is an internal matter within the Boyuan family and has nothing to do with him.

Qing Zhixun listened to his brother's words, "Do those old men want to force you to submit? But Ye Zhenwei is engaged to Chris. She has a master."

"That's what they meant, but I refused. If they force me to submit, I will retire and return to the Qing family. From now on, the Qing family will never be involved in these things again." The old men shut up.

Qingshi Hao has a big head. Chris has already turned against him because of this matter, and the Boyuan family also has a lot of criticisms against the Qing family.

But in the conscience of heaven and earth, he never provoked their "Princess Ye Zhenwei" from the beginning to the end!

He was baffled. Everyone in the alliance had to be injected with blockers before entering the military academy. This would never happen. When he was blocked by Ye Zhenwei at school, he was confused. After that, he only felt disgusted. .

"If it doesn't work, brother, just give Ye Zhen a little beating and throw it to Chris." Qing Zhixun's impression of this woman was very different.

"Don't worry, the old man is already processing it, and my marriage application has been submitted to the central brain. When this task is over, the matching partner should be available." Speaking of this, Qing Shihao breathed a sigh of relief. Ye Zhenwei came to Hai'an Fortress, and he never had a good night's sleep!

Qing Zhixun left his brother's office, and on the way back to his dormitory, he saw Ye Zhenwei, whom he had just talked about with his brother. He really didn't want to see someone but met him, how annoying!

Seeing Ye Zhenwei not far away, Qing Zhixun took a detour back to the dormitory. Ye Zhenwei saw someone coming out of Qing Shihao's office from a distance, and knew that Qing Shihao must be there at this time, and was ecstatic.

Hearing the knock on the door, Qing Shihao took a look at the visiting video. When he saw Ye Zhenwei's face, he opened the window and jumped to the ground. The more involved he was with Ye Zhenwei, the more unclear it would be.

Then Qing Shihao sent a message to Hiro, "Get your princess away. This is the last time. I will not be silent next time, I will beat people directly."

After receiving the message, Shi Luo panicked and hurried to find Ye Zhenwei. He knew that Qing Shihao was telling the truth this time.

Qing Shihao has been patient for the past six months, and his tolerance has probably reached its peak.

In addition, the fearless Qing Zhixun of the Qing family also came to Hai'an. The two brothers joined forces, and Ye Zhenwei was unable to resist.

Even without joining forces, Qing Shihao alone could beat Ye Zhenwei beyond recognition. The reason why I was patient before was because the old men in the alliance kept suppressing me.

"Zhenwei, go back. Qing Shihao has submitted a marriage application to the central intelligence brain. When he returns from this mission, he will enter the holographic simulation marriage process." The implication is that Ye Zhenwei has no hope.

"He is so heartless. How can I, Ye Zhenwei, not be worthy of him? When we get married in the future, his children and I will definitely be better members of the alliance." Ye Zhenwei gritted his teeth when he said this, and Shiro felt a lot after hearing this. Somewhat uncomfortable.

"Zhenwei, Chris has been waiting for you. You can't always hurt his heart like this." Shiloh said with difficulty.

Because he helped Ye Zhenwei, he revealed Qing Shihao's true service location, offending both Chris and Qing Shihao, and now he is unpopular with both parties.

If it weren't for the fact that his father was currently stationed at Hai'an Fortress, Qing Shihao would have been able to push him to the ground and beat him up.

His thoughts towards Ye Zhenwei were very strange. He couldn't bear to see her cry and feel sad, so he always wanted to help her.

He also knew that Ye Zhenwei would not choose him in the end. She and Chris had made an engagement early.

Now she would rather be entangled with a Qing Shihao who hated her so much that she never turned around to look at him...

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