Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 150 - Underground City (Goodbye 2019)

Qing Shihao sent a piece of data to Qing Zhixun. After reading it, Qing Zhixun felt that the data was not right. "Yuanting, go call Lu Zongan and let him analyze it." Lu Zongan arrived in a while. He looked at the data with a horrified expression, "This, is it from Brother Shihao?" "Well, what's wrong with the data?" "Boss, the third-level beasts have mutated, and they are mutating in a precise direction. In other words, they consciously want to become stronger." Lu Zongan looked at the data and felt uneasy. "The Physics Department and the Biology Department should have come up with the first-hand data. Why didn't they give it to Hai'an Fortress?" Such a big thing, the alliance can't ignore it. Since Lu Zongan can analyze it, I believe that the most advanced scientific research biological team of the alliance should have had the answer long ago. Qing Zhixun transferred Lu Zongan's analysis results to Qing Shihao, "Let's find the passage first. Kill all the third-level beasts we meet. Let the students pay attention to safety and level 2 protection. I will follow up and connect with the alliance." Qing Shihao also discovered the seriousness of the matter. He hadn't encountered any level 3 beasts yet, but he estimated that there would be a fight at night.

The level 3 beasts hiding in the dark couldn't help but come out to attack them, after all, these mutated level 3 beasts were being driven by someone.

Song Huiyong was standing aside and saw the data analysis results sent by Qing Zhixun, "Shihao, the level 3 beasts playing as forwards are probably not the strongest."

"Yes, I know." This is exactly what Qing Shihao is most worried about.

"Except for Ye Zhenwei, our people don't need to worry about the others. Let them be careful and keep fighting. The vitality of level 3 beasts is extremely tenacious. When killing them, they must be separated from their heads and bodies. They must die thoroughly or they will be bitten back." This was Qing Zhixun's actual combat summary in the afternoon.

Song Huiyong edited the information and clicked the group send, "Do you want to send a copy to Xi Luo?"

"Send it, this is public information, they have the right to know." Ye Zhenwei's matter is another matter. Qing Shihao is a person who clearly distinguishes between public and private affairs. He will not withhold information and not share it because of Ye Zhenwei's personal problems.

A78 has entered the night. Originally, there were creatures living here, but a disaster occurred later, and it became unsuitable for carbon-based life, so it was abandoned.

So there are trees, rivers and lakes here. What animals are hidden in the forest, and what dangerous creatures live in the water. The robots sent out have not returned yet, so they can't estimate the degree of danger here now, so they have to stay put.

"The alert level at night should be increased." Qing Shihao was still a little worried about emergencies.

"Okay. I'll arrange it right away."

After nightfall, Xixiu and Axian will rest first. They don't need to be on guard tonight. Xixiu's injury has actually healed after Axian used Anvil's healing power.

However, the physical fatigue is still there, and it is necessary to rest well and replenish physical and mental strength.

Geerhe and Lu Zongan kept watch, and Qing Zhixun also asked his robot to join the alert team.

The battlefield in the afternoon has been cleaned up, and I believe that there should be no trace of the breath of the third-level beast.

Qing Zhixun is still looking at the data and communicating with Qing Shihao, but there is no latest news from Hai'an Fortress.

It was the elders of the Qing family who got the first-hand information and passed it to Qing Zhixun and Qing Shihao.

After getting the information, Qing Zhixun saw that it was consistent with their previous speculation, "Yuanting, check the underground buildings before A78 to see if there are any signs of biological activity."

This was what they had overlooked before. They only explored the ground and forgot that there were species living here hundreds of years ago.

Li Yuanting opened the structural diagram of A78, connected to the satellite system on the starship, filtered the pictures frame by frame, and saw a scene that made him shudder.

"Axun, look here..." Li Yuanting couldn't believe that the underground city of A78 was full of star beasts.

Li Yuanting and Qing Zhixun looked at each other, "Save the data, I'll send a video to my brother."

Qing Zhixun used an encrypted channel, "Brother, have you checked the underground city? This is what we just found." Qing Zhixun turned the light screen to Li Yuanting, and Qing Shihao saw the dense distribution of star beasts on the light screen.

"We overlooked that there were species living here before. Hundreds of years ago, underground buildings were popular, and we had a preconceived notion because this was a barren planet." Qing Shihao asked Song Huiyong to quickly scan the layout of the underground city, and the information he found was the same as Qing Zhixun and his team.

The underground city was full of densely packed level 3 beasts, and there were tens of thousands of them in the southeast alone.

Qing Shihao thought of the fastest way to kill these star beasts, which was to blow up A78 together.

But after blowing up A78, the passage still existed.

Only after finding the passage, can the passage and the barren planet be blown up together with weapons.

Qing Shihao passed the message to the other two groups, and at the same time issued an order to speed up the progress and not let all the level 3 beasts in the underground city come to the ground, otherwise they will be very passive.

The message was sent back to Hai'an Fortress, and a copy was sent to Gaia Headquarters.

The 50 people led by Qing Shihao, plus the 12 people of Qing Zhixun, had to deal with tens of thousands of star beasts, and they could only use thermal weapons to blow them all up.

However, the Physics Department still did not give the exact location of the passage. Where did the Star Beast come from and how did it enter the underground city? This problem has not been solved, and this situation will occur again in the future.

After communicating with Qing Shihao, Qing Zhixun began to arrange tomorrow's battle plan.

Tonight should be the most peaceful night since they arrived at A78, and they will have to fight hard after that.

Qing Zhixun was busy until late at night before going to bed. When he woke up early the next day, Xixiu and Axian had already been exercising around the camp with other people from 626.

Several people wearing protective clothing and transparent masks were very serious about dismantling tricks and practicing their mental control over objects.

Li Yuanting watched from the side, and Lin Changchang stayed beside him, "A Yuan, I think they are more self-disciplined than we were before."

"Yes. They encountered such a big challenge when they first entered school, and they should have to work so hard. Although it is hard now, they will be able to handle it with ease when they go to the battlefield in the future." Li Yuanting said with a smile, "You were lazy at that time, and I caught you Several times.”

"Yeah, you can't talk about the past!" Lin Changchang was a little uncomfortable. She did feel lazy for a while when she first entered school, but then she worked hard because she understood the dangers she would face in the future.

"Everyone, pack up and gather in ten minutes." Qing Zhixun sent a message to the team's group chat. After the message popped up on their terminals, they stopped training.

Lin Changchang looked at Xixiu walking over and said, "Xixiu, your injury has healed."

Happy New Year to all book friends!

The whole family is in good health, everything is going well, and the food tastes delicious!

The important thing is, everyone remembers to subscribe and vote!

In the new year, I wish everyone to be fearless and live a happy life.

Our journey is always between the stars and the sea.

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