Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 152 -Swarming

The third-level beast suddenly penetrated the 500-meter underground depth and came directly to the surface.

In order to break through the barrier and reach the ground, countless vanguards died. The third-level beasts behind them appeared not far from Xixiu and the others, stepping on the corpses of their own kind.

The moment the third-level beast broke through the soil, the smell of blood was so strong that it made people sick. Where the third-level beast came out, there were piles of corpses. This scene made everyone feel frightened.

How could a level three beast behave like this?

Although they are quite powerful, they are still beasts in essence. How could they have such subconscious group actions? Are they driven by humans?

Qing Shihao sent this horrifying scene back to Hai'an Fortress, and also sent a copy to the teams in the north and west.

Ah Xian came to Xixiu's side and said, "Xixiu, be careful, this battle is very dangerous."

"Well, I know, sister A Xian should also pay attention to safety, and everyone." Xixiu turned to look at the 626 team members.

Qing Zhixun looked at the increasing number of Level 3 beasts, "Which of you has a mecha? Get on the mecha, and those without mecha will follow me." Qing Zhixun said this to the 626 team.

"Captain Qing, don't worry. If we are not strong enough, we will join the mecha. Now we want to try our best to fight." This is the best way to improve. Although it is very dangerous, the opportunity is rare. After confirming the look in his teammates' eyes, Tarasha informed Qing Zhixun of 626's decision.

"Okay, take control of yourself." Qing Zhixun said nothing more. Everyone must be responsible for their own actions, but in the same way, only by fighting can there be growth. This is what they, all students entering the military academy, must understand. one thing.

After finishing speaking, Qing Zhixun took the lead to rush out, and 626 followed their respective leaders and began the first difficult but exciting kill.

Previously, they had only killed simulated data in the virtual network. This time, it was an opportunity to truly test their growth.

Xixiu was only one step behind Qing Zhixun. With a slight leap, she stood on the back of the third-level beast. Hundreds of silver beads were suspended around her. When the long knife was swung at the third-level beast, the silver beads also went away. In a different direction.

This time she kept twenty of them with her, just in case something unexpected happened like last time.

A Xian is the same as Xi Xiu. The silver beads enter their bodies from the eyes of the third-level beasts, penetrate their abdomens, and then go to the next target.

The third-level beasts fell one after another. This scene made Enwit and Su Jinbao remember it for a long time.

They didn't expect that during the battle, Xi Xiu and Wu Jingxian could devote so much mental energy to assist in the battle.

Needless to say, the effect is natural, it saves a lot of effort. Because of their mental power, Xixiu and Wu Jingxian commanded the silver beads to injure the third-level beast in advance, so they were able to kill a third-level beast with one move.

Four combat robots have also entered the center of the level three beast, killing them from the inside out.

In this battle, everyone used all their combat power to try and save the level 3 beasts, so that they could have enough energy to deal with the next passage problem.

Qing Zhixun and Xixiu cooperated according to the previous training, and the two worked together very well.

Qing Zhixun is becoming more and more satisfied with this school girl.

What surprised him even more was that her mental power level was obviously not consistent with the data, and her martial arts skills were also first-rate, even more proficient than during previous training.

It can only be said that she hid it very well during the previous training.

The mental power of the people of Anvil is inconsistent with the data. There are some unclear secrets in these two school girls.

Looking at their proficiency in combat, Qing Zhixun guessed that this group had made great progress during the two previous missions, especially Hong Xixiu and Wu Jingxian.

The robot hovering in the air recorded this bloody battle and transmitted the data back to Haian Fortress.

Ah Xian's eyes seemed to be red this time, his golden pupils radiated a rich golden color, and the violent aura on his body seemed to be uncontrollable.

Xixiu had no choice but to channel a trace of pure mental power and went to A-Xian's side to comfort him.

Everyone was fighting with all their strength. Qing Shihao gave a signal to his team and told them to divide into three teams.

Qing Zhixun also divided his team into two teams, and with the battle robot in the middle, a total of six teams surrounded the third-level beasts that came out of the ground.

Qing Shihao's idea was to force them all back underground, and then use weapons to blow up the entrance, leaving a breathing space for the team.

There are combat robots guarding the entrance of the cave. They only need to kill all those on the outside.

The effect was quite remarkable. The level three beasts were quickly forced back to the entrance of the cave by six teams. Qing Zhixun led 626 to kill all the level three beasts in the direction they were responsible for.

The fight lasted for three hours.

Everyone was exhausted by the end.

Xixiu looked at the blood stains on his body and felt a stench. The blood of the Starry Sky Beast had an unspeakable odor. It was obviously inappropriate to change into clean clothes now.

Ah Xian was the same, frowning and holding his breath, waiting for Qing Shihao and the others to make arrangements.

The third-level beast has been temporarily forced back. It is still unclear when it will come back, so we have to seize the time to make the next step.

Leaving the battle robots behind to guard the place, Qing Shihao led the team to the place where they camped last night.

"Everyone go clean up your clothes and rest for an hour. I will send a message to assemble later."

Everyone is tired.

Xixiu, Axian and Flora went to the cleaning room. After cleaning, Lin Changchang fully disinfected their clothes.

After I came out, the disgusting smell was gone, and there was still a nice fragrance, and Xixiu's mood instantly improved.

The fatigue just now was gone, and so was A-Xian.

Flora followed them to a large tent where they could rest. The three of them took out a simple moisture-proof mat, laid it out and planned to go to sleep.

"Xixiu, I want to fall asleep in a second."

"Okay. Wu Jingxian wakes up and is full of energy again. Flora, let's rest too."


After the three people finished speaking, they closed their eyes and recovered their strength. Sleep was the best way.

After entering the military academy for more than a year, they have mastered the skills of falling asleep anytime and anywhere in any environment.

When Enwit and Su Jinbao came in, they found that Xixiu and the others were already sleeping soundly. The three boys looked at each other. Sure enough, the battlefield does not differentiate between genders!

An hour later, Xixiu opened her eyes.

His black eyes were full of energy.

A-Xian also woke up on time, seemingly lazily. A-Xian hugged Xi Xiu beside him, acting like a coquettish girl.

He breathed the black thread and said, "Sister Axian, open your eyes. Don't be naughty."

"Well, Xixiu's body is very warm. I want to get closer. It's natural. There's nothing I can do about it." Axian opened his golden eyes lazily, and Xixiu was attracted by the brilliance inside.

Seeing that Xixiu and the others had all woken up, Tarasha led the team to gather at the place Qing Shihao said.

Much joy and everlasting peace.

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