Starry sea of stars is endless

Chapter 154 - Sacrifice (monthly ticket reward plus more updates)

Qing Zhixun was thinking in his mind, should he tell Qing Shihao that he had no plans to get married?

After thinking about it, I decided to forget it and wait until the time comes. If I say it now, I will definitely be nagged.

However, after Qing Shihao mentioned the partner he wanted to live with, Qing Zhixun's eyes kept flashing a face. If he got married, he would probably look like that, the same face as before.

That person who has already asked for it but cannot get it.

Qing Zhixun glanced at Hong Xixiu, who was laughing heartlessly with the Anweil ​​people in the distance...

I accidentally discovered that the two faces magically overlapped.

Thinking of this, Qing Zhixun quickly replaced the face that was entrenched in his mind. After so many years, not only did he not forget it, but his memory became more and more profound.

This is probably a punishment for his lack of appreciation.

Xixiu and A-Xian sat on the rock for a while, "Xixiu, there is news from Anweil. When we return to Gaia, my sister should be here too."

"Wow, she's recovered."

"Yes. Thank you Xixiu."

"You're welcome. This is what I can do. I'm very happy to be able to help you." Xixiu showed her face, her eyes were crooked, and she looked beautiful and delicate. Ah Xian knew that this was a beauty that was completely different from her own.

"Yeah. Meeting Xixiu is such a happy thing."

"Ha, yes, so you have to cherish the study time with me."

"Don't worry, I will always rely on you."

"Okay." The wind carried these gentle words far away.

There were two battles in a row today. In order to let everyone have a good rest at night, Qing Shihao ordered the defense device to be turned on. Even if there was a third-level beast attack, the defense device could withstand two hours, which was enough for them to buffer.

The team that went to support Hiro and Ye Zhenwei had sent back information, and they found the seriously injured Hiro on the hill.

Ye Zhenwei was on the side. Hiro said before that Ye Zhenwei was injured, but when the rescue arrived, Ye Zhenwei was already intact. Apparently Hiro had already treated her.

At that time, Ye Zhenwei looked at Shiro who was covered in blood and looked terrifyingly calm, with no trace of guilt or worry on his face.

Fan Haige ignored Ye Zhenwei and stepped forward to provide emergency treatment to Hero. Fortunately, Hero used coagulant before he passed out. Otherwise, the blood would have drained out of such a large wound before they found him.

After putting Hero into the medical cabin, Van Haeger asked the robot to carry the medical cabin into the walking mecha, and returned to the camp an hour later.

Qing Shihao was speechless when he saw Shi Luo and Ye Zhenwei intact in the medical cabin.

In the end, he only said, "Submit all relevant videos to General Fleming."

Ye Zhenwei heard Qing Shihao's voice and turned her head mechanically, "Brother Shihao, it's not that I didn't save Hero, it's that I didn't have time, I..."

Qing Shihao, however, was not willing to listen to a word of her words, so he turned around and left.

Ye Zhenwei's matter will be handled by the old guys in the alliance. Since he can't move, let her do whatever she wants.

I believe that this time, Fleming will not favor her anymore. Even though her talent is outstanding, this excellence not only failed to bring new life to the alliance, but also put so many people in danger.

Two soldiers in the team led by Xi Luo and Ye Zhenwei lost their lives.

With their weapons and equipment, they can completely block the attacks of level three beasts.

But Ye Zhenwei withdrew her mental attack at the critical moment because her physical strength had reached its limit...

In order to save Ye Zhenwei, Shi Luo protected Ye Zhenwei under his body and blocked the sharp claws of the third-level beast for her, so she suffered such serious injuries.

Qing Shihao, who had watched the battle record video, felt his dislike for Ye Zhenwei reached its peak.

The atmosphere in the camp was heavy.

Xixiu and Axian were also sad when they learned the news. They did not expect that a soldier would die in this mission.

Because of the alliance's medical level, even if there is a devastating attack, as long as the medical assistant robot is used immediately, the operation can be performed immediately in the medical cabin.

If you use healing agents and cell growth agents after the operation, the patient will be able to be saved nine times out of ten.

I also heard that it was because Ye Zhenwei not only failed to defend himself, but also withdrew his defense because he was worried that he would suffer mental breakdown due to the exhaustion of his physical strength.

After Ye Zhenwei withdrew his defenses, the two soldiers had no time to retreat and were seriously injured by the third-level beast.

Ye Zhenwei actually did not use the medical robot to treat the two warriors immediately because he was afraid of the Level 3 beast's counterattack. As a result, the warrior's wounds were exposed to the environment of the deserted star, and they were eventually infected with the virus and died of excessive blood loss.

Everyone's impression of Ye Zhenwei was extremely bad.

Ye Zhenwei was also aggrieved. She didn't expect that Shiro would save her. She could actually dodge the attack.

As for the two sacrificed warriors, is her mental power important? If her mental power breaks down, the alliance will lose hope.

What Ye Zhenwei did after arriving at Hai'an Fortress had already made the soldiers resent her. Plus this time, the soldiers were angry.

Anyone who has watched the video knows that Ye Zhenwei is still far away from mental collapse, and her defense can still last ten minutes.

No one can be as selfish as Ye Zhenwei.

In the alliance, no officer will disregard the lives of soldiers.

Ye Zhenwei was sitting alone in the tent in the camp, sitting on the ground and hugging her knees. For the first time, she felt sad. It was even sadder than before when she was sick and couldn't go out!

Did she do something wrong?

It doesn’t seem wrong!

Was the engagement to Chris a mistake?

But the engagement can also be cancelled!

It’s not like the Alliance has never had such a precedent!

Why can't Qing Shihao see her talent?

At this moment, Ye Zhenwei's expression was fierce and twisted.

Ye Zhenwei, who had been living a life like a star holding the moon since arriving in Gaia, felt the gap.

She didn't expect that these people were so powerful and she would use her strength to slap these people in the face.

After returning this time, she will train vigorously according to those people's requirements.

When she, Ye Zhenwei, makes a comeback, she will definitely make these people who are dissatisfied with her at the moment pay the price.

Ye Zhen gritted her teeth slightly, and she vowed to trample these people under her feet, hard.

After stepping on it, it has to be turned around on the ground a few more times!

Ye Zhenwei was alone in the tent. Hiro protected her very well and she was basically uninjured. The robot put a healing patch on her, performed simple external treatment, and left.

Group 626 was in their tent. It was late at night and everyone was silent.

Ah Xian also has compassion in his heart. The Anweir people guard this star field and have a compassionate heart for all the creatures they protect.

Xixiu lay on the simple bed, sighing in her heart.

Flora couldn't help but speak, "Those with outstanding talents in the alliance have always put the lives of citizens and soldiers first. How come they feel like human lives are worth less than grass when they come to Ye Zhenwei?"

Su Jinbao felt the same. During the last trip to Loloda, her former idol fell off the altar. "After she entered school, she didn't work hard. All the teachers couldn't do anything to her."

3S's talent is amazing.

The old guys in the alliance didn't dare to push her too hard. Although all the resources were tilted towards Ye Zhenwei, Ye Zhenwei didn't appreciate it at all.

She had always allowed herself to follow her own temper, and after getting engaged to Chris, she pursued Qing Shihao.

Although the faces of the Alliance family are not good-looking, everyone is watching. She can form a partner with anyone, as long as she is a child of one of these famous families.

They will not interfere within this scope, so what if they are engaged? Can the Boyuan family completely master such a genius?

"Then it doesn't have to be like this, right? If that's the case, why did you accept Chris in the first place?" People in the alliance who have never been in love, and who marry first and then fall in love, don't know the charm of love at all!

Tsk tsk, Xixiu sighed silently in his heart.

"Also, has she never thought about Captain Qing's mood?" Flora thought of the captain's eldest brother, who was both good-looking and capable.

The heir of the Qing family, being chased by Ye Zhenwei so wildly, must have wanted to swat mosquitoes in his heart!

Thank you all book friends for your recommendation votes, I won’t name them one by one. Additional update. Thanks to Dark Spirit Shang for your monthly ticket, Pei Luan for your reward, and everyone for your support. I love you~mua

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